
Byeong Ho carried two microphones and Min Ho carried a cord while II Seong carried a flower pot. Though their weapons were funny but at least it would protect them for a while.

Min Ho peeped through the door to see if the zombies were there. "Coast is clear." He said when he saw none.

"Byeong Ho please be careful." Da Eun said with concern.

Byeong Ho held her hand and said softly. "I will and you be safe for me." With that, they left the room.

When they were outside the room, II Seong whispered to Byeong Ho. "We have no idea where the storage room is and we came out here."

"I'm sure it will be close to the bar area." Byeong Ho replied with a whisper.

"What are you guys whispering about?" Min Ho asked.

"None of your business, go on." Byeong Ho said and walked in front of them.

They finally arrived at the bar area but saw two zombies there.

Byeong Ho whispered to them. "Dont make any noise, just was walk quietly like you've been doing."


II Seong said but the next step he took was not good. He accidentally stepped on plastic bottle which made some noises and attracted the zombies.

Before they could react, the zombies started running towards them.

"Run as fast as you can!!!" Byeong Ho shouted .

They ran as fast as they can into a room and fortunately, it was the storage room.

Byeong Ho glared at II Seong immediately they closed the door.

"I didn't see the bottle on the ground since I was focused on what you were saying." II Seong said breathing heavily.

"I just said a few words and you could listen without looking at me, you almost got us killed." Byeong Ho said angrily.

'Bang Bang Bang.' The zombies kept banging on the door.

They quickly hid somewhere before the zombies were able to enter.

The two zombies entered the storage room and started walking around. One of the zombies walked to where Min Ho was hiding, it was looking around , sniffing every corner. It was about to turn to Min Ho's direction when Byeong Ho threw a plastic bottle outside which diverted the attention of the zombies and the ran out, following the sound of the bottle.

In The Karaoke Room

Da Eun was walking tho and fro worriedly. "I hope they are okay, I'm really scared."

Eun Jeong walked over to her and held her shoulders. "You dont have to be scared or worried about anything, they are going to be alright and will come back here safely."

"I'm also worried about them but we have to be strong and hope they come back to us." Kim Jin said with a sigh.