Three Ringing Bell's

Everyone in the area was thinking the exact same thing.

'Who won?'

Though they didn't voice the specific words out, I already knew this was their question based on how they stare on the platform.

And once the dust cleared off, Draup was pointing his sword at the fallen Crait on the floor.

Draup was catching his breaths, he smiled and said. "I won this time."

"I lost." Crait replied, made a click sound with his tongue after that, then their spar came to an end.

Though Crait look's like he was saddened by his loss, once Blaidd gave him a helping hand, his furrowed eyebrows was added with a grin.

Once Crait was finally standing, he gave Blaidd a light punch. "I'll win next time." he said.

"You wish!"

And the two descended the platforms while bickering at one another.

"They're progressing smoothly I, NEXT!" Gret once again shouted.

The third participants came in front. Another set of random kids were once again about to spar.

Curious once again, to the point where I felt my eyes burning just from watching them, just then, before the two introduces themselves, a noise interrupted.


Each and every person on the area immediately turned their heads towards the direction of the ringing bell.

Their faces showed a grim expression.

I darted my head left to right, asking inside my head what those three rang mean.

In the five years I've been in this world, this was the first time I heard that bell rang, heck, I didn't even know it existed in the first place.

Before I could ask, Jack immediately carried me.

"It rang three times. That never happened since the war." Jack faced Gret.

"And what's weird is that there's not a single war happening at this time. So that means..."

Gret glanced at Jack as he replied. Then faced the other instructors. "YOu THREE, EVACUATE THE CHILDREN TO THEIR HOME! AND MAKE SURE THEY ALL MAKE IT!"

He darts toward the trainees next. "ALL OF YOU FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTORS!" He knelt in a running position, and after a few seconds, a burst of wind erupted from his feet, instantly dashing towards the air continuously, as if he was flying.

"Wowww" Was the only words that I can say.


Jack called with a serious tone.

Based on the circumstances, something major was happening, but where was the question.

Is it inside of the city? Or outside?

Aenar immediately ran towards our location.

But what surprised me was that everyone was also heading towards us.

Apparently, one of the instructors called them. He turned to Jack, waiting for further instruction.

"We should stay together. Follow me."

Everyone just nodded and followed.

This was the first time I saw someone having so much respect for one man. They didn't even ask a question and just followed Jack's words.

Curious, I asked. "Ja- I mean...father? What's happening?"

"I don't know. But based on the three rang of the evacuation bell, something similar to a war was about to happen."

War. This was a word I've always read from book.

So even in a different words, war still happens. In my past life, I've never experienced war.

It was something I could only imagine.

I grew up in an era where peace strived, but....why do I feel myself shaking. Even when I haven't experienced it, why am I afraid?


Along the way, Jack stopped through different parts of the city. Escorting different kids inside their homes as we make our way back to the house.

Mid way, Jack dropped us off, with Eve waiting on the front porch.

"Jack! What's happening?!" She asked.

"I don't know. I'm on my way there to find out after escorting these-"

Another set of three bell rang.

"Again!?" Jack's head immediately darted to the location. "Lock the door's just in case, I still need to escort these kids back!"

"Okay!" Eve replied as Jack and the other's behind him followed.

As I glance at them running, it seem's that I wasn't the only one afraid. Most of the trainees were children, two to three year's older than me.

So if something like this happened already in the past, they must've still been a baby, and these scenario was something they probably don't remember.

As we headed inside, Aenar muttered something peculiar.

"I've read about this. They even taught us that whenever a bell ran, we should immediately evacuate." He faced Eve. "Is a war happening, Mom?"

His face was stiff and his expression was similar to someone who's panicking.

"I...I'm not sure."

Eve couldn't give a straight answer, after all, who would tell their child a war was about to happen, and to this city nonetheless.

Whilst Aenar and I sat at the sofa, Eve was walking around the house, closing all windows and chanting a few spells in front of them.

Based on how long the process was, she must've been casting some high-tier spells just in case.

Then, when I thought that this could not get any worse, another set of bell rang.


Eve was already rushing, but after another set of bells, she went from fast to light speed rushing.

And whilst she continued stacking window to window with spells, Aenar gripped the wooden sword in his hand. He trembled as if it was the end of the world, with sweat trickling down his nose.

