Phase 9: Mental Isolation

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

I'm also occasionally chilling in JaxWolf4's (Author of Nah, I'd Adapt and Zenin Days) Discord Server. It's a chaotic lobotomy mess. Not for the faint of heart.

Here's the link:

Disc: t2KKdZse

(Credit to SplingoSplongo& quilltedbear for the Beta Reading Labor!)

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Inside a dimly lit, empty, and eerily silent room.

Two individuals stood beside one another, their dimly lit visage the sole occupants of the otherwise empty room.

Pervading the room was an eerie silence, broken only by the labored breaths of the pained boy.

It was an agonizing pain, as the Cursed Seal that marked him fought back with a vengeance for their attempt to seal it.

Nevertheless, the Uchiha persevered.

"Evil Sealing Jutsu!" Kakashi roared loudly.

With his announcement and subsequent hand sign, the many red lines drawn on Sasuke's bare upper body flew to his seal, surrounding it both visually and effectively.

Much to Kakashi's impressed hum, Sasuke merely hissed at the otherwise torturous pain.

Immediately, relief came to the Uchiha.

He huffed, "Is... That it?" Inquiring with a troubled yet relieved frown, looking over his shoulder at Kakashi's usual poker face.

The masked Jonin nodded, giving him an eye smile, "You've done well enduring it up to now." Kakashi's eyes then shot to the countless ANBU hidden in the room to make sure no disturbances occurred, handing out Sasuke's shirt back to him

"Hn." Sasuke rose up slowly as he put his shirt back on swiftly, silence befalling the room.


The two of them were never the talkative bunch, so the silence persisted as their eyes met once again, Sasuke nodding with gratitude.

Kakashi waved it off, "Mah, don't mention it." He stated with casual indifference, yet it could not be denied a hint of visible unease crossed his features.

An unease that only someone familiar with Hatake - a student, for example, could notice.

Narrowing his eyes, Sasuke hazarded a guess, "Lord Third informed you of what he did, I take it?" He bluntly questioned the Jonin.

At Sasuke's inquiry, a look momentarily crossed Kakashi's face - distance and melancholy set in his gaze, catching the genin off-guard.

A look that dissipated almost immediately, "As long as you three are my Genin. Your failures are my failures." He stated matter of factly, emotionlessly.


Kakashi couldn't help but scoff internally at that word.

He had failed far too many times.

He had failed those dear to him far, far too many times.

And where did that get him?

Oh, he's still alive.

But those he failed?


Call him pessimistic, but this was exactly his worry when refusing to teach Genin.

To fail them... Like he had failed many others.

Was it so wrong of him to wish to be hurt no longer?

A hint of confusion crossed Sasuke's features, "What does that have to do with-"

Kakashi cut him off sharply, his tone dull and tired, "The Bell Test... And especially the dire circumstances we endured in the Land Of Woods Mission proved to me that you three have the core values that kept me alive for so long... The values that didn't lead me astray."

Sighing, Kakashi elaborated before Sasuke could retort, "My disappointment in Akira stems from the same reason as Lord Third's. I trust in Akira's cold judgment on the usage of his Deer."

Shrugging he noted casually, "Pragmatically speaking, it's the correct thing to do. His methodology and way of thinking are that of a Shinobi."

His gaze grew sharp, as he glared daggers at Sasuke, a plea almost ringing out from his lone eye.

"But that of a Shinobi of the Leaf they are not."

"There should be a limit to ruthless calculation; it's what separates the Leaf from Mist and other Hidden Villages..."

Kakashi has seen it countless times.

Ignored countless clues.

He was never the most social.


How could he have missed the clues that the gentle soul of Itachi was one capable of cold-blooded kin-slaying?


He won't be ignoring any clues.

"It may seem petty, however, these things start small. Letting dear comrades suffer for the sake of a greater goal. Letting them perish for an even greater goal. Counting lives of comrades and family as numbers... I do not want that for any of you three." He genuinely admitted as he explained the disturbing progression, patting Sasuke's head much to his dismay.

Sasuke only allowed it due to the warmth and slight vulnerability in Kakashi's tone.

The most he'd ever seen.

A surprising gesture given they've been through rougher situations, to put it mildly.

On a more positive and casually aloof tone that signified Kakashi, he lastly stated, "Now then. Let your sensei worry about that. You should rest while you can, it's still early in the morning so you can catch up on some sleep before breakfast."

A thin line formed on Sasuke's face as he nodded, "Are you going to speak with him?" He asked.

Humming, Kakashi shook his head on a more positive note, "No. Lord Third's explanation was as thorough as his tongue lashing." He explained as he turned around to walk away.

'After all that... He's not going to do anything?' Was Sasuke's immediate, almost disappointed thought.

Kakashi was a lousy and lazy teacher like always.


As his gaze fixated on his Sensei's distancing figure...

