Damn It, It's Admiral Kizaru's Ability!



Hancock dodged it, moved, and quickly approached Amazon Lily's warriors.

At that moment he realized the devastation generated by that guy's skill, nothing was left except the trees and plants were completely uprooted, the ground became completely arid, and it was as if a natural disaster had passed through the place.


"We're fine, Snake Princess~~"The female warriors stood up one after another, their faces were embarrassed and their image was very embarrassing.

Guarana looked solemnly at Hancock and said "Princess Snake, run away! We are going to stop him and buy you enough time!"

"I beg you to get out of here, no matter what happens, you must escape"

Marigold nodded and said. "My lady, go, you must leave here safely."

After finishing speaking, she waved her hand and said loudly: "Amazon Lily warriors, follow me!!..."

Before she finished speaking, Hancock directly interrupted her, "Enough!!"

Hancock looked at his subjects, with an indifferent expression, and said forcefully: "As the Queen of Amazon Lily, I give you an order."

"Now, all of you evacuate from here! Whoever dares to disobey this empress's order will suffer a well-deserved punishment for taking my words lightly!"

Chamaleone walked slowly, made a sneer, and said extremely arrogantly.

"Hey hey hey...Boa Hancock, don't even think about it, okay?"

"These hostages are the best way for me to subdue you. How can I let them go?"

Chaeleone's long tongue made a hiss, and she laughed "Gijigijigiji...Also, do you think they will be able to escape with their speed?"

"I will ask you for the last time, would you like to be my wife?"

"If this answer makes me feel dissatisfied, I will kill first..." Looking around her, she finally pointed at Margarite, smiled cruelly, and said, "Her!"

Holding her bow and arrow, Margarite aimed at Chameleone immediately and said "You damned bastard, go to hell!"

The arrow instantly became covered in black, obviously coated with Armament Haki.

"Doesn't everyone listen to the words of this empress?" Hancock looked at Margaret, her eyes turning cold.

Margaret was startled, quickly put away her bow and arrow, bowed to Hancock, and said very humbly: "Princess Snake, I'm sorry I got carried away by what you said, I'll leave right away."

"My lady, we will leave immediately..." Sandersonia and Marigold, seeing Hancock like this, did not dare to hesitate anymore and quickly agreed.

"Good!" Chameleone spread his arms, laughed loudly, and said conceitedly: "Gijigijigiji...It seems like you don't take me seriously, Boa Hancock.

"My patience ends here."

Chameleone looked at Hancock and said with a sinister smile: "Next, I won't ask you again, what I'll do next is I'll catch them and kill them one by one until you nod your head."

"Hey, if you don't agree, I will kill you all."

"Now, let's start with her…" After finishing speaking, he was in no hurry and slowly walked towards Marguerite.

She wanted to scare Hancock and make her give up completely.

This is psychological warfare!!

"Let's go..."Hancock roared angrily and quickly ran towards Chameleone.

In any case, we must stop him and buy enough time for the warriors.

"Go away~~"Marigold gritted her teeth and the word almost fell out of her teeth.

All of the Amazon lily fighters scattered and desperately fled in different directions.

"You're trying to stop me, are you kidding?" Facing Hancock's kick, Chameleone sneered and said, "As I just said, your speed is too slow.

With a "Swish", the person dodged to the right.

"Escape...do you think you can escape?" Chameleone showed a cruel smile and said in a cold tone: "No matter how far you run, will you still be able to avoid my attacks?"

Slowly raising his right hand, pointing his fingertips in Margaret's direction, a spot of golden light silently appeared.

Immediately afterward, the dot continued to expand, turning into a circle of light, emitting a strong glow, dyeing the surrounding space golden.

"Boa... Hancock, do you think you can move faster than the speed of light?" Chameleone simply didn't attack, he looked at Hancock and smiled.

Seeing this golden light, Hancock couldn't help but frown and said bitterly: "Damn, it turned out to be Admiral Kizaru's ability."

"This empress warns you, if you dare to attack this empress's people, I will kill you no matter what the cost!" She has nothing else to do now.

This Chameleone guy is too strong, his fruit is too versatile since it allows him to use attacks based on other devil fruits.

She is not his opponent at all, the strength gap between the two is too big.

Even if she wanted to stop her from attacking, Hancock knew very well she couldn't stop that bastard at all!!

Apart from verbal threats, she can't do anything.

"Boa--Hancock, you let me down and broke my heart!"

Chameleone shook his head and said excitedly: "I am the strongest man in the world, and you are the most beautiful woman, why do you reject me?"

"If you do this, you will kill a lot of people although it is not appropriate to attack a woman, I have no choice."

Chameleone looked at Hancock, smiled fiercely, and said: "Boa Hancock, for your refusal, someone is about to be killed look carefully and regret it in your heart, hahaha..."

As soon as he lowered his voice, he turned his head and looked forward, only to see that Marguerite had already fled far away and was about to launch an attack.

"No!!..." Hancock stared in Marguerite's direction and shouted with an extremely anxious look on her overwhelming face.

"It's too late~~" Chameleone's gaze turned cold and the light on his fingers became brighter.

"Yes, do you think so?" At that moment, a faint voice echoed in the forest...

