Vivi Appears.


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Five hours had passed.

Inside the training room.

"This is the Grand Line. The climate changes here are bizarre," Nami said, standing before the window, observing the shifting weather outside. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, her pretty face filled with emotion.

"It was pouring rain just moments ago, and now it's scorching sun. The climate reversal is astounding. No wonder they call this sea dangerous."

Nojiko nodded in agreement, sighing as he spoke, "One moment it's scorching hot; the next it's heavy snowfall; the fluctuations are significant."

"In just a few hours, it feels like a whole year has passed," Alvida remarked while practicing Armament Haki with her large iron rod.

"Wait until you reach the second half of the Grand Line, the New World; the weather changes there are absolute horrors," Moodie chimed in, stroking her light blonde hair.

"So what we're experiencing now is nothing; it's just a minor skirmish," Carmen interjected.

"Even though that's true, the sudden weather change earlier was quite extreme," Makino added gently.

"I've never witnessed such bizarre weather. One moment, it was heavy rain; the next, it was scorching sun. It's terrifying," Kaya exclaimed with a sweet smile.

"I've noted everything so I won't forget," she continued. "When the time comes to see my father, I can recount everything I witnessed during our journey."

"Speaking of which, Ethan seems to know a lot," Desire commented, brushing his red and yellow hair.

"Indeed. Before we entered the Grand Line, he seemed aware of what was happening behind the scenes. It's remarkable," Queen Sweetheart remarked as she lifted a barbell.

"Ethan is a capable man; being knowledgeable comes naturally to him," she added casually.

"From the first day I met him, he's been able to solve every problem without fail," Betty agreed while practicing Devil Fruit's abilities.

"Anyway, he's always been mysterious and never reveals too much," Carmen observed.

"Didn't Ethan mention that keeping a low profile is wise? It's not the strong's duty to talk endlessly; it's better to say less," Reiju said.

Just then, an alarm sounded from outside.

"Report! A man and a woman are floating on the sea ahead!" a voice announced.

Hearing the alarm, the girls exchanged curious glances.

"Based on my experience, anyone who appears before us has a certain significance. After all, Sister Baccarat brings good luck," Carina smiled.

Perona, floating in the air, laughed with a silver bell-like tone, "Indeed. There must be something special about those two, especially the woman."

Carmen nodded in agreement with Perona's assessment.

"Anyway, it seems every time a woman appears, she's nothing short of beautiful. That's practically a rule around here," Nojiko remarked, furrowing her brows slightly.

"This is the first group of people we've encountered since entering the Grand Line. I wonder if they're similar to those in the Four Seas," she continued with a sweet smile.

"It's safe to assume they're alike," Moodie replied gracefully, stroking her pale golden hair.

With a dignified and noble smile, Baccarat brushed back her crimson hair and declared, "You all continue practicing; I'll go out and take a look. Those folks seem ruthless; if we don't intervene, those two might end up in trouble."

Reiju nodded in agreement, her eyebrows furrowed, "Ethan won't go out; leaving them alone might lead to trouble. Let's go; I'll accompany you to see how beautiful this woman is."

Makino's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she agreed, "I'm free anyway; I might as well come along."

Kaya chimed in hastily, "Count me in too!"

And so, all the girls rose gracefully and made their way outside...

On the deck above:

"We've barely seen a soul, and now there's finally someone. Weihahaha~ About time," Burgess exclaimed, raising his arms with a hearty laugh. "But seriously, why rush to the rescue every time we encounter someone?"

"We're overthinking it; let's just shoot them and be done with it," Doc Q suggested with a strange smile, leaning back in his reclining chair.

Gin's voice was cold as he declared, "Men can be disposed of, but women must be kept. After all, the captain needs his companions."

Bartolomeo, focused on creating barriers, nodded in agreement, "Any beautiful woman belongs to the captain, no questions asked. Anyone who dares to take a woman from the captain will have to deal with me."

Law, holding his demon knife, added with a chilling tone, "The captain wouldn't have it any other way."

Hawkins, his face deadpan, commented, "From appearances, the captain is still single and unattached."

Cavendish glanced at Hawkins, speechless, before remarking, "If even you can see it, why question it?"

Kuro, calm as ever, pushed his glasses up and stated, "As a true hero, the captain remains pure and focused, unswayed by the charms of women."

