Attract the Bari Bari no mi.


If you want to read advanced chapters and at the same time support me, you can join my p@treon; I am constantly uploading chapters of my two stories, and if you have doubts about joining or not, you can try the trial mode, it is seven days of free reading.



There was a sound of footsteps, and Ethan led the girls, chatting and laughing, towards their location.

"Wow!" Carina exclaimed, gazing at the Red Line before them, her eyes shining with amazement. "It's really all red. How peculiar."

Nami clenched her fists with determination. "For navigators, conquering this place is a must, and I can do it."

Nojiko patted her shoulder reassuringly. "No doubt, Nami, you've got this."

Alvida marveled at the sight. "There's no end in sight, completely obscured by dark clouds. At least a thousand meters in height, it's daunting."

Carmen nodded in agreement, shrugging. "The challenge lies in climbing up later; we won't descend until we reach the top. It's hard to believe, but Ethan was right."

Burgess addressed Ethan excitedly. "Captain, are we entering the Grand Line? I'm too thrilled to focus on training anymore."

Doc Q, usually sad, showed a rare seriousness. "This moment is sacred and should be remembered by all."

Gin echoed his sentiment. "Years from now, we'll still vividly recall this day."

"In summary, today is truly unforgettable!"

Kuro, speaking rationally, added, "Our entry will surely tighten security across the Grand Line. The Ethan Pirates will leave a mark."

Lafitte commended Kuro. "Your words carry weight. Our group is formidable; who can stand against us once we enter?"

Cavendish chimed in. "I hear the call of the Shichibukai; the Captain is nearing his goal. Since our last setback, he's shown restraint and pragmatism."

Gone is the title "Young Master," replaced by a more focused approach. "He's dedicated to growth and doesn't waste time on fruitless pursuits."

"There's a swift current ahead; everyone, brace yourselves."

Nami, standing by the railing, directed their attention to the approaching Red Line. "We'll ride this current straight into the Grand Line. Secure yourselves; it's going to be rough."

As Nami spoke, crashing waves sounded ahead, and the turbulent waters surged, stirring up waves of considerable force.

Nojiko urged everyone to heed Nami's instructions for safety.

Law, holding Kikoku, remained stoic as ever. "With such a swift current, steering the ship will be nearly impossible. Many newcomers' ships have crashed and perished in these waters."

"In the face of nature, human power has always been weak," Hawkins said in a low voice.

Suddenly, the hull shook heavily, pitching up and down as a powerful current drew it forward.

The speed was astonishing, resembling an arrow shot from a bowstring; it was truly daunting.

"I need this speed, rush, just rush into the Grand Line like this, Wiiihahahaha..." Burgess exclaimed with excitement, his laughter echoing.

Gin frowned, his tone serious. "The pull of the ocean current is indeed too strong, like a malevolent force trying to swallow us whole."

Kuro observed and remarked calmly, "That fissure ahead is the entrance; we'll pass through it soon. The rising current is incredible."

Lafitte twirled his cane with a gentle smile. "The sea is truly wondrous, full of incredible phenomena that never cease to amaze."

At that moment, a siren blared from the observation deck.

"A Box..."

"A wooden box was found on the starboard and port sides..."

Hearing the siren, everyone turned to look.

At the edge of the Red Line, a black wooden box bobbed up and down with the waves.

Nami frowned, assessing the situation. "Let's ignore that box; attempting to retrieve it now would be too risky."

"With the current's speed, any sudden maneuver might send us crashing into the Red Line," Carina added, gripping the railing.

Carmen sighed, "Indeed, in such a critical situation, we must prioritize our safety and press on."

The girls nodded in agreement.

Baccarat smiled at Ethan. "Captain, I sense fortune in the air."

All eyes turned to Ethan, awaiting his decision.

"Captain, the current is too fast; attempting to turn around could be dangerous," Lafitte cautioned as the vice-captain.

Kuro interjected, his eyes sharp with insight. "If we divert to retrieve the box now, we risk collision with the Red Line once the rapids hit. The consequences could be dire."

Burgess eyed the black box curiously. "Damn, something good shows up at such a crucial moment. What could it be?"

