Chapter 28: word battle

Jade started the conversation with the girls by saying "Why are you guys dressed like *******. It's not yet halloween" but Oliannah who normally would have kept quiet but because she was still ticked off by her obvious approach to Jordy replied "Don't worry, there's no way I'll steal your job from you even if I tried. I couldn't you're a professional". The table went silent and the girls who would have wanted to chip in some words decided to sit back and watch this rare experience. Jade then said "considering there's an age limit in this club I wonder who let you in". Oliannah finished the conversation by saying "I forgot you were to **** to read the sign that boldly says don't kill people with mouth odor no wonder your BFFs are looking like ****" Aj said while sipping her drink. Jade stormed off to the bathroom angrily. She wanted to break something but she knew she'd get in trouble. "I wish she could just die!!!" She screamed. That's when a stupid idea came to her head. She remembered carrying some **** drugs from her grandmothers bedroom. She said to herself "it would be a good idea to put this drug in her drink. Even if I can't kill her, she would lose face". As jade left the bathroom, Oliannah's friend lizzy peeked from behind the stalls. She had heard everything jade was planning to do. She was so disappointed that jade couldn't come up with a better plan. She really has an IQ of a sheep. "So typical for a person who still doesn't know that there are some fire that can't be played with" lizzy saidLizzy decided to follow jade around to stop her from fulfilling her plan as she was undergoing her investigation. She heard jade tell Veronica the revenge plan. Lizzy contemplated on whether she should follow jade or Veronica. She said to herself "jade is to dumb to carry out that plan herself" So she chose Veronica.Time passed and Jade called her BFFS and headed to where FS, F4 and the rest of the members of QGDZ sat. "I wanted to apologized for acting like a ***** earlier on. I was a little pissed when I came. Take this as a token of apology" jade said handing the drinks to each person. No one saw anything wrong with her actions but when you know someone too well, you tend to guess their motives. "Sure, why not" said Lianne with an indifferent kind of vibe. Lianne picked up her drink and stared at it and just as jade was about to inquire, she rose it to her lips but was stopped by lizzy. "Don't drink it. This reincarnate of an orangutan, the real definition of evil, put **** pills in Lianne's drink" lizzy said and everyone looked at jade in disappointment. She couldn't let her plans go to waste, "What are you talking about?" Jade screamed"Fine then, since you are denying it,  why don't you just drink it instead?" Lizzy said and Jade looked at it for a while before taking it. Before the glass could touch her lips, Lianne snatched it back and downed half of it to the surprise of everyone."Lianne, what do you think you are doing?" Dd asked. "Don't worry about me? You claim to know me but you don't even have an idea. You should know by now that I have a strong liquor hold" Lianne said to Jade. "But Lianne we don't even know what she put in it" M said this time around. Jordy on the other hand was blazing with fury."Do you really think I'll fall for the plans of this diseased mistake of a human being? I already knew she had tampered in my drink and I know she put ****** in my drink. You think I'll lose my liquor over such petty things, think again. Next time, I suggest you try using your brain. That is, if you have any" Lianne said before downing the rest of the drink and walking out.Lianne left leaving jade to face the angry people and Jordy who was ready to roast her alive.

----------I'm also dedicating this book to my friends. I love you guys so much.😢❤❤❤❤❤😘😘😘