
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Deep in the dense and deep forests characteristic of the Western Land Of Demons.

Under the light of the moon, by the riverside, Team 7 set up camp.

Their moods and expressions were grave thanks to their pyrrhic victory just earlier that same day.

On their travels, it wouldn't be an exaggeration that amid the sullen silence naught but a few sentences were exchanged, and even then they were purely business.

This is completely contrary to the usual dynamic characteristic of this tightly bonded yet young Shinobi Team from the Leaf.

Perhaps, this was thanks to the lack of their usual sunny and energetic teammate.

Having been unconscious for a good few hours.

However, a couple of minutes after setting up their camp.

The cheery blonde stirred awake.

Upon discovering where they were at, and the swift summarization of the events by his Nara Teammate.

He was confused, conflicted, bewildered, and most importantly... Angry.

-Akira POV-

"To start, I'll repeat it. To make myself clear." Kakashi's eyes narrowed at the newly awakened figure of Naruto that stood before him, his grip tight on Kakashi's shirt as he snarled.

Kakashi's voice came out steely, laced with threat, "You will not be heading back to the Land Of Woods. This is an order. Attempt that, and I'll make sure you sleep through our travel back to the village."

I met eyes with Sasuke, confirming that we were on the same page about keeping our silence and letting Kakashi handle this.

At Naruto's gritting teeth, Kakashi added with a tilted head, "Mah, Naruto. I'm sure you understand, there would be no point if you went back."

Tightening his grip on Kakashi's shirt, Naruto let out a contrastingly weak voice, "We... We could help them get back on their feet! I-I can make thousands of myself! Help them bui-"

"You're deluding yourself. You heard them just as well as I did. We're less than welcome." Kakashi shook his head helplessly, his tone a degree softer.

I shook my head tiredly.

This was rough to watch.

Naruto's voice grew weaker, "I-I could've convinced the-"

Kakashi interrupted with a patient tone, "Could've... Should've... A lot of maybes, Naruto. In this world, the worst variable is a "Maybe". Especially when you are a Shinobi aiming to be Hokage. Some efforts, truly are pointless. Trust me, I know from experience."

A sullen silent moment passed and then...

Naruto's grip on Kakashi's shirt loosened, he lifted his gaze, a weak glare present yet his voice regained a hint of strength, as he started, "I... Don't care."


Sasuke and I raised an eyebrow at what he was insinuating.

Naruto continued, his strength and resolve growing rapidly with each word, his fists balled as they began to draw blood, and his frustration decorated his resolve like a stain, "I would've gone back. Right now even. I don't care what those dumb bastards think. And what brainwashing trick that Satsujin bastard did to them! I would've beaten him to a pulp for what he did! And saved the cluele-"

It's not about that...

I had to interrupt, interjecting with a simple tone, "Then go. But you won't be a Leaf Shinobi anymore. No more Hokage. No more nothing. You'll be a deserter. A Rogue Shinobi. Prioritizing another Foreign Country over your own."

His gaze shifted to me, my words striking accord judging by his bitten lip, yet the resolve not dying down, so I continued, "I understand your... Inhumane levels of Idealism and Altruism. But shouldn't there be a logical limit to that-"

Naruto shook his head, "That's why I'm not gonna go. I never said I'm going to. I just said I would've gone back."


The surprise on my face was evident, so he answered my unasked question, "I'm not stupid. I know I can't beat Kakashi-sensei. Even if I try my hardest... I can't go back there right now."

At least he recognizes it, but...

Right now?

Sasuke narrowed his own eyes, shaking his head, "Naruto, we're done there. There is no going back there in the future unless there is an explicit purpose or mission. Stop clinging to the failed mission." His tone held a degree of both frustration and hatred, confirming my next thought.

Yeah, and if we did go back there, I fear Sasuke would turn homicidal.

That emotional outburst of his hasn't and won't be forgotten.

It's really concerning.

Nevertheless, I am making sure this guy doesn't get his revenge-fueled emotions manipulated by Orochimaru so he gets himself willfully kidnapped.

...I'd have hoped I'd done enough to knock some sense into him through our time together by now.

Naruto stomped his foot on the ground, his frustration making its way to the surface, "I know that we've done all we could! I know! It's just..."

His voice trembled, "I promised... I promised I'd save them. Save the Country and the Conservatives."

"That I'd... Beat Satsujin and everything will be alright." He lowered his head as his body shuddered.

Mumbling, "In the end, I wasn't strong enough or smart enough to fulfill my promise. I... Went back on my word."

At that, yet another somber and heavy silence enveloped the campsite.

Only disturbed by the sounds of wildlife further in the dark forest.

Naruto always wore his heart on his sleeve.

Even from a glance, anyone could tell the thoughts running through his head:

'If I had been stronger, we'd get a perfect win.'

'If I had been smarter, I'd have known what to do and what not to do.'

