Business Partners

Aldine passed a salad to Philo as they sat sipping juice while having a discussion on their upcoming project. Philo had drafted out few designs she had been working on recently, she took time to explain each design and what they represented for easier caption on their social media pages.

Aldine kept jotting down notes on everything she was saying. After an hour and several minutes, they finally took a break to snack on sausages and samosas.

"This is going to be huge! I can feel it?" Aldine said in a giddy tone. She was super happy and over the moon with excitement. She drew another chair closer and swung her bag on it. "How the hell do you get inspiration for your designs Mena? They are so exceptional, edgy, and unique."

Philo shrugged. There was no straight answer to her question. The inspirations just come to her and she sketch outfits as they come.