The loud echo of his steps...

A sound that would usually be muffled by the man's skill even in such a silent environment.

Sasuke couldn't help but notice that wasn't the stride of someone that is going to run away from his problems.


No matter how much he wanted to resort to that comfortable habit.

Nevertheless, Sasuke couldn't help but huff in irritation.

"He's focusing on the wrong thing." He stated as he rose up to head towards the exit.

Focusing on the breach of values.

But not the subtle breach of character.

No matter what Akira said...

He always was...

Always is...

A Nara.

No matter how much he tried to lean into the extremities of his character, what Akira did makes no sense in Sasuke's mind.


'Is Kakashi also suspicious of something deeper going on?' Sasuke frowned as his coarse, troubled steps echoed loudly.

'There's no evidence of that... It's up to us, then.' Sasuke confirmed with a sigh.


-Akira POV-

It was simultaneously a pleasant and unpleasant sleep.

Despite waking up suddenly in my empty room in a cold sweat.

I couldn't help but feel that it was quite...

A refreshing and enlightening rest.

Hopping off the bed with renewed vigor, I habitually scanned my surroundings and sniffed the air.

The injuries on my body still stung but felt considerably lighter and less inhibiting than yesterday.

It was rather foolish of me not to head to the Medic Nin, but I'm qualified enough to dress minor injuries, at the very least.

Finding no issue or change in my surroundings from before falling asleep, I clenched my fists.

Reminding myself of what I must do; the conclusion of my strange dream.

"Even if it hurts and isolates... I'll persist in my plan... I can only do it alone."

While the help of others is required, I can't tell them the truth... Else it'll undoubtedly fail or lead to unwanted circumstances.

Like a mantra, I repeat it in my head.

So I don't fall victim to the sweet temptations of sharing the burden like I almost fell victim to yesterday.

So early into the plan.


The fact I even considered it, disgusts me.

"Fucking weakling." I spat out with a hint of irritation.

A calming breath later, I headed to take a look through the window.

The sun was up, and it was most certainly somewhere around 2 PM.

As per the plan, I would spy on the ongoing Exam while in the tower using the Whiskers I summoned.

This specific part of the plan was, in actuality, a contingency in the case Orochimaru messed with me.

Which he did...

Otherwise, the teams I had chosen would flawlessly end up in the tower as desired.


But I've dismissed all the Whiskers.

To be frank, the teams are merely an investment as well as a cover and thankfully enough have come by with what I'd done...

Enough that I couldn't bother with continuing this farce.

...Or so I told myself yesterday to catch my breath and take a break.

That was an emotional mistake.

My eye twitched, "A lot of those, lately." I huffed.

Now, I have to improvise...

How do I manage to resummon Whiskers into the forest without being caught interfering with the 2nd Phase after I've passed?


One of the primary weaknesses of Rabbit Escape's initial usage is the fact it summons a forest of rabbits.

Anyone with a functioning pair of eyes can discern that.

Much less the observant ANBU who could easily tell it was me.


Ah, might as well just see if anyone else had passed.

Maybe it won't be necessary?

As I pondered, I headed towards the door, my hand turned the handle opening the door with a creak.

I was immediately met with a lazy, almost nonchalant voice as it was pushed open.

A voice I had both dreaded and expected to hear, just a little later.

"Did you sleep well?"

My eyes were met with the leisurely gaze of my cousin leaning on the wall in front of my room.

His eyes scanned my weary and bandaged body, as he hummed, "You look like you had a rough time."

"You don't." I curtly replied, looking at his uninjured state, to which he snorted.

I answered his prior question with a smirk, "As for my sleep? A little rough, but quite enlightening."

I cut to the chase, "Hope you haven't been waiting long?"

He gave a so-so gesture, "About twenty minutes, I estimated when you would roughly wake up judging by when you passed the Exam."

...How does that even work?


"I'm guessing you've met up with my dear teammates?"

"That I did." He nodded in affirmation.


He straightened himself, and his gaze grew unusually sharp.

"Akira, I'll be blunt. Cut the crap and tell me what it is you are up to. I can take it."

...Is he for real?

He noticed the shocked and perplexed expression on my face, almost reading my mind, "I'm for real."

Frowning, Shikamaru stated with finality, "You either tell me, or I figure it out myself. Whichever you prefer. But I'll tell you one thing, you'd prefer it much less if I figure it out on my own."


Is he...

Threatening me?

I snorted loudly, "Of all the things..." I shook my head, "Shika. I can't believe someone as smart as you fell to their delusions... You know what? I feel like a broken record."

I gestured wildly with my arms wide, my voice echoed loudly in the empty hallway, "That's right! I do have a grand plan set in motion! I simply crippled those Shinobi for... Pfft... Hahaha!" I laughed.

"I can't even think up a logical reason for doing something like that." I shook my head with a chuckle.

