Turning Point 1 - Academy

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

- Author Note Start-

Hey guys! Here's the first chapter of the 2nd arc, a rather important one! And a long one... Probably!

Now you may have noticed this chapter came out a little late, and that's for 2 reasons. Firstly, I am busy, unfortunately... this doesn't really pay so I got stuff to do you know!

Secondly, As you can see, this is a significantly longer chapter. This will probably be the new length standard. If you don't like it, send some feedback. Do take note, as the chapters are now longer they logically take longer to write.

Moving on, I have had a good amount of feedback and I'd like to thank you all for it! I have learned about a couple of the story's and MC's flaws. I will try my best to solve them effectively!

I'm grateful you are all so patient! Don't worry, The Ten Shadows will be making its official appearance and explanation next chapter!

I initially planned to showcase it in this chapter, but it turned out this chapter was MUCH LONGER than I initially suspected. So, I had to move it to the next one.

Yes, I know. I'm bad with pacing.

Hope this chapter is interesting for you all!

Now, without further ado... Enjoy the chapter!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

*Indicates an action being done. for example... *Cough* *

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

-Story Start-

-6 Years Following The Nine Tails Attack-

There's this room in the house. It's got a bunch of furniture, like the window's light makes shadows on purpose.

The dresser by the window makes shapes on the floor when the sun shines. The bookshelf's shadows stretch across the wall. A bookshelf filled with children's books and poems. A book called "The Founding Of Konoha", stands out among the more childlike literature.

There's a desk too, nothing fancy. It's got drawings on it. The shadows do their thing there too.

In one corner, a plant tries to get the sun, and there's a regular bed for sleeping. The room's got stuff set up for shadows, like a simple play of light and dark.

Who's bedroom is this?

This is Akira Nara's bedroom of course. And he's rather proud of it. Having crafted it out of sheer boredom and experimentation throughout his years here.

And as the sun has risen, indicating the coming of day.

We see the boy now lying newly awake in his bed, tucked comfortably, his face barely hiding his excitement.

For today is a special day.

Today, Akira goes to school for the first time in this life!

Is it creepy that a man in his collective twenties is excited about going to school?

Yes, Absolutely. But if you were to accuse him, he'd probably try and reason his way out.

I wouldn't listen to him. Even the greatest of evildoers have a reason for their nefarious deeds. A reason they justify needlessly.

By the way, he's doing it again...

-Akira POV-

Ah... School.

What a wonderful concept!

A place where the young are gathered, now unified under the title of "student" with the flagship purpose of getting educated and nurtured!

All, sitting in a classroom, for hours on end, learning topics that are - for the most part, useless in an actual work environment. In some cases, all of the actually applicable information you learn in school equates to around 15%-30% as a rough estimate.


Also, if you wondering, Sex Education is also part of the statistic in the 15%-30% estimate. Not because of its actual useful nature mind you, but because it was fucking hilarious! Never has there been a more opportune class for silly jokes than this one.

What? You learn how to make dirty jokes. It's practical!

By the way, I pulled those statistics out of my ass. But bear with me here.

Goofing off with the homies?

Actually... That's not a negative thing!

Back to the School slander!

Oh! How could I? I forgot to mention the perfectly healthy competitive environment of the grading system as well as the heavy disdain for failing tests or otherwise!

Because failing your English Poetry test is definitely grounds for detention!

Spectacular! Did I mention I absolutely ADORE School?


Now, this would be correct for most of the schools back in my old world.

Here, however. I hope and also believe this isn't the case. Though, optimism usually doesn't end well for me...


Today's the day Shikamaru and I enter the... Academy!

An institute that educates children from the ages of 6 up to the age of 12.

Now, in this very Shinobi-educating establishment.

They no longer hide nor get us to play games that are in actuality, thinly veiled murder-training exercises.

No, no, no.

Here they bluntly teach you how to murder, spy, and or seduce people.

A Ninja School, quite literally. Teaching you the tools of the trade.

Oh, but it's for a worthy cause!

For the sake of the village!

A Leaf Shinobi is a hero and paragon of virtue and good! isn't he?

... I might be letting out my frustrations at the children's poems I've been reading. Let's just say they aren't very subtle in their attempt at indoctrination nor in their attempt at getting more children interested in the Shinobi way.

Speaking of Shinobi, they are the exact reason why I believe this Academy is effective in teaching you.

Shinobi are pretty practical people as I've come to learn, This is on point with what I believe is the case when it comes to combat and militaristic concepts and or organizations.

Most if not all the education is either practical or applicable theoretical knowledge. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time... Or a life, in more intense situations.

And Konoha is undoubtedly a Militaristic organization/city/village/whatever.

So I'm pretty optimistic that I'll have fun here.

Getting stronger?

Yes, please!

Getting educated?

Sign me up!

NOT being locked in a square room and forced to learn something useless for hours on end?

Holy moly take my money!

Goofing off with the homies who are all around the age of 6?

... Doesn't sound as great as I initially believed it would, but I'll take it!

However, the most important thing in this entire arrangement definitely is...


Yes, you heard me right. I, a 6-year-old child, as of officially entering this bloody Academy, am free like any adult in this darn village.

Free even in the eyes of my adoptive parents.

