Just Die Already

We entered Hamunaptra again. I stuck in front of our group following Imhotep, behind me was my sister and Beni. I looked back at Evy for a second, questioning her with my eyes asking silently if she was okay.

"Keep moving!" Beni said pushing my sister forward. I immediately went into action. I pulled my knife on him pushing him back against the wall, knife at his throat.

"You know... Nasty little fellows such as yourself always get their comeuppance." Evy said glaring at him.

"Really? They do?" He choked out, I dared him to move more with my eyes, digging my knife into his neck drawing some blood.

"Oh, yes. Always." Evy said glaring at Beni and walking away following Imhotep down a staircase. I looked at Beni who looked very vulnerable. I smirked knowing my work was done.

"Touch her again and you will lose your life." I spit out shoving him away promptly knocking his head into the wall. I spun on my heel putting my knife away while walking down towards my sister and Imhotep.

"Always a pleasure Joe." I heard him mumble, I rolled my eyes ignoring it. Once we all got down the stairs Imhotep was getting out these ancient canopic jars, of whose remains I had no idea... We heard a shot ring out from above us somewhere.

"O'Connell." Evy whispered looking at me her eyes filling with hope. Imhotep glared and opened the jar quickly pouring whatever it was into his hand and blew it on the wall.

"Shatay wapay ku ra eck!" He mumbled to the wall. I stared at it wondering what would happen. Suddenly, the wall started groaning. What in all hell??? I thought walls aren't supposed to make noises. Beni, Evy and I moved closer wondering what was happening. Suddenly, the men in the artwork and hieroglyphics came alive. They were mummies!!! They stepped out of the wall towards us.

"Bembridge scholars never wrote about this." Evy started and we all moved back. These mummies bowed their heads to Imhotep and Imhotep did the same.

"Kill them and wake the others." Imhotep said to them.

I woke up to Evy screaming. Whoa wait a second when was I sleeping?? I must have been knocked out or something. Damn, Beni is going to die. I tried to move to help Evy but soon realized I was handcuffed to a table just like Evy was; Anck-su-namun between us. I tried pulling at my shackles but it was no use. I couldn't think for too long all of a sudden there were priests surrounding where Evy and I were tied down. Imhotep walked up to my side with the black book in hand.

"Anck-su-namun." He whispered looking longingly at the corpse next to me. He placed the key in the book and opened it. Slowly he placed the key away in his robes for safe keeping. I think it's time to yell for help now!!

"O'Connell! Jonathan!" Evy started the yelling perfectly on time with my thoughts.

"RICKKKK!!! JON!!" I yelled with her. Imhotep started his incantations. I saw this purple almost liquid mist rise from the pool of souls, I guess? It took flight like a bird and flew over near us laying itself on the mummy between Evy and I. Anck-su-namun screamed to life. I guess after being dead for that long you need to scream a little. She looked over to Evy who was freaking out, her own screams filling the room.

"With your death, Anck-su-namun shall live. And I shall be invincible." Imhotep said in ancient Egyptian. Imhotep walked over to my sister. He had just raised his knife when Jonathan made his grand entrance.

"l found it, Evy! l found it!" Jonathan yelled to us looking very proud of himself. What a nerd.

"The book of Amun Ra." Imhotep looked at it in wonder lowering his knife poised above Evy.

"Shut up and get us off here, Jonathan!!!" I yelled back to him.

"Open the book, Jonathan. It's the only way to kill him. You have to open the book and find the inscription." Evy told Jon. Imhotep walked away from us and started up to where Jon was standing.

"Well, l can't open it! lt's locked or something... We need the key, Evy!" Jonathan told us.

"It's inside his robes." I said to him. Jonathan quickly ducked behind a statue to go figure out how to get the key. I noticed some movement on Evy's side of the room. Rick quickly jumped out with a sword and cut off one of Evy's restraints. Oh thank god at least one of us was safe.

"lm yub set na." Imhotep mumbled. Rick went to town on these mummies. Punching them, kicking their heads off, and reducing them to dust. I longed to be in the fight with him.

"Rick!" I yelled.

He worked his way over to me and freed my one arm quickly twirling around and running his sword threw a couple other mummies then freed my other arm. I searched my person for my knife and couldn't find it. I ran to find another one while Rick defended my sister from these mummies. Suddenly, I heard a commotion and Rick yell. Oh shit. I found what I was looking for, two sais would do the trick. I twirled them in my hands. Perfect I smiled and ran back to my sister and Rick. I found him on the floor a mummy was holding onto his feet, another at his head and one coming towards him about to drop a very heavy tablet on his head. Oh no, that wouldn't do. I snuck up behind this mummy and stabbed it in the back with one of my sais making it drop the tablet at its feet, turning to attack me. I punched it in the head sending it flying across the room, the body went to go find it. Rick got up off the ground, he had dealt with the two mummies who were holding his head and legs. He cut off Evy's last restraint and we all huddled together near the table. A door opened and there were more mummies who marched towards us.