Shikamaru's disturbingly serious expression hadn't changed, his eyes narrowed further as he seemed to ignore my every word.

"You suspect Orochimaru will strike in the Chunin Exams?" He asked pointedly.


I blinked, "Sure. But this and that are differe-"

Shikamaru sharply cut me off, "I'm not entirely sure about that." He stated bluntly with folded arms.

I arched an eyebrow, "What are you accusing me of, exactly?"

"That your worry of Orochimaru striking and your excessively aggressive and sadistic actions in the Forest Of Death are connected." He stated bluntly.

He started, "I've questioned other teams. Some simply 'Found' a scroll to reach here... You did that, didn't you?"

Before I could answer, he rambled on, "If you're worried that Orochimaru would strike at the climax of the Exams... Why would you need other Hidden Villages in Konoha during this time?"

"But that also contradicts the image you're trying to paint. Wanting them to participate but lowering their chances by crippling their Shinobi? It's clear this contradiction stems from you trying to paint an image... An image that serves a purpose whether far-reaching or not I still need to conclude." he admitted.

"However... This act of yours..."

"And most incriminating... Your apology to Sasuke before you began your crusade..." He accused to which I froze.

"What are you trying to cover with your aggression?"

"Who did you kill?"

I immediately collected myself to respond, but he didn't seem keen on staying.

After saying his words, he turned around and left me hanging, simply standing there in place.

His steps echoed as he changed his tone with a wave, "I'll see you at lunch." His lazy, reluctant tone returned.

As if he hadn't just threatened me...

As if...

As if he hadn't terrified me down to my very core.

My mind raced to piece together his accusations.

What did he know?

What didn't he know?

I clenched my fists, 'He played me...'

All my lessons from Makoto weren't enough against this one, genuine genius.

But, there was one thing I managed to glean from his rant of accusations.


"He knows that I have knowledge of future events."

Indeed, it was that small, slight misstep.

Ino's unexpected usage of the signature Yamanaka Jutsu.

And my emotional slip-up.


Damn it all.

I can't even tell what he's planning on doing or what he even knows beyond that.

Hell, he might have figured out my intentions entirely.

But if that were the case, he wouldn't have demanded or threatened me like this unless to test me...


Huffing through my nose, I nod to myself in determination.


Even if Shikamaru knows my plan, I have no choice but to continue playing the fool.

I must also consider what Shikamaru could do with thorough knowledge of my plan - and prepare a contingency that aligns with the goal.


If he truly understands my intentions, he won't stop me.

I'd hoped he'd stay the lazy genius I knew, but that's no longer an option.

I'll work with what I have...


-Third Person POV-

These were a tumultuous five days, some more erratic and intense than others.

However, after much struggle...

The 2nd Phase of the Chunin Exams has finally come to an end.

Much to either the dismay or pleasure of others... This was clearly not the end.

As before the Tournament, a greater deal of Genin had passed than anticipated.

And a Preliminary Stage had been set.

Within the Central Tower where all the Teams that collected a Heaven and Earth Scroll rested for as long as they could lay a spacious arena.

There, a great deal of individuals gathered.

Proctors, Spectators, Security, and most importantly...

The participants and Hokage himself.

The matches were yet to start, but the atmosphere was a mixture of tense and exciting.

To some, more than others...

-Akira POV-

For the past few days, I'll admit I've been subject to something rather unpleasant.

Specifically from the thankfully more clueless dear friends of mine...

Due to some kind of coping or digesting of what I've done and accepting it.

Something else emerged - namely me being the subject of much scrutiny.


Or to put it in simpler terms, me being bullied.

Granted, I deserved it.

And I much prefer this over Shikamaru snooping around with Sasuke in tow.

...Even Choji and Ino were in on it.

"Excited to beat up a few more Genin? I'm sure you've been itching... BAHAHAHHAAH!" Kiba's chortle reverberated as we mingled among the huddled Shinobi awaiting the start of the debacle.


"Now that's just plain rude." Sakura chastised with a disgruntled frown.

He retorted, "What? He likes it, doesn't he?" Pointing at me to which I shrugged.

Hinata smiled awkwardly, "T-That isn't nice, Kiba-kun."

"Why am I the villain here?!" He pointed a thumb at himself, a dismayed expression on his face.

I huffed in response, admitting, "I do like it. I'll like it even more when I get matched with you~!" I smirked as I wiggled my fingers.

"ARF!" Akamaru expressed his refusal in Kiba's name, the Inuzuka having an uneasy sweat trickling down his face.

...What did he expect me to reply, exactly?

The atmosphere turned a little awkward at my expression of sadism, reminding them once more of what I've done... My 'True' face.

To be honest, it's rough around the edges and at times awkward, but they're taking it much better over time than expected.

It's not like I'm acting like a complete nutjob.

A principled one - Stretching it any further and I doubt I could keep this farce for long.