'Even now, I could just run back and fix it all if I was stronger than Kakashi-sensei.'

The whole list of possibilities that ultimately spiraled down to...


I sighed, my voice cutting through the silence, "In the end, none of us were smart nor strong enough. The situation was far more delicate, and complex for a ragtag team of three Genin and a Jonin to tackle. But more on that... With you awake, Naruto. Let's hear Kakashi-sensei's verdict on the matter." My inquisitive and annoyed gaze was directed straight at Kakashi.

Kakashi folded his hands as he started, "That's fine. I was planning on doing that anyway. Naruto, take a seat. Stew in your thoughts when I'm done. Maybe this will help make things a little more apparent." He gestured for the conflicted, almost depressed Naruto to sit on the ground.

A moment passed as his footsteps echoed and he plopped down beside me and Sasuke.

The three of us in front of Kakashi.

He took a deep breath, our rasp attention on his figure, even Naruto's self-absorbed and turmoiled countenance shifted to pay attention.

"First things first." He hummed.

"I'd just like to say... That I'm proud of you guys." He eye smiled, and his tone came out soft and genuine.

For a moment, the depressive and somber atmosphere and mood quickly shifted into confusion.

The three of us younger Team 7 members exchanged bewildered looks.

Not a word exchanged at the sudden shift of tone and mood.

The verdict?

This guy's an imposter.

I nodded at Sasuke, "I take the right."

He nodded as well, smirking, "I'll attack from the left."

Naruto's frown, at my and Sasuke's words slowly began to twist into a small smirk.

Good, just a little more, and Naruto should be back to full capacity... Hopefully.

Our serious gazes turned to the dismayed and depressed Kakashi, "Mah... Where did I go wrong?"

""With Everything"" The three of us voiced out.

That managed to burst the dam, as Naruto burst out into laughter, and small smirks seized both my and Sasuke's faces.

Kakashi didn't seem all too pleased, as he was written off once again when he was being genuine and nice for once in a blue moon.

...Sorry, not sorry.

Making fun of Kakashi has proven once again that it is the fit-all band-aid to all manners of frustrating and depressive outcomes and situations... Albeit temporary.

Sighing, he eye smiled once more, "Well, I'm glad that brightened up the mood a little."

His tone shifted suddenly once more, grabbing our attention and ceasing Naruto's laughter, "But I mean what I said."

He elaborated, as our smirks twisted into thin lines, "A seemingly harmless C - Rank mission turned most certainly S - Rank. No Genin, with me as their Sensei or not would have managed to get as far as we did, let alone survive and accomplish as much."

Making eye contact with all of us, "Regardless of how our accomplishments affected the Land Of Woods positively or not."

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, isn't it?

At that thought I side-eyed Naruto's figure.

However, we can't lie and say personal vendetta and vengeance weren't just fuel for the fire.

My gaze shifted to Sasuke at that thought.

Once again, the air grew a degree colder and more somber.

Kakashi continued, "A civil war, with involvement of foreign and rogue shinobi. The sights you've seen and experienced are beyond this generation's Genin, Chunin, and even some of the fresh-minted Jonin."

"Each and every one of you has been on the edge of death at least once in this mission."

Yeah, tell me about it.

We frowned as he went further, yet remained respectfully silent in his speech.

"I could get into the gritty and fine details of what I believe you guys did wrong and even what I did wrong, and what lessons should be learned from this experience... But, I'll let you stew and process it on your own until we get back to the village."

"If you're uncertain, ask me any time." He eye smiled.

Coughing into his hand, he surmised, "But... With this new generation, in these times... I'm sorry you had to experience all of this at once. Shinobi or not, at any age, this was a lot to take in and participate in, especially when this is just your second mission." He met eyes with each and every one of us.

"The responsibility upon the Land Of Woods's future and fate as well as the whole ordeal of this mission... Falls upon my and Lord Third's shoulders. And no one else's." His eyes were fixed on Naruto in that particular statement.

"Your suggestions, while good-natured and at times simply perpetuating the cycle of hatred, were not bad in terms of the Village's interests and your own development as Shinobi. And it was my decision to follow through or stop them at any time." He reminded.

His tone held a hint of regret, "Mah, it could've gone much better. But ultimately I am satisfied with you guys. I am only sorry that you actually went through all that."

"But, the evidence is there. You three will become great Shinobi, surpassing me one day." He eye smiled at each and every one of us.

A lukewarm atmosphere and silence enveloped us once more upon Kakashi's conclusive speech.

"Damn straight!" Naruto roared as he rose up, directing his fist at Kakashi.

"I'll become stronger, smarter, and more skilled than you! Kakashi-sensei! I'll be the greatest Hokage ever known!"

He pointed his thumb at himself, "Strong enough to stick to my words and never go back on them! To never be so helpless!"

"Smart enough so I know what to do even when I'm not strong enough!"

To my and Sasuke's surprise he pointed at the both of us, "And you two Temes as well!"

