Unseen Growth, Unveiled Might

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Night Time-

-Third Person POV-

In the Hidden Leaf Village on a chilly spring night, the full moon cast a soft light through an office's windows.

Two elderly men, Shimura Danzo and Nara Eiichi, sat across from each other, sipping tea at a low table.

The room was quiet, except for distant cricket sounds.

The moon shone on, indifferent to the discussion at hand, one that may or may not be of irrevocable change to the future of the Village as a whole.

The reason is elementary—these elders are of great influence. Their decisions climate changing in the village as a whole.

Even when one of them was significantly weakened politically and stripped of his status as a Council Member.

Narrowing his single eye at Eiichi, Danzo ordered, "Report."

Eiichi nodded mechanically, "The mission went well. Akira managed to eliminate the bandits."

Shaking his head, Danzo elaborated, "What of his performance?"

"To start, the boy's information gathering is praiseworthy, and his decision-making is also of sound mind. However, the boy was too rash, impatient, and overconfident. He underestimated the cunning of the bandits and judged his lacking information sufficient to estimate their home base. This was his folly. Days were wasted scouring the alleged locations of the base only to come out empty. It was in the next town we visited to gather information that Akira decided to rely on brute force and a subtle, extremely weak piece of evidence to find the Bandits. To his fortune, that was enough to find the bandits under the time constraint."

Danzo, curiosity peaked, added, "Relying on brute force and a weak piece of evidence would be the correct course of action for one who is under time constraints. Information gathering might have taken much too long... However, do indulge me. By brute force, you mean he used his Owl Summon and/or the Wolf Summons?"

Eiichi nodded, "Yes, during the daytime when the sun was up, he scoured the forests with his wolves, and during the nighttime when his Owl wasn't so eye-catching, he scoured with it. That proved enough as eventually, the Wolves found the bandits by detecting their Chakra."

With a pleased expression, Danzo couldn't help but comment, "Such a novel Kekkei Genkai. The equivalent of an Inuzuka and Hyuga from the Wolves alone has so much potential... Has the boy managed to tame any of the other Creatures from his "Eight Shadows"?"

Eiichi shook his head, "Not yet. I believe there is no reason to pressure the boy. He'll eventually tame another soon, as he has grown a semblance of confidence and discarded a majority of his cowardice. As such, there is no need for concern in that regard, Danzo-sama. It'll happen one way or another."

Danzo took the comment at face value as he nodded silently and gestured to Eiichi to continue his report.

What proceeded was a lengthy and detailed explanation of Akira's preparations, battle tactics, usage of his Silent Step, his blunder, and the subsequent brutality he had to resort to.

Taking a sip of the tea Eiichi prepared for him, Danzo hummed neutrally, "I see... The boy has performed more than adequately, though extremely naive and inexperienced." With mirth, Danzo gave a weak chuckle, "Though all those can be solved with sufficient conditioning and training. It's always the pacifists and naive that turn out to be the most efficient ninja. That boy, a prime example." Danzo uttered the last part with a hint of frustration.

Eiichi chuckled as well, "Graves for his enemies, depositing the stolen money anonymously to the victims as well... Nevertheless, he digested his first kill and the sudden bloodbath remarkably well despite his weak reaction. But what cemented it was his reaction to the symbiotic relationship the Bandits had with Lavender Town. The first thing he asked before his face shifted was... "Are they also a part of the Mission?" The boy's adaptation is indeed something to keep an eye out for, Danzo-sama."

Danzo nodded, impressed, "And how did Akira come to the realization of the symbiotic relationship?"

With a smirk of pure irony, Eiichi responded, "A combination of the boy's curiosity and his deep-seated desire to justify his acts and further criminalize the bandits by finding out more of their truth. Since the camp was rather close, Akira decided to check on the truth himself since we had a few days left before we had to head back to the village. A pointless and idiotic act, I had advised him to not seek information beyond what is necessary for the completion of the mission. Ironically, he decided to do just that after the mission, and he, expectedly didn't like what he discovered. The more you try to understand an individual's point of view, no matter how allegedly evil and deprived he is, the more you'll sympathize and humanize him. Everyone has a reason for their "Evil" actions. This act would regardless have done the opposite effect no matter what Akira discovered. But, it is a lesson well learned."

"I have my own opinions of the boy, but since you have a long history of personal contact with him, as for the results of this mission, I'll ask you again. Do you believe the boy has the potential to play the role I desire for him? Or will he crack under the pressure?" Danzo narrowed his eyes at Eiichi.

Eiichi's face gained an analytical gleam as he contemplated Danzo's question, "As of now... Yes, he'll succeed. After all, he is not alone."

"Then so be it." Danzo nodded and took one last sip of his tea only to get up from his chair.

