
Before Jane started. "Yes, I'm an idiot too, honestly. Look at me Clara, I let an irresponsible Buffon dump my ass like this. Now, I'm battling with a pregnancy and no father figure present. I literally cast all my emotional burden on you, stressing the living hell out of you and making stupid demands that I shouldn't. I'm...." Her voice faltered, and the first sound of tears hit Clara's ears. "I'm pregnant and miserable. I'm stupid and I don't even know if I'll be a good mother."

Clara immediately regretted the words she said before. 'what happened to not arguing with a pregnant woman.' She mentally scolded herself. "No baby,, you are not. You are an amazing human. What you're doing, not a lot of people can do it, and that alone, makes you a good mother. Trust me, even I cannot do what you're doing. I get jealous of you at times."

Jane chuckled happily. "It feels good to hear you say that." She barked a loud laugh that rattled in Clara's ears. "Well, I still hope you won't have anything with Victor. Because his kind neighbor told me that the last time, the slut refused to leave the house even when she saw you confronting Victor."

"Don't call her that."

Jane waved her spoon in the air again. "What do you want me to call her, pig?"

"Nothing," Clara told her, and meant it. "Don't call her anything."

"Oh, but I think she deserves a few choice words."

"Victor's the one who cheated. She just took advantage of a good opportunity." Said Clara.

"You know," Jane began. "I have taken advantage of a whole lot of good opportunities in my life, but I've never chased after someone's man."

Clara closed her eyes, willing her friend to stop. She did not want to have this conversation. There was another pressing issue on her mind.

She had a case that might be taken up by the Nursing council if the hospital fails to prove her innocence. She could loose her license of practice even. Victor was at the bottom of her worries right now. If only Jane knew, she would have been sorry for her as well. But Clara kept it to herself. Jane was better off not knowing.

Jane made a great show of scraping her plastic spoon around the cardboard cup as she wiped it clean. She sighed heavily, as if her day had just taken a turn for the worse. "Can I have yours. It doesn't seem like you want it, since you haven't even opened it."

"No." Clara replied, picking up her cup of ice cream and opening it.

"I'm pregnant, Clara" She squeaked.

"That's not my fault."

She went back to scraping her cup, but this time around, it was louder then the first. To add to the annoyance, she started humming a meaningless rhyme.

Clara knew she was trying so hard to guilt trip her, and it did work because the ice cream she shoved into her mouth, got stuck in her throat.