
The night was filled with the clomping of hooves at a constant trot or gallop trying to flee Hamunaptra. The noise was calming and the breeze of the night kept us cool, I had wrapped a blanket around my shoulders as it was almost too much at times. After the conversation with the leader, we knew there was more to fear. I could see the visible change in Rick from the pompous 'I got him' guy to 'Oh shit we're in trouble'. In my case, there were many thoughts that washed through my mind. Evil... The word filled my mind in metaphorical capital letters. We were all so focused on getting out of there that I hardly noticed Evy was trying to get my attention.

"Eris?—Eris?" She asked repetitively.

"Yeah, Eves?" I replied so she knew I was listening.

"When we were in the chamber you said that the mummy would yield to you until he was fully regenerated. What did you mean by that?" She asked inquisitively.

"Honestly, Evy I'm not sure. That was Ahmanet, it was like I couldn't control her, a fight was happening in my mind." I said to her choosing my words carefully.

"Yep, I could tell that from your eyes and speech." She murmured lost in thought.

"It's like I was possessed—wait, my eyes? What happened to my eyes?" I asked her.

"They turned to gold and doubled; not like you had four eyes but your pupils. God, it was disconcerting Eris. I wish you could've seen it." She explained.

"It certainly got my attention. What I don't understand is why you? Why did this entity attach itself to you?" Rick pipped up from the background.

"Well, I've been told I've been marked for death because of my tattoos," I whispered out, just loud enough to be heard over the hooves.

"Marked for death... Who in their right mind would tell you that?" Jon asked as he slowed down to a trot next to me.

"The warrior, the one that leads them all..." I told him. His face dropped, and his sarcasm died.

"You're put your faith in the one person who has attacked us not once but twice?" Jon asked recovering from the serious moment.

"And beyond that, he has been watching us at each step of the process. Yet he didn't come forward and say anything with concrete evidence until we were all in danger?" Rick asked me.

"I guess it is silly when you put it that way... He just seemed to know more about this type of thing than any of us did." I told them perking up a bit, now that I didn't feel that I was going to die.

"I swear to you, I won't let her hurt any of you," I said to them all, hoping that they would believe me.

"She won't get what she wants out of you, not if I have anything to do with it," Rick said back to me. I nodded, knowing that there was nothing he could do.

"We know." They all echoed each other.

"Eris, I wondered if I could talk to her...?" Evy asked curiously. I looked around at the other two curious about what their opinions were, Rick nodded and Jon just stared at me.

"Give me your pack and weapons," Rick told me, holding his hand out ready to receive them. I did slowly, then took my knife from my sleeve and gun out of my waistband. He nodded and held on to my gun for a second, watching my eyes. I nodded to him to take it once my hands were free I called Ahmanet to the front. She happily appeared a bit eager to talk for once. Evy's grip tightened on her reins and she straightened her posture. I felt my own posture morph into something that was best described as regal, I felt Ahmanet straighten my back, my grip on the reins, stretch my neck out, and hold my chin up high. I knew she did not feel threatened by Evy she actually seemed interested in her.

"Ahmanet, our last meeting was rather sudden, I would like a proper introduction. My name is Evelyn Carnahan, this is my brother Jonathan, and this is Rick O'Connell, Eris's brother. I hope you don't find it awfully rude that I have requested to speak with you." Evy started the conversation strongly. I felt Ahmanet blink at her in response, she felt Evy was a lowly comparison to her and the introduction did not matter at all.

"She cannot change her fate. The curse will never be broken. She was branded from a young age to be my host. My chosen before was murdered and before that and so on." Ahmanet spoke in Ancient Egyptian nudging my camel to go faster as it followed Evy's.

"But if she is your chosen, why would you want to kill her?" She asked dropping all pleasantries.

"Oh, I don't want to kill her, I want to kill him. I am going to grant him eternal life, and make him a living god." Ahmanet replied as if she was dishing with an old friend.

"You murdered your father..." Evy said plainly hoping maybe to find some answers on my behalf.

"I loved my father with all my heart, I only wanted his love in return. They were different times. The day of awakening will soon be upon us. He will become Set and the world will fall to his side, he will have power of life over death and he will have me." Ahmanet explained to Evy watching her face fall gave her joy. I knew at that moment she was looking to twist the figurative knife that she had just stabbed Evy with. I kept her mouth shut from making any more problems with my friend.

"What you have seen, what you must know... Why I'm sure it's remarkable, I'd love to-- I have studied the world of the Old Gods and the New." Evy started trying to pay her a compliment to see what kind of reaction that would produce.

"The Old Gods? Your language is simple, what you truly wish to know is what lies behind the veil of death to know what I have seen. And you will when he kills you." She curled my face into a small smile and watched Evy's reaction. She shuddered but remained stoic and nodded.

"I would like to speak to Eris now please." Evy almost whispered out, Ahmanet faded away and let me push forward back into my own body. It felt so much better to have her leave willingly. Ahmanet knew that our relationship would be easier this way. Evy watched as I blinked and she looked back to Rick and Jon and nodded. Everyone let out a sigh, relieved nothing had happened.

Rick rode up next to me and handed me the items back that he had confiscated while Ahmanet took over. I smiled at him and happily put everything back where it belonged. They knew I couldn't control her appearance. I was focused on where we were headed, Cairo, we weren't far out. We were heading to Fort Brydon, a common area for the locals and for the Royal Air Force, I'd assume we'd run into Winston as well. I needed to get Evy alone to see if she knew anything further about this creature Ahmanet. Her home wasn't far from here, I assumed we'd be going there to collect her things before we left the country entirely. I knew Rick planned to go with her, my intuition told me to stay behind. I wanted to try to see if I could swing by the museum before we were all scheduled to leave.