I've never seen this side of him. I always thought of him as a brave kid, probably more brave than anyone else. After all, I've always seen him heading towards danger, whether it was in an accidental brawl fight or trying to stop thief's from running away.

So seeing this side of him was also an eye opener.

'So he can also be afraid.'

I might be an adult inside this child body, but I wasn't heartless enough that I'll let this go on.

I faced Aenar and placed my hand on his trembling arms. Without speaking, but to only show that everything will be fine as I gave a firm expression.


I didn't know whether it worked, but after glancing at my face, his arms slightly eased up. So he must be calming down by just a little bit.

"Y-Your right, this isn't the time to be afraid." He placed the wooden sword at the side then smacked both his cheeks. He tuned back to me. "Thank you. You know, it's already weird that your manaless, but what's more is how this doesn't scare you? Are you just that brave?"

He asked me, but I had no obliged to answer. Though my arms didn't tremble enough, the heart beat inside my chest was loud enough that it was reaching my very ears.

If you want someone to calm down, you must also be calm. That was one of the basics of controlling you emotions. A useful skill I learned in my past life.

Well, as Aenar tilted his head, probably still waiting for an answer, Eve on the other hand, rushed to the second floor.

Even when were downstairs, I could hear the windows being closed in a rush. One by one as it goes.

And when everything seemed to quiet down, a rush set of knocks echoed. Someone was knocking on the front door.

Aenar and I exchange glances, and based on his startled expression, he must be thinking of what to do. But then, a familiar voice called.

"Hello?! Is anyone home? Hello?!" It was Zero, and by the sound of his voice, he must be in a state of panic.

Without waiting another second, I walked to the door.

Behind, Aenar was still startled, he probably don't know who's voice it belonged to, so it was normal for him to act that way.

"Zer- I mean, Mister, Zero? Why are you here at this time?" I asked as I opened the door.

"Mor-Morgana...." He said, catching his breath as his face was full of sweat. "Is she here?" He continued after taking a large inhale.

"Morgana? She's not here, is she still not bac-" My eyes widened.

Morgana said she was going to pick some berries today. So if she was still outside the city, then she must be.... still outside the walls of SilverCrest.

"Do-Do you know where she is? Did she tell something where she might be going?" Zero asked in a rush tone.

"Ye-Yes, she said she was going to pick some berries."

"Did she say which one?"

"I-I'm sorry, she didn't."

"Damn. Okay. Thank you, I should get going now, I'll just have to search every single on-."

Another set of bell's rang,

"No...not now!" Zero muttered with a raging and worried expression. "What...should I do....." He closed his eyes, bit his lip. Probably deciding what to do.

"I'm sorry, Morgana. Please be safe."

Then after a few seconds, he turned and started running. But before getting far, he stopped. "Ohh, BANE! PLEASE TELL EVE THAT SHE"S NEEDED IN THE WESTERN GATE! IT"S URGENT! THE CAPTAIN'S CALLING FOR HER!" And continued his steps.

His different set of words made me think in deep thought.

I closed the door and saw Aenar beside me saying something, but his voice became inaudible to my ears. Then Eve came down.

"Who was it? Why did you open the door?" She asked based on how her lips moved.

And without another moment, I answered. "It was Mister Zero, he said something about the captain needing you in the western gate, he says it's urgent." I replied, my voice flat without any emotion.

"RIGHT NOW!" She clicked her tongue and taped her toes a few times.

She ran towards the kitchen and came out with a small vast on her chest and a rapier at her side. "STAY HERE! NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, DON'T GO OUTSIDE, OKAY?"

She specifically instructed as she left without a moment to waste.

Aenar and me were left alone, and though he was talking to me, muttering about something, everything became a blur as my head felt dizzy.

A set of questions began to pass through my head.

'Zero came here finding Morgana? So she's still outside? While something similar to a war is going to happen? Why did Zero apologized? Why did he mutter and hoped for Morgana to stay safe? Is he abandoning her?'

These set of questions repeated inside my head. Depending on how Zero took off and heard the additional set of bell rings, he must be going towards the gate's to help, not towards Morgana.

"She said she was going to pick berries....berries that she was happily explaining...berries....outside the city....picking berries....It's the second day of the week...Morgana always has a schedule for berry picking.....Silver....Berries."

Before I could even finish my thought and realize what I was doing, Aenar was shouting from behind and I was already outside, running towards the northern gate.