What this means is... I am free to roam and do whatever I flipping want in this village!

Except for drinking and hookers... But it's the same amount of freedom I had back in my old world! So there's that!

Oh... How I've longed for this!

...Not going down the line of thought about the questionable choice of allowing 6-year-olds in the Academy to go around the Village unsupervised.

Not my problem.

...Unless I get kidnapped.

But that won't be happening! I'm only semi-important!

Go for Shikamaru! He's smarter! Allegedly.

*CREAK* The room's door opens.

Speak of the devil...

"Now this is a first, Who would've thought the paragon of punctuality himself would fall so far from grace that I am the one who needs to go get him?" Shikamaru teases with a smug tone and smirk, leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed.

"Well, it seems the student has surpassed the master! You're teasing me AND you're early? The Sage Of Six Paths himself must have resurrected to save us all!" I counter-tease the smug child.

He rolls his eyes.

"Well, get up today's important we-"

"I know, I know, we are starting the Academy. It's the reason I was a little delayed in getting ready. I went a little too much into my thoughts." I interrupt the now irritating cousin, as I get up and tidy up my bed.

"A little is an understatement Akira, Anyways don't be late or Mom'll be a drag." He retorts with a tone of desperation in the last part. Now, making his way out of my haven as he allows me to get dressed and ready.

-Time Skip-

Arriving prepared outside my home, directly in front of the home's door, I am met with my relatives/adopted family. Waiting patiently for me to join them.

"Your late..." Auntie glares at me, a tint of unpleasant surprise in her eyes at me not being punctual for a change.

"Meh, can't be punctual all the time" I wave my hand

"Akira, you didn't forget anything? Kunai in the safety pouch? Will Of Fire and Village anthem memorized? Did you take the boxed lunch I made you from the fridge? Books?" She questions the moment she registers my look and equipment.

I dressed neatly with a backpack around half my size as per custom, on my back.

A fine look if I do say so myself! For a 6 year old at least.

"Maybe, I wouldn't be surprised. Yes, though I don't know how safe the safety pouch is. Yes, I love the village! Yes, your lunches are delightful Auntie, and Yes books are in." I respond mechanically, in a rapid-fire manner.

She shakes her head, as she sighs audibly, murmuring "What will I do with this kid?"

*Sigh* I let out a sigh of satisfaction as I make my way towards the towering adults that are accompanied by their spawn. My smile expresses my mood vividly to onlookers.

"Excited for your first day in the Academy?" My uncle questions with a knowing smile, his gruff tone of voice always a source of envy for me.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" I question innocently, making eye contact with my uncle.

He simply turns his head to direct an amused look toward Shikamaru.

I look as well and...

Urgh, it's as if he's at a funeral...

Suffice it to say, that Shikamaru's mood is a stark contrast to my own.

His mood had soured the moment he went out of the house and the "Drag" as he calls it, began.

"Look alive Shika! It's a new environment!" I point at him


"New things to do!"


"New obligations!"


"Mandatory tests, learning, and so on!"

"... Dad can I drop out?" Shikamaru questions Shikaku.

"No. Akira, stop pestering Shikamaru, else I'm afraid he'll really drop out..." Shikaku shakes his head as he brutally rejects Shikamaru, responding utterly amused.

I nod my agreement

"BOYS! Let's get going, you can talk on the way!" Yoshino chastises our little banter, arms crossed.

""Yes Ma'am"" We respond in unison.

-Time Skip-

-Scene Change-

We've arrived at the gates leading into the academy.

First, it's location.

Whether this is intentional or not I don't know. But it's located at the base of the Hokage Mountain, which is practically at the heart of the village.

Interestingly though, it is also the place where the Hokage's office is located as well as where missions are assigned.

Then again, I knew of this from my previous life.

Secondly, the size. It does matter.

With its importance and multiple functionalities.

I can safely say, in fact, that the Academy is gargantuan.

A building of this proportion I have yet to see in this life.

Again, this isn't my first time seeing this building. Or more accurately set of buildings. But it's much more impressive up close and personal.

Thirdly, The Decorations. It looks neat.

The buildings that make a collective one ginormous structure are decorated with white-colored walls with red/orange roofs. The whole structure is surrounded by a large wall-like fence with open areas that are used for training as I can see from the side. Trees decorate the grounds of this whole Academy

The main entrance towards the Academy itself has the signature symbol of our Village, along with a large sign that is the kanji for "Fire".

Fourthly, People.

Many people, faces I recognize with their parents.

Some from the playground, and almost all of the Rookie 9 are present, Choji and Ino weirdly missing.

Some faces I recognize having come without parents. Speaking of.

Also, there's a swing here. There's A Naruto on it...

An eerie vacuum of space between him and the other child-parent duos, keeping their distance as if he were the source of all of the plagues in existence.

... Proceeding to ignore.

"Impressive isn't it? Your mother and I went here when we were children too." Shikaku comments nostalgically, cutting me out of my thoughts.

"My mother was the same academy year as you?" I questioned in curiosity at learning more about Hikari, my late mother from this life.

"Yes, though she graduated a year late. She was no good with the clone jutsu, leading her to fail the graduation test. She worked hard though to pass the year later." He explained amused

"Haha, you were a no-good lazy boy back then as well..." Yoshino teases, a hand on her face.

