Am his pet

It was already time for Jason's party and I look sexy as hell I wore a black body hugging gown that is just above my thighs that compliments my dark ,Shiney long silky hair and nice booths to go with the dress and my mom's pendant that I never took of while Emma wore a green sparkling short dress just above her thighs which rhymed with her perfect tanned skin an brown Shiney hair.

I have to admit we looked really hot

We arrived at Jason's beach house since it was where the party was taken place.

we were a little bit late but who cares let's have some fun .

Jason: finally my favourite girls are here " Jason says and gives us a big hug

Emma :babe your crushing me"she says pretending she is out of breath

Jason: sorry babe

he says and kisses her

Sophie: Argh get a room"I said sarcastically

they just wink at me and continue what the were doing

Sophie: I'll go get us a drink " I made up an excuse and left. I went straight to the indoor bar and ordered juice cause I don't take wine , I hated parties cause the last party I went to didn't end well .

"oh look who's here if it isn't the ice Princess"

ice Princess no one has called me that name in a while except one world class bitch Mandy valentine she had blue eyes and blonde goldy locks and a nice pink sexy dress. Her dad is one of a top five highest man , second actually after you see the Hart family. the Valentine's are global and famous and because their named Valentine valentine day is kinda their day which makes Mandy a bitchy Witch

Sophie:oh hey Mandy what's up you look pretty tonight"yeah note the sarcasm. she just glared at me like she has been recently have been receiving those from her but I didn't mind .I thought it was just topical Mandy

Mandy: look Princess Alex is off limits he is my fiance so back off" she looked kinda scary with her threats oh no I was scared ha just joking she doesn't scare me one bit

Sophie:oh you mean Alexander Hart huh well I don't have time for assholes so why don't you just move away from my face before my fist gets involved" for a second she looked shaken and the withdraw back

Mandy: if I see any where near Alex I will make sure you pay "she threats but I didn't care and walked off

I never knew they were engaged like wow but I don't care one bit both jerks fit each other. but deep down I felt strange like weird I shook of the feeling and left the beach house.

I was walking towards the beach when I Emma texted me

'where the fuck are you ?' she texted

'at the beach, why what's up'

'jason thought you ran away so his mad'

'oh sorry I will be there in a sec ok '

I had to go before he gets all crazy to me

We all finished singing happy birthday so I went to get a drink

Sophie:hey Emma no more juice or soda "

Emma:oh umm check upstairs at Jason's tan Room I think there might be a mini fridge over there

Sophie:ok BRB

I said and ran to the tan Room. I entered without minding any thing cause I immediately spotted the fridge

"surprise to see you in here after your little game of hide and seek" oh shit why does it have to be him

I ignored him and tried to run out but as I was. about to take one step at masculine body stopped me " not so fast princess" I looked up to see Noah he is one of the sweet hearts in school.He was rich and smart also very talented in soccer I think he is even captain and also this assholes best friend but he was strangely quite most times so why the hell is he talking to me

Alex :hey Noah she's mine ".

what am not his

Sophie:I don't belong to anyone asshole"I sneered furiously

Noah: wow dude you got yourself a feisty one"

Alex: don't worry with time I can discipline her he says as he gets up and looks at me intensely . I just froze starring at his ocean blue eyes as he walked towards me

Sophie:w..what are doing?" I stuttered but he didn't answer me and came closer

Alex: are you scared?" he asked me seductively

I didn't answer and just closed my eyes

Alex: (chuckles) be mine "

I knew he wasn't asking he was ordering me to be his but I didn't get it does he mean a girl friend

Sophie: w..what do you mean " I tried sounding straight but I just couldn't like who could ? just be honest

Alex : well if words can't spell it out I want this to"he says and throws a contract at my face. "I want you to be my pet till our graduation day " he said with a smirk plastered on his face

Sophie: Hold up you want me to be your pet for four fucking months"I spit angrily and he just nodded as a Yes. "no fucking way dude no fucking way "I said and threw the contract on his face

Alex: Not so fast Sophie Wilman

Sophie:wait what did you just call me " I was shocked no one has ever known me as Wilman for the past 2years only my uncle and the principal so how did he know. before realising it I was tearing up

Alex: I wonder what the school will think if I tell about your past , your father and your real identity. Your mad like a psycho mad " he says and hands me a news paper

it head line says : CEO Gray Wilman murders wife and 15 years old daughter runs mad .it talk about my father killing my mother and running away while I ran mad due to depression . I couldn't take this I fell on my knees and cried

Alex : aww baby please don't cry come on I won't tell anyone unless you sign the contract simple and short" he says and passes the contract I was hesitant for a while " or if you don't want to I could just send it to the press and you will become famous again" he said with a smirk on his face. without time I signed it " good girl " he said and patted my hair I can't believe am his pet .