"As Future Hokage, I need capable bastards like you two to count on! So don't slack off!" He barked at us.

Sasuke smirked, "I'd rather desert the village than serve a failing Village that would ever elect you as Hokage."


I turned to Sasuke, "Woah, dude. Too far... Agreed."

Kakashi had to hold Naruto back from strangling Sasuke at that, as he sighed tiredly, "Mah, you just woke up... If you get injured again I'll make sure Akira doesn't heal you."

And thus... A warmer atmosphere enveloped us and we continued our rest.

I shook my head as I rose up and walked towards the riverside.

My steps echoed lowly as I approached, eventually, the coarse impacts of my feet were replaced with splashes as I reached the river, stopping just short of entering the water.

A thin, more melancholic line formed on my face as I gazed at the dark expanse of the river and the distant shore across from me, leading into more dark woods.

The brightness of the stars above me and the light of the moon assisted me in delving deep into my thoughts as I listlessly watched as the river flowed...

Kakashi's genuine praises were nice to hear.

We're all susceptible to praise after all.

And some relatively good news and positivity amid this... Mess to put it lightly goes a long way.

But, I can't lie and say I immediately feel better just from a good-natured motivational speech from Kakashi, as rude as it is to classify it as such.

Lowering my head, I stared and was met with my own reflection.

It wasn't hard to notice how those dark green eyes gradually lost their glimmer over the years.

The thin line on my face was but a small indicator of my true emotions.

The prior, warm atmosphere was but a mere distraction and respite from the turmoil going on inside each of us.

The journey back home will be bittersweet, to put it lightly.

I would have usually ignored the consequences of my actions, the results of my mission being completed or failed.

Ironic isn't it?

My modus operandi.

The one I had formed from my first mess of an assassination mission.

Has for the first time, been proven completely and utterly wrong.

"Don't go beyond and investigate."

"Focus on completing the mission."

"Disregard the consequences and the outcome. Don't go sniffing around, curious as to the cascading events."

"The mission's completion is all that matters."

Going any further and investigating and worse of all, empathizing, would only... Serve to hurt me more.

Had I not gone with such a narrow-minded resolve, I would've discovered and learned more, ceased our mission, or thought of countermeasures to carefully remove Satsujin's control or even stop it from ever progressing as far as it seemingly did.

Ah... Was I wrong all this time with my usual approach?

Or maybe, I wasn't seeing the whole picture?

Or perhaps...

There wasn't any pragmatic easy way out.

Perhaps I was...

Still a Coward deep down?

Underneath all that newly obtained strength... Was I still a coward? Frightened of getting hurt?


This... All is just a lot to digest.

And the emptiness I feel from Nue's death only serves to fuel these thoughts and make me lose my usual composure.

After she died...

A paradoxical feeling has taken hold of me and is still very much present.

Like a piece of me died, yet, still with me.

It's... Unlike anything I've ever felt.

A pat on my shoulder broke me out of my stupor, "Akira. Your pale." Sasuke's voice called out to me, concern laced within his usual stoic tone.

My eyes widened momentarily in surprise as I chuckled, "You've gotten really better at sneaking around... I should've noticed you getting behind me. Did you use Silent Step?"

He shook his head, and his words came out decisive, "No. Cut the chatter. Are you okay?"

Taking in air from with my nose, I exhaled, my voice more composed but still tired, "Just dandy."

"If anything, I should be asking both you and Naruto that question."

"Give him a day, and the Dobe will bounce back. As for me... I'll be fine. I have to be." His eyes were resolute and held no doubt as he nodded at me.

No, I don't need to detach myself from this.

My friends are experiencing the very same.

I will not run away from it.

Cut off from it.

Can't let them get a one up on me, now can I?

Snorting, I replied with a sad smirk, "Well, I can't let myself be the last gloomy guy in our Team. That'd be just lame, don't you think?"

"Hn." Sasuke grunted his approval.

"Yeah, glad we agree..."


-Third Person POV-

Konohagakure's West Gate.

Given it was midday, the West Gate was seeing a decent amount of traffic.

Although it wasn't as crowded as the perpetually busy East Gate, it was still busier than the relatively empty North Gate and the tranquil South Gate.

It's also noteworthy that the North and South gates have weaker security, with only a pair of Chunin guarding each.

In comparison, the East Gate has a Jonin and eight Chunin stationed.

The West Gate has six Chunin.

However, Konohagakure's security isn't limited to those at the gates.

As a Shinobi Village, Konohagakure is protected by an intricate, 24/7 powered barrier that detects intruders attempting to enter unofficially, bypassing gate inspections.

On top of a Major Shinobi Clan Compound being located close to each Gate.

It was what allowed Akira to recognize and truly confirm that he and his Team had finally arrived before the West Gate of Konohagakure after two weeks of rushed traveling.