"Auntie was as well?" I questioned, and my curiosity peaked.

"Thank god no, she was our junior by 2 years. She started being a pain around my 5th year at the Academy." Shikaku explained with a haunted look at the mere suggestion.

"You'll regret saying that later Dad." Shikamaru comments with sympathy, having listened in on the conversation.

And noticed Auntie's killer glare. But it doesn't take a genius to figure out that it'd make her pissed off.

Did I mention Auntie's a pain in the behind? Yes? So here's a reminder.

Lovely lady, but a pain.

"Attention! Attention!" A loud voice originating from the direction of the Academies entrance brings me back to reality.

A young man wearing a Leaf headband, short spiky brown hair, and a noticeable flak jacket signifying his status as a Chunin of the leaf.

His loud and rather commanding voice brings silence to the recently noisy mingling between parents and children.

Upon recognizing all the attention directed at him, the man speaks.

"Parents and guardians, you may leave your children here, We'll begin the entrance ceremony shortly, it will be followed by the entrance assessment, then ending it off with introductions to their classes to end the day. You may come back to pick them up at 17:00. Their regular schedule will be distributed throughout the day. Any questions in regards to the schedule itself may be presented to the Academy Director through appointment." The chunin announced professionally.

At that Uncle lowered himself to look at both me and Shikamaru who was beside me.

"Alright kids, good luck. Keep your head cool and you'll be fine." He smiled a knowing smile.

"Sound advice Uncle." I nod, mocking his advice a little.

"Thanks." Shikamaru nods and reciprocates a small smile.

Yoshino nods at us in encouragement, and at that, both of them leave along with the other parents. Having done their pep talk to their own children.

"Alright, kids! Follow me inside!" The chunin responsible for guiding us gestures for all of us to follow.

Shikamaru and I begin to waddle with our little kiddy legs towards the Chunin.

"And here I thought you were sad that we're here?" I look at him weirdly at his inconsistent behavior.

"Well, we're already here... It's a drag but it is what it is." He shrugged in response

An opinion he'll come to regret upon taking part in what he deep down knows will come in the near future.

As we get closer to the door, I notice a distinct orange hair sticking out through the sea of kids now swarming in the direction of the Chunin

"Yo! Choji!" I yell out and wave in his direction.

"Ah, Akira!" He responds as he makes his way towards me and Shikamaru.

"Hey, Choji" Shikamaru nods his greeting to Choji.

"Hey, Shikamaru!" He greets back excitedly.

As we talk, we continue to make our way towards the Chunin

"Someone's excited!" I smirk

"Of course! Dad told me the Academy is where we learn to become real Shinobi!" His eyes practically glowed.

"Mhm, I'm excited as well not gonna lie." I smile as well

Choji looks at Shikamaru, in hopes of finding another excited brother. He is however met with...

"I'm alright. For now, it sounds like a mix between troublesome and exciting." Shikamaru shrugs giving a so-so gesture with his hands.

I roll my eyes at the pessimistic and lazy kid as I silently lead forward and they follow behind me.

We along with the swarm of children follow the Chunin as he leads us toward the roof of the Academy.

-Scene Change-

-Third Person POV-

Arriving at the room, the children are met with... a spacious and empty rooftop.

The view of the whole village when you look at it from here is breathtaking.

However, the true outlier in this whole scenery is the stage present in the upper-middle corner of the roof.

Especially the very man currently standing there with a warm and grandfatherly smile.

A man, dressed in white and red garbs and a signature hat that is all specially tailored.

Clothing that is easily recognizable and the title even more so.

His Authority has no equal in the entire village.

A mere stroke of his pen, A mere sentence from his mouth can start or end a war and multitudes of lives.

This man is the Hokage.

Leader of the Village.

Strongest of the Village and its protector.

Hiruzen Sarutobi The 3rd Hokage.

In a village of superpowered ninjas, the strongest superpowered ninja is certainly a sight to behold.

-Akira POV-

Having been ordered to all sit orderly in front of the Hokage as he stands on his stage to give his entrance ceremony speech.

Shikamaru to my right, Choji to my left.

We sit on the hard ground patiently waiting for everyone to quiet down and be arranged properly to give the Hokage the respect and silence he needs.

My initial impression before I even hear the man speak is...

He looks like a nice old man!

... Not!

Do not be fooled Akira!

He's a sly old fox!

The very flex of his finger disintegrates your whole existence!

And if memory serves me right! This guy's a pervert!

Easily dropped to the ground by Naruto's Sexy Jutsu!

"Thinking weird thoughts about Lord Hokage?" Shikamaru deadpans at my laser-focused stare directed at the Hokage.

"Look, he's the Hokage, wouldn't it be interesting to observe him?" I end my Hokage analysis and respond to my foolish cousin.

"Akira that's weird~" Choji smiles as he teases me.

Gah! Critical damage! A kid called me weird!

"... I'll stop..." Having been dealt critical damage by Choji, I kept quiet for now.

Didn't expect a kid calling me weird to do this much damage...

Granted, when a kid says it so innocently, it's probably true.

"Ahem. Hello children!" A sharp and kind voice cuts through all silent conversations and instantly brings attention to the man saying these words.