"Captain, we must prioritize safety over any potential gain. Let's forget about the black box," he urged.

Gin looked at Ethan with admiration. "Never underestimate the Captain; I trust he has a plan."

The little black dog watched Ethan intently, its gaze filled with intent. It wanted to see if Ethan could retrieve the black box.

"Universal Pull!" Ethan commanded, raising his right hand, summoning a white vortex.

With a whooshing sound, the black box broke free from the sea and hurtled toward Ethan like a speeding arrow.

The sight was mesmerizing, leaving everyone in awe.

The wooden box landed on the deck with a crisp thud, snapping everyone out of their stupor.

Thunderous applause erupted, along with words of praise and admiration.

The little black dog looked at Ethan with frightened eyes, realizing the young man's formidable power. "He's too strong, too terrifying. I mustn't cross him, or I'll be strangled to death."

At that moment, Cavendish's fear of Ethan peaked, and he abandoned any thought of resistance. "Captain, your move is mighty."

Burgess, direct as always, questioned Ethan urgently. "Universal Pull? Captain, didn't you eat the Devil Fruit of Repulsion? How can you now attract objects?"

Doc Q's frown revealed his confusion. "It's unbelievably potent. This makes it even more impossible to challenge for the captaincy now."

Gin smiled faintly, showing admiration. "The Captain never disappoints. I had faith in this outcome."

Law, holding the demon knife, followed suit with praise. "Knowing the captain's might, I'm still shocked by the magnitude of this ability."

Meanwhile, the ship approached the entrance, pulled by the current, ascending at an unusual angle.

But the crew remained focused on discussing Ethan's remarkable feat.

Cavendish sought clarification from Ethan. "Captain, can you explain what this Universal Pull is? It must be a Devil Fruit ability, but why is it attracting instead of repelling?"

Lafitte, leaning on his cane, smiled as he addressed Ethan. "Everyone's curious, Captain. Can you shed some light on this?"

Ethan, calm as ever, folded his hands and explained, repeating what he had said to Hancock earlier.

His demeanor suggested he was in a good mood upon entering the Grand Line, prompting him to share the information.

Upon hearing Ethan's explanation, the crew was stunned. They had never considered that Devil Fruit's abilities could evolve to this extent.

Honey Queen expressed her admiration for Ethan, acknowledging his unexpected development.

Betty, with a shrug, admitted Ethan's enigmatic nature. "He's always a mystery; we can't hope to understand him fully."

Carina praised Ethan, emphasizing his unparalleled mastery of Devil Fruit development.

Perona, floating in the air, echoed Carina's sentiments, expressing her admiration for Ethan with laughter.

Alvida affirmed Ethan's strength with her iron rod, highlighting his suitability as their Captain.

Burgess, in his exuberance, expressed his joy at Ethan's strength.

Hawkins affirmed Ethan's unmatched ability in Devil Fruit development in a low voice.

Although not particularly interested in Devil Fruits, Cavendish found Ethan's achievement admirable.

After analyzing the situation, Kuro praised Ethan's understanding and control of his Devil Fruit ability.

Lafitte speculated on Ethan's Devil Fruit possibly reaching an awakened state.

Bartolomeo's discovery of a Devil Fruit in the box prompted excitement among the crew, diverting their attention momentarily.

They saw Bartolomeo holding a white, apple-shaped Devil Fruit in his hand, which shimmered with a faint white light under the sunlight, making it beautiful and eye-catching.

"White Devil Fruit and apple-shaped," Honey Queen remarked, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "Most likely a Paramecia type."

Betty, known for her directness, interjected with a hint of annoyance. "Whoever told you that apple-shaped indicates Paramecia? The shape of Devil Fruits doesn't definitively determine their type. An apple shape could very well signify a Logia type."

Reiju, appearing pensive, gazed at Baccarat with a smile. "This fruit seems familiar; can you recall its name?"

Baccarat nodded, acknowledging the fruit. "Indeed, I recognize it. This is the Barrier Barrier Fruit of the Paramecia type. It grants the ability to create transparent barriers for both defense and offense. Overall, it's quite potent."

