It didn't take Andro long to pull Ne'Veha and Lu'ria out of the mess lounge and walk with them back to the large Ready Room he shared with Sa'sur. She was on the bridge and he just wanted to spend time with his elven mates before his duties took him away once more. He rested on the floor with Ne'Veha sitting on one side, Lu'ria the other. Their heads rested on his shoulders, the fingers of their hands entwined with his and they basked in the feeling of his aura swirling around them and his physical presence beside them.
[You will grow stronger… both of you.] Andro's voice filled their minds. [Sadi and I will always help you, but do not be afraid to ask anyone within my family about something that seems odd or out of place to you.]
[These new Lycavorians?] Ne'Veha asked. [Are they our friends?]