Van Augur, expressionless, observed, "That woman has blue hair and a beautiful face. Another addition to our collection of beauties."

Lafitte, with a gentlemanly smile, advised, "Remember, if you encounter a beautiful woman, bring her on board. As for men, only the strong survive."

At that moment, cries for help echoed from the sea ahead.

Ignoring the pleas, Burgess sneered, "Who do you think you are? We're pirates, not saviors. We're not in the business of rescuing people."

Gin, indifferent, remarked, "Their fate is sealed. Let the woman come aboard, and dispose of the man."

Mr. 9 and Princess Vivi exchanged worried glances.

"We're in trouble; our boat capsized, and now we've encountered these pirates," Mr. 9 lamented as he clung to the driftwood.

Princess Vivi, with a resigned sigh, expressed, "At least I'm a woman; they shouldn't harm me."

"But you're different. They don't seem to have a liking for you, and they might just kill you," Mr. 9 cautioned Princess Vivi.

"Well, if there's no food in town, why would we venture out to hunt the whale Laboon? It's unfortunate," he continued.

Looking at her with a smile, Mr. 9 attempted to flatter Princess Vivi, "Miss Wednesday, we're partners; you must speak up for me."

"We took on the task of hunting and killing Laboon together, and then we encountered a shipwreck, which was quite unfortunate," he explained. "So, if they intend to harm me later, you must speak up for me and say good things. Thank you, Miss Wednesday."

Princess Vivi nodded graciously, reassuring him, "Don't worry; if they try anything, I'll defend you."

"It's a big deal; if they won't let us on their boat, we'll just drift along like this, and we'll find refuge eventually," she added confidently.

Mr. 9 sighed heavily, his expression gloomy. "With so many people, if we can't find an island, we'll starve to death at sea. So, no matter what, we must get on this ship. Even if we have to beg on our knees, we won't hesitate."

At that moment, Van Augur addressed Lafitte, tapping his shoulder with a gun, "If you want to kill the man, let the woman come aboard."

Doc Q interjected with an ugly smile, "Since the captain hasn't appeared yet, these two must be of no use."

"Van Augur, don't hesitate; aim for their heads, one shot each," he suggested with a sinister tone.

Cavendish, practicing swordsmanship with Durandal, chimed in, "For ladies, you can't be so fierce; you have to be gentle."

Suddenly, footsteps approached, and Baccarat led the girls over.

"It's two people," she announced.

Carina, sizing up the blue-haired woman, remarked with a smile, "She's not bad; we can let her aboard."

Perona, floating nearby, nodded in agreement. "And she has blue hair, which is quite rare."

Reiju observed Princess Vivi, touching her chin thoughtfully. "You're quite beautiful at such a young age," she complimented. "In a few years, you'll be a stunning woman who could captivate a nation."

Brushing her crimson hair back, Baccarat smiled sweetly, "You'll be extraordinary in the future."

Seeing a woman appearing on the boat, Mr. 9 and Princess Vivi exchanged excited glances, realizing that their opportunity had finally arrived.

"Great, women are easier to negotiate with; now we're saved," Mr. 9 exclaimed with a smile on his face.

Princess Vivi nodded, her surprise evident in her arched eyebrows. "Yes, I believe those sisters are very kind. If we call for their help, they'll surely assist."

In unison, they cried out, "Save us, kind souls; please rescue us!"

Seeing that the captain hadn't appeared, Burgess turned to Lafitte with a hearty laugh, "As the vice-captain, second in command, do you intend to order the execution of these two?"

Doc Q's eyes turned cold, his smile eerie. "The vice-captain holds considerable power; if the captain doesn't show, any command can be given."

"Let me take on the role of vice-captain," he suggested with a sinister chuckle.

Gin cast a disdainful glance at him. "Doc Q, stop spouting nonsense; you lack the strength for such a position."

Bartolomeo grinned, touching his nose ring. "When the battle for the captaincy of the first team begins, you'll realize you're not even fit for that."

Ignoring their banter, Lafitte turned to Bacara with a polite smile. "Sister Bacara, did the captain give any instructions?"

Baccarat, stroking her hair, looked at Lafitte pensively. "Ethan didn't specify, but in my opinion, let them both come aboard. We'll have the man disembark when we reach a safe location. As for the young woman with the blue hair, she can stay with us."

