The Day I was Born, Again

Apparently, I was reincarnated to another body.

I didn't know how it happened and where I was, but considering I had a dark tone of Red hair, I'm probably not in the Philippines by now.

It was only recent when I found out about my current appearance when I got a quick glance at my own reflection through a broken mirror on the nearby wall's.

"I am now a redhead." I can clearly imagine my friends laughing their ass-off if they find out about my current appearance.

Well, they won't be able to. After all, I was a new man starting this point, or am I still?

Am I still a man? Or did my gender change as well?

As I lay fully covered all over inside a wooden rocking cradle, the very question repeated inside my mind. Dazed as I was, staring at the wooden ceiling of my new home, the floor creaked and with each step someone was coming closer.

"Time to change your clothes, raise your arms, Bane." The person who gave birth to me entered my vision.

Her words didn't match her lips, as if she was talking in a different language but the sound of her voice became similar to my native tongue.

I squirmed, refusing to let my pride fly away.

My arms swayed and my legs kicked, Embarrassed at the fullest.

"S-Stay still. Will you?!"

Apparently, having no muscle and strength on my body only gave me a few seconds before the lady finally achieved her task at hand. Well, since it came to this I've decided to show my power. That is if I have one.

"Take this!" I said, but the words came out more like a sheep's call. "BAH!" Imagining something popping out of me, I suddenly felt relieved for a few seconds.

"AHH! Dear! Stop that!"

My eyes widened as I saw the pee flung out like a fountain towards the person's face. And with my actions, the consequences also showed. In a second, my body also became drenched in my own pee.

'Well, now I know I'm still the same gender.' The words passed through my head as I caught sight of my manhood.

Without wasting another second, the person grabbed a towel from the side and immediately wiped her face, then everything that was poured on by my urine, including me.

I felt my face hot, probably embarrassed, as my pee finally stopped I unconsciously tried covering my face.

"Bah!" Again my words came out, but I meant something more like "Sorry".

"You're a feisty one. At Least the hard parts are over. Now, don't move, okay?"

I didn't know what came over me, nor knew why I did that. I wanted to counter with something more proficient, like a playful punch, of course I didn't plan on hurting her, I just wanted to show that I refuse to let someone touch me. But yet, I acted like the baby I am.

Slowly changing my clothes filled with sweat and a loincloth full of sh#t, then wiping my whole body with a warm wet towel, the finishing touches were the only thing left.

I feel like my manhood was instantly stripped off of me, but I paid no attention and followed the flow of the universe.

"This is necessary.....this is necessary, since I still can't move much I'll be needing all the help I can get. Only a few years, I can bear that long." Looking away, my face remained warm to the point that my mouth smiled unconsciously.

I forced myself not to show it but apparently, similar to my previous life, I still couldn't hide my embarrassment and true feelings.

"There, done."

The next thing I knew, I was dressed in large pure white clothes with elegant ribbons on my shoulders, patterns of gold and different kind spread across my sleeves, it was thin like it was made with silk, smooth to the point where not a single piece of cotton fibre sprouted from its texture.

The very thing I wore was cleaner than I expected. No, scratch that. These clothes were much whiter than the ones I wore during my previous life.

There weren't any machines used to wash it here so how did they make these white clothes look like this? As a cloth fanatic, I couldn't help myself but to take a sniff.

My eyes widened, jaw dropped, even the smell was much more refreshing and fragrant. It wasn't strong, yet at the same time, not too faint that I couldn't smell it. It was on the right amount, and I felt my very body refreshed to the highest point.

But one thing I couldn't help but notice, why I wore these kinds of clothes. That's when the lady suddenly wrapped my body with a blanket made with animal fur, then she also wore one jacket made of the same material.

The quality was so-so, something bought from a bazaar apparently. But having one made me think differently whether I was born into a rich family or not, because in my previous life, I've never had any clothes like this.

"You ready?" She pulled me close, cradled me into her arms.

Our clothes matched, and at first glance anyone instantly knew we were mother and son.

At that short of a moment, the large room enveloped my eyes, nothing was unique about it and there were so few decorations and items. Only one large bed, a broken mirror, one wardrobe, a nightstand, a few chairs and the wooden cradle I previously laid on. My eyes caught the attention of the open window, squinted when I found out there was snow outside.

"Bow!!" I shouted, which means 'snow' by the way. My eyes widened, even in my previous life I have never seen nor touched snow. I found myself reaching towards the open, wishing to touch even just a little.

"Hmm? Do you like the snow?" The lady asked, slowly walking towards the open window, but she stopped a few feet before I could reach.

Well, it was normal for her to do so. After all, I was only a few days old.

Although there was nothing used to cover the window, why does it still feel warm? Not even a single breeze entered the shabby old room. Now that I look at it closely, some sort of camouflaged frame was blocking the snow from getting in.

I wonder what it is?

I gave the lady a confused look on my face, raised an eyebrow, which by the time I think about it, was weird considering I was a newborn who could make such expressions.

She ignored me entirely, gave only a smile.

"Okay, that's enough. We really need to go. Our family is waiting for us."

We exited the room after a few steps. Arriving in another room filled with old, sick and injured people sitting beside each other, compressed to the point where not a single extra space existed.

(Okay. Now I realize that this isn't exactly my house, where we are is probably some sort of hospital.)

A man wearing a white robe, similar to what priests wore, raised both his hands. He had shiny blond hair, he looked like someone who hadn't slept in days because of the large bags under his pale brown eyes.

The next thing I knew, a bright green light filled the entire room.

In a span of a few seconds, every single one who's frail and injured showed color on their skins. Healed in an instant with an unknown power.

My eyes widened, darting towards the man where the green light omitted. Then the man caught my gaze, his attention moved towards our direction, steps forward as he reached us close.

"Leaving so soon, Eve? Looks like even after giving birth you're still as lively as ever."