"I am here to congratulate you on joining the Academy, you may know me as the Village's Third Hokage. Hiruzen Sarutobi" He smiles and begins his speech.

At first, I thought the reason behind what seemed like over 70 children going completely silent and listening carefully to this man, was his status, his reverence at being the Hokage so to speak.

The Hokage is widely revered, publicized, and hero-idolized if that's a word.

And sure, it may have played a part in the overall attention of the kids.

But, I can attest.

This man is charismatic.

He makes it look like an art. Tonality, pitch, deliverance, and body language.

This man has it all figured out, even I was captivated by his performance.

Consider me, beyond impressed.

I couldn't imitate even a fraction of his performance even if I tried.

Truly, with age comes wisdom.

-Time Skip-

What followed was the Hokage congratulating us on entering, fooling around, and making us laugh a little.

Didn't know the Hokage pride was immune to damage from making fart jokes.

I did laugh at his fart joke. Because it was genuinely unexpected.

The other kids laughed because, well, they are kids.

Then he proceeded to lecture about the most critical value in this village. What it is actually built around and what kept it stable for so long.

The Will Of Fire.

In short...

The "Will of Fire" is a belief shared by the people of Konoha. It emphasizes unity, sacrifice, and protecting the next generation. It encourages people to put the village's well-being before their own, form strong bonds, and overcome hatred.

All in all, not a bad ideology. But it's certainly not amazing.

There are many flaws I won't be getting into detail now, but you can estimate what they are.

Nevertheless, all of the children, and by all I mean literally ALL of them. Were inspired, excited, touched, and patriotic.

Hell, even Shikamaru was beyond impressed and was gazing at the old geezer with wonder.

Can't blame him, I was practically doing the same, only with the more suspicion-oriented part of my brain intact and fully activated. Sending me warning signals I was being persuaded into being a sacrificial foot soldier in the grand scheme of things.

Pessimistic and oddly paranoid thoughts aside

After the Hokage left the stage, a satisfied smile on his face at gaining 70 new loyal child soldier prospects. Our Chunin guide took center stage and told us to follow him once again.

We promptly did so once again.

-Scene Change-

Our kiddy swarm came to a stop once the Chunin guide halted his walking.

We've arrived in a... Crash course or so it seems. A large open area I managed to glimpse back when we'd just arrived at the Academy.

The large open area is divided into sections.

It's really cool actually.

Each section has a number and what I can see is a different course.

I'll explain what I can see here.

First, there's a wide open space designed for running, circular in structure with a marked red line to show the starting and also endpoint. pretty self-explanatory.

Second, you'll find a range for practicing accuracy. There are different targets placed at distances of about 10 to 25 meters, spaced out every 5 meters. The row of targets is most likely for throwing shuriken and kunai.

Third, there's what seems like an obstacle course. It's a narrow path with spikes and blocked ways, meant to be traversed quickly and creatively by the looks of it.

Fourth, three Chunin are seated around a table, their flak jackets marking their rank. Notepads in hand, I assume that'll be an interview section or something? Not enough info to get anything concrete.

Fifth, there's an array of duel stages, indicating a space for combat and training. It's where fights happen, plain and simple.

Conclusion, This looks like this will be fun! For the most part, I smile in excitement.

Noticing my smile, Choji who's beside me questions

"Did you figure something out?" He tilts his chubby head

"Nothing special really, it's as he said when we came here, it'll be an initial assessment it seems. What I have figured out though, is that it will be fun." I say with a widening smile.

"Aww, I don't like running," Choji states downtrodden.

"Cheer up Choji! It won't be for long" I reassure him

"I guess..." It wasn't very effective.

Onto my Familial compadre...

I take a look at my peripheral view

Only to see my cousin visibly withering away.

Ah... Classic!

"Shika! What do you think about this whole situation?" I ask innocently, in a cheery and sadistic manner.

"Troublesome. You and this Assesment. Both troublesome." He spits out the sentence with practical venom. Glaring at me.

"Woah! Scary!" I mock the now irritated kid.

"Tch." He clicks his tongue and turns his head away, waiting eagerly for the assessment to begin.

"Are you guys okay?" Choji asks in worry, thinking we got into a fight.

"Don't worry! We'll be fine! This happens all the time! However, he'll probably be in, a "Speak only when spoken to" mood for the rest of the day in regards to me." I calm Choji's worries, responding reassuringly to his question

Hey, it's better than him ignoring me for the rest of the day, Now, he'll only respond to me if I say something useful and not completely stupid.

Which is rare, Cause I'm a 6-year-old kid after all! Haha!

I creep myself out sometimes...

"*Clap*, Alright children! We shall now begin your assessment! This has no purpose other than to compare your progress quarterly. To do so, we must first get an initial estimate of what your kids can do! Are you ready?!" The Chunin brings attention back to himself, as he announces in enthusiasm.

There's just no way these kids understood whatever he just said...

""YEAH""! A large majority announced in excitement.

I stand corrected! ... Or they just blindly comply at the chance of showing what they can do.

Noteworthy though, is the Uchiha and Hyuga kid's lack of enthusiasm. A wide variety of stoic expressions on each of their childish faces paints quite a funny picture.

Though their conduct isn't really a surprise. They are... Competitive people.

