A Green Liquid

 They sat down quietly for a while, Da Eun was still crying, blaming herself for the death of Eun Jeong.

 "We shouldn't sit here and sob all day, Ms Eun Jeong is gone and gone for good, our tears won't bring her back. Instead of sitting here and crying, we should start looking for the reminant. Am I making any sense here?" Kim Jin asked trying to be bold even when he was pained deep down.

 "Yeah Kim Jin is right, we can't sit here and cry all day, let's check around if we'll see the reminant of the liquid." Min Ho said.

 The rest looked at him pitifully, they knew he was trying to be strong even when deep inside he was blaming himself for what happened.

 Byeong Ho helped Da Eun up and softly said. "It's alright don't blame yourself for it." 

"But if I hadn't sneezed like that nothing like this would have happened. She would have still been with us right now, telling us what to do and leading the way. It's all my fault, it's all my fault." Da Eun repeated, slapping herself.

 Byeong Ho couldn't bear to see her cry so he just hugged her tightly. "Don't fight just calm down. No one is blaming you so don't blame yourself either. We need you, please be strong." He pulled from the hug and looked at her. "Let's go find it." 

 They all started searching, raising everything, opening boxes. 

Da Eun looked into a square container and saw a green liquid in a tiny bottle.

 "Guys." She called.

They walked over to her, curious of what she was holding.

 "What is this?" Min Ho asked.

"I don't know, probably the liquid." Da Eun said with a shrug.

"Let's do some test to see if it what we came here for." Da Eun said and walked to the table.