Meeting eyes with Eiichi he started, "I believe you've managed to unwind the strings that hold you and the rest of your fellow greedy Nara Elders from acting as you please with Akira. Or, do correct me if I'm wrong."

Eiichi shook his head in disappointment, "Not yet, Shikaku is not one to be underestimated, you know this well Danzo-sama. It was a challenge to carefully funnel funds from the remnants of the Uchiha's finances for one. Our course of action as both Makoto and Yukiko are on the same page, is to play along with Shikaku and merely convince him of our rightful course of action. Should he remain uncooperative, then certainly, we are making the efforts to reduce his influence upon us."

Danzo responded neutrally, "Very well. Do not disappoint me. I will send more missions along your way. Make sure Shikaku is convinced of their effectiveness, to allow more extended leave from the Academy. A shame early graduation was removed thanks to That Boy" Danzo lightly complained

Walking away with his cane, Danzo's steps and cane hitting the wooden floor echoed through the silent and dark room.

The silence broke through with Eiichi's response, "Naturally. Akira will do that for me, you need not worry."

-Time Skip-

-2 Years Later-

At the northern edge of the Land Of Fire, nearing the border of Hot Water Country is a Large Town called Ryuunoyu Town.

A town that had originally belonged to Hot Water Country but was taken in territorial disputes back in the 1st Great Ninja War.

It is currently controlled by The Land Of Fire.

A town that earns a hefty sum from its renowned rejuvenating Hot Springs.

This wealth is reflected by the extravagance of Town Lord's estate.

A large estate consisting of multiple large wooden buildings. Lavish decorations and insignia at every corner of the building as well as imported luxury goods from other countries. Guards at every nook and cranny of the estate, servicemen, and mostly women roam around in the estate doing their due diligence of work.

In the Town Lord's estate, a young servant boy with blonde hair, looking to be 10 years of age was holding a tea serving tray, a youthful and beaming expression on his face as he headed to his Lord's office.

Entering through the extravagant-looking door, he arrives at an elegant and beautiful office.

An office that was severely downgraded thanks to the musky smell as a result of the mixture of perfume and lovemaking.

The sight as well, was a severe downgrade from the office itself.

The Town's Lord, a chubby fellow dressed with gold and silver rings was sweating profusely and breathing heavily as he sat on his chair with two admittedly beautiful women at his sides.

To the boy's fortune, the chubby Lord seemed just about done with his business as he wore pants, only his belly was exposed to taint his eyes.

The women, however, were as naked as the day they were born.

A shameless sight, all the same - Caring not for the boy's innocence whatsoever.

"Ah, Araki my boy! You've brought the tea I requested, splendid! Hand it over here!" The chubby lord gestured as he greedily cupped the large chest of the woman to his right.

The boy's expression, seemed used to this sight, as his expression remained cheerful and beaming as he approached the table and placed down the Tea Tray.

"Your wish is my command Yurudoru-sama. I am always humbled to learn from you and lay witness to your wise council." Araki bowed, genuinely humbled.

Yurudoru, once again hearing Araki's praise gained a content expression on his chubby face, "You've been a fine servant, my boy! For a month you've been at my side and command, potential is all I can see! I'll indulge you in another taste of my wisdom, I trust you to keep this lesson and knowledge to yourself, my boy! Listen well, for it is priceless!" He fixed his gaze at Araki as he, surprisingly ignored the women at his side to lecture the boy.

Araki gained an excited gleam on his expression as he bowed in reverence, "O-Of course my Lord! I'll make sure your wisdom will be wasted not!"

Yurudoru nodded as he slapped the butt of the woman to his left, causing her to let out a hushed moan.

"To reach a level of success like my own, you must learn to get rid of nuisances that otherwise drain your own hard-earned wealth!" He gestured towards the tea tray as the woman to his left, handed him a cup of tea.

"I see. My lord, do you have an example? If I am to understand the meaning behind your great message. I need further explanation. I apologize if I overstep my station." Araki bowed, his expression curious and genuinely ashamed.

Yurudoru chuckled slamming a fist on the table, "Don't worry my boy! I didn't expect a young lad such as you to understand it immediately! The Fire Daiymo's tax is much too greedy. What does he offer me in turn for the payment? Protection? I pay for that myself! Prosperity? All handed down my own father's hard work and my own great wisdom! They have done nothing! So why pay for it? The answer is simple, silently and surely betray those who benefit you not. Lie in your earnings, and cooperate with the enemy of your enem-"

Yurudoru's words were cut off by Araki's nonchalant and rude interruption, "Ah, that'll be all. I've heard enough."

With a displeased hum, Yurudoru questioned, "Such rudeness? Araki I believed you to-"

Suddenly, without warning. Yurudoru and both the women at his sides noticed their throats being cut open.

