The Professors

"Oh, Merlin's beard..."

"Is that a troll?!"

The professors who had followed Dumbledore into the corridor were horrified by the sight before them. It was hard to believe that this monstrous creature could be considered a troll.

"Dumbledore, this creature resembles... that parchment..."

Professor McGonagall couldn't help but speak, her eyes reflecting a mix of concern and astonishment.

Dumbledore, however, was not oblivious to the situation. He looked at William with a mixture of surprise and contemplation.

"Yes, it appears to be a troll, as mentioned in Gandalf's diary, but..."

Dumbledore's wise eyes held a hint of suspicion. Why had the trolls mentioned in Gandalf's diary suddenly appeared here? He had assumed that the magical creatures mentioned by Gandalf were merely mythical, but now, they seemed to be real.

Why had no one seen or heard of them before?

And what role had Quirrell played in this?

"Why did he say it was a troll?"

"Let's deal with it first!"

In Gandalf's diary, it was mentioned that trolls were afraid of sunlight and would turn into stone statues when exposed to it. However, it was currently night time, and the magical light created by wizards was different from natural sunlight. To prevent further destruction, the professors decided to act.


"Petrificus Totalus!"


Several professors aimed their wands at William and cast spells. Yet, the magical effects had no impact on the troll, whose rock-like skin deflected the spells.

The expressions of the professors didn't change, as these spells were primarily used for testing William's resilience.

With a wave of Dumbledore's wand, a golden flame was directed at William. Seeing the flames, the troll panicked and took a few steps back, its giant hammer smashing towards Dumbledore.


Professor McGonagall and others cast protective spells, but the magical shield disintegrated upon contact with the troll's strike.

Dumbledore managed to evade the attack in the nick of time, avoiding being crushed by the giant hammer.


The force of the hammer hitting the ground caused a large hole to appear in the corridor's floor, which shattered with a loud bang, revealing the scene on the first floor below.

"The enemy is formidable; do not underestimate it," Dumbledore cautioned. The professors nodded in agreement, understanding that this creature was far more dangerous than initially presumed.

Without further delay, they unleashed various spells of different colors, precisely targeting William.

Despite William's ability to use the giant hammer to block some spells, several spells still managed to hit him. Some caused his rock-hard skin to dissolve, others shattered the bones beneath, and a few created large wounds on his body. In immense pain, William roared and tried to escape from the perilous environment.

Artel watched the scene unfold in the crystal ball, and it left him deep in thought. "You can't underestimate the professors at Hogwarts," he silently concluded. Suddenly, his entire body shivered as he witnessed a white light form on Dumbledore's wand—a spell that sent shivers down his spine.

The power of this spell was terrifying, and its dreadful aura reached Artel through the Isil spar. The white light struck William and then exited his body. Artel vaguely saw an ethereal apparition of William being pulled out by the light, and then the troll's colossal form froze abruptly and crashed to the ground.

Artel let out a sigh of relief. "Is this Dumbledore's power? What was that curse just now?" he wondered.

Artel never doubted Dumbledore's strength, as he had defeated Grindelwald and was the only wizard Voldemort had feared. This encounter with the Hogwarts professors had deeply impressed him, particularly Dumbledore's unknown spell.

As William's lifeless body lay on the ground, the professors breathed a collective sigh of relief. Snape, who had just arrived, peered at the enormous corpse with a grim tone.

"Idiot Quirrell, what did he bring into the school? This is definitely not a troll!"

Snape continued, "It seems more like the troll described in the parchment... It's hard to believe that such a creature exists. How did Quirrell find it?"

"Not long ago, we only acquired the parchment diary that introduced the trolls, and it suddenly appeared in the castle today," Snape added mockingly, leaving the other professors in silence. They could sense a formidable vortex gradually enveloping Hogwarts.

Snape moved closer to William's lifeless body, covering his mouth and nose with his sleeve while examining it. He spoke, "The skin is made of excellent material, offering greater protection than typical iron armor spells. The density of its muscles and bones is exceptionally high. What about its intelligence?"

Dumbledore replied, "Much smarter than a troll."

"It also possesses formidable combat skills. If every troll is of this caliber, I believe five of them could annihilate a large tribe of monsters," Dumbledore added.


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