The Fragility Of A Mother

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

- Author Note Start-

Well, well. Long time no see? Huh? I've decided in my endless grace to bestow upon you another chapter! Provided by the one, the only, Incompetent writer himself! Ahem. Anyways hope you guys enjoy it! Feedback, reviews constructive criticism and all that jazz is always nice and spicy!

Thanks for reading and hope you have a fantastic day! And... Enjoy!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

*Indicates an action being done. for example... *Cough* *

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

-Story Start-

-2 Months Post Birth-

A warm room, furnished to the brim with a wide array of decorations, clan emblems, and so on. A double bed is at the center of the room. But the important piece of furniture is the Baby pen currently holding Moi.

Hello again! It's me, Akira Nara! You might be wondering how I'm doing.

Oh? Your curious about my name? Generic ain't it? I agree!

Well, I'm not too sure myself whether that is my name. Still trying to learn the language you see. Then again, that's what my new mother called me and repeated lovingly as she stared into my eyes warmly with her onyx pair of eyes. What a strange color...

Anyways, how am I doing? Well, besides the complete loss of my dignity at the involuntary pissing, uncontrollable bladder, and endless shitting. Absolutely fan-fucking tastic! I'm sure you've noticed I use humor to cope! Haha!

Did I mention the breastfeeding? Dear god how degrading...

Onto the status report...

Firstly, as you can see I seem to share the same surname as Shikamaru. I have yet to know just how closely related I am to him, My new father doesn't seem to ring any bells in the looks department. What that means in essence is I'm in the same clan as him... I think. Memories are a bit foggy if you know what I mean. Nevertheless, the proper conclusion is... I'm in Konoha! How convenient of me to be reborn in a shadow-based clan with a shadow-related power! Thoughts for later... I believe going down the rabbit hole regarding the intricacies of my reincarnation isn't a wise decision. I'll roll with it for now.

Secondly, I've been reborn into a... Completely normal and loving family! That's something to celebrate for sure!

Thirdly, I have absolutely no darn idea where I am in the timeline. Not that I have any point of reference due to my... Memory problem. Then again, The Hokage Faces should be a good indicator. Naruto's timeline should be around 4 in total. I just have to confirm it. But if it isn't 4, and it's like 5, 6, 3, or even 1 face. I'd be completely in the dark here... A prayer for greater luck to the Reincarnation Dragon it is!

Fourthly, This is pretty darn boring... Sleep does help I admit, But I have yet to get the chance to see the outside of this home. Nor the chance to crawl! God how I miss walking...

What I've managed to do in my exceedingly long time of doing absolutely nothing during these last 2 months is try to test my allegedly gifted powers.

And the result?

Empty, Nothing.

That might be an age thing? Although it was a bit stupid of me in hindsight to try and tap into a partially unknown power even before I can bloody crawl. I resolved to stop any later attempt to conjure up the Ten Shadows following that obvious conclusion. Despite the lure of having supernatural abilities. I mean, come on! Who wouldn't want to test that ASAP?

On a positive note though, I can sense my own Chakra! A strange sensation to be sure.

That's about it.


I can feel a circulation of eerie energy in my body if I concentrate hard enough. But that's about it. Following my conclusion on not trying to use any powers in my current powerless position. I smartly decide to refrain from experimenting now. At least until I gain proper instruction. No need to explode my limbs accidentally, I've read enough manga to know what some powers can do.

All that, in addition to not letting my new parents think their child is possessed. I've been doing a pretty decent act so far, wouldn't want it to be ruined now.

And with that comes my other problem... My new parents. They're fantastic, and I'm grateful to have them, truly. Loving, caring, and they play with me on occasion. But... I just can't see them as my parents.

Or that could be just my guilt at stealing the body of their child. I try to convince myself that I didn't and perhaps this child would have died were I not to take over, like most Isekai use as an excuse. But at the end of the day, it only provides temporary solace.

I should have asked the Reincarnation Dragon whether that was the case or not. I was stupid for not taking my time there to deal with any loose concerns. Oh, the consequences of my actions.

*Sigh* Sounds like another issue I'll be repressing for a while before it explodes and bites me later on...

-5 Months Post Birth-

A husband and wife duo, in the living room of their house, watching excitedly as a baby attempts to crawl. The wife at least, the husband seems to have a more calm demeanor overall.

The husband, a slightly tanned and coal-color-haired individual with emerald green eyes sitting on the living room's sofa with his arms crossed a peaceful and calm smile on his face as he observes the baby's crawl attempt.

The wife, a pearly white-skinned young lady, with onyx eyes and brown almost black hair cascading down her back. Currently standing in front of the baby as she looks at him in excitement and expectance.

"Akira! You can do it!" My mother, also named Hikari Nara spread her arms wide as she cheered me on excitedly.

That's right it's me.