Unimaginable pain, they tried to scream, but couldn't as they choked in their own blood.

The last image they saw was the apathetic face of Araki as his clothes, hair, and face shifted into that of a brown almost black-haired boy.

An unknown child.

A Shinobi.

The last thing they heard was a single mumble of "Detach".

-Akira POV-

As I caught the bodies of the trio whom I eliminated I let loose a sigh.

Noc and Mir, hidden in an alleyway just outside the large estate were my intelligence in this operation.

'Noc, Mir, any Chakra Signatures approaching the office?' I asked whilst directing Chakra to the mental connection between me and my Summons.

The Chakra is used as a tether to hold the connection together and make it function.

All along it was that simple, my summons were instinctually channeling Chakra to communicate with me, All I had to do was to direct Chakra in that sixth sense-like connection and the communication would have been established.

'No.' They responded in the negative.

I have intimate knowledge of the fat bastard's schedule.

He should be getting absolutely zero visitors for around 2 hours, as he messes around with his two favorite servicewomen, who double as household servants and for the most part as whores.

By the time I'm out of here, Araki will be the suspect in the murder and that'll be that.

Thank goodness.

I'm finally done with this agonizing mess.

Now, to get out of here.




"Transformation Jutsu!" I whisper as I change into my month-old Araki persona, the blood on my clothes and face are masked by the jutsu, and the smell as well easily masked by heavily perfuming myself.

Making my way out of the office and walking leisurely towards the exit gate, I am greeted by the servants and guards.

Some looking at me in pity as usual.

Can't blame them, I would have looked at myself in the same nature.

...There are only so many times I can see them having rough intercourse for the sake of information gathering, and building trust and rapport.

Unfortunately, I couldn't eliminate the man without concrete proof of his treachery.

And no, to my luck, I did not have to procure actual evidence, mere hearsay was enough apparently.

Sure, I could have eliminated him without evidence and simply lied about it.

But that'd be wrong, I refuse to dishonestly murder like that.

It'd be better to just power through this mess another 3 weeks before my time is up and come up empty than to kill him dishonestly.

This mission was supposed to be a C-Rank long-term investigative mission issued by the Tax Department of the Fire Daimyo.

Eiichi managed to snatch it from the mission desk and accept it in my name.

His word of success is sufficient proof that the investigation proved fruitful and that Yurudoru was a treacherous individual.

No need for physical evidence whatsoever.

Reputation as always, seems to be an invaluable asset.

...Could I have spared the two women?

I could... But why didn't I?


-Scene Change-

Walking out of a hot spring with a relaxed expression, Eiichi noticed me waiting for him with a deadpan, "How was the dip? Nice? Enjoyable? Relaxing?"

Eiichi hummed, "It was a pleasant vacation for these old bones. I am to assume you've found the evidence and eliminated him?"

I nodded, "Let's go get your stuff before this becomes a mess. I'd relax in the hot springs myself, but if the town goes into an uproar it'll be the opposite."

Eiichi posed a question, his face betraying no emotion "What of the aftermath of your actions, Akira? Who will rule this town? What will become of it?"

I turned to look at him, "Don't care. Not my problem anymore. I've done what I was supposed to do."

A pleased expression formed on Eiichi's face as he muttered, "Well said."

In the past, I might have cared.

I might have thought about it and contemplated the consequences.

But, this is my 5th mission outside.

I cannot afford to pay attention to those meaningless, worthless thoughts.

Do they make me stronger?


Will they boost my chances of Surviving?

Again, no.

Am I a Hero?

Certainly not.

Ultimately, if the mission isn't to my liking I won't accept it.

And they know it.

Even so, when I do accept one, I won't selfishly, inquiringly, and arrogantly go beyond what is necessary, lest I only hurt myself.

That is what I have learned of myself and have been taught by those wiser and more experienced than me.

This... Is the mindset by which one can thrive in this ruthless world.

"I believe it is about time for you Akira." As we headed towards the Inn where Eiichi stayed at to take his belongings, he said something ambiguous straight out of left field.

I rolled my eyes at his mysterious nature, "About time for what?" I asked for the sake of formality.

Let's be honest, the old coot won't be saying anything.

With a small smirk, Eiichi responded, "To reveal you to the Village."

...Well, what do you know, he actually answered my question.

Though, honestly, I'm not that surprised, "I suspected as much, considering only a few months back a Nara Jonin was shadowing me everywhere I went."

Courtesy of accidental detection by Noc and Mir, I discovered that recently a Jonin has been following me around inside the Village.

Nara Haruki of all people.

It didn't really take much brainpower to put two and two together to conclude that the political power card that is me is about to be played in the grand deck of Village power plays.

A trustworthy guard was to be tested, screened, and hired. Haruki met those criteria.