-Akira POV-

"Judging by the smell of dogshit, it's certainly the West Gate," I mention with a tired deadpan as we passed inspection without issue thanks to Kakashi.

The Inuzuka Clan Compound is close by, and they usually take out their dogs for walks around this hour.

And given they are a clan filled with... A dog per person at minimum.

This is the unfortunate result.

Naruto, already bent over and kissing the holy Leaf Village soil, let out an indignant roar, "I DON'T CARE! WE'RE FINALLY BACK HOMEEEEEEEEEE!"

Whilst Naruto was making love to the ground, Kakashi was busy talking with the Chunin stationed here, it seemed there was an issue or something.

Meh, it'll be fine.

Although Naruto could've expressed it more elegantly, I completely agree with him.

We're finally back home after two weeks of rushing back here to be on time for the Chunin Exams that are set to start in a week.

...Losing Nue made the travel through the Land Of Birds an absolute pain.


The sight of those four Hokage Stone Faces.

The familiar streets and people.


I had never been away from here for so long and traveled so far.

...Not even the smell of dogshit could ruin the warm feelings and relief coursing through me!

Though it is annoying.

We just had to arrive when the smelliest clan in all of Konoha was doing their stinking routines.

And that's not my bias against the Inuzuka Clan speaking.

I swear Inuzuka Tsume has it out for me.

They should have borrowed some Chakra Bugs from the Aburame Clan to remove the feces, really.

Yes, ironically, the cleanest and most sterile clan is, in actuality, the clan filled with Bugs crawling through every pore of their body.

Weird how the world works.

Aburame Shibi is also a pretty chill guy.

I turned to Sasuke who stood by my side, who was looking at Naruto in disdain, as if he was observing some filthy wild animal, "So, what's the first thing you're going to do?"

He had an immediate answer, "Hn. Go home."

"Okay, and then?"

"Tomato Soup."


I turned to Naruto, "What about yo-"

Kakashi approached cutting me off from my inquiry, one of the guard Chunin beside him as he started, "Sorry to rain on your parade, guys. But we have to head to the Hokage's office immediately."

I raised an eyebrow but glimpsed at the mixture of relief and seriousness in the guard's expression.


We have been gone for much longer than anticipated.

Roughly a month longer than expected.

Given what our Team consisted of... Yeah, they'd probably send someone to look for us.

But... We hadn't encountered anyone on the way back.

So if the Hokage did send someone... Yikes, poor guy.

Naruto stood up at that, "Mission report? Right?" Also sensing something amiss.

To my surprise.

Kakashi nodded and elaborated, "That, but we've been gone much longer than anticipated, and the mission has escalated significantly. Given its new rank, it's crucial not to discuss details in front of others." He nonchalantly and tactlessly pointed at the Chunin beside him, directing a knowing look at Naruto.

Naruto hummed in confusion, folding his arms, "Okay?"

Thus, wordlessly, we followed Kakashi and the Chunin as we passed through the streets of Konoha.

Passing by many people, mostly unfamiliar faces, or ones that I am familiar with but not acquainted with.

The familiar sounds and sights of Konoha's regular hustle and bustle brought up a warm feeling of relief in me, as the realization of us being back home only solidified.

Even the odd, yet nostalgic sight of the odd shinobi hopping from one rooftop to another was nice.

Now, with no smell of dogshit, but with the hunger-inducing aroma of street food intensifying the further we strolled.

Naruto whispers at me as we walk, "Think we're in trouble or something?"


I hummed, side-eyeing him, "Probably not. We've done all we could, on top of this being Kakashi's responsibility, if anything he's getting punished. Not us. Though, that's a little odd. Since when were punishments ever an issue for you?" I wondered

Although this is more serious business, Naruto's pranks weren't something you'd scoff at.

Painting the Hokage Faces is really impressive.

And funny.

Sasuke grew fascinated, "The Dobe is evolving..."

Naruto shook his head, "No! I have plans to eat Ichiraku today. Any punishment that bothers that is a NO-go!" He made an X with his arms to emphasize his fullhearted rejection of the prospect.

He turned passionate and teary, "All those hunted meats, and unseasoned food..."

Honestly... Agreed.

"Finally! Some proper gourmet!"

"The heavenly broth!"

"The divine noodles!"

"The lack of tomatoes." Sasuke chimed in, his tone a degree less passionate than Naruto's but passion laced his words nonetheless.

I had already tuned out of their musings, especially Naruto's as I prioritized taking in the nostalgic and relaxing sight of home as we walked.

A couple of minutes of walking later, we eventually reached just outside the Hokage Office.

The Hokage's Secretary had talked with the Chunin and Kakashi, shoving us into a meeting with Hiruzen despite his schedule.

Coincidentally, he had a meeting with a family member I had dearly missed.

Hiruzen's voice called out to us as we knocked, beyond the door, "Enter!"

The door creaked open, revealing the sitting aged figure of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

And at his side, the Jonin Commander, my Uncle, and adoptive Father, Nara Shikaku.