Carina's eyes sparkled with recognition as she nodded in agreement. "Yes, I remember now. It's indeed a Barrier Fruit. Primarily used for defense, its protective capabilities are incredibly robust."

Maddie said happily, "Regardless, it's a boon to our crew."

Bartolomeo, clearly excited, turned to Ethan with a request. "Captain, I'd like to have this Devil Fruit. I feel it's meant for me, though it may just be wishful thinking."

Desire, knowing Bartolomeo well, grew irritated. "If you want it, just say so. No need for cryptic hints. What's with the talk about it being 'meant for you'? You're overthinking it."

With a smirk, Carmen added, "Don't beat around the bush. We're not easily fooled."

Burgess, pragmatic as ever, shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me; anyone can have it."

Maintaining his calm demeanor, Lafitte assured them, "You four sort it out. The Captain won't intervene in this matter."

Cavendish, disinterested in Devil Fruits, declined. "Not interested."

Gin, focused on offense, echoed, "I'm pursuing an attack-based strategy, so a defensive Devil Fruit isn't for me."

Kuro, pragmatic as always, suggested, "If none of you want it, give it to Bartolomeo. If he values it highly, let him have it."

Bartolomeo, relieved at the decision, turned to Ethan gratefully. "Thank you, Captain."

With joy evident on his face, Bartolomeo expressed his gratitude profusely. "Captain, your kindness won't be forgotten. I'll remember it for lifetimes."

Without hesitation, Bartolomeo took a bite of the fruit...

"Yuck!" Honey Queen chuckled, stroking her light blonde hair. "Watching others eat Devil Fruits always piques my interest."

Betty, exhaling smoke, quipped, "Seeing his reaction brings back some unpleasant memories."

With a smile, Alvida remarked, "The taste of Devil Fruits is unforgettable."

Meanwhile, grimacing, Bartolomeo lamented, "Devil Fruits aren't meant for humans!"

Observing Bartolomeo's unchanged demeanor, Desire raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Bartolomeo, you seem unchanged. Is the fruit ineffective?"

Burgess, straightforward as ever, demanded, "Quit stalling and show us the power of the Barrier Fruit."

As everyone awaited Bartolomeo's demonstration, he grinned and exclaimed, "Behold the world of the strong! Prepare yourselves!"

With a dramatic gesture, Bartolomeo activated his power...


Instantly, a transparent wall materialized before him, shimmering brightly in the sunlight. The crew watched in awe as Van Augur Shinsō's bullet ricocheted harmlessly off the barrier, leaving it unscathed.

"It's incredible!" Apis exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder.

Carina, impressed, remarked, "Even Van Augur's bullets can't penetrate it; the defense is impeccable."

Perona, floating in the air, giggled gleefully. "Our team just got stronger!"

Desire, pleased, congratulated Bartolomeo. "Excellent work. You've become even stronger."

Reiju, with a gentle smile, remarked, "Solid defense. With further development, you'll be a force to be reckoned with."

At that moment, Van Augur rested his gun on his shoulder, nodding slightly as he spoke expressionlessly, "Even bullets can't break it, showing its solid defense."

"This Devil Fruit is truly formidable," Burgess exclaimed, raising his arms in celebration. "A strong defense is invaluable. When the time comes for the Captain's battle, I can unleash without restraint! Wiiiihahahaha..."

Gripping the demon sword, Law said icily, "Entering the Grand Line with such good fortune is an auspicious start."

Focusing on his cards, Hawkins intoned in a low voice, "This portends smooth sailing for our next voyage."

"Another step towards strength is always cause for celebration," Lafitte remarked, standing his cane elegantly before him.

"Things are looking up, improving with each turn. Soon, we'll reach Alabasta, defeat Crocodile, and claim the title of Shichibukai."

Amidst the excitement, Nami chimed in with a timely reminder, "Attention, everyone. We need to reach the highest point before we begin our descent. Haha~~."

Observing the white mist on both sides, Nojiko's eyes sparkled with wonder as a smile graced her lips. "It's so high; we've even surpassed the clouds."

Makino nodded in agreement, reflecting, "Yes, the view is breathtaking."