I narrowed my eyes at Eiichi, "Though, I am surprised you considered it mindful to inform me prior to actually doing it. Might want to elaborate on that? Not that I don't appreciate it, just curious."

In an oddly transparent manner, Eiichi replied, "It would serve the opposite purpose to hide this announcement from you. If it is up to me and Shikaku, which it is. We'll inform you before we act. You have no say in the matter regarding your reveal, I'm afraid. Nevertheless, you should know beforehand than not. Only Makoto would have found it amusing to surprise you with it, but that would serve no purpose other than irritating you and earning your ire. No matter what we say and how we act towards you Akira, remember this well. You are the Nara's Trump Card. You hold power. Do not forget this."

I huffed in slight amusement, "A touching manner of saying I have no choice in the matter at all... Well, I knew this would happen back when I revealed this information to my Uncle. Do satisfy my curiosity one last time. What cemented the decision of me being revealed to the Village at only 10 Years Old? Questioning Uncle, the earliest was to be 12 or 13."

Eiichi responded with a mix of pride and amusement. "Your reveal wasn't based on age but rather on your maturity and strength progress. You've reached the cusp of Chunin level in Taijutsu, and while your jutsu skills need refining, we provided foundational training. Limited experience – just five C-Rank missions, but your expertise in assassination, subterfuge, information gathering, and versatility is noteworthy. Comparable to a specialized High Chunin or even a Tokubetsu Jonin. Thanks to your unique training and the "Eight Shadows" Kekkei Genkai, you may not realize it, but you're strong. I can count on one hand individuals who were as strong as you at your age. And I've seen many shinobi in my career. The dissonance of strength is simply a result of you eliminating weak targets and sparring with superior opponents. You only lack further experience and true combat with Shinobi to cement those facts in your mind"

"Okay, yeah, yeah whatever you say..." I wave him off

...Ah, he sure went on a tangent.

I only heard half of it. Half I already know myself.

As my mind was occupied with the revelation that, now that I'm being revealed for all the Village to see earlier than expected...

...Makoto will most certainly be relentless in his marriage proposals regarding his granddaughter and me.


A granddaughter I suspect is imaginary as I have yet to catch a glimpse of her.

A schizophrenic post-traumatic or insane delusion Makoto probably formed because he discovered he is impotent and can't be bothered to adopt any orphan because he is a sadistic man who has murdered thousands in his prime.

...But that's just a theory.

"Say, Eiichi how soon are we talking about here?"

He hummed, "Well, once we get back and I report the results, Shikaku should have a plan set already."

I nodded as I held my chin in thought, "I see, I see... Make sure to report I did miserably."

-Scene Change-

It was two weeks after the completion of the mission.

The same loop after every mission ensued.

Uncle, Shikamaru, and Auntie respectively asked how I was doing and coping with it, how I performed, and whether I was "Okay".

They had enough tact to know that there was no "Fun" to be had, so they never bothered asking that.

Shikamaru always proved to be the most suitable council honestly, especially after my very first mission.

He was supportive and really caring.

I knew it was part of his personality, but my brother really shone through in his more caring and intelligent side that heavily contrasts his nonchalantness and laziness.

Interestingly, despite confessing the rather brutal things I've done, the way he looked at me didn't change one bit.

Not even in the slightest.

I honestly attributed it to both his own personality and the mentality and conditioning of this world.

It took me a while, but that mission and my family's sensitive and yet casual reaction to my actions cemented the cruel reality of this world.

Hidden beneath the "fluffy" conditioning of the Academy and Will Of Fire propaganda.

Back on Earth, what is normal here, would get you locked up in a prison cell to rot for the rest of your life.

But I saw fit to only be aware of it, not to resist it.

After all, right now.

This is the world I live in.

This is my Village.

This is my home.

Here is my Family.

My Teachers and friends.

Considering all the other options, there really isn't a better place to live and simultaneously grow in strength in this world.

This was fine.

This was normal.

A necessity for my own sake.

And, I could only move forward from here.


I found myself at a rare family dinner that Uncle was lucky to attend, considering he is quite busy as the Jonin Commander.

I usually eat dinner in the forest as I train there in the evening.

But Uncle insisted I attend and I'm pretty sure I know why.

"How were Classes this week boys? Anything interesting?" Uncle asked as he took a bite of the tempura shrimp, an interested expression on his face.

Shikamaru was never a good storyteller so I had to relay the interesting details.

Admittedly, our class is comprised of a colorful bunch of kids and personalities.

So it's always something mildly interesting or funny that occurs on a weekly or even daily basis.

Yes, Naruto has major credit for that.