To put it lightly.

"Okay, Form 5 rows for me, and each row will have a line of children. Come on!" The Guide orders as he begins to move children by gesturing them where to position themselves.

I am on the 1st row around the back of the line.

Shikamaru is behind me, and Choji is behind him.

After we are all aligned according to the Chunin's orders he explains.

"Now, the first of each row will go to the 1st course, where A chunin will measure your time as you run. After you complete your course, you move on to the one next in number. If you have trouble as the course's designated Chunin, he'll direct you where you need to go. Any questions before we begin?"

Some hands were raised, notably, Naruto's was also raised, as he was the first person in the 2nd row, there was absolutely no way that the Chunin missed him.

Though, expectedly, he was ignored and the Chunin pointed at an Inuzuka kid, noticeable by his clothes and look.

"If I have to poo. Where do I go?" He asks innocently, his face showing a bit of struggle at what I assume to be, held back poo.

"Speak with the Chunin designated at your course once you enter, he'll tell you where to go." The Chunin guide elaborated with a cracked smile.

At that, the rest of the hands were lowered. It seems they all had to either poo or pee. The Chunin's face at that realization was damn near close to being shattered.

I mean... What kind of questions were you expecting to come from a bunch of 6-year-old children? I couldn't stop myself from deadpanning at the guy.

-Time Skip-

After some time, my turn has arrived. Before I was directed to the 1st course. Shikamaru and Choji wished me luck.

"Good luck, I hope you fall flat on your face," Shikamaru said snarkily.

"Good luck Akira!" Choji nodded

"Gee! Thanks! Don't worry Shika! You're next! Have fun!" I throw them a confident smile, turning sadistic once I make eye contact with Shikamaru

Following my statement, I went ahead to the 1st Course. The Running section.

-Scene Change-

Arriving at the course, I am met with my 4 fellow runners. That will be accompanying me through the rest of the courses as well if my understanding of this is correct.

I recognize none of these people.

"Hey! Good luck!" A cheery kid wishes us luck, radiating golden retriever-type energy.

Well, Who am I not to reciprocate a gesture of goodwill?

"Thanks! Hope you'll do well too!" I smile back

What a nice kid!

"Okay, I need you kids to go ahead and stand behind the red line. You'll be measured in the time it takes you to complete 3 loops of this course. Measured at around a whole 3 kilometers." A glasses-wearing Chunin explains in monotony, pointing at the line.

We all do as instructed and stand behind the line itself. Lines separate each runner respectively, so we don't run into each other during the course.

"Before I begin, does anyone need to go to pee or poo?" He says in the same monotone tone of voice, making it a little funny he said those childish words.

I guess, he's not saying restroom because that's not in the vocabulary for most of these kids. It's poo zone or pee zone in their head. I can respect that!

""No/Nope!"" We respond in unison

"Good, on the count of 3, once I say GO. You start the course. The goal is to complete 3 loops. The pacing is up to you. Do you understand?"


Come on, start already... I'm getting a little impatient here.

"Fantastic. Then..."

"On your marks."

I got into the running position.


I tense my leg muscles. The 6-year-old equivalent of muscles. Don't judge me.


I breathe in.


I breathe out.


I jump into motion, practically sprinting.

I have been training for this since I was 4!

The physical conditioning Uncle put me and Shika through as well as my own effort...

It's time to see where I stand!

I feel the wind on my face, I care not to look to my sides or behind me to see how I compare. I'll do the work, and see the results later.

-Time Skip-

I'm about to finish my 3rd loop, and my breathing starting to become a little haggard.

Just a little more!

"Akira Nara, 7 minutes and 55 seconds. Great work." The Chunin announces neutrally, writing something down in his notebook.

"Huff, Thanks!" I breathe out as I stop to catch my breath and calm down my rapidly beating heart.

That was all sprint!

Now, you're confused. How is a 6-year-old child running faster than most adults back on Earth?

Well, to explain it shortly

The human limit is not quite set in stone thanks to Chakra flowing through our veins. Pure physical conditioning has no speculated limit. It may stagnate but theoretically speaking it can grow limitlessly.

Case in point... Might Guy And Rock Lee. Through physical conditioning and training alone. They reached superhuman-level feats.

As such, conditioning and training in this world is much more rewarding and flexible. It's to the point I've heard of children being absurdly powerful.

Yes, some children are absurdly powerful.

Apparently, Itachi Uchiha is one of them. Yes, he's quite a popular and talked-about figure in this village in general. Touted as a generational genius. He joined the bloody ANBU at 11 years old.

The most elite and secretive force in the entire village, under direct orders from the Hokage. Missions of critical importance are delegated to them and only to them.

At 11!

How do I know this? Identities of ANBU are supposed to be secret and sensitive information, aren't they?

Well, I don't really know. For some reason, Itachi Uchiha's admission and membership at the ANBU is publicly available information.

Though, this isn't something to speculate about right now.

Back to reality...

I look to the side and now notice the last kid having stopped beside me, probably finished his 3 loops now.

"Gin Nakamura, 15 minutes and 47 seconds. Good work." The Chunin repeated neutrally. Writing the kid's results as well.

"Alright, you are done here. Move to the 2nd course over there, to continue your assessment." The Chunin having written down what he needed pointed at the location of the 2nd course.