Lafitte tipped his top hat, acknowledging her decision. "Sister Baccarat, I'll follow your lead. After all, you're the lucky charm of the ship, the most significant woman."

Burgess shrugged, feeling disappointed. "Well, that's boring. I thought I'd get to have some fun."

Turning away, he headed to the side to practice Haki.

Kuro pushed his glasses up, his tone rational. "Their luck seems remarkable; their lives shouldn't end here. Without encountering us, they likely would have perished at sea; there's no other outcome."

Van Augur nodded blankly. "It's simply their fate."

Bacara turned to address the two stranded individuals, waving her hand gently. "Swim over quickly; don't linger in the water."

Upon hearing this, Mr. 9 and Princess Vivi's faces lit up with gratitude and excitement. "Thank you, thank you..."

Reiju, flipping her pink hair, smiled. "We'll have to inquire about their relationship later. If they're a couple, then this woman can't stay. After all, anyone associated with Ethan must be exceptional and untainted."

Carmen shrugged nonchalantly and remarked, "I don't think it's that kind of relationship; their demeanor doesn't seem intimate."

At that moment, Mr. 9 and Princess Vivi approached Ethan and soon appeared on the deck.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" they exclaimed, bowing deeply to Baccarat, their gratitude and sincerity evident.

Baccarat waved her hand dismissively, smiling warmly. "No need for such formality; it's all part of our duty."

"Alright, dear, come with us; let's head inside and chat," she said to Princess Vivi.

Carina, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, commented, "She's so beautiful. I can only imagine how stunning she'll be when she grows up."

Perona, floating in the air, giggled and chimed in, "Absolutely gorgeous, I love it! Horohorohorohoro..."

Feeling a bit embarrassed by the compliments, Princess Vivi brushed her blue hair aside and modestly replied, "You all are the truly beautiful ones. I can't compare to your grace and elegance. I'm flattered."

Vivi addressed Baccarat, her tone pleading, "Sisters, he's my partner. Please don't treat him poorly; he means well."

Despite her past as an undercover agent, her gentle and virtuous nature remained unchanged.

"Please take care of us," Mr. 9 humbly requested, bowing to everyone. "Once we reach the next island, we'll depart immediately. Thank you for your kindness."

Reiju assured Princess Vivi, "Don't worry, everything will be fine. Let's not stand around; come sit with us inside and get acquainted."

Unable to refuse their kindness, Princess Vivi agreed, "Okay, all of you are so lovely; I'd be delighted to chat with you."

As the girls headed towards the practice room, Abis, sitting by the railing, asked curiously, "Is there a new addition to our crew?"

Pa Dong, pulling up the fishing rod, chuckled, "Who knows? Let's focus on fishing; that's what matters most."

Burgess, waving his fist, issued a warning to Mr. 9, "Even if Baccarat invited you up, you better behave. Got it? I feel like punching you every time I see you dressed like a prince."

Doc Q, lounging on the recliner, suggested with a mysterious smile, "Why hold back? It'd be easier to just eliminate him."

Gin, practicing Armament Haki, delivered a cold warning, "Not everyone is welcome aboard. Stay quiet, or you'll face consequences."

Lafitte, offering reassurance, smiled politely at Mr. 9. "Relax and watch quietly; no harm will come to you. When we reach the next island, you'll be free to go."

Relieved, Mr. 9 wiped the sweat from his forehead and stammered, "Y-yes, I'll be quiet."

He quickly retreated to a corner, intimidated by the ruthless demeanor of his captors.

Inside the practice room, the wooden door creaked open as the girls entered one by one.

When her gaze fell upon the scene, Princess Vivi was taken aback to see a gathering of stunning women.


She paused, her beautiful eyes widening in disbelief, shock etching itself onto her captivating face.

"What's happening? Why are there so many beauties?"

"Don't be so surprised; you'll be one of them in no time, hahaha~~," Carina chuckled, patting Princess Vivi's shoulder with a sly glint in her eyes.

Alvida halted her practice, appraising Princess Vivi before nodding gently. "Indeed, she's quite the beauty."

Queen Sweetheart wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead, smiling. "Already beautiful, and there's room for growth."