And if it doesn't last long, it won't serve its purpose.

Regardless, in a way, this eases things.


Can't say the same about the guys more familiar with me.

I turned my head and was met with Ino's aghast expression.

We haven't really exchanged words since I arrived here.

She's cordial and doesn't ignore me, but that's about it.

No friendly, enthusiastic smile when she sees me or the usual casual talk.

I won't lie and say it doesn't bother me, but it is what it is...

"Are you okay, Akira?" Choji approached and asked with a worried frown.

I blinked and turned to him with a grateful and friendly smile, "Never been better, thanks."

...He's been asking this repeatedly from the moment he met me after the second phase.

I sighed with a shake of my head.

Truly, there's no fooling him.

I'm only thankful that he's the only one I'm truly close to that I don't feel some kind of alienation from.

A sense of relief, to be certain.


But what I'm worried about is these two...

My head turned to the lazy, unimpressed gaze of Shikamaru who settled on me, as well as Sasuke who stood beside me with his usual stoic expression.

Our talks were more uneasy than ever, but Shikamaru replied as if all was normal since his quite alarming threat.

I can't help but anxiously believe they are plotting something.

...But asking would give me away, so I play my part.

Suddenly, our attention was grabbed by loud, chakra-enhanced steps.

Amidst the loud banter and chatter in the crowd of Shinobi of varying villages in this closed arena, the steps cut through the noise with ease.

Exercising little subtlety, the reigning Hokage of the Village Hidden In The Leaves made his presence known, exerting a visceral pressure on the room.

Among us, tongues fell silent, tied to the floors of their mouths.

Gazes narrowed, eyelids closing under their own weight.

Knees shook and breath hitched, as if the very ground beneath their feet had faltered before him.

Hiruzen exerted his authority and strength with infallible command as he called us to attention wordlessly.


He stopped just in front of all of us.

His eyes narrowed, scanning the entire room briefly as silence reigned in the immense arena.

Nodding, he began his announcement, "To all the Genin who have traversed the dangerous Forest Of Death teeming with danger and your peers. Managed to obtain both a scroll of Heaven and Earth and reached this Tower... You have shown Wisdom, Strength, and Teamwork. I, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Third Hokage Of Konohagakure, personally congratulate you on your fantastic performance."

He paused, his tone a note warmer, "With that being said. All of you here are exemplary Genin on the cusp of Chunin, of that I have no doubt."

A small, competitive smile formed on his aged face, showcasing that youth had not yet left him completely, "But as of now, that's all you Genin are. Simply... On the cusp of Chunin."

"Are you satisfied with this status quo? To stop here after risking your lives and fighting?" He questioned.

No one dared answer him, but the fierce expressions of most of the Genin expressed otherwise.

Including my own vicious smirk.

...He sure likes speeches.

Hiruzen's smile widened, "Good. As you know, given the, quite frankly, record number of Genin passing the 2nd Phase, we have no choice but to have a preliminary match."

"If any of you would like to give up, now is the time." He questioned without looking at the crowd.

His inquiry was more of a courtesy; rarely are there any Genin that quit at this stage.

...Except him.

A hand raised into the air, sticking out of the crowd of foreign and fellow Shinobi.

"Yakushi Kabuto. Are you certain?" Hiruzen called out his name, as the crowd turned to look in fascination at the 'brave' grey-haired leaf Genin.

He smiled a weary smile, an easygoing tone in his response, "Yeah... I'm pretty tired. We just finished the 2nd phase and now I have to fight again? I'll take my chances in the next Exam. Thank you, Lord Third." He bowed with a smirk.

...It might be hypocritical of me to judge, but it's honestly awe-inspiring how he can utter such bullshit with a straight face.

He had gotten his second pair of scrolls on our way to the tower, yet he and his team actually finished the exam just this day at the last possible opportunity.

I can't keep track of him, so as long as he stays in his little line I'm fine.

It'd be more risky to actually try and track him.

And, with judgemental looks on his back, Kabuto exited the premises with a relieved smile.

Shino couldn't help but comment through his shades, his tone perplexed, "I find it odd he decided to leave. Why? Because he displayed extraordinary knowledge and combat efficiency as I had observed."

I shrugged, "Maybe he's really tired?"

"Or a weirdo." Ino huffed, alarm bells ringing in her mind.

Impressive intuition from the Yamanaka.

Given she didn't catch a glimpse of his creepy side as I, Sakura, Shino, and Kiba did.

Fighting off the urge to grab the bag of chips he stuffed in his pocket, Choji admitted, "He's hungry." He seemed almost certain.

As talks like these rolled on, Hiruzen cut them short swiftly as he noticed no one else had decided to leave.

Coughing into his hand, attention gravitated back to him, "Now then, I wish you luck in the preliminaries, fight as a proud Shinobi would." He advised.

