¡Bring Hina to your camp too!

"What!!" Even if Momousagi is a knowledgeable alternate admiral, he has never heard of such a den den mushi.

"Ethan, are you sure they can really prevent any attempts to intercept the conversation?" Momousagi looked at Ethan, a surprised expression still on her face, completely incredulous.

Ethan put his hands in his pants pockets and said calmly, "Don't worry about this, there is absolutely no problem."

As for why he's so confident, it's the memories of his previous life as a one piece fan, he knows too many things it's just that you can't tell others about these things, otherwise it might leak to a certain bird and end up causing waves. turbulent around the world.

"Is incredible!" Momousagi looked at the black phone bug and muttered, "I'm so ignorant. I didn't expect there to be such a unique den den mushi in this world."

Ethan wasted no time and got to the point "Let me talk about the situation on my side first, during this period of time, I recruited a lot of subordinates and my strength increased a lot more."

"And the Shichibukai alliance is on the right track" Ethan looked at Momousagi and said lightly, "Doflamingo and Boa Hancock, have become members of the alliance."

Momousagi froze for a moment, a flash of inspiration passed through his mind and he understood something instantly, "Ethan so you are the reason why Boa Hancock suddenly left Amazon lily!"

Ethan nodded and gave the answer "She was too weak so I made a simple suggestion which was that she leave the Calm Belt and enter the new world and begin to improve her strength by fighting the pirates there."

Momousagi shook her head and said with a wry smile, "The headquarters has discussed this matter, but in the end we couldn't figure out what the specific reason was at all."

"I didn't expect it, it turned out that you were behind all of this. It's amazing but that being said, your movements are very fast. I think you'll be able to become a Shichibukai in no time."

Next, Ethan told him more important things, such as cooperating with the Vinsmoke family to get part of the treasure map from the great pirate Rocks...after hearing Ethan' narration, Momousagi shook her head, an excited expression on her face. face.

"Your experiences during this time are really too rich, you can even write a book for people to read compared to you, I found myself with very poor performance and basically no progress at all."

Then, Momousagi explained the situation on his side.

Momousagi looked at Ethan and said with a wry smile, "Sakazuki doesn't have any quests to get him out, so we can just keep waiting."

"In terms of recruiting subordinates, I have been in contact with Hina recently, and the probability of success is very high, her strength is very good. If she can join our camp, then the role she will play in the future will definitely be very big." ".

Ethan nodded and agreed: "Cage-Cage Fruit capable person Colonel Hina is really very capable and full of potential when you become an admiral in the future, it will be more than enough to promote her to vice admiral."

The two said the most important information on each other's side while leaving out what is useless.

"We can't talk for a long time, so that's all for now" Ethan looked at Momousagi and said calmly, "The Meeting will be canceled in the future. If there's something important, call me directly, it'll be safer."

Momousagi nodded and agreed: "The next time I contact you, I think you'll already be a Shichibukai, so I'll be waiting for your good news."

"Leave." As soon as the voice was heard, the figure disappeared in an instant, without a trace without the slightest hesitation, Momousagi jumped up and left too...

North Blue, over a certain sea area.

It was half past eleven at night and moonlight fell from the sky like water, covering Ethan as if it were day.

By this time, all the crew members had already returned to their quarters and went to bed early.

With a "Swish", Ethan suddenly appeared on the deck and did not attract the attention of the lookouts. Ethan is about to return to practice.

But suddenly he discovered that there was a beautiful woman standing at the stern of the boat it was Reiju after thinking for a moment, Ethan gave up his idea of practicing and walked directly towards Reiju.

This great gentle and pleasant beauty deserves a moment of her attention if he hadn't seen her she would have ignored the situation but how she ran into her you can at least ask her what's wrong.

I don't know what Reiju was thinking, he was so enlarged that he didn't even hear Ethan' footsteps.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you up so late?" As calm as ever, Ethan asked directly.

Reiju came back to her senses, with a nervous look on her face she stroked her pink hair, slowly turned around and said with an awkward smile: "I can't sleep, so I got up to look at the moon."

"Ethan, did you just get back?"

Ethan and Reiju stood next to each other, he lit a cigarette, looked ahead and said lightly, "I just got back, I saw you here so I came to take a look so tell me, is there something bothering you? "

Ethan smokes, Reiju knows that it's just that he rarely smokes, so he doesn't see it very often so this is a strange occurrence.

Not to mention that a capable man is always so handsome no matter what he does now, in the moonlight, the way Ethan smokes while he looks very handsome.

Also, Ethan, a Training Maniac, suddenly got worried about her and asked about her situation.

This made Reiju's heart move a lot, looking at Ethan, her eyes sparkled, she couldn't help but have a slight smile on her face, she looked really beautiful...