We nod and all move as a unit toward the 2nd course location.

-Time Skip-

What followed was really, a lot of waiting, even after finishing the first course, It doesn't necessarily mean we can just start the 2nd one, we wait until the kids at the 2nd one are all done before we enter, and so on.

I believe I've done fairly well in this practice range. All that dirt-throwing I've been doing with Shikamaru has done wonders for my accuracy. That and my drawing, gave me more steady fingers and grip.

After that we moved on to the 3rd course, The obstacle course... Was a little rough, I fell because I failed to notice a spike, so I opted to get a little scraping of my knee. Much more favorable than getting stabbed.

It's impressive how family-friendly and safe this course is!

It's also the point where 2 of my companions either got injured or were too tired already. In either case, they were dropped out of this assessment.

I don't know if that means they are not going to be admitted to this Academy. Or that they are just going to continue the assessment later on, this isn't really information critical to me all in all.

After that, nothing noteworthy happened, The 4th course went decently well, they asked me questions in regard to my hopes, dreams, intentions in the academy, and village-related things.

I answered as patriotically as possible of course.

Glory to Konoha!

-Time Skip-

Now, I've arrived at the 5th and final course. This time, we were all ordered to wait patiently for the rest of the children to complete the first 4 courses.

The first to arrive of course was Shikamaru and his squad of 4, seems like they did better than my squad.

He didn't look very impressed.

"How'd you do Shika~?" I smile at him at his annoyed look.

"I did fine, It was troublesome, but our training is harder." He admitted easily

"See? Isn't training wonderful?!" I poke a finger at his face.

"It has its uses." He admits begrudgingly

"I'm happy you agree!" I smirk victoriously

A few minutes after Shikamaru's arrival, Choji arrives. Appearing extremely exhausted.

""The running?"" Shikamaru and I questioned

"The running." Choji nodded as he walked to us slumped.

-Time Skip-

After an excruciatingly boring wait time for everyone to finish their 4 courses, we are finally gathered around by our guide as he begins setting up the duels.

There seem to be around 50 children here, it seems 20 dropped out.

2 New Chunin instructors? Arrive in front of us, standing beside the guide.

"Alright, There will be 3 duels each time, along with my 2 partners here, we will call out 2 names at once. Once you are called out, arrive at the stage. Once you arrive, you will be dueling your opponent. No shots under the belt and no Jutsu if you know any. Taijutsu only. Be sure to form the sign of reconciliation upon finishing the duel regardless of your performance, loss, or victory. Those who fail to do so will be disqualified and assigned an automatic loss. Any questions?"

Surprisingly, no hands were raised. Most of the kids were excited at the prospect of fighting. Their blood boiling at the opportunity in excitement.

Human aggression at its finest!

And I am a victim of it as well.

Though being excited at the chance of beating up 6-year-old kids would usually warrant a check-up to see if I'm alright upstairs, but I digress.

Although, I am a bit skeptical and nervous.

This will be my first fight in BOTH my lives.

That's right.

I've never fought in any of my lives.

Not even any martial arts or self-defense techniques.

Now, my former life makes some sort of sense.

But you may ask... Why did I not learn any self-defense in this one?

It seems elementary, even a necessary skill in this world. Especially when I'm under the care and the household of a Shinobi Clan Leader for crying out loud.

So then why... Why have I not learned any Taijutsu skills or sparring?

I don't know.

I've asked my uncle multitudes of times, and each time he dodges the question and responds vaguely. To my indignation

Saying I'll learn it at the Academy. And leaving it at that.

He isn't wrong, but wouldn't it be better to start early?

Whatever... Their just 6-year-olds. How bad could it be? They'll probably run at me with their hands raised or something.

Oh... It's starting!

"Nara Akira and Uchiha Izayui Please come to the stage." The Chunnin guide announces the first battle.

And what do you know! I'm the first one! Yay!

"Good luck Akira!" Choji gives me a reassuring smile.

"I'd forfeit if I were you." Shikamaru comments sympathetically.

"Haha! I wouldn't be surprised if you forfeit your fight!" I laugh a little

"They've made me work too much today, Depending on how troublesome my opponent looks I'll forfeit." Shikamaru nodded, stating with finality.

"Well, I'll be off!" I announce confidently

Not really confidently, as Shikamaru saw through my slightly nervous expression instantly, judging by his questioning look.

I won't comment on it, I'll just rush to the stage.

-Scene Change-

I've arrived at the stage, and in front of me is a raven-black-haired kid with coal-colored eyes. The typical Uchiha look.

My opponent.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah" I nod

The Uchiha boy nods silently.

"Alright... START!"

At his announcement, I carefully observe my opponent...

As he for some reason isn't going for an aggressive offensive rush towards me. I wait patiently as he observes me as well. Unmoving.


Did he just get into a stance?!

Why does he know Taijutsu Stances?!

Uncle you bastard!

Alright... I can do this.

Activating Taunt!

"Well? Are going to come at me or not?" I wave my hand to taunt him.

No response, only narrowed eyes huh...

"Go clobber him already!" An annoying voice echoes from the crowd of children watching. That's probably Naruto, isn't it?