I'm trying woman! Don't rush me! By the by, I've learned the language! Can I get a hurray for Baby brain power? Or might it be the weird Supernatural energy flowing through me that allows for such a swift learning experience? No idea!

"Don't rush the boy, Dear." My Father, Aren Nara chastised gently.

That's right! Listen to your husband! He's got his stuff together!

Alright... Arm in front, then leg, repeat. I do the motion once to confirm its success. Trust me, this is harder than it looks.



I'm moving! Barely! But I'm moving!

"Wow~! *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*" Hikari claps her hands as I manage to reach her legs in my crawl.

That must have been like 4 feet. Not bad for the first time!

*GRAB* My body is picked up by my mother.

*SMOOCH* my cheek gets violated

Urgh, it had a hefty amount of spit as well!

"Now what's with that gloomy face Akira? You don't love Mommy?" My mother exclaimed as she held me in the air in front of her, her face twisted into a hurt expression.

I would If you had some decency.

Of course, I lack the capacity to talk. Though, my face might have conveyed the message judging by her now slightly annoyed look.


"Your the strangest and most expressive baby I've ever seen or heard of Akira... I just don't know how to deal with you! You never cry! And when you do, it's the strangest creepy sound I've ever heard! I... I don't understand!" Hikari lets out her hidden frustrations and worries as she lets me down back on the ground. A frustrated and pained frown firmly on her face.


As you can see, the moment her sudden unannounced outburst arrived, so did my internal panic and anxiety skyrocket.

"Calm down Dear, you know there's been stranger. He might just be a smart kid. I'm almost certain Lord Minato was more of a child anomaly back in his childhood." Aren expressed gently as he gets up from the sofa to comfort his wife with a hug.

Oh, dear god thank you! Dad chill energy for the win!

"Only at 5 months old?" Hikari narrowed her eyes at her husband in challenge as they separated from the hug.

"I wouldn't be surprised if that blonde monster could speak coherent sentences at 3 months." He grinned back

I-I sure hope the outcome of this conversation doesn't end up with me in an orphanage... Wow, and here I thought I was doing fine...

*Sigh* Hikari sighs

"You might be right..." She shakes her head as she turns to look at my now sad expression, meeting my eyes with a tired and sad smile.

*SHAKE* She shakes her head as she exchanges her expression for a more heartwarming one as far as I can tell.

Though to be honest, she was hiding... All that? I-I didn't know.

"Let's go out for a stroll Akira. I know you've been eyeing it for a long time. You want to go outside don't you?" She announces as she moves to pick me up and place me in a newly purchased baby walker

At the chance of being offered something I longed for a very long time, I dismiss my worries and current mood in favor of the excitement that's bubbling up in me. Exaggerated much? You try to be a baby as a perfectly conscious teen/adult. I'd like to see you try it!


"Gah!" I respond in an odd mix of excitement and hesitance, as I am laid down into the baby walker.

Finally! I get to see the outside! After 5 months!

At that, my mother and father exchange a warm look between them, a message seems to have been conveyed without a word. To my dismay.

I sure hope whatever they were trying to convey there is unrelated to my alleged disownment. Please!

"You need me for this?" My father questioned my mother with a teasing smile

Need you for what?! Throwing me out like the waste of space I am?!

"Hmph, no I'll be fine... Thanks." My mother snorts in response as she grabs the baby walker and heads out the door with me.

-Short Time Skip-

Anxiety at the chance of me being disowned and thrown to the wolves aside, the sight... Is simply exotic.

It seems to be around evening time as the sun is radiating an orange hue, coloring the sky orange. That and its position but we digress.

As I am pushed along by my mother at a steady pace I am met with the Village Hidden In The Leaves. Also known as Konoha.

I have no bird's eye view to truly feel the scale of this place, the architecture and bustling amount of people is a nice change of pace. A breath of fresh air, literally. Compared to the air quality in 1st world countries I've been to, there is just no comparison. Merely breathing here is bliss. Quite the convenient facade for a world full of bloodthirsty mercenaries and ninjas right?

Nevertheless, I am overwhelmed by a feeling of excitement, adventure, and perhaps hope.

In my relaxation and process of taking in the sights, I notice we arrive at some gates leading to a forested area. A park perhaps? Solitary woods where babies can be abandoned without consequences? I hope the former is correct.

There is a lone guard, wearing the signature Konoha headband, along with our clan symbol of the Nara clan.

He greets my mother like an old acquaintance

"Ah, Hikari! Going to the usual spot I see? Oh, is that your son? He looks so much like you!" He greets her with a small smile.

How would he know? I'm a 5-month-old baby. That's a bit soon to form any conclusive resemblances honestly. He's just probably making pointless conversation.

"Kanto, good evening to you. Yes, this is my son, I'm taking him on his first stroll." Hikari reciprocates the greeting with her own small smile.

