

Hey everyone, exciting news! We've got a cool challenge ahead. If we can gather 100 power stones by Friday, brace yourselves because there's a fantastic bonus chapter coming your way on Saturday! Let the power stone hunt begin!


"Do you mean you've got a rendezvous with Harry Potter for a midnight duel?" Artel's eyes gleamed with excitement. If he recalled correctly, tonight was the night Harry and his friends were supposed to encounter the three-headed dog in the hidden room on the fourth floor.

"Ah, that arrogant guy! I still can't fathom why he's so famous. In my humble opinion, you're far superior," Malfoy smoothly flattered Artel.

Malfoy had been pestering Harry since their initial encounter on the Hogwarts Express. However, due to Artel's close friendship with Hermione, Malfoy only dared to hassle Harry when the two of them weren't around.

"Truth be told, I was just messing with him. I've informed Filch that he'll be in for a surprise tonight. Just wait, tomorrow Harry's going to be mortified," Artel chuckled.

Malfoy chuckled in agreement and then suddenly shot Artel an inquisitive look. "Your relationship with Harry..."

Malfoy was aware of Artel's tight bond with Hermione, and the fact that Artel frequently sat with Gryffindor at meals. It seemed as if Artel had a close association with wherever Harry Potter was present, and this troubled Malfoy somewhat.

Artel brushed off Malfoy's question, stating, "It's none of your business," and retreated to his bed.

Upon hearing Artel's response, Malfoy breathed a sigh of relief. A sly grin crept back onto his face, and his cronies, Crabbe and Goyle, joined in the laughter.

Artel closed his eyes and relaxed on his bed until it was nearly time. Then, he donned his ring and quietly slipped out of the dormitory.

He cast a concealment spell around his bed, rendering himself invisible to Malfoy and the others. Even if someone awoke in the middle of the night, they wouldn't realize he was gone.

Artel silently made his way out of the Slytherin common room. In the dead of night, most of the Hogwarts paintings and ghosts were fast asleep. Artel wasn't sure where Malfoy had challenged Harry to a duel, but he was certain that it would ultimately lead Harry to the forbidden area on the fourth floor.

Arriving on the fourth floor, Artel waited in the shadows until he heard the unmistakable sound of hurried footsteps.

Before long, Harry, Ron, and Hermione appeared in Artel's field of vision.

Hermione's presence was anticipated by Artel. In the original story, Hermione had cast the unlocking charm to open the door to the hidden room. Without her, Harry and Ron might have been unable to access it.

Hermione had tagged along because she overheard Harry and Ron planning to sneak out for a midnight duel, and she was concerned about the potential loss of house points. After all, she and Artel were in a fierce competition for the top spot in the house points rankings.

The trio dashed nervously to the fourth floor, closely followed by Mrs. Norris, Filch's long-haired cat.

"I told you it was a bad idea to come out! If Filch catches us, he'll dock points from Gryffindor!"

"Actually, it's already three points!"

Ron grumbled, then his expression shifted as he remarked, "Wait a minute, isn't this the forbidden area that Professor Dumbledore mentioned? Maybe we should reconsider this."

Hermione agreed and cast a worried glance at Mrs. Norris, who was lurking nearby. "With this cat around, Filch won't be far behind."

They hurried to the innermost part of the fourth floor, only to find a thick wooden door blocking their way. Harry tried to open it, but it was firmly locked.

"It's locked!"

He shouted anxiously, and from behind him, Filch's voice echoed on the fourth floor:

"Mrs. Norris? What are you doing here..."

"Out of my way!"

Hermione couldn't afford to be concerned at this moment. She forcefully pushed Harry aside, her wand poised at the wooden door.


With a snap, the lock on the wooden door gave way, and Hermione swung it open. Without a word, Ron and Harry dashed inside, and Hermione swiftly followed suit, closing the wooden door behind them.

"Ah, Mrs. Norris, you're here too."

As the three of them concealed themselves inside, Filch arrived on the fourth floor. He scooped up Mrs. Norris and peered into the dark expanse of the corridor.

"Headmaster Dumbledore declared this a forbidden area. I think we should leave immediately."

At this moment, Artel stood beside Filch. When he noticed Filch's departure, he wore a sly grin, extending his hand to point at Mrs. Norris.

Consciousness manipulation.

Derived from a necromancer's mastery of spiritual control magic, it allowed him to forcefully control intelligent creatures with weaker mental power.


With a piercing scream, Mrs. Norris suddenly exploded, leaping out of Filch's arms, propelled by Artel's control, she bounded toward the innermost part of the fourth floor.

"Oh, Mrs. Norris!"

Filch was dumbfounded by this abrupt turn of events. He had never witnessed Mrs. Norris behaving this way.

"Wait for me!"

Momentarily stunned, Filch quickly followed.

Mrs. Norris halted in the innermost chamber, arching her back high. Her entire body tensed, causing her to appear larger and more menacing.

"What's in here?"

Filch observed Mrs. Norris's defensive stance, and his apprehension deepened as he noticed that the lock on the wooden door had been undone. A foreboding feeling washed over him.


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