The sky was starting to cloud up and I could hear the thunder starting to rumble as we neared the city. A storm was brewing, with what, I wasn't sure. But this was the type that I loved, it was exhilarating. I watched as Evy talked to the guard at the gate, Rick leaned over to me, standing up in his stirrups and stretching as he did so. Evy and Jon went through the gate leaving us.

"I'll see you in a bit, come down to the bar when you're finished." He told me. I nodded to him, clucking to my camel to take me in the direction of our house and the museum. The ride was short but would have been much faster in a car. I maneuvered the camel to the post where I climbed down and tied him up, I gave the camel a pat and reached in my saddlebag for a carrot to give him. I smiled as I held it while he enjoyed the carrot. I strolled through the library entrance, waiting to be greeted by the curator. Although I heard voices echoing through the halls, one was the curator the other was one I had grown familiar with but still surprised me. I could feel Ahmanet struggling in my head to be the main character. I went to the section I knew held the book I desired. Knowing Evy at all, I knew how she would categorize. I slinked up to the stalks and up the ladder to grab it, Set Volume 1. I tucked it under my arm and went back down the ladder feeling my feet firmly on the ground, I walked towards the curator's office. I'm not entirely sure why I did it, but I hid in the hallway for a few minutes listening to their conversation.

"Yes, the creature certainly poses a threat." The curator told the man I had previously interacted with.

"But, the girl, she poses another issue as well. She has no idea the power she possesses, who knows if she has already given in to it. The only good news is that she doesn't have all the information, although she is quite inquisitive about it. It's better she knows less, I believe."

"Ardeth... I don't think Eris is our problem here. She's a bright young thing, quite an adept learner, I have no qualms with her or her family, in fact before this ordeal I would say she would have been a smart match for you. The Carnahan's however, have a habit of sticking their nose where it does not belong." I heard the curator chuckle out.

"Dr. Bey, I respectively and vastly disagree. She has the power to wipe out the entire world, why, you know better than most the stories of Princess Ahmanet. She was beautiful, cunning, and ruthless, she vowed her life to Set and was reborn a monster. All she needs to do now is something she has not completed in her lifetime. The demon will be running around our world, and most likely the sacrifice will be the brother. Or that skittish fellow she's been with as well, but I'm sure Ahmanet won't settle for the woman. I'm sure Imhotep already has plans for her." I stayed quiet hoping to hear more of my fate.

"Yes, well, if you've made up your mind there is nothing I can do to change it. However, do not underestimate Eris, she is a strong woman, I've known her for over a couple of years now. I know little about her history but from what I have gathered she is certainly capable, driven, and mischievous." The curator finished. I swallowed my pride and strode away, I didn't want to pry any further than I already had. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I wanted to go in and confront them. But I was worried what Ahmanet would decide to do since it would have been an easy fight. I walked quickly down to my own office retrieved a spare scarf I had in there and promptly left the museum. I put the book inside my saddlebag and started my journey to the house. I repeated the process I did the for museum with the camel.

I walked through the door and took a deep sigh of relief. It felt good to be back in a familiar place. I walked over to my room and pulled out some clothes to change into, but the first order of business was to take a shower. I got inside and did everything without a sense of urgency. It was nice to feel the hot water over my skin and the suds wash away the dirt and grim that had accumulated on my hair and skin. I scrubbed and scrubbed until I felt like a new woman. Once I was satisfied I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my form and another around my head to pull the water from my hair. I left my dress and corset from the trip on my chair in the bathroom and walked to the bedroom to change into the pants and shirt I had laid out. I dried myself thoroughly before putting the clothes on my body.

"Must we dress like a peasant?" I heard Ahmanet hiss at me. I brushed off the insult and continued moving through my motions. I walked toward the bathroom again preparing to do my eyeliner. I slowly winged the liner being careful not to mess up the lines.

"At least your face is reminiscent of royal lineage." I scoffed at her words, heading to Rick's room. I wasn't entirely sure why he wanted me to pack him a bag, because he hadn't touched his clothes here in 3 years, and I wasn't even sure if they fit anymore. I looked in the closet finding a couple of shirts that might fit and then rummaged through the drawers finding a few pairs of pants. I pulled out a duffle from underneath the bed and put the clothes inside. After this, I went through the house turning off the things that would bill us and other things. After a final round of checking things, I went outside and rode the camel back to the fort. I wrapped my scarf over my head and continued until I saw the guards at the gates.

"Eris O'Connell, here for Evelyn Carnahan," I told the man in Arabic. The guards waved me through as I felt Ahmanet pushing through to the surface, I'm sure she would have just doubled my iris to terrify them. It was as joyful to her as it was for me to see their faces change instantly. I tied my camel to a post with the others and slowly got down from the height. I took the book from the saddlebag and threw it in my pack. I then slung the duffle and pack over my shoulder and headed towards the entrance, keeping my head down and away from prying eyes. I walked through the courtyard and down some stairs to the bar. I saw Jonathan talking at the bar with the Americans. I took a seat next to him and decided now was the time to do some research on Set, I opened the book and waited for my brother to arrive happily settling in and ordering a gin and tonic from the bar.