"Well, you know you have free reign in here, Lord Shikaku's cousin is always welcome here." He states simply as he gestures for my mother to go in.

Okay, so Shikaku and consequently Shikamaru are rather close relatives. Good to know good to know. On that note... I have yet to confirm my age in relation to the latter.

"Thank you." She nods and pushes me along into the forested area. We follow a paved path laid with rocks, towards some destination.

-Short Time Skip-

As we follow the established route of the paved path. And I wonder at the sights of trees, trees, and more trees. Did I mention trees? It might sound boring, which it is. But it's definitely relaxing. It beats the prison called a womb and that white room any day of the year.

My mother comes to a sudden stop.

"Alright, we'll be taking a different route right now, okay Akira? I'll have to lift you so we can reach it without trouble." My mother states with a gentle and sad? smile as she in an impressive feat of strength lifts the baby walker with me in it with one arm, as she walks uphill towards a cliff that has a lone tree.

Definitely not ominous.

-Short Time Skip-

"We're here" She announces with a small smile, as she gently lays me and the baby walker down on the ground near the tree.

I take a good look over the cliff and what I see... Leaves me in awe.

What seems to be the entire Village in my direct view, the Hokage Monument in an angled view in front of me. It seems were to the left of it. I didn't really notice.

I slap myself out of my dumbstruck awe and focus on confirming the timeline.

I begin to count the number of faces I see on that impressive mountain.





4! Good! It's around the Naruto timeline! Still doesn't tell me much. He could be 13 already while I'm still a blubbering pissing mess.

In all honesty, this isn't that big of a revelation. This barely confirms anything in fact!

"Akira" My mother calls out my name simply, as she sits down and reclines into the tree.

I turn my little head to stare at her.

"You know, this is my favorite spot. I used to go here all the time as a little girl and young kunoichi." She states with a nostalgic smile, as the sun begins to set. Setting up quite the... Melancholic atmosphere. She talks as she stares at the sunset.

Mother dearest, I am a baby, I do not believe I am supposed to comprehend what you are saying. Despite this, I'll indulge you by actually listening.

"It's a place of comfort for me, when things are too confusing, too hard... It's the place I go when I want to catch my breath. To relax, to forget the troubles of the world... The troubles of a mother." She tells me.

"Haha! Ridiculous isn't it? Here I am talking with my baby son as if he can hear me, understand me. If others were to see me, they'd call me insane." She laughs weakly.

"Akira, I've been a bad mother... I-I thought you were some monster... All my friends told me about their children, I saw their children and I... I couldn't understand what was wrong with you. I didn't want to consult anyone about you... Aren and the others who saw you were completely fine with your behavior! Only I was bothered by it! It's insane! Could they not see that you were definitely not right?!" Hikari began confessing her thoughts regarding Akira.

Did I do all this to this poor woman? Am I responsible for her anguish?

I felt a large pit in my stomach forming as my mother confessed her real emotions.

"At first, when you were born, I loved you with all my heart, I could feel it. But as I observed and learned more about you... The oddities in your behavior. That love quickly began to die out in my fear and suspicion. I knew that was wrong, in my heart. To fool you and Aren, I wore a mask to convey false love." Hikari continued her confession with a lowered head, sadness, and guilt expressed in every word of her sentence.

*Sigh* She releases a sigh as she completes her confession.

And only an uncomfortable and suffocating silence encompasses my body.

Am I... That bad? Mother... No, this woman does not deserve this.

My thoughts began to take a dark turn at her confession. The emotions of guilt that were suppressed at stealing her child's body crashed down upon me like a thunderbolt.

Enough... If I were able to return her child. I would've done so. Stop, this line of thought helps no one. I slap myself up for even slightly sinking down that dark line of thought.

As the silence and the uncomfortable atmosphere was just about to choke me completely. My mother's voice cuts through it like a knife through butter.

"But, I've thought about it. It was selfish of me, to expect you to be just like everyone else. Like all the babies and kids your age. Perhaps you're a genius? Maybe you are odd. From now on, it doesn't matter to me what you are and how you act. Just the fact that you're my son is enough. It HAS to be enough. I believe... That way, I can grow to love you once again. Accept you for who you are. My son, Akira Nara." She confesses one last time rather tearfully. As she meets my wide eyes with her own, lifting her head during the last confession.

"Haha! I'll be sure to tell you this when you're older, old enough to understand what I mea-"


To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

I ain't crying! You are!

Anyways, how'd I do? Was this chapter decent? Granted this story is a bit of a different tone than what I usually write. So I hope it came out all right.

Any questions, reviews, suggestions, or feedback would be appreciated!

I enjoy responding to you all!

Have a good day/week.

Also, this update schedule is rather abnormal in comparison to my usual one. But expect the next chapter to come out in 3 days.


-Author Note End-