Turning his head to a screen and gesturing to it, a pair of names were written:

[Match 1 - Misumi Tsurugi VS Neji Hyuga]

With a smile, Hiruzen explained, "The matches will be called by the proctor and will appear consecutively on the screen."

He then gestured at the stairs leading to the second floor that overlooked the arena, "With the exception of the proctor and the Genin participating in the bout, all of you are to spectate from there... As for those of you whose names appear on the screen, assemble in the center." He turned to look at Neji and Misumi whom both nodded in understanding.

I did as everyone else did... Walk up the stairs.

However, I caught a glimpse of my dear sensei standing there looking over at our army of Genin marching up to the spectating area.

From afar, I could hear Lee's voice as he yelled, "Is that your name, Neji?! Great! I didn't hear what Lord Third said but it's a relief I don't have to face you in the preliminaries!" He pumped his fist in excitement.

Neji ignored him, only considering his existence with a simple, "I'll see you in the finals... Presumably."


Frog in a well?

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Lee genuinely expressed confusion, with a loud yell that grated on the ears.

His run-in with the Sound Shinobi seems to have damaged his hearing... Slightly?

Rising up the stairs, the rest of us wordlessly split towards our respective senseis who called out to us.

Though, Kakashi's call-out was a simple look and a wave of his hand.

Sasuke and I habitually approached the familiar but most certainly shady person.

Sakura on the other hand froze, to which I turned towards her with an arched eyebrow.

She stood there frozen, slightly confused, and awkward.

Her gaze was searching, not a glimpse of Anko in the vicinity, I'll bet.

Given the beating she got from the slimy bastard, I can't really fault her for being absent.

Arriving beside the silent Kakashi and Sasuke, the three of us collectively looked at her.

She blinked, slightly disturbed at our silent almost judgemental and piercing look.

"W-What?!" She succumbed to the pressure, yelling at us and pointing her finger at us.

"Are you, perchance, on the lower end of the spectrum of intelligence?" I inquired ever so politely, accidentally leaning into my former ways of addressing Pinky over here.

In a flash, her expression changed into a fierce snarl, as she tilted her head, "Huh? Are you compensating for something by trying to sound smart?" She retorted in lightning speed.

Her tone condescending.

Her words brutal.


I am never ready for this Anko-pilled Sakura's verbose power.

A reassuring pat on my shoulder grabbed my attention as I was met with Kakashi's pitying and understanding look, "Anko's insults are worse. You'll get used to it." He nodded matter-of-factly.

Sasuke cut to the chase, "You're a member of Team 7. I'm sure Naruto wouldn't mind." He shrugged nonchalantly, though a hint of cruel amusement was evident in his small smile.

"I'm pretty sure he would mind... But I agree." I nod as I gesture at her to join us.

She gave one final searching look at Kakashi, to which he shrugged, "Mah, I don't mind as long as I don't have to take responsibility for-" He blocked both my and Sasuke's elbow strikes.

...Sharp as always.

Beaming at the welcome reception, Sakura appeared so fast beside us, specifically closer to Sasuke, that I thought she had mastered Body Flicker Jutsu.

Though the last guy who did that died.

Uchiha Shisui, I believe.

How did he even get caught, exactly?

Though most deaths of S-Rank Shinobi are a tight-lipped secret unless widely witnessed.

Like Namikaze Minato's death.

Records state his death was... Most brutal and unfitting the Hero of the Third War.

Sakura smiled broadly, "Thanks, you guys~!"


"Don't mention it."

"1,000 Ryo or you're off the Team." I teased.

"Aren't you rich?"

"How did you suppose I achieved my wealthy status?"

"Birthright and being a child of nepotism?"

"True... You jealous?"

Considering it for a second, Sakura shook her head, "I prefer being Haruno Sakura, thank you."


"No need to get all philosophical about it."

...Kakashi's gaze on me was getting uncomfortable.

I turned to the silver-haired Jonin, "Anything on your mind?"

Sasuke huffed, appearing as if he knew what was up.

Closing his lone eye, Kakashi... Patted my hair?


Sensing my clear perplexion, Kakashi shook his head, "It's nothing to talk about in this setting. I'll speak with you once the preliminaries are done. I'm just relieved you're you." He admitted genuinely.

...Oh, I see.

I wonder what image of me he had drawn in his mind, given he likely got Hiruzen's brutal scrutiny no doubt.


I guess, this is nice.

Though, I think he'll take those words back.

Since there's little play to be doing right now.


-Third Person POV-

The arena was still with silence, as the two Leaf Genin stood before each other.

Standing in between them was the proctor, who announced himself.

Dressed in the signature Jonin Flak Jacket, a man with dark deep lines beneath his eyes that not so subtly declared how exhausted he was despite his young age, a katana strapped to his back as well.