055: Reiju, You Just Stay On The Boat

"I'm fine, I just can't sleep, so I went outside to get some air" Reiju put her hands on the railing, raised her head, looked at the vast night sky and muttered: "The moon tonight is really beautiful and intoxicating." .

Ethan took a drag on his cigarette, pulled back, and shrugged, "That's right, you're not my subordinate, I can't really control you, we're partners, and you have to keep some secrets, which is completely understandable."

Right now, how could Reiju's nervous expression escape Ethan's eyes? this made her very curious, Reiju must have discovered something and she was upset, that's why she couldn't sleep.

If she were another woman, Ethan would turn and leave without saying a word.

but with Reiju he is very patient and he is willing to listen to her problems.

Hearing what Ethan said, Reiju panicked and quickly explained.

"No way, I'm also a member of this ship, isn't that what you said?" Reiju rolled her eyes at him and said angrily, "You bastard, I thought you only cared about training and understood nothing about the world at all now you seem to know what to say and I'm embarrassed not to say it."

Ethan blew out the smoke, looked at the beautiful woman next to him and gave a slight smile: "Say it, I'm all ears."

Reiju stroked her hair, lowered her head slightly, and began to speak in detail, "The thing is, it has to start with Oliver after we wiped out the White Demon Pirates, report the situation."

Reiju raised her head slightly, looked at Ethan, then moved her gaze to the sea and said with some embarrassment: "After that, my father said many things, he said that after you become a Shichibukai, he will let me marry you like this." we will be allies by marriage I will not say much more, the situation is approximately all this".

Ethan was silent and finally understood what was happening this matter was not surprised.

Judge is too cold-blooded, as long as he can fulfill his life's wish to rule the North Blue then he could do anything, even if he sacrifices his own children, he doesn't care.

Therefore, it is quite normal for Reiju to become a victim of the family. This is very unfair to Reiju, but what can she do?

"Fuhh~~" Ethan blew out the smoke, turned his head to look at Reiju and said seriously, "Your father is really crazy he would give anything to be able to rule the North Blue."

"Now that he has been impressed by my strength, he chooses to cooperate with me and pins all his hopes on me so, in order to achieve his goal, he will definitely listen to me and support me wholeheartedly."

Ethan took a deep breath and said in relief, "Actually, you don't have to worry. After he turns me into a Shichibukai I'll meet him and make him listen to what I have to say."

"To be honest, I think you're doing well now. Compared to the Germa, here you have the care of your friends and you can see all kinds of new things."

"Why do you have to think so much? Stay here calmly, happiness is enough." Ethan tossed the butt into the sea, shrugged, and said, "As long as Judge wants to fight to rule the North Blue, you'll stay here for a long time and you won't need to go back to that cold place."

"Everything is so beautiful that I don't know why you're upset." It can be seen that Ethan really cares for Reiju a lot.

When did she say so many words?She had never done it! !

Not for anything else, just because Reiju is a really nice woman, that's all.

She got it.

After hearing Ethan' long speech, Reiju's eyes became extremely bright. suddenly, she understood everything. the troubles in her heart suddenly disappeared, leaving only a deep sense of surprise.

Looking at the man next to her, there was a different kind of emotion in her eyes, which was indescribable, confused, and very complicated. in the end, she turned into a sweet smile and said with a frown: "Ethan, I'm suddenly a little sleepy, I'll go back to my room and rest first."

"You should go to bed early too, don't always practice so late, understand?" Hearing Reiju's happy tone, Ethan knew that her troubles had completely disappeared and her good mood had returned.

"It's too early and I can't fall asleep. After practicing for a while, I'll fall asleep too."

"Okay, staying up late is a woman's natural enemy, hurry up and get some rest!"

Reiju looked at Ethan, blinked at her beautiful eyes and her face was full of happiness. "Then I'm going to bed, good night~~"

Before leaving, Reiju stopped for a moment, turned her head and said

"Ethan, do you know that practically all the girls on the ship have a crush on you?" Reiju had a curious expression she wanted to know what she would say chris.

After finishing speaking, she walked towards her room with brisk steps, which showed that she was in a very good mood.

Ethan looked at her back, looked at her silently for a while, and then walked directly to the practice room...

Four days later.


"Good news everyone, we are entering East Blue. Tell everyone..." The alarm voice was heard from the observation deck, the volume was very high, the tone was extremely excited.

Needless to say, the lookout also knew that this was the last sea zone, and when he finished the East Blue voyage, they would enter the most mysterious sea zone. the Grand line!!

Hearing the good news, the entire crew was overwhelmed and cried out desperately.

"Wow... I finally made it to the last piece of sea!!"

"I was so excited that I wanted to punch someone, which ended up pushing someone!"

"Why don't you punch yourself in the face?"

"Oh...I'm so happy I can't help but jump"

"Stop talking nonsense,..."

"I want to say something, but you can stop fucking pushing me!!"