
I ran into the library knowing there was someone behind me. I slowed my pace and looked around. I noticed the ornate bindings on books surrounding me, these must be more than 5,000 years old and kept in excellent condition. There was little time to get around to looking at them all as much as I wanted to. I heard the person get closer to me, I pulled the first book I noticed off the desk and stared at the coverings, the original Book of the Living was staring right back at me. I heard Nick yelling from the room next to me as I turned around to look through the glass pane that separated us. I set the book down on the table next to me.

"I'm offering you a partnership. You, evil incarnate. Me, your good friend, Eddie Hyde. Think about it." Hyde told Nick as he laid on the ground listening to the fool.

"Elizabeth!" I heard Nick yell to me as I grabbed the fire extinguisher off the wall trying to break the glass that separated us. I felt arms around me as I struggled with the attacker. I raised my legs above to throw off the dude's balance behind me. As I did this we fell over backwards into the table behind me throwing off the Book of the Living. I quickly hopped up and grabbed the book rushing behind the shelves in between to get some distance between my attacker and I.

"Elizabeth, stop!" He yelled to me as he was around the corner from me. Thinking fast I threw a book off the shelf next to me, that got his attention moving forwards. I quickly took the Book of the Living in both hands and smacked him with it over the head. He fell down, I held onto the book knowing what it could be used for and essentially returning it to Josephine. I rushed back through the maze of corridors that led me to the office.

"Come on. We have to destroy the stone." I told him quickly as he held onto my forearms for dear life.

"What?" He asked incredulously.

"No stone, no ritual." I explained slowly so he could catch up to where my head was at.

"No ritual...No curse." He said back to me.

"Yes. I know where it is." I told him, grabbing my phone out of my pocket and pointing to it, still holding onto the Book of the Living. We ran out of the door and up the stairs to the above overhang. Nick kept running as electrical wiring fell separating me from him. "NICK!... Do not let her in!" I yelled as I noticed him looking at her. Quickly I made the decision to jump across the fire to get him to safety. "Nick... Let's go!" I told him as I pushed him away from Ahmanet's gaze.

"Wait, wait, which way out?" He asked me as we ran towards a relatively empty room.

"I don't know. But Jenn should, she works here after all." I said to him as I quickly started to yell for Jennifer. She ran up and past me through the door directly in front of us.

"That way, I suppose!" I yelled at Nick with a hint of sarcasm.

"I SUMMON THE SANDS OF EGYPT... TAKE ME IN! DELIVER HIM TO ME!" I heard Ahmanet chant in ancient egyptian as we burst out a door that looked like it took us to the Museum of Natural History in New York. There was a giant mammoth in front of a lovely balcony stairwell. As Ahmanet reached her final scream all of the glass panes shattered in front of me. I ducked down covering my head out of instinct. As people started screaming and running all around us. Jenny quickly grabbed my arm and we ran through a study area, glass shattering behind us papers flying everywhere as people scattered out of the building through any means necessary to get away from the invisible force. More and more exhibits ruined as we burst outside into the overcast stormy London. As we turned a corner on the street I stopped in my tracks book in hand as I saw the dust storm come close to us. Just like what I had seen in the helicopters when we were moving the artifact. The sand flew towards us as I screamed at my group:

"Time to go!" I yelled over the strong winds as buildings were being torn apart. I grabbed Nicks hand as I started to run away again. Ahmanet now walked the streets of London, unaware of the damage she had done with only one thing on her mind... Nick. The storm was gaining on us as we flew through the streets, I took a shortcut through an alley which was a bad idea as more and more glass started to shatter around me. I ran out into the open street watching the sand swirl around me. Nick grabbed me, pulling me to the ground as a car flew over us. As Nick lifted us from our position he started to jog towards something. Quickly he realized that a trolley was flying towards us. He pushed me out of the way and jumped through the opening in the windshield.

"NICK!" Both Jenny and I yelled.

"We are headed to the crusader burial chamber." I said as I noticed as Jenny pulled me away running towards a sewer grate in the ground.

"What? Jennifer. My mom and dad..." I started as I shook my head in disbelief.

"They'll be okay. We have to get to Nick first if you want him to live." She told me as I clutched the Book of the Living towards my chest. I followed after her getting down the ladder as she called for Nick.

"Nick?" She started and continued calling his name out.

"Nick!" I yelled as I heard something behind me. An undead crusader lurched towards me right as I turned around to see Nick stick a knife into his neck. He fell and Nick engulfed me in a hug.

"I won't let anything happen to you. No matter what she does. Okay?" He asked me as I heard the train whistle behind us.

"Okay..." I whispered to him as he pulled us off the tracks Jenny was on the other side of Nick and I in the tunnel. I screamed as I noticed the mummy getting closer to us.

"NICK!" I screamed as he grabbed me closer to him.

"You shouldn't be here." He told both Jenny and I as the train passed he took a metal pipe from the wall and started beating the mummy with it, finally taking off it's head.

"I followed you!" Jenny yelled at him before I had the chance to.

"Now's not the time people, we have company!" I yelled at them to stop them from an argument waiting to happen. "Jenny! GO GET OUT OF HERE!" She quickly ran off in the opposite direction as Nick grabbed me and pulled me further into the underground tunnel of the new subway station, the mummies on our tails.