Chameleone was shocked, the light in his fingers slowly decreased and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Likewise, everyone who was fleeing was shocked upon hearing the voice that suddenly appeared.

Everyone stopped and looked in the direction of the battle.

They saw a young man dressed completely in black, with his hands in his pants pockets, standing silently.

"Who are you?" Chameleone looked at the young man in front of him, frowned, and asked with a vigilant look.

He is quite powerful.

The black-cloaked man gave him a very strong impression. Unexpectedly, without anyone noticing, he suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

The speed of him is terrifying.

"Ethan~~" Hancock looked at this extremely handsome man, with bright eyes and a sweet smile on his face.

"How did you know he was here?"

"Did you especially come to visit me? I'm very happy." Hancock held his handsome face in his hands, his face was a little flushed and he looked happy.

Seeing the woman he loves to display a young man in love with other men, Chameleone is filled with anger.

Looking at Ethan with a murderous look, he said with a cruel smile: "Boa Hancock is mine, she belongs to me, and everything that has to do with her belongs to me."

"Damn bastard, I'll torture you so much you'll wish you were dead."

Quickly turning his head, looking at Hancock, his eyes were about to burst into flames, and he said in a cold tone: "Bitch, how dare you talk to other men like that?"

"When I kill him, I will punish you severely, you damn bitch."

The Amazon Lily fighters, who were far away from the battlefield, looked at the black-cloaked man and breathed a sigh of relief.

Marigold wiped the sweat from her forehead and said with a smile on her face, "Finally, Mr. Ethan is here, we are safe now."

Sandersonia nodded his head again and again and said happily: "My lord sister said that he has the strength of an admiral."

"This damn Chameleone, this time he is finished, he is no match for Mr. Ethan."

Guarana clenched his fists tightly, with an excited expression on his face, and said: "Even if he is not that bastard's opponent, it doesn't matter."

"With him here and the Snake Princess, that Chameleone guy will lose."

At this moment, Ethan looked at Hancock and said as calmly as ever, "You're thinking too much, aren't you."

"They called me asking for help, so I came, it's that simple."

Hearing this, Hancock quickly turned to Marigold and Sandersonia and said in a very dissatisfied tone.

"Who told you to call Ethan?"

"The two of you... forget it. If you do this again next time, this empress will never forgive you."

Marigold and Sandersonia nodded repeatedly and said with a cautious smile: "Yes, yes, my lady..."

Immediately afterward, Hancock turned her head to look at Ethan, a happy and sweet smile on his face.

"Ethan, although you didn't come here specifically to see this empress, you ran as soon as you heard she was in danger."

"I'm so happy, this empress is really happy!"

"I am the happiest woman in this world!"

He is very angry.

Seeing Hancock show this appearance again, he didn't take his words to heart. The anger in Chameleone's heart was so much that if he exploded, he could wipe out everything.


"Boa...Hancock, you're a fucking bitch, wait until I kill him, then I'll deal with you, bitch."

Quickly turning her head, glaring at Ethan fiercely, she said coldly, "I don't know who you are, but that's not important, because I will kill you immediately."

Just as she lowered her voice, his right hand instantly turned red, the lava sizzled, generating an immense heat wave, and black smoke could be seen rising.

You could see with the naked eye that the temperature was increasing.

"Ethan, Chameleone is the Kopi Kopi devil fruit user, he can copy the abilities of other devil fruit users, so you have to be careful..." Hancock looked at Ethan with an anxious expression on his face and he quickly warned him.

She knew Ethan was strong, but she still couldn't help but feel a little worried. After all, this Chameleone is too strong, and with the devil fruit on him, he can be very versatile in terms of attacks.

Ethan didn't answer Hancock. He still had his hands in his pants pockets and looked at Chameleone calmly.

His expression was extremely indifferent and he did not move at all.

Seeing Ethan like this, Chameleone sneered and shouted, "You're finished!"

"Big eruption!"

A giant fist of magma appeared in the air, emitting a terrifying wave of heat.

The black smoke rose and rose continuously, and the surrounding temperature rose rapidly as if entering a volcano.

With a bang, the gigantic magma fist exploded and turned into countless volcanic meteorites.

Each volcanic meteorite emits thick black smoke, which carries with it extremely high temperatures.

As fast as lightning, they attacked Ethan.

"Ahhh!!..." Seeing such a shocking scene, the Amazon Lily fighters panicked and screamed one by one.

Too strong, this Chameleone is too strong.

"Will Mr. Ethan be your opponent?" Marigold said quickly with a worried expression on her face.

Cold sweat broke out on Sandersonia's forehead and she was so afraid that she said, "It should be, or else we're screwed."

Guarana shook his head and said with a wry smile, "This bastard has been taunting us from the beginning and it shows that he didn't use his full strength at all."

"Mr. Ethan, he must win, please~~"

Likewise, Hancock was seriously dismayed.

Seeing Ethan's figure, a panicked expression appeared on Hancock's face and she shouted, "Ethan, you must be careful...

Seeing the terrifying volcanic meteorites approaching, Ethan watched without worry.

With a "Swish", he disappeared from the spot and appeared in an instant in the sky above Chameleone.

Before Chameleone could react, he was punched hard in the face...


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