"…Zarah, Lucia and Dutkne are very close to finding Janae, within the next few hours at least." Androcles was sitting in the chair next to Deia's bed holding her hand in both of his. Marci sat at the foot of the bed quietly while Jomann sat in a chair near the door with his back to the wall and facing the door into the room. Panos sat near the window, several data pads in his hand, the heavy curtains drawn shut.
Deia had most of her color back and she looked better than she had in almost a week. Eliani had performed two surgeries in two days on her back injury to insure her spine was repaired and she was strong enough to make a full recovery. Her husband and mate had been beside her from the moment she had come into the hospital and he had only left so that they could talk. Deia took a sip of the tea she held in her other hand and looked at him. "You have not leaked word of my condition then?" She asked.