"Ethan, there's a newcomer; don't you want to meet her?" Betty called out to the man, but Ethan remained focused on his training, ignoring the summons.

Observing his indifference, the girls exchanged looks, shaking their heads in resignation.

"Leave him be; that's just how he is," Carmen shrugged, wearing a wry smile.

Desire addressed Princess Vivi with a warm smile, "What's your name, little beauty?"

Snapping back to reality upon being addressed, Princess Vivi smoothed her water-blue hair and replied with a sweet, pure smile, "Hello, you can call me Miss Wednesday."

Unfamiliar with these people, she opted for a pseudonym, understanding the importance of safeguarding her identity for her country's sake.

Though Princess Vivi was considerate and dignified, she wasn't naïve; she couldn't risk revealing her true identity.

"Come, let's sit and chat," Baccarat suggested, sitting down with a gracious smile. "Let me introduce you to that man first."

"His name is Ethan. He's our captain and has a bounty of 300 million Berries."

As Princess Vivi took her seat, she was startled by this revelation, standing up in shock before quickly apologizing, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I'm just surprised."

Floating in the air, Perona reassured her, "No need to apologize; I'm not particularly fond of you, anyway."

Nojiko offered a smile, encouraging her to relax. "No need to be so nervous; we're all friendly here."

Baccarat, patting Princess Vivi's hand, urged her gently, "No need to apologize; just relax."

Grateful for their understanding, Princess Vivi nodded eagerly, "You all are so welcoming; I'll try to be less formal."

"Sister Baccarat, you mentioned Ethan has a bounty of 300 million Berries. Is that true?" Naomi asked, her curiosity evident.

Carina chimed in, suspicious. "Ethan should be well-known in the Grand Line; how come you haven't heard of him?"

Embarrassed, Princess Vivi admitted, "I've been busy lately, but I'll make sure to catch up on the news."

Queen Sweetheart suggested, "No need to wait; we have newspapers here. We'll keep track of all news related to Ethan."

"We'll collect them as souvenirs for the future," Maddie added with a smile. "Ethan is destined for greatness; every mention of him will be valuable."

Carmen agreed, "Collecting them is a smart move; their value will only increase over time."

"Perhaps one day, they'll fetch a hefty price," Carmen mused.

Baccarat retrieved some papers from a drawer and handed them to Princess Vivi, explaining, "Here's all the information about Ethan. Take your time to go through it."

"It includes newspapers, quotes from Ethan, and his actions. It's quite comprehensive."

Reiju suggested, "If you want to understand Ethan better, start with these materials. You can learn a lot about his character from what he says and does."

Makino nodded in agreement. "It's detailed, providing insights into his past actions."

"And it covers his experiences in the South, West, and North Blue waters," Makino added.

Kaya expressed her enthusiasm for Ethan's quotes. "His words are enlightening; each sentence is profound. I've learned so much from them."

Desire concurred, "Ethan's quotes are a treasure trove of wisdom. In essence, it all boils down to one word - Haki!"

Listening intently, Princess Vivi's anticipation grew as she eagerly awaited the chance to peruse the materials and delve into Ethan's story.

Meimou gazed at Ethan's back, unable to see his face but feeling awestruck by his presence.

Looking at his towering figure, it felt like beholding a mighty mountain – steady, reassuring, and emanating an undeniable sense of security.

It was as if a primal, ferocious aura was emanating from him, reminiscent of ancient beasts, a sensation that both shocked and captivated her.

Such a formidable presence was unlike anything she had encountered before in her life.

Moreover, Princess Vivi found herself inexplicably drawn to his back, her gaze unable to easily shift away.

In combination, these factors left her in awe.

What an extraordinary man!

"Sisters, Mr. Ethan is truly formidable. I will study these materials diligently to gain a better understanding of him."

Without hesitation, Princess Vivi lowered her head, fully immersing herself in the provided information.


If you want to read advanced chapters and at the same time support me, you can join my p@treon; I am constantly uploading chapters of my two stories, and if you have doubts about joining or not, you can try the trial mode, it is seven days of free reading.



Titles of the next chapters. (Spoilers)









094-095: Vivi: Ethan Please Save Arabasta!!.

 096-097:Stun Everyone With Conquerors Haki.

098-099: Kuro Devil Fruit.