Coughing occasionally after a few words, "My name is Hayate Gekko. I will be the proctor for these preliminary matches." He turned to look at Neji and Misumi respectively who both nodded in understanding, "The rules are. Simple, if the opponent gives up, dies or I deem it. A defeat, the match ends with a respective winner."

He reassured, "Don't worry. I will judge fairly. The rest of you spectating will. Make sure of that." He turned to those spectating from above and then to the Hokage.

Hiruzen nodded, "You may begin the preliminaries!" He gave the order.

Hayate nodded as well, lifting his hand and cutting the air sharply in between the two concentrated opponents, "MATCH. START!"

In an instant, a wide-smirked Misumi rushed towards Neji in a dash.

Neji, immediately formed a hand sign, concentrating chakra in his eyes, announcing loudly, "BYAKUGAN!"

In that moment, Misumi had reached strike distance of Neji calling out, "Victory goes to the swiftest!" He extended his left hand to strike Neji's seemingly unguarded right cheek.

Neji wordlessly shot his hands forward attempting to strike Misumi's hand in interception, aiming at the tenketsu located in his wrists.

Misumi smirked as his limbs suddenly grew eerily flexible, as if he had no bones or joints in his arms.

His left hand snaked around Neji's strike and hand and he swiftly bent his entire body to try and wrap Neji...

Only for Neji's left hand to shoot forward swiftly and strike the tenketsu of the hand that wrapped his right arm with a resonating impact.

The strikes were swift and eerily precise.

Striking at the tenketsu had stopped the flow of chakra and canceled the disturbing snake-like jutsu, each strike impacted and resonated like thunder.

The shock on Misumi's face didn't last long, as his confidence was wiped faster from his face than anyone could have expected.

A series of swift strikes left Misumi's bendable body, solid once more and his Chakra network completely disabled.

A final strike to the chest sends the former rubber-like man flying with a bloody cough.

His body impacted the ground, thoroughly unconcious and his life at risk.

The crowd of Genin was still in shock.

Neji's voice rang out with a simple, disgusted scoff, "Victory goes to the swiftest... That would have been true were you to have the talent to back that up."

Hayate gestured swiftly at the medical team on standby, announcing meanwhile, "Winner by knock-out. Hyuga Neji." He did his best to keep up a poker face as he observed the first match mercilessly done in less than ten seconds, the opponent taken away on a stretcher.

This wasn't a spectacle, so most kept a calculative silence as they analyzed the swift, almost instant victory of the Hyuga Genius.

As all eyes fixated on the Hyuga rising up the stairs back to his team alongside Guy, he was met with cheers from a half-deaf Rock Lee.

Nodding enthusiastically, "As expected of you! My Rival! The opponent proved no match for you!"

"Nice job, Neji." She congratulated shortly, having expected nothing less.

"An outstanding display of YOUTH! My stoic disciple!" Guy flashed a literally beaming grin with a big thumbs-up.

Which Neji habitually ignored.

...He was used to Kakashi's brutal methods of brushing him off, Neji's ignoring him was light in comparison.

Tenten then blinked, with a tilted head, "Are you sure you want to stay? Don't you want to head back to rest, since you've won anyway?"

Neji shook his head, "I'm curious what everyone else here is capable of." He admitted with a hint of professional intrigue.

His gaze was directed at the figures of Sasuke and Akira respectively.

"Are you worried about our little Kohai? You should know not to listen to rumors. You're the Strongest Genin in the Village! Nara Akira has got nothing on you!" She pumped her fist with a huff.

A thin line formed on Neji's face, "We'll have to see."

At first, Hyuga Neji had no doubt of that, even with the outlandish claims the Nara have been spouting about their pride of a Genius.

Let them have their pride, the Nara rarely produced A-Rank Shinobi, unlike the Honorable Hyuga.

Ignorant fools, or so he and the rest of the Hyuga believed.

Claims and rumors were just that, claims and rumors.

A hint of his prowess came with a small incident.

An incident that Neji was confident he could replicate.


Doubt snaked into his mind, doubt regarding his position as the Strongest Genin.

It was a title - His only rebellion against his Destiny.

It was in the form of an odd question from Nara Shikamaru.

About being given a scroll.

About seeing a team being crippled by Akira - Claiming the rumor would spread regardless, and was Akira's intention.


Those ghastly agonized cries that reverberated through the forest were... The work of a single boy?

A single Genin?



Could Neji have done something like that?

Neji cared not for Akira's actions.

He only cared for his strength, his talent.

How great of a destiny he carried and how the spiteful branch family Hyuga's talent compared.


"That was the Gentle Fist." Sasuke hummed in impression, his three tomoe Sharingan already active.

"Awfully confident of you to waste chakra this early... But that is a smart usage." Akira retorted with an arched brow, admitting Sasuke's sound decision.

"Unless I fight you, I don't need much chakra." Sasuke scoffed.

