Janae relished in the feel of Andro's arms around her and she squeezed him back just as hard as she could as they stood in the center of the main living area of the villa. His aura surrounded her as only the aura of family could and Janae felt the fear and anxiousness of the last few days finally bleeding away completely. She leaned back without releasing him and stared into his azure eyes.

"Took you long enough cousin!" She snapped playfully. "I thought I was going to have to spend the rest of my life with those smelly fools."

Andro laughed and leaned over to nuzzle her cheek and ear in affection and Janae's eyes closed in happiness. "Forgive me." He said with a grin. "After wading through the sewage like you did, it took Zarah longer to fix your imprint because of the stench."