The relieved look on Uncle's face upon taking sight of me and my team was palpable.

I broke through the silence as we entered the office, "Yo, Uncle." I, against all proper etiquette given who was in the room, addressed my Uncle with a raised hand.

He shook his head in amusement and relief, sighing, "To say I am relieved seeing you back, Akira, would be an understatement. Yoshino wouldn't let me sleep these past few weeks when I was informed of what happened in the Land Of Woods."

I smirked warmly, teasing, "Was Auntie the reason why you're relieved seeing me? I sure feel the love, Uncle..." I shook my head in disappointment.

He rolled his eyes, "Don't be troublesome, Akira." He turned to the contemplating figure of Hiruzen.

"I apologize for the informality."

Lifting a hand, Hiruzen waved him off with a smirk, "It is fine. Shikaku. I am glad they are all back in one piece."

Although usually, Naruto would chime in with a confident exclamation, this mission, and its outcome didn't warrant one.

Not even from him.

Then, the warm atmosphere turned serious, as Hiruzen fixed his gaze on Kakashi, "I will send the boys and Shikaku to write the mission report. You will be with me here to elaborate on the exact details of what happened, writing it in your own mission report as well."

Giving us a moment to digest it, we all responded in tandem, ""Yes, Lord Third!""

He nodded, "But before that, have you encountered any more complications on the road back here after you escaped Yumemori? It took you longer than anticipated to get here, and those I sent to search for you hadn't made contact with you."

They hadn't made contact with us because we took shortcuts not stopping in any cities or towns unless necessary, unlike our chill training road back.

But... Yumemori?

At his inquiry, our expressions collectively twisted in confusion.

"What are you talking about Jiji?" Naruto voiced out our collective thoughts, as he tilted his head.

...I think, the information must have not gotten here yet.

Kakashi shook his head, "Mah, it seems we've gotten here faster than the information. The delay in our travel from Yumemori wasn't due to complications but because we recovered, planned, and mostly completed an assault on Shintaku No Machi." He surmised quickly.

Uncle's and Hiruzen's eyes widened, and their thoughts raced a mile a second.

Uncle, observant and smart as he is, pointed out, "Given the information we had and what you just stated... Where are all your injuries?"


I would use the excuse of they healed naturally over time, but that wouldn't work.

...I did expect this, but nonetheless...


My teammates collectively shifted their gaze at me, not improving the situation for me whatsoever.

Uncle raised an inquisitive eyebrow as I met his gaze, replying with a shrug.

Hiruzen's eyes sharpened, "Go with them, Shikaku. Kakashi... Details. Now."

Without further prompting, we left the room, following Uncle and leaving Hiruzen to deal with Kakashi.


A private room, with enough seats for around ten people or so.

Soundproof, seals, the works.

Only my teammates and Uncle occupied the room as we filled in the report.

There is a sort of template to help guide you on what to write, but we had to elaborate a lot.

Because... Well, this was a C - Rank delivery mission turned S - Rank.

It was a couple of grueling hours, and I was nearly done writing my report.

Sasuke had already finished his, as he stood beside Naruto to help the poor blonde write his report.

Even with the help of five Shadow Clones, the Narutos had a hard time writing a coherent and concise detailed report.

So Sasuke had to interfere, or else we'd be stuck here for another couple of hours in this stuffy room without any window or anything.

...Makes you think this was an interrogation room in T&I.

Uncle stood by my side specifically, as I multitasked retelling the events and writing.

He would read the report regardless, but I, as his son and him being the Jonin Commander, had to hear it from my mouth as well.

Multitudes of emotions flashed in his face, whilst some he hid with expertise that was beyond me.

The calculating gleam in his eyes was never lost as some points of interest, particularly of the events and even my own capabilities astounded or even intrigued him.

"You had a 9th Shadow Creature? That Deer?" He pointed out, as I explained the ridiculous capabilities of Rudolph.

Unfortunately, it is out of my hands, the jig is up, and trying to hide and lie about Rudolph would just be pointless.

I'll, of course, ask for Hiruzen and Uncle to keep a tight lip on him for as long as possible.

But I'll see how this goes...

I nodded, "Yes, and as you can tell... There is an obvious reason to hide what he's capable of and that he exists. I had only managed to tame him in Onimiyako."

Uncle was confused, as he mumbled, "When were you planning on exorcising him and using him then?"

I replied, "The Chunin Exams."

He raised an eyebrow, "That's not like you. Showing him off in the Chunin Exams? That would only paint a large target on your back. Depending on how many managed to glimpse your Deer and how great Iwa's network is, it won't be long until what you, or that Deer is capable of doing is exposed to our enemies. Not even mentioning the Toad."

...Sometimes I wish he weren't so smart and sharp, he's making this hard.

Time to divert the topic and redirect blame.

