Weapon Of Choosing!!!

Getting excited by the thought of beginning to choose my own weapon, I couldn't help but think about what the bald instructor had said.

A Spar was going to happen again tomorrow, but this time, I was included.

He knew that I was someone who can't use magic, so why would he include me?

There were several reasons for that, but now was not the time for it.

There's still half a day to ransack my thoughts, but for now, let's check this place out.

The warehouse wasn't that big, but it was large enough that an army-number of weapons can be placed inside.

The trainees, with me on the side, slowly separated to further explore the warehouse.

I passed through several weapon's as I walked around.

Swords, Spears, Great Shields, Bow's, Whips, Daggers, and....Gloves?

Though they looked appealing to my eyes, most were weapons that I've already saw. Well, not in real life that is.

Still, with each weapon, I tried swinging it a few times, and yet, that odd feeling was still there.

I had no clue why, but It felt weird on my hands.

There were too many to choose from but none that felt right.

I could go for a sword and shield combo, but...was the shield enough to block magic.


So I ignored the swords and shields and went to the next.

The spears were alright, but I always have this thought that the spear is only useful on mid-range combat. It's completely useless when the enemy got close.

And since I was unable to use mana, someone who already mastered this power is capable of shortening the distance in an instant.


I placed a hand on my chin and started thinking.

If I train more, then I could probably snipe someone from a mile away.

It's the best weapon for someone like me if you think about it.


I can't defend with this so I'll probably hide all the time.

As the minute passes by, I also tried gripping the rest of the weapons.

The whip would probably too hard for someone like me, and the Gloves would be useless If I didn't have any mana.

After all, what could I do with gloves. Punch someone to death?

I'll probably be dead by the time I got close.

A sigh escaped my lips.

'Should I just...not choose?'

Well, considering how all this training was only because eve insisted, maybe I could just quit, right?

Maybe fighting wasn't just for me, you know?

The other trainees on the area was already done choosing their weapons, and here I am, still doing my best whether I continue on this path or not.

I shrugged the thought of choosing a weapon and mae my way towards the exit.

But...before I could even reach the door, a reflection of light entered my eyes.

On the far corner of the warehouse, there was something that was covered with torn and dirtied rags.

I was stopped by this peculiar scenario.

Before I could even think another thought, I found myself walking towards the corner, as If something was calling me.

I couldn't stop.

I removed the cloth that covered the weapon.

"This is.....a polearm?" I asked myself. Though polearms were considered a unique weapon, because of it's length like a spear and it's tip more like a sword, it's uses were considered both the spear and sword.

I cupped a feel.

It was shorter than a spear but longer that a sword. It's whole body consisted of only pure metal, and unlike the rest of the weapons in this warehouse, this one shows signs of being used.

As if it was used a long time ago and was thrown here because it has done it's purpose already.

My eyes glinted. The odd feeling of holding a weapon was now gone.

I felt the corner of my lips rising.

"This is it...."

I didn't really care If I chose or not, but if there was a weapon that felt right in the palm of my hands, then I'll definitely choose that weapon.

With a quick demonstration, I familiarize myself on my respective weapon.

"It's a bit heavy, but not a problem. I'll just get used to it in time."

Considering how small my body still is, I felt curious how I could carry such a large weapon.

I never realized it, but it seems that my training was not for nothing.

With a quick clench of my fist, I could wield the polearm with ease. But I'm sure it would quickly drain my stamina if I continue carrying it this way.

Well, I just have to get used to it.

Before long, the bald instructor came back.

"Have you all chose your weapons!" He shouted as he stood infront of the door.

The trainees raised their weapons, showing how they already did, and I who have no idea what was happening, did the same.

"Good! How about you test those beauties for today? Come!"

He called, and everyone immediately followed.

One by one did the trainees exited the warehouse.

"Hey, you." An assistant instructor called before I could even pass him.


"Where did you get that?"

"On the corner there?" I replied.

The assistant instructor raised an eyebrow, then turned to the other. "Hey, is this one alright? From what I remember there shouldn't be a polearm here."

"Huh? I'm sure it's fine. If it's here then it's already been processed."

"Hmm...well, if you say so..." he turned back to me. "You're good to go kid."

I bowed my head and exited the warehouse, while thinking only one thing. 'What the hell is that? We were just choosing our weapons, so why did they act like it's something important?'

I thought hard about it, but the answers were nowhere in sight.