"Oh you would like that, wouldn't you?" Akira sneered.

Sakura chimed in, ignoring the subtle tension, "It was hard to catch his movements, but it's a defensive style, right?" She turned to her teammates and temporary sensei.

Kakashi nodded, with a so-so gesture, "While it may look that way, it is in fact a very lethal offensive Taijutsu. The Hyuga utilize their Dojutsu to accurately strike at the tenketsu. In other words, even those with extraordinary defenses would have their defenses rendered null."

Sakura blinked, "Umm, Kakashi-sensei? I know what a tenketsu is, so it's obvious getting hit there would disable someone's chakra."

Akira turned to the pink-haired kunoichi, "Forgive him, he's used to explaining to Naruto."

"Oh, that makes sense." She sent the masked Jonin a pitying look.


There was no further delay; shortly after the announcement of Neji's triumph over Misumi the screen blurred to display the second match.

[Match 2 - Tachibana Ayano VS Fujisaki Shouta]

It was a match between two Shinobi of Sunagakure.

All eyes turned to the two Genin from separate teams who went down the stairs and headed straight to the arena, Hayate considered them with a leisurely almost tired look.

The first to arrive was the aforementioned Tachibana Ayano.

Appearing around fourteen years of age, she was average in stature wearing an oversized coat that would function rather poorly in the drought climate of Sunagakure; the Sunagakure mark strapped to her wrist.

Brown hair styled in a shoulder-length twin tail.

On her back, was an extremely large object, wrapped in clean cloth.

In a feat of impressive strength, she appeared unhindered as she walked around with that giant thing strapped to her back.

Her face with the exception of the eyes was obscured by a surgical mask of all things.

With her face obscured, it was hard to tell what the girl was thinking, but her glare was firmly set in annoyance at the approaching Fujisaki Shouta:

Sweatdropping as he stood in front of Ayano and with Hayato standing neutrally in between them, his Sunagakure headband glistened as the light of the sun pierced through the large windows in the corners of the gigantic closed arena.

Ayano started, her voice holding a note of contempt, as she requested matter of factly, "Do you mind surrendering? I'd prefer not to get any more dirty than from just standing in this cluttered space of scoundrels."

Shouta, who was much shorter than Tachibana and anyone his age of fifteen should be, lifted his head to meet her dull gold eyes with an uneasy smile, "I've never gotten this far in previous Chunin Exams... So no can do, Ayano-san."

The frown and cringe on Ayano's face were clear even through her mask as she sighed in transparent irritation, shaking her head, "You're going to lose anyway... Why bother? Here I had my hopes up that since I'm fighting someone familiar I won't have to clean away someone else's blood... And I just replaced the cloth too." She sighed again.

"Even if it's you-"

Hayate's voice sharply ceased the ongoing banter and conversation, his hand cutting through the air as he announced without delay, "MATCH! START!"

Shouta hadn't wasted a moment, launching himself into action to not let Ayano release her weapon before things got bothersome.

Using his smaller stature he transitioned into a slide as he swiftly drew a kunai, aiming at the tendons of the girl.

Her expression immediately switched from her prior cringe to one of concentration, as she immediately hopped an impressive height also due to unbuckling the massive object strapped to her back, not before grabbing it with her palm for but a moment.

With a resonating impact that kicked up a small cloud of dust, which caused Shouta to backflip away and cease his offensive, a gigantic puppet was revealed and a line of chakra threads attached to it from the airborne Ayano was revealed.

"Tsk. Wasn't fast enough." He clicked his tongue as he noted the gigantic puppet with even greater unease.

It was a unique design from the usual wood puppets.

A gigantic armadillo puppet named - Arumajiro.

Its design was well known, but Shouta couldn't help but shake off the feeling something was amiss.

'For someone as meticulous as Ayano-san... A scrap on it's back?' He noted the scrap like scratches on the puppet.

Landing on the ground with a soft thud, Ayano patted herself off from any possible dirt, keeping an eye on the guarded figure of Shouta.

Then, with a firm expression, she moved her fingers and with their movement, the chakra threads that controlled Arumajiro moved as well.

With audible mechanical clicks, Arumajiro bent his body and rolled into a ball.

Swinging her arm in a wide arc to the left, Arumajiro began to roll at a decent speed - Specifically towards Shouta.

Arumajiro's roll was heavy, getting hit by it wouldn't end pleasantly.

Shouta opted to hop to the side, as Arumajiro's roll missed the Genin, hitting the wall in its speedy and heavy roll.

A resonating impact, embedding itself in the wall.

Shouta, familiar with the Puppet was well aware of Arumajiro's weakness:

Speed and Control.

"You're wide open!" He roared as he charged towards the unimpressed Ayano.

Pulling her threads back to make the slow Arumajiro roll backward, the Puppet wasn't fast enough to intercept Shouta's charge and stop him from reaching close combat range with Ayano.