"Oh, yeah. This just keeps gettin' better and better." Rick said to us annoyed.

"Do something, Jonathan." Evy pleaded with him.

"Me?" Jonathan questioned clearly shocked.

"You can command them." Evy replied.

"You have got to be joking." Jon said still shocked.

"Finish the inscription on the cover, idiot. Then you can control them." I lashed out annoyed at everything that was happening.

"Oh. Right." He said backing up into another wall.

Anck-su-namun was nowhere to be found. I heard something behind us groaning. Fuck. And of course there she was wielding a knife at my sister who was screaming. Anck-su-namun quickly backed her up against a wall. I knew she could handle it though at least for a little bit. The mummies started moving forwards on Rick and I. Rick decided yelling at them would be a good idea. They ended up yelling back at us. Rick made a hilarious noise and grabbed my arm running away with me. He hopped across the pool of souls while I ran the opposite direction taking two of the four mummies of whom were following us. I ran quickly and hid in a small opening in the wall watching the two mummies run past it and keep going the way I had been running. I took a breather for a second.

"Hurry up, Jonathan!" I heard Evy yell.

I had finally found my way back to the room where everyone was and saw Rick running down the stairs while Evy was running around with Anck-su-namun. I rushed to go find her feeling that Rick would be alright.

"l can't figure out this last symbol!" Jonathan yelled back to her.

"What does it look like?" I heard Evy's voice fairly close to me. I finally found them. Anck-su-namun had her hand wrapped around Evy's neck. I quickly ran up slicing her arm almost clean off while Evy took the time to run away.

"lt's a, uh, a bird-- a stork!" Jon yelled while I slashed at Anck-su-namun slicing her undead skin off her. I eventually backed her up against a wall. Not knowing what to do she dropped her knife and ran.

"Ahmenophus!" Evy yelled to him.

"Oh, yes, l see." Jon let out a sigh of realization as I ran after Anck-su-namun. "Uh, hootash im ahmenophus." Everyone stopped still in their places. The guards started to march towards me and Anck-su-namun. Imhotep attempted to get the mummies back under his control but failed.

"Fa-kooshka" Jon finished the inscription. Imhotep charged him as I was watching the events unfold. Anck-su-namun grabbed me by the throat and pushed me up against a wall. I kneed her in the stomach and head-butted her to back her up. The mummies rushed us and started stabbing and eventually killed her with their weapons... Again.

"Anck-su-namun! Anck-su-namun!" Imhotep yelled. I was busy watching the scene before me.

"Evy! I've got it." Jon knocked me out of the trance I was in.

Suddenly, Rick was thrown in my direction. I knelt to help him up but Imhotep was on us in seconds, I quickly stabbed my sais into his stomach and shoulder to distract him from Rick. Imhotep pulled the sai out of his shoulder as I retrieved the one from his stomach.

"Keep him busy." I heard Evy yell to us.

"No problem." Rick said from below me, catching his breath. Imhotep looked into my eyes, hatred filling them with a mix of something else. He slashed the sai across my face. I yelped. Touching my face where he had cut me, blood covering my fingers. Before I could look back up he had grabbed Rick and threw him across the room yet again. I ran back to the tables where I was held down earlier. Imhotep quickly closed the distance between us punching me in the stomach, I failed to block it, I was more worried about him stabbing me as I doubled over in pain. He grabbed my throat the sai to my neck ready to spill my blood and be rid of me forever.

"Hurry, Evy! Hurry!" Jon told our sister worried about my well being.

"You're not helping." She sang to him. Rick practically bulldozed Imhotep over tackling him at the waist which caused the mummy to drop me.

"Oh! l've got it." She finally exclaimed. Imhotep got to his feet.

"Kadeesh mal. Kadeesh mal. Pared oos. Pared oos." She read out in ancient Egyptian. A blue chariot pulled by horses quickly descended the stairs. They ran through Imhotep running back up the stairs with his immortality. Imhotep ran after the ghosts of the horses stopping halfway up the stairs realizing he wasn't going to get it back.

"l thought you said it was gonna kill him!" Rick said on his feet above me in a protective stance as I caught my breath on the ground. Imhotep walked towards us again. Rick stabbed him straight through the stomach this time pain showed across his face, he was bleeding and human..

"He's mortal." Evy explained. Rick pulled his sword out and Imhotep walked back into the pool of souls clutching his stomach. He looked up at us as his skin started dissipating as he mumbled something in ancient Egyptian that I didn't end up catching but Evy did. He disappeared beneath the water.

"Death... Is only the beginning." She told us.