I hummed as I fiddled with my chopsticks, "Where to start? This Monday, Naruto suddenly had the bright idea of trying to take the graduation exam early. Out of cruel amusement, I assume Mizuki-sensei allowed him to take it. But even if he were to pass it'd be pointless since Early Graduation is no longer allowed, guess Naruto didn't get the memo. Expectedly, he failed. Other than that, nothing eye-catching. Occasional whoopie cushion pranks by Kiba and Naruto, Gloomy Uchiha fangirls, and so on. The usual."

With a gulp, Shikamaru chimed in uninvitedly, "Akira failed to mention his own fangirls."

I turned to glare at him silently, as I sighed in pure resignation.

Yes, that's fucking right.

I have fangirls.

Apparently, being first place in every subject, especially sparring consistently over two years would garner some kind of favoritism and attention.

Of course, they are but a small minority comprised of about 4 girls compared to the sea of Sasuke fan girls which has managed to branch into other classes, even older ones.

...Don't ask why I know their membership count.

Speaking of Broody Duckhair Uchiha, he's been a respectable dude ever since our... Weird talk two years ago.

He's been training alone and doing his best to catch up to me.

A literal mountain was formed in terms of the power difference between me, Sasuke, and the rest of the class.

Yet, Sasuke never managed to beat me for two years straight.

He hasn't tried to question me on just how I continue to widen the gap between us, I credit it to Uchiha pride and whatnot.

But I can't really be surprised, I have professionals training me along with actual experience whilst he struggles alone.

Why do I not help him?

Because I really can't be bothered.

After careful consideration, it ain't my problem.

If he asks for my help, maybe I'll help him.

I'm not offering help to someone whose pride is stopping him from doing so.

Sure he's got his mind and goal set straight and motivated, though only hindered by his own sense of pride.

Ah, pride, the folly of all men.

At least, he's been digesting his losses well.

With a chuckle at my irritation from the presence of fangirls Uncle met eyes with Auntie, "Mhm, they do grow up so fast." He then turned to me, "Akira, did any of those girls catch your eye?"

I shook my head with pure unfiltered wisdom, going with the flow, "Maybe in 5 or 6 years. Perhaps more. They are too immature for my tastes." I shrugged helplessly

"No girl talk when they are this young, Dear." Auntie threatened Uncle not so subtly, sending a shiver down his spine.

Both Shikamaru and I snorted.

Dinner continued with the same comfortable atmosphere, only to shift into a more serious one as Uncle began with a statement, "Listen, I'll be announcing Akira's Kekkei Genkai to the Akimichi and Yamanaka in our next monthly gathering happening in three days. Then, it'll be announced and registered officially through the Hokage."

Straight to chase I see.

Shikamaru nodded as he gave me an appraising look, I shrugged nonchalantly in response, "Alright, is there anything I'll have to do? Anything I should know beforehand?"

Auntie cast a concerned glance my way, prompting Uncle to elaborate, "Your responsibilities mainly involve attending these meetings and showcasing the prowess of your "Eight Shadows" Kekkei Genkai. However, the demonstration must have a certain flair – summoning one of your creatures would be more impactful than simply pulling something out of the shadows. Politically, it makes a stronger statement. Keep the details limited - one solid example is all that's needed. You're granted this much discretion. As you might expect, marriage proposals will be heading your way soon. I'll delay them until you're 12, at which point you'll need to agree to or choose one. If you're indecisive, I'll take the liberty of choosing for you, but it'll be most certainly a Nara girl." he concluded with a stern expression.

That's right, the name of my Kekkei Genkai is - "The Eight Shadows".

There are 2 cards I refuse to reveal this early.

The Round Deer, which I have yet to tame.

Its healing ability is beyond even the likes of Hashirama Senju in his legends and the Slug Princess Tsunade.

The last one... Need not be emphasized.

The reception I'd receive at the knowledge that I am capable of unleashing what I assume is equivalent to the Nine-Tails whenever I feel like it, at the cost of my own life, of course, would be unpleasant.

But never mind that...

I sighed heavily.

Ah, the primitive and yet still practiced "Arranged Marriage" thing that we clans have.


Not unexpected, but I'll deal with it.

Just hope my options are okay...

And no, not Makoto's imaginary or perhaps real granddaughter.

If she's anything like him, I'd likely be murdered in my sleep at some point in the relationship.

Sooner rather than later.

Seeing my complicated expression Shikaku elaborated with a smirk, "Keep this between all of us, but breaking out of an arranged marriage is troublesome but not too complicated. If you are not satisfied, I'll do my best to help you get out of that hole. I am still your Uncle after all."

I smiled back, giving a small nod of gratitude, "Yeah, thanks, Uncle."

"Tch, troublesome" Shikamaru grumbled as he seemed to arrive at some sort of conclusion as he listened in on the conversation.

I turned to him, "You're complaining? This isn't even your problem..."