Suddenly, Ethan leaped over the highest point with a whoosh, sending waves cascading beneath it as it soared.

"Wow~" echoed the delighted screams of those on board, their faces filled with excitement and joy.

With a splash, the Ethan landed atop the current, spraying water as it swiftly sailed downward, akin to riding a wind-driven chariot.

The sea breeze danced, carrying a refreshing coolness that swept away all troubles, filling everyone with laughter and cheers.

"Forward into the Grand Line!" Carina exclaimed, her excitement evident as she waved her hands from the railing.

"Grand Line, here I come!" Honey Queen's voice echoed with emotion as she cupped her hands to her mouth.

Reiju, with an amused smile, glanced at Baccarat and remarked, "After enduring the sea for so long, we finally greet this sacred moment. It's a joyous occasion for all."

Baccarat brushed her crimson locks aside gracefully, her voice calm yet dignified. "The past struggles were but a prelude. A new chapter begins, and I couldn't be more thrilled."

Meanwhile, Burgess declared with a grand gesture, "At last, I step foot into the Grand Line! My name shall echo across every corner of these waters! Wiiihahaha~~."

Gin, holding his unique weapons, declared boldly, "My bounty will exceed the 500 million Berries!"

Cavendish, gripping Durandal tightly, vowed solemnly, "I shall become a renowned swordsman, famed throughout the Grand Line!"

Van Augur casually tapped his gun against his shoulder and stated, "I aim to become the world's premier Shinsō player!"

Lafitte, twirling his cane, offered polite words of encouragement. "Impressive ambitions, all of you. Quite commendable."

Then, he smiled at Ethan and suggested, "Captain, amidst such excitement, wouldn't a few words from you be fitting?"

Kuro nodded, adding calmly, "Indeed, Captain. This is your moment to inspire us. We're all ears."

Consistently stoic, Law curtly said, "You have one chance, Captain. Leave us with something to ponder."

With all eyes on him, Ethan spoke briefly, then without a second thought, he retreated to the practice room, hands in pockets.

Witnessing his departure, the crew collectively shook their heads, amused yet unsurprised by his demeanor.

Carmen chuckled wryly, "What else did we expect from him?"

"Predictable, as always. Ice runs in his veins," Carina lamented, feeling defeated by Ethan's unyielding nature.

Ever the optimist, Kaya chimed in with a smile, "Master Ethan spoke well. Sometimes, the absence of emotion is its kind of wisdom. Hehe~"

Makino gently patted Kaya's head in agreement.

Taking a drag of her cigarette, Betty headed straight for the practice room. "Nothing to dwell on. Let's get back to training. Come on, let's continue honing our Observation, Haki."

Bartolomeo, spurred on by Dezaya's presence, resolved to intensify his training. After all, they embarked on this journey together, and he couldn't afford to lag.

As the girls dispersed, Burgess, with a cold glance, urged, "Enough sentiment. Time to practice." He proceeded to his training regimen, focused on mastering Armament Haki.

Gin nodded in admiration and remarked, "The Captain's words are quite sensible."

"Instead of dwelling on emotions and grievances, dedicating oneself to diligent practice and enhancing strength is a wiser choice."

He proceeded to the side without further comment, earnestly practicing with his two weapons.

As was his habit, Kuro pushed his glasses up with his palm and commented lightly, "The Captain remains as reserved as ever, valuing his words like precious gems and rarely offering them."

"Unfortunately, such a significant moment passed without much acknowledgment; what a shame."

Van Augur's expression turned serious as he remarked, "Such is fate, Gin!"

Adjusting his top hat, Lafitte said gently, "The Captain uttered at least a single word; that suffices."

"After all, the Captain seldom speaks in vain, so even a brief statement is noteworthy."


If you want to read advanced chapters and at the same time support me, you can join my p@treon; I am constantly uploading chapters of my two stories, and if you have doubts about joining or not, you can try the trial mode, it is seven days of free reading.



Titles of the next chapters. (Spoilers)









 092-093: Vivi Debut.

094-095: Vivi: Ethan Please Save Arabasta!!

 096-097:Stun Everyone With Conquerors Haki.