Shaking my head I answered, "It's for safety and an element of surprise should something dangerous occur in the Chunin Exams."

I continued, "Besides given the actual disaster this mission turned out to be, you can understand why I was forced into using them. Makoto and Eiichi always taught me to never reveal my whole hand. Keep at least two cards hidden. If one fails, then the other can compensa-"

He cut me off before I could divert the topic, his eyes narrowed, "Two cards hidden? In that case... Are the "Nine Shadows" truly just the "Nine Shadows"?"


Oi, that's no way to talk to your son.

...Is what I wanted to say, but he's in his Jonin Commander mood.

And this is very sketchy.

I maintained my composure at the probing and piercing look, answering unflinchingly, without any change in tension or atmosphere, "No. Nine Shadows it is. My Second Card was Jeff's Domain Expansion ability." I effortlessly lied.

The key to lying isn't maintaining eye contact or anything like that.

It could even give you away if before you uttered the lie, you didn't maintain eye contact during the conversation.

It makes one question:

"Why are you suddenly making eye contact?"

The reason being...

Humans are extremely sensitive to changes, both consciously and subconsciously.

To lie effectively, make sure your tone, the tension in your face, the overall mood and atmosphere, etc...

Are the exact same as they had been the entire conversation.

Shifts in tone, mood, atmosphere, and even acceleration of the heartbeat can be felt by keen individuals.

Don't be seen suddenly getting defensive, or suddenly nonchalant, or anything exaggerated.

That's the deciding factor.

Not a big fan of lying to Uncle, but Mahoraga is and will be a secret for as long as I can keep him as one.

Hopefully, he'll stay one by the time I tame him...

Somehow tame him.

A contemplative moment passed, and Uncle's look softened and he sighed, "What a headache... Sorry for probing you, Akira. Your Team and especially you have managed to bring a lot of trouble into my plate." He gave me a small, troubled, smirk.

Thank goodness he's not being pushy about it.

I shrugged, waving him off, "It's fine, it's fine. Duty calls and whatnot."

He mentioned, "But Eiichi and Makoto will be much more nosy than me about all of this."

I tilted my head, "All of this?"

His eyes narrowed at me, a sense of danger tingling in his back.

Justifiably so.

"Ah... What are you plotting?" He sighed.

I smirked, "Who said I'll be telling them about Rudolph and Jeff?"

I answered the question forming in his head, "I'll give them a false report that I'll write and retell the events without Rudolph and Jeff as well as alter the events. If all of us and you keep quiet, about them, which I'm asking of you right now to do. We'll be good."

I added, "Of course, convincing Lord Third to keep Rudolph a secret, given his abilities, falls to me, but I'll be glad for your help in that regard. At least, until the Chunin Exams. Dad."

He hummed, "And what about the reports of your injuries?"

I had an immediate answer, "The reports of our injuries appeared to be... Greatly exaggerated."

The false report should halt them from actually reaching out to the Hokage Office and requesting the Mission Report.

They have clearance for S - Rank missions, so the option of simply spouting "S - Rank! It's a secret, I can't tell!" wouldn't work.

Especially when Leaf's involvement with the Land Of Woods is likely going to be common information depending on how fast the information will travel.

It's not a classified S - Rank by any means, except the nitty gritty details.

That would only annoy them, but I'm going beyond simply annoying them right now.


He pinched his forehead as he mumbled, "...You know they'll eventually figure it out? Right? They won't be pleased with the fact that someone like Lord Third or even Iwagakure knows about the capabilities of the Clan's Kekkei Genkai user before even they do." He emphasized my title.

I nodded, "Yeah, don't care. They can throw all the hissy fits they want. I do owe em a lot, but they gotta know I'm not their show dog, and this is a good lesson. My simple insults appear cute to them, so that'll compensate. Send the message real good."


"Have you finally reached your rebellious phase?"


"Yeah, probably."


We were back in the Hokage's office.

The sun had already gone down with all the time that it took us to write those mission reports and Kakashi to finish discussing things with Hiruzen.

We were currently standing gathered before the Hokage, and chewing on some sandwiches the Hokage Secretary kindly got us.

He didn't mind.

He's not that prickly of an old man.

Besides, he was just done chewing on one himself as he conversed with Kakashi.

I threw a glance at the annoyed Naruto.

He looked drained on top of being irritated as he angrily chewed on his sandwich.

Sasuke's stoic self seemed okay.

Though with my long sharpened skill of being able to read his usually expressionless expressions, I could tell he was pleased.

"It's the tomato they put in the sandwich isn't it?" I commented.

He nodded smugly, "It's a good sandwich." He stated as a matter of fact.

"Shinobi." Hiruzen called out, as Shikaku stood beside Kakashi.

His stern tone made us swallow our food and fix our gazes on him.

We stared at his face and noticed it had aged significantly as he puffed out smoke from his pipe.

He started, "To not point out the obvious. The C-Rank Mission I sent you, has evolved and overcomplicated to the proportions of an S - Rank."