He tilted his head as he responded, "You'll be nagging me about the troublesome things that'll most definitely appear with this, and that, in itself is troublesome. I can be your therapist for only so long. If it gets overbearing, I recommend you direct complaints to Ino - She loves those types of stuff."

The audacity of this kid! Suggesting to nag at Ino!

Who is admittedly a pretty good listener?

...Educated by a clan of mostly certified psychologists I guess.

But never mind that!

Narrowing my eyes at him I remind him of the last time he messed with me, "Wanna make a return visit to Solid's guts?"

He blinks, as he turns to... Auntie?!

"Mom, he's threatening to shove me inside a giant snake's guts. Again. Help me..." He said apathetically.

...What a quirky family I found myself in.

Must be my fault.

Nevertheless, As the family dinner concluded, I found myself preparing for the upcoming monthly gathering.

The conversation with Uncle about my reveal lingered in my mind.

An oddly normal thought crossed my mind.

"What would my friends and close ones think about me when this is revealed? Would they see me in the same light?"

-Scene Change-

Monthly gatherings of both Akimichi, Nara, and Yamanaka heads are a must ritual.

It's something I've been a part of since I was a baby.

Most of the time, it's Choji, Shikamaru and I lazing around as usual only with our parents in the background talking about... Irrelevant stuff.

When we are not lazing around, it's either playing games with Ino and or Shogi with Shikamaru.

I usually get into an argument with Ino, but what can I say?

it's fun to torment her, her reactions are bloody hilarious.

At times scary too. Lately, they've been getting more and more scary.

The banshee is learning well, perhaps taking notes from Auntie Dearest.

Anywho, then we go on to have a nice family-friendly meal.

A warm and inviting atmosphere.

Pure bliss and peace.

Completely chill.

No pesky political matters whatsoever.

Well, that is the usual atmosphere.

This time, it was the Akimichi's turn to host everyone, so we found ourselves as frequent guests at Choji's home.

A practical second home for me, at this point.

We found ourselves enjoying the visit as per usual. Choji showed us his compiled Exclusive Chips collection, and we then went to chill in his backyard.

And Ino found it prudent to nag Shikamaru this time around, by lecturing him on his failing grade in the surprise quiz we had on Kanji.

...Good, I feed on his suffering.

This visit, however, all was well up to the point of the dinner table.

I was busy munching on Akimichi-grilled fish, Uncle who was at the edge of my peripheral vision gained a serious expression, causing me to gulp my food and direct my attention at him.

First, damn I'm getting good at noticing the most minor of details.

Second, he's going to reveal it now, isn't he?

It's the correct order of revealing, all things considered.

First, reveal to the Akimichi and Yamanaka.

Second, the Hokage and Village rule.

Then the Village as a whole.

Simply being active and revealing my Kekkei Genkai by "accident", would simply be disrespectful to the Akimichi and Yamanaka whom we are greatly tied, as well as the Hokage.

If the "Simple" people learn of it beforehand that is. Real dramatic.

I know that Ino's and Choji's parents wouldn't really mind, but their clan elders would. All of them stuck up old bastards I say.

By the by, the Nara are already well aware of my status.

At least, those at higher echelons of Clan Prestige so to speak.

Oh, he's getting up.

Arriving a decent distance away from the dinner table from the sitting diners he started, "Attention friends and family!" Uncle's voice, radiating the charisma of a Clan Leader and Jonin commander caught the attention of all members of the room.

At his call out, I sensed Shikamaru's look and nodded at him, resolved.

Choji and Ino's expressions grew curious and honestly bewildered respectively.

Uncle had been unusually serious throughout the peaceful gathering.

An excited whisper from Choza suggested, "Oh, it's the secret Shikaku has been holding off on us for so long!"

This hinted at something significant about to be revealed.

Inoichi nodded, but his eyes narrowed in concentration as he paid attention to my Uncle's speech, his expression betraying no emotion.

"First of all, as always I'd like to thank you for coming. You are all our dearest friends and family." Uncle started with a genuine smile, which then turned more neutral as he continued, "And because of that, we'd like to reveal a secret that we, The Nara have been holding off for a long time. We hope that you are not offended that we kept this from you, as he wasn't ready to be revealed just yet."

"He?" Some echoed out in confusion.

Uncle continued unperturbed, "To signify our friendship, we will be revealing this foremost to you and only then to the Hokage, you may reveal this secret to the rest of your respective clans if you wish from this point."

After his intended message came across, Choza and Inoichi nodded stoically and appreciatively.

Reciprocating their gesture, Uncle nodded as well as he continued, "On that note, Akira step forth."

...This wasn't in the script.

I'd expected an explanation prior to a demonstration, but I guess it's easier to just show it off huh?

Rather theatrical of you Uncle.

I got up and stoically made my way towards Uncle.

"Akira?" Ino and Choji questioned, genuinely confused and interested simultaneously.