"Are you stupid? Where's your Uchiha pride? I thought you guys were supposed to be the greatest clan in the village?" I mock

His eyes begin to twitch and his teeth grit.

Good, I'm close to getting what I want.

"Hmm, can't you see I'm mocking you and your "Mighty" Clan? Weird, your eyesight should be exceptional no? Sharingan and everything... Oh, what's that? You don't have one! Oh no! You must be the runt of the litter! The disgrace! HAHA!"

That did it all right.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAA!" A squeaky and infuriated yell came out of the kid as he ran towards me.

I readied myself as I moved to the side and threw a punch at him.

Which was... Expertly blocked.

I was on the receiving end of a counter, luckily It wasn't too fast as I moved my head to dodge the fist to the face.

I gave him a retaliatory kick to the face, which he proceeded to block with his elbow, being pushed back by the force of my kick.

He stops to observe me, barely held back from rushing in again as his face is twisted in fury.

Hmm, this is harder than I thought.

He's not really strong or fast. It seems I have higher specs than him. But he's more skilled.

I have to get him into a position where my superior strength does the work...

What would work, what would work...


I need to grab a hold of him. Wrestle him to the ground.

Alright... Plan made. Time to execute.

*Step* I take a step forward as I break into a sprint

I position myself to tackle him, but...


He reacted quickly and kicked me straight in the jaw, even for a weak kick...

I am dropped to the ground at the impact


*Spit* I spit blood.

I got up quickly before my defeat was announced, getting an awed reaction from the crowd at the recovery from that devastating blow.

I glare at the kid.

Who's now smirking victoriously... His face angered me like I've never been angered before.

"Hrghh you damn..." I lose myself for a second and form a dog-looking hand sign.

Before I was about to do something I'll regret later, the Guide noticed the hand sign and thankfully quickly chastised me.

"Nara! No jutsu! This is your first and last warning!"

"A-Ah, yes sir! Sorry..." I quickly nod and agree in a panic.

Shit... This kid really got me mad... I nearly got him mauled...

I need to think clearly for a second.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Alright... I'll try to feint him.

I look at that annoying and proud smirk.

Yeah, lower your guard for me why don't you?

I follow up with my plan.

I rush at him once again, in a sprint. His smirk widens as he notices me positioning myself once again for a tackle.

Thinking I'm stupid for repeating the same move that failed.

But he's the stupid one.

For I expect the kick this time, sliding under it and getting up behind the kid

*GASP* He gasps in surprise. But it's too late

I grab him and slam him to the ground, getting on top of him.

"Gah!" He grunts in pain at the sudden drop, as I get on top of him.

Just as I was about to decorate the Uchiha kid's face with my fist.

My victory was announced as the Guide noticed it was my win there. And it won't be a good ending for the Uchiha kid if he continues the match.

"Stop! Winner... Nara Akira!" He announces.

And the kiddy crowd goes absolutely wild.

But I don't care what kind of reception this embarrassment got.

I drop to my knees in both physical and mental exhaustion.

That... Was unnecessarily hard. To be this pressed by a 6-year-old... If I weren't considerably stronger physically than this kid... I'd have lost.

This... Is embarrasing.

The First thing I do when I come back, is force Uncle to get me training as well as an explanation.

There is just no reason for me to be untrained and this Uchiha kid, who isn't even related to the head family, to be much more educated in Taijutsu.

It doesn't work in my head. Why is this the case?!

My face shows frustration as the Guide tells both me and the Uchiha kid to form the seal.

"Form the seal kids." He orders.

Both I and the Uchiha kid begrudgingly form the seal. Both of us, frustrated for differing reasons.

"Do you need to see the nurse?" The guide asked me, as I was kicked in the jaw.

"No, I'm fine. Can I go now?" I respond with gritted teeth.

"Mhm, you can get back to the crowd." He nodded

-Scene Change-

Arriving back at the crowd after wiping the blood from my mouth and face, where Choji and Shikamaru are seated, I am greeted with a hero's welcome. At least by Choji, as he looks at me starry-eyed.

"That was amazing Akira! You were fine from that strong kick!" He praised me

"Thanks..." I respond with a sad smile, giving a short sentence.

"Even a win is not enough to satisfy you?" Shikamaru questions with a raised eyebrow

"No... It's not that, it's just he was much more skilled than me. And I don't understand why Uncle was so insistent on not letting us spar or learn Taijutsu. This was way too close" I express my frustration to my cousin easily.

"I have a rough idea as to why," Shikamaru says mysteriously.

"Well? Carry on?" I ask, my interest now peaked.

"I won't tell you, you can ask Dad," Shikamaru says simply.

"W-Wha? Why?!" I ask, angry again. Looking him in the eye in indignation

"You were too much of a drag today, and all actions have consequences." He said sagely

"Oh come on... I've only been teasing you today! Come on Shikamaru! Be a pal! I'm your brother aren't I?"


"... I hope you fight the worst opponent here, Furthermore I hope he clobbers you to an unrecognizable figure," I say with my whole heart.

"Then it is very unfortunate, that as of seeing your match, I will be forfeiting my fight no matter who my opponent is"

*Sigh* I sigh as I lean back and murmur curse words at my cousin. Still infuriated and trying hard to calm down my irritation at the embarrassing fight.