His steely eyes met with each one of us, "The critical blunder you have made. Was deciding to continue the mission upon learning of the harsh and unexpected reality."


"You have overstepped your station. Even with the troubling reality and discovery in your face. You should have followed mission parameters and went back to the Village." He chastised sternly.

Naruto had broken his silence, stomping on the ground, "JIJI! WHAT ARE Y-"

Hiruzen's stern gaze locked onto Naruto, causing the other to cease his speech, but the distraught anger and resolve hadn't waned in his blue eyes.

"But, that is not your fault," Hiruzen stated tiredly as his voice softened for a moment.

Causing Naruto to lower his snarl in favor of a more confused expression.

He elaborated, "You are young Shinobi. Experimental Accelerated Curriculum or not. This was your second mission and was supposed to be a C - Rank."

Directing his gaze at Kakashi, "The responsibility falls upon Kakashi in this mission. On Kakashi and myself." He gestured at Kakashi and himself.

Turning back to us he said, "And so. I will not be punishing you, boys."

Naruto gave a slight sigh of relief, while Sasuke didn't seem too moved by our verdict.

Hiruzen nodded as he continued, "I can only imagine the scale of disaster and tragedy you have bore witness to. In this day and age, even as Shinobi. Such sights should not be witnessed, period. I empathize with you and offer you my apologies."

Naruto had a bewildered look as he whispered to Sasuke, with a lack of any subtlety, "He's being weirdly stiff."

"Shut up," Sasuke growled quickly.

"On that note." Hiruzen's voice grew in pitch and turned warm.

"I am glad you have come back safe and sound..."

He ordered quickly, "Shikaku call for Chisato, tell her to bring in what I asked her to write."

Uncle nodded and quickly opened the door with a creak and left.

Leaving me and my Team with Hiruzen.

He continued warmly, "Despite going against the mission parameters and improvising your actions in the Land Of Woods. You have done stellarly."

"You have managed to minimize damage to Konoha and myself with your improvisation and going against the code. And for that, thank you, and good job." He gave a grandfatherly proud smile at each of us.

"With what Kakashi has told me, you boys have grown much stronger, more experienced and mature-"

I made a so-so gesture pointing at Naruto.


Hiruzen continued and his smile broadened at footsteps approaching the office, "Thus, for completing the as of now C - Rank turned S - Rank. You will be paid accordingly."

The door opened, revealing Shikaku and the medium-length white-haired Chunin Chisato.

In her hands, three pieces of paper.

But with a more scrutinizing gaze, their identity was pretty obvious - They were checks.

Shikaku walked back to stand beside Hiruzen's desk, while Chisato cheerfully handed out the checks to each of us.

Giving them a read...

My eyes widened at the number:

A whopping 1,005,000 Ryo.

"...Wait! Quick! Block the sound!" - Was the message sent when I made eye contact with Sasuke.

Naruto made his glee and surprise evident, "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" His roar shook the whole office.

Sasuke was smart and upon sight of the check placed his hands on his ears.

...I had done the same.

I would give a more exaggerated response, but I have to assist Sasuke in balancing out Naruto's reaction, so...

Damn, that's a lot of money.


"Naruto, calm down..." Kakashi trembled as he seemed to bear the brunt of the hearing damage along with Uncle.

He turned to Kakashi at his statement, a manic glint in his eye, "Calm down?! CALM DOWN?!"


Chisato had already walked out of the office, so she smartly evaded the Naruto-induced ear rupture.

Hiruzen, ruptured hearing as he already had given his age and association with Naruto since he was a baby, seemed unbothered as he chuckled, "Surprised by the sums? The most Elite Shinobi go on A - Ranks and S - Ranks and are paid accordingly. What you went through is no short of that."

Well, when he puts it that way, it's hard to say even a million Ryo is enough compensation for the mess that went down.

Hiruzen paused for a moment to let us digest his words and he continued, "To summarize, I will ask Kakashi to lecture you on the aspects you should work on tomorrow. After that, you will be free to rest up for the whole week."

"Do not speak of the mission details for a year, this is an A - Rank secret. Is my estimation correct, Shikaku?" He directed at Uncle.

Uncle nodded, "I'd even suggest six months, but a year doesn't make much of a difference. It's enough time to try and run some damage control, at least, as much as we can. Hopefully, Iwagakure makes a bold move and overshadows our actions."

"Chunin Exams right?" Naruto ignored Hiruzen's order and surprisingly managed to gleam into Hiruzen's meaning.

Hiruzen turned to Naruto and nodded, "That's right. The Chunin Exams will be starting in a week and the three of you are all going to participate."

The three of us exchanged determined looks and nodded at Hiruzen.

"After all we went through. Fighting a bunch of Genin? It'll be a piece of cake!" Naruto raised a fist, or more like a sandwich, as he smirked confidently.