Whilst the adults watched in silent curiosity, their expectations and anticipations high.

The reason?

Lazy Shikaku wouldn't make such a scene and show out of it if it were something mild.

Whatever this was, it was big.

And they're not wrong in their assumption.

"Go ahead." Uncle gestured to me.

Hmm, what do I show them?

Might as well surprise everyone including those who know of this.

"Might want to move away" I tell my Uncle

Who's eyebrow raises as he asks, "You aren't summ-"

"No, not the snake, he'd be too large." I shook my head.

The onlookers, continued to watch thoroughly confused and yet transfixed in the spectacle.

Hearing my response, Uncle shrugged and moved away.


This was fairly new, as I had accidentally discovered it last week when I spared with Makoto.

My spars with Makoto have been involving Shikigami and when working in tandem, I am able to press Makoto somewhat.

Even able to hit and injure him a couple of times.

But it was thanks to the fact that soon my Kekkei Genkai's existence would be revealed that I decided to experiment on a specific facet of the Ten Shadows.

To better combat Makoto and my future opponents aware of my power.

What is that experiment?

Fake Summon I call it.

The goal?

To bluff a summoning.

I do the hand signs, I form the shadow, and I call out the name of my Shikigami.

But nothing happens.

This would be critical against opponents who know of me and my Shikigami.

My summoning works as thus - I form the shadow of my intended Shikigami one way or another through my body whether hands or legs and then I call out its name and Chakra is automatically drained and a Shikigami is summoned. the drained Chakra of course depends on the Shikigami summoned.

But then, the question arose...

What if I try and control the drained Chakra?

What if I try and take Manual control of a process that is automatic?

What if I pump less Chakra than that static amount required for summoning a specific Shikigami?

Well, through experimenting and managing to mentally grab at that Chakra Drain and taking semi-manual control.

By reducing the Drain for summoning Jeff for instance.

Once I did so... Nothing happened.

Jeff wasn't summoned and the drained Chakra was... Devoured, by something.

Really have no idea where that chakra goes.

A double-edged sword, on one hand, it works as a bluff, on the other it drains my Chakra regardless.

And I am not that good at grabbing hold of the Chakra drain to stop it before it consumes around 70% of what Chakra Jeff costs.

Another tool in the belt, but it'll need practicing to nail manually controlling the Chakra drain.

But then, another question arose.

One that got me very excited.

What if I take manual control and pump More Chakra than what is necessary for the summoned Shikigami?

Well, the result would be...

As I form the handsign for a shadowgraphic toad, I call out, "Toad!"

With that, 20% of my Chakra was drained at once and Liquid Shadows moved at extreme speed to the shock of the onlookers, even the ones familiar with this Shikigami.

Suddenly, the large dining room of the Akimichi household, which held a comparatively small dining table, was not quite as empty as it usually was.

Considering the Large, Car Sized Toad that occupied it as of now.

Allow me to introduce you to... Jeff, Level 2!

The strengthening process is interesting, to say the least.

First, the strengthening process is not permanent.

I can summon a stronger Toad, as I term it, Level 2 Jeff, and after I dismiss him and try and summon him in his initial cost, I'll get Level 1 Jeff.

Second, the cost to strengthen each Shikigami is a set amount and is different for each Shikigami.

For example, the "Level Up" cost for Whiskers is still unmeasured, simply because no matter how much Chakra I forced down the metaphorical summoning's throat it just wasn't enough. I stopped at 90% of my Chakra drained for nothing.

Third, the strengthening isn't a simple all-stats boost or a size boost.

Level 2 Noc and Mir were able to turn parts of their bodies instinctively into liquid shadows.

Fourth, the strengthened Shikigami were the same Shikigami personality-wise and remembered everything, so it isn't a different version per "Level Up".

And finally, the most fascinating part.

After questioning Noc and Mir and asking them a rather obvious question, "Did you get stronger?"

They responded, "No".

Surprised, I contemplated what that meant, and with a sinking suspicion, I posed them another question.

"Did you get your strength back?"

And they responded with a chilling, "Yes."

A theory, then, was formed.

Do all of my Shikigami, barring the Divine General, have a final form or something?

Are their true powers sealed, so that the Ten Shadows inheritor unlocks it bit by bit so he can handle them?

if so, how does the inheritance part of the Ten Shadows function in that regard then?

It's a stretch, and really, this only gave me more questions...


You would not believe the exhilaration I felt when I discovered that this was the method by which Shikigami are strengthened. Perhaps this is how Sukuna did it.

It was always this simple, a matter of fundamentals and Chakra.

Heh, ironic.

The room's onlookers, even my family members aware of my Kekkei Genkai were shocked at what I just summoned.

Metaphorical jaws hit the floor at Jeff's magnificent figure.