Akira - 0

Shikamaru - 1

"I hope I don't have to hit someone too hard..." Choji expresses his concern about not hurting his opponent.

-Time Skip-

Finally done!

Shikamaru, to my dismay, forfeited his opponent, despite it being Sakura.

Choji simply refused to hit his opponent, having lost by just standing there and taking hits.

After that, the Chunin guide began his announcement.

"I'm proud to announce that we are finally done with the initial assessment, Do keep in mind this will repeat quarterly. Now, I will announce the Top 5 Individuals for every course, Some according to results and some according to personal performance assessment done by us Chunin."

Some noteworthy Rankings were...

Course 1:

1st Place - Nara Akira

2nd Place - Uchiha Sasuke

3rd Place - Uzumaki Naruto

5th Place- Nara Shikamaru

Course 2:

1st Place - Uchiha Sasuke

2nd Place - Haruno Sakura

3rd Place- Nara Akira

4th Place- Nara Shikamaru

5th Place - Shino Aburame

Course 3:

1st Place - Uzumaki Naruto

2nd Place - Nara Akira

3rd Place - Uchiha Sasuke

5th Place - Nara Shikamaru

Course 4:

1st Place - Nara Shikamaru

2nd Place - Haruno Sakura

3rd Place - Nara Akira

4th Place - Yamanaka Ino

5th Place - Inuzuka Kiba

Course 5:

1st Place - Uchiha Sasuke

2nd Place - Aburame Shino

3rd Place - Inuzuka Kiba

5th Place - Akira Nara.

All in all, satisfied with my performance. With this, I'm top 3 overall? That really depends on how this thing is graded and how it's divided. Ultimately, not too bad.

Except for the duel... I have to work on that ASAP.

After the results were announced we were released for our Lunch break, and to gather back here in the duel grounds in 45 minutes.

-Time Skip-

Having calmed down my frustrations I ate my lunch box made by Auntie, with Choji and Shikamaru, under the shade of one of the many trees here.

Choji initially invited Ino to join us, but she declined and said she'd be eating with her friends and Sakura.

We arrive back at the duel grounds.

The guide is there with the 2 other Chunin instructors beside him.

"For Class distribution. I will be saying your names and class numbers. The instructor to my left is Class 1. To the right is Class 2. You will be forming a line in front of him and he will lead you to your new class once all the names and kids are distributed to their respective class. Are you ready?!" He announces it with a considerable amount of excitement and enthusiasm. Probably happy this is all coming to an end.

Honestly can't blame him.

""YEAH!"" Most of the kids announce happily.

Of course, I wasn't one of them. I'm edgy and cool.

At that, he begins to call out names and direct the kids to their class and instructor.

My name has yet to come up, but from what I've discovered Class 1, Which Naruto, Sasuke, and Shino were directed to, is the class where according to my memory the rest of the Rookie 9 are designated.

Me, being an outlier, I might be in Class 2.

"Nara Akira... Class 1." And I stand corrected.

Internally happy with this arrangement, though I'd be fine either way.

But this is still rather suspicious, Why are all the high-profile children in the same class and not separated? Is it to make them mingle and form meaningful connections that continue on to adulthood once they are powerful, influential, and unified?

Heavens no! That would be SO unfair! Haha!

-Time Skip-

Once we formed a line and our class was with complete membership. We followed our instructor as he made his way into the building of the Academy.

On the first floor, at the end of the first hallway, upon taking a right we arrive at a door that has a sign saying: 1-A. My class for the year.

A classroom would be an understatement, It looks like a lecture room. a tall and spacious room with many chairs and a large blackboard and stage, where the instructor can see everyone in the room properly.

Upon entering, we are all free to sit wherever we like, and that be our permanent seat until further notice.

Once taking a seat to Choji's left. I drop my head to the table.

Time to relax...

"Alright, students. I am your instructor and homeroom teacher for the Year at the Konoha Academy for Shinobi Arts. My name is Suzuki Araki I hope we'll have a great time and a productive learning experience!" Our short blonde-haired and green-eyed, tall chunin instructor said with a mix of enthusiasm and professionalism.

"Here's the schedule!" He releases a strong gust of wind from his mouth, awing us, and making a lot of paper fly all around the room.

We all grab a paper each and see that it is our schedule and curriculum lessons.


"And that's all for today! Do make sure to arrive on time according to the schedule and be punctual! A shinobi must always be punctual! Dismissed!"

Oh, thank god! I've got to take a shit! And we all know school restrooms are not to be trifled with!

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

How'd I do? Leave some feedback! I respond promise!

Holy moly... What a chapter! I hope the pacing isn't too grueling for you guys, and I've made it at least semi-engaging.

I apologize for the lack of ten shadows so far. The next chapter will be the first of many uses and appearances of it.

Don't worry, the fic is named Ten Shadows. So there'll be a lot of it. But it's also named reincarnation so that also plays a part. But you know!

And just because of this MEATY chapter and the future meaty chapters that are certain to come... Leave a review? Pretty please? It'd make my day!

Also, constructive criticism, opinions, questions, and suggestions are also appreciated!

I enjoy responding to you all!

Have a good day/week.

Make sure to wipe your butt post-poo.

-Author Note End-