Sasuke grunted smugly, "Hn."

I simply stated my agreement nonchalantly, "No problem."

Though underneath, I'm determined to follow my plans for the Chunin Exams.

The one I had crafted and decided upon on the road to the Land Of Woods.

Simply put...

I won't be saying anything.

The event turns out for the best, as I've determined.

I will only eliminate and save as many as I can.

At an opportune moment, enter Orochimaru's barrier as I am the only one who could slip in given my Kekkei Genkai.

Throw Beeflejuice at the snake's immobile body so his soul is ripped out.

Boom, big bad gone.

It's that easy.

In theory, at least.

I am still uncertain how much attention I might receive from the slippery snake.

Jeff's Domain Expansion.

Rudolph's Revolutionary Levels Of Healing.

The exposure of those back in the Land Of Woods is a scary prospect.

Hopefully, he lacks an information network to receive that kind of intel about me this fast from so far away when the event is just around the corner.

...He can't be omniscient right?

The revealing of them to the Village's higher rule is even more dangerous.

This is why I'll broach the topic after Hiruzen finishes his speech.

Not stating my real reason for it, but it ain't hard to come up with an excuse.

But then, Hiruzen's following words made my flimsy plans crumble in an instant.

"Is what I wanted to say..." He started.

"However, One of you... Will not be participating." He stated with a stern tone, his eyes regained their steel suddenly.

He cut through our confusion decisively and stated, directing his gaze at one of us.

"For your actions against The Priestess Shion of the Land Of Demons. Naruto, you are hereby banned from participating in the Chunin Exams for a year."

He continued mercilessly, as Naruto turned pale, "For the next Chunin Exams you will be assigned an unpaid D - Rank to assist in the logistical work and set up of the Exams. That is all."


I have never.

Wanted to strangle a blonde.

As much as now.


The image of the giant sand tanuki fighting a giant toad with Naruto on his head flashed in my mind.

...Motherfucker how am I supposed to deal with that one?

To Be Continued!

-Omake Start-

Title - We're fucked. (NOT Canon. I repeat. NOT Canon.)

-Akira POV-

I took a pleased sip of my tea with honey.

Ah... Now this was a nice stop.

I thought as I gazed at the beautiful plains of the Land Of Honey.

Deciding to stop in a moderately sized Tea Shop on the road in this country was a genius idea.

And it was Sasuke's!

A rare proactivity to be certain.

Although, ironically, he didn't seem to be enjoying it as much as I was.

"Too sweet." He had a slight frown as Kakashi, Naruto and I enjoyed this fine beverage.

Naruto waved him off, "You've got no taste, Teme." Gulping the piping hot tea without pause.

Searing his throat in the process.

As Sasuke chuckled at his usual stupidity.

Hmph, peasants!

Tea must be enjoyed slowly, and calmly.

Kakashi here knows what he's doing!

"Hehe~" He chuckled pervertedly, somehow sipping his tea through his mask and reading his cheap smut.

Never mind...

But, this is one of the better days in our travel.

We'll soon arrive in the Land Of Demons and then it's straight to Woods.

Wonder how that will g-

Gossip from a few guys at the table in front cut me off from my thoughts, "Hey, did you hear about that monster kid in Iwagakure?"

Hmm? Gossip about the enemy?

Oh, do go on.

"You mean that Dojutsu kid?"


"Yeah! They say his Dojutsu rivals or even surpasses both the Sharingan and Byakugan."


"He's just five years old and already Chunin! He's a prodigy among prodigies!"

No, no.

There's no way.



Absolutely not.

Just a weird coincid-

"Oi, Akira? Why is your cup shaking?" Naruto pointed out with a suspicious gaze.

I ignored him, as I was in full concentration mode.

"What was his name again?"

"Bodo Gato... No! Gojo Satoru! Yeah!" He confirmed with a chuckle.


I slammed my cup on the table, causing my team to jump momentarily in surprise.

I started slowly, "Listen up. I will present three options."





...Mahoraga, your time has come.

-Author Note Start-

Hello, my lovely readers!





We will be going back to ACTUAL once-a-week uploads with this one.

The 25,000-word marathon to end the prior arc drained me from this fic for a good twenty days lmao.

Now we're back in business! (Please believe me!)

Now, we'll be having one more chapter after this one to tie up loose ends and transition... Smoothly into the Chunin Exams.

Because sudden relevant skips are a no-no!

As always, I've hoped you enjoyed this chapter and it was up to quality and stuff.

And as you can see, some consequences have made themselves present.

Particularly the Shion incident and Akira's earlier-than-planned exposure to Round Deer and Jeff Ryoiki Tenkai.

How will Akira deal with Gaara - Specifically Shukaku?!

Well, there are many options, but you'll see his contemplations and adjustments.

He's got a week after all!

Without further yapping! Cya!

-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

The electric chair was invented by a dentist. Here's this week's random fact.

-Author Note End-