
With that thought of family, he decided to call his mom to know if she's alright.

He dialed her number and it made a few things before she answered.

"Hello Byeong Ho." Her voice hurriedly came in.

"Mom, mom are you okay?" Byeong Ho asked with concern.

"I'm okay, are you still at the karaoke?"

"Yes, I and my friends are at the rooftop." Byeong Ho amswered.

"The rooftop?, why will you risk your life just to go to the rooftop, Byeong Ho you are the only one I have right now, don't you dare leave where you are till the rescue team come get you." Byeong Ho's mom said worriedly.

"Mom I'm alright, do you think anyone would care about those in a karaoke building?, I'm alright and I'll be safe, I have my friends here that I can at least rely on but all I want is for you to take care of yourself, okay?" Byeong Ho reassured.

"Okay kid...Ahhhh" Byeong Ho's mom shouted from the other line.

"Mom mom what is it, mom are you there?" Byeong Ho was already shaking. "Mom talk to me, mom".

"I'll call you back, they just opened the door...." She shouted and hung up.

"Mom mom, who opened the door, mom mom!!!!" Byeong Ho shouted, his voice woke up the rest with a shock.

"What is it?" Da Eun asked as she sat up.

"My mom, I need to get to her, she's in trouble, I can't lose her too." Byeong Ho was already almost tearing up.

"Oh my gosh, how did you know she's In danger, did you have a dream?" Da Eun asked.

"I just finished talking to her on the phone, she was about to say something when she shouted and the next thing, she said she'll call me later and I think she also said they opened the door." Byeong Ho was shaking seriously.

"Opened the door?, oh my gosh, I hope she's alright." Min Ho who just woke said with a liw voice.

"I need to get to her now, she's must be in danger, I need to go now." Byeong Ho said and got up.

"And where do you think you are going to, how will you get there, you'll get eaten by zombies even before you leave here, she'll be alright and you don't have to worry too much." Geu Roo who was now awake said.

"No she said they opened the door, who opened the door, what if it was the zombies, I need to get there." Byeong Ho said and started walking to the door when he was held back by Kim Jin.

"Don't try to kill yourself, waht if she is alright and after you go down there, you get eaten by zombies, then his do you expect her to live." Kim Jin tried to put some sense into him. "Just stay, she is going to be alright, your mom is as tough as you are."