...He seemed to enjoy the attention, as the Car Sized Toad puffed his chest and let out a mighty croak.

As the stupefied crowd was gathering its bearings, Uncle let out a cough. "W-We thought it easier to show than explain," he explained. "As you can see, Akira possesses a never-before-seen Kekkei Genkai." He gestured towards Jeff.

I stood there, outwardly calm as a cucumber, but inwardly slightly nervous at the reaction of Choji, Ino, and their parents as I awaited their response.

Out of all my friends I looked at the innocent expression of Choji, as I met eyes with him, his expression for once, unreadable.

Or perhaps, my head wasn't in the game at the moment.

A suffocating moment passes and...

Thankfully, my anxiety proved to be for naught and the serious atmosphere was dispersed by the excited tone of Choji who burst into motion, "SO COOL! Akira! Why didn't you ever tell me about this?!"

Choji ran towards Jeff as he petted his, slimy belly.

Jeff seemed pleased.

"Eww..." Choji exclaimed as he inspected his hand after petting Jeff.

At his reaction, Choza and Inoichi let out a collective laugh, which created a chain reaction to a more wholesome atmosphere in the dining room.

I blinked once, twice.

Not really paying attention I ignored the sounds of steps approaching me, and the 2nd familiar face whose reaction I was anxious about was in front of me.

"Don't worry, Akira. We won't judge you any differently, i think I understand why you didn't tell us any of this and that you are still annoying..." Ino came up to me and said with a comforting smile.

A whisper of, "Akira must have cheated, that's why Sasuke is losing all the time" didn't go unheard as she turned around to make her way back to her seat.

"Pfft, Thanks guys." I gave a genuine smile at the quick acceptance of my friends.

...This was my very first concern upon considering the reveal of my power to my family.

Now, though, despite how troublesome it might seem.

I'm confident I'm strong enough and I have enough support to do just fine.

My Family, my dear friends, the Yamanaka and the Akimichi, accept me and support me.

Mhm, just fine.

To Be Continued!

-Omake Start-

-Akira POV-

It was a really brutal training session. Having tamed Great Serpent, now named "Solid" it was a mighty battle.

And by mighty battle, I mean I overprepared and blitzed the poor slippery sod.

Though in terms of preparation, he thankfully turned out the cheapest.

An abnormally large snake would do poorly in a terrain such as a dense forest.

And what do you know! My family owns a Dense Forest!

Nevertheless, he was tough.

Why the snake and not the Elephant you ask?

The answer... Money!

Great Serpent came out as the next target in terms of easy and simple preparation.

Fighting an Elephant equipped with a pressurized water gun felt like the worse alternative as well.

Now, I celebrate!

Eating at Ichiraku's! Slurping Ramen!


Choji was busy learning Clan Jutsu secret bla bla.

Shikamaru was being punished for failing another test.

By failing I mean not attending the test in the first place.


Kiba refused saying his sister's waiting for him to go walk their mother's dogs as she's busy.

Shino, has business to attend to? Didn't dig any deeper really.



I gave Ino a friendly invitation to eat here, but I was refused because of, and I quote "Being seen with you will make Sasuke think I'm interested in you and that'll ruin my chances with him."

For as smart as a girl she is, she loses all her brain cells when it comes to Sasuke Dearest.

I think it's an epidemic spread around the Sasuke Fan Girls.

Maybe I should practice social distancing...

Back to reality!

"Another bowl!" Came out the demand of the cheery blonde menace.

Correction, I was not alone.

This was a rare and unfortunate occurrence indeed.

Naruto has a set time he habitually visits and eats at Ichiraku's.

Twice a day, once straight after classes and the second time, an hour prior to closing times.

The only exception is when he's low on funds. Which is admittedly often.

Why do I know all this?

...Don't ask. The 2 ANBU he has constantly monitoring his blonde butt, would kidnap me for a thorough interrogation in I&T if I reveal my sources.

Nevertheless, Naruto's here not on the usual schedule.

Time to make my timely escape.

Luckily, Naruto's attention is solely directed at devouring the Ramen.

So he didn't notice my existence, not a bit.

Ah! My presence-eliminating training has daily uses as well!

Take that Shikamaru!

-Omake End-

-Author Note Start-

Well, you know what they say!

Better late than never! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Anywho's my dear readers!

Here's the chapter!

Hope it was to your enjoyment and it was up to snuff in quality and stuff.

As you can see, our Akira has been growing up! Slowly! But surely!

Both in the Shinobi arts and adapting to this world's mindset!

Also in discovering the secrets of Ten Shadows!

Or is it Eight Shadows?

Healing Deer and Wheel Guy have been neglected I'm afraid!

-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

A single strand of spaghetti is called a "spaghetto." Here's this week's random fact.

-Author Note End-