Close combat is a well-known weakness of Puppet Users.

His kunai drawn, he threw a few shuriken at Ayano, expecting her to retreat so as to not get into a Taijutsu exchange.

Yet, much to his surprise and wide gaze, Ayano dodged them, keeping her chakra threads intact - A risky move to be sure.

"You must be out of your mind! Ayano-san!" He declared, about to stab her face with a kunai.

...Just then, the girl's expression twisted into a sly smirk as she made a small gesture with her fingers.

With a resonating mechanical noise, and a speedy whoosh through the air...

An agonizing pain was felt in Shouta's back.

'S-Shuriken!' He bit his lip as he felt the sharp objects stab him in the back, the pain momentarily distracting him.

It was an opportunity Ayano hadn't wasted.

She cut off the chakra threads at his sudden stupor and roundhouse kicked him in the face, to which he could barely respond in time by blocking with his forearm.

Her strength was impressive, but not enough to crack bone and the pain was much duller in comparison to the countless shuriken stuck to his back.

Sent flying, he flew through the air landing with a soft thud as blood trickled down his back.

Impressed hums and shocked gasps echoed through the air.

"She customized the puppet?" Her Jonin Sensei hummed surprised, having not known this about her.

Failing to rise up, Ayano approached slowly, looking down on the struggling Shouta.

"You relied too much on the fact it's a familiar design. I noticed you being skeptical. Should have trusted your instincts... Ah, See? This all could have been avoided. Shouldn't have been such a loser." She shrugged with a disappointed shake of her head.

"Do not speak that way! He tried his hardest!" Rock Lee exclaimed loudly, chastising Ayano.

She turned to scrutinize Lee's appearance and glare, "I don't care what a bunch of dirty leaf scoundrels think." She huffed.

Turning around before Lee could retort with an insult he most certainly isn't capable of coming up with, she eyed Hayato, "Call it. He's done." She pointed at the sluggishly rising up Shouta.

Hayato hummed, noting that Shouta was about to jump into action once more...

Only for Ayano to kick him down once again, "To think... I need to dirty my shoes with you." She glared at the blood on her feet from the seeping blood of Shouta's back.

Now convinced, Hayato called it with a sigh, "Winner by Technical Knock Out. Tachibana Ayano." He gestured to the medical team to take Shouta away.

From the spectator podium, his team more specifically a boy with a blindfold only shook his head in dismay at Shouta's performance.

"That was... Brutal. She's kind of a bitch." Ino noted loudly beside her team, glaring at the figure of Ayano who was, either out of some kind of illness or disrespect doing her best to wipe any dirt or blood off of her and her Puppet in the corner, her team walking down to discuss with her.

"Yeah, that wasn't very nice of her... The puppet was very cool though! Its rolling ability is similar to my Jutsu." Choji noted as he snacked on some chips, giving her the benefit of the doubt or something.

"She's a clean freak... Facing her would be a drag." Shikamaru confirmed nonchalantly.

Asuma chimed in, snorting, "You just don't want to be nagged. I'm sure you'd defeat her once you face her in the tournament."

Shikamaru lifted an eyebrow, "What makes you so sure I'll even be in the tournament?"

Exhaling a puff of smoke, ignoring the rules of no smoking in the building, Asuma smirked, "It might just be my incorrect intuition. But something tells me you're rather motivated to win this time." He had a glint in his eye.

Shikamaru could only sigh, "I guess I am... But I just hope I don't fight someone troublesome."

As he muttered his words, the third match appeared on screen.

And what a shocker that one was...

[Match 3 - Haruno Sakura VS Uchiha Sasuke]


If Sakura's jaw had been any heavier, it might have pierced the floor of the 2nd-floor podium and reached the ground from how shocked she was.

Her gaze was utterly dead.

More dead than dead.

If that was even possible.

A pat on her shoulder garnered her attention, as she turned around with her soulless expression to be met with Akira's apologetic one.

"My condolences. I'll bring flowers to your funeral."

In a way, she couldn't even be mad he assumed she'd automatically lose.


Though, that didn't mean she wasn't going to try to win.

To Be Continued.

-Author Note Start-

Well well well.

It's been a while hasn't it?

A mixture of procrastination and actually being busy has resulted in this lateness of a chapter.

Now! Do not fear, for I have already started writing the next chappie (1k word in tho)

So I hope to finish that in less than a week.

I don't really have much else to say for this chapter, so I do hope you've enjoyed it and it was up to snuff in quality.

Thanks for bearing with me, I appreciate your patience.

Love you guys!

Bu Bye!

-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

If ya'll feeling frisky and rich you can donate to my P. A .T R 3 0 N to show some nice and kind support.

Here's the link:

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

No random fun fact, I'm running on fumes here. Here's this week's random fun fact.

-Author's Note End-