As I shrugged off the thought and followed, the trainees were already practicing with their own weapons.

"Take all the time to familiarize yourselves on your weapons." The bald instructor crossed his hands. "Those weapons aren't just ordinary weapons, the one's you pick will now be your partner, just as how you chose your weapons, the weapons chose you! Always remember that!"

"YES, SIR!!" Everyone shouted in reply.

"Good. Now, see you tomorrow!" the bald instructor waved goodbye, leaving the trainees training on their own.

Once the bald instructor was out of sight, I, also began on my training. Nothing fancy, just the usual swings.

Vertical and Horizontal Slashes, and also thrusts. Familiarizing the distance of my strikes and to check whether I could shorten the distance in case an enemy got closer.

I made sure I was far enough so that no one in the area would accidentally get hit.

The polearm might be shorter than the spear but it was still considerably long if you think about it.

Whilst swinging the weapon in my hands, I accidentally swung it in a long arc, reaching quite a distance behind me.



"You should be careful with that." An unfamiliar voice said.


My eyes widened. I looked behind in a slow pace.

"So-Sorry." I said.

Luckily, he was able to block my strike, so there's no problem except for my ability to control my weapon.

"Did I hit you? I didn't see you there."

"It's fine. But you should be careful still...." He stretched his arms whilst I back the polearm away.

""I will."

"Okay. As long as you understand." He stared at me for second. And it was a long and awkward one.

"Ohh. I'm Renna, by the way, Renna Heart." He opened his hands.

My eyebrows rised as I heard his name.

'Renna? Quite a girlish name for a boy, don't you think? Well, not that I care in the first place...'

"I'm Bane, Bane Pyrrus." I replied as I shaked his hand.

"Bane...Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Well....I don't know if you've already heard it, but most of the us here are curious whether you...are also going to join the spar tomorrow."

Whilst fidgeting his hands, he glanced at me with a worried look on his face.

With one eyebrow raise, I replied. "I don't know. That Bald instructor said everyone would need to, right? I probably don't have a choice."

"Ohh. Is that so...." He started tapping his feet. His hands placed on his chin as he started scavenging his thoughts.

Though I have no idea what he's probably thinking, based on his question, he must be worried or just curious.

"Ohh. sorry. My thoughts just got the best of me."

"That's fine. Then, is that all? I don't have a clue what would happen tomorrow but I don't have the time to chat."

"Yeah. Of course, but just to be clear...is it true you can't-"

"Renna! What are you doing there? I thought you're going to practice with me!?" A girl called a few tens of feet away.

Renna immediately looked back when her name was called.

"Just a second! I'll be right there!" He replied, then turned back to my face.

"What were you going to ask?" One of my eyebrows raised.

"That thing? Ohh, it's nothing, forget about it...sorry for taking your time." He replied with a forced smile. "..then, good luck to you tomorrow!" And he walked away while carrying the long sword in his hands.

His neck length blond hair sways with each step, and though he was a few inches taller than me, his constitution looked different for some reason, wonder why?

I shrugged off the thought and returned to my own thoughts.

That was quick. It wasn't even considered a conversation.

At the very least I can go back to my own and solo training.

I wasn't serious about this whole training arc, but this few weeks enlightened me, by a little bit.

I felt it once I held Renna's hands. His palms were full of calluses. So it's obvious that he probably spent a lot of time wielding his sword.

Curious, I opened my hands.

"Mine's also have it, but not to that extent."

I never even thought about it, but it seems even I was slowly changing for the better.

My eyes couldn't help but to glance at the other trainees. every single one was covering their weapons with mana. Checking whether their weapon could withstand it's power.

I saw some wooden swords explode a few weeks ago because of the overuse of mana. I still remember how the woo d exploded into thousand splinters, but thankfully, no one in the area was hurt.

In just a few weeks, the trainees have grown into a remarkable margin. So by now, they were all capable of covering their weapons with mana in a certain degree that, in a balanced state that is.

I have no clue whether it was working for them or not, so before being engulf with envy and jealousy, I went and swung my weapon once again.

Again and again until the time passed by in a quick blur.

And as the free-training was over, each trainee returned home, bask with sweat as their arms twitched because of their excitement.

Night arrives.

I rested early, knowing the big day was tomorrow. I wasn't expecting myself to last this long, but now that I got to this point. I couldn't stop now.

I closed my eyes and opened to another day.