Arriving at Arabasta and Going directly to find Crocodile.

**Two Days Later**

Carmen was inside the training room. With a grin, she murmured to herself, "It's almost time to arrive at Alabasta; my heart is getting more and more excited, Hehehe~~"

Carina, who was sitting with her legs crossed and sipping on a cup of coffee, smiled as her beautiful eyes sparkled. "It's almost time, huh?" she said with a smile.

Floating in the air, Perona laughed like a silver bell and added, "Hororororo...We're about to go up against a Shichibukai! The princess is excited too."

Robin, with her long black hair flowing and her intellectual, graceful demeanor, commented, "Speaking of Shichibukai, they are indeed some of the top pirates in the sea. They've found the smartest way to live—protected by the World Government and becoming legal citizens while still being pirates. With that kind of status, they have so much freedom to do whatever they want."

Honey Queen, leaning against the table, took a break and added with a smile, "They may be smart, but I can't fully agree that they're the top pirates. The strength gap among the Shichibukai is huge. Ethan mentioned this before."

Betty, who was calmly standing with a cigarette in her hand and her banner planted beside her, spoke up, "No matter what, the strongest among the Shichibukai is the world's greatest swordsman—Hawkeye Mihawk!"

Alvida, who was practicing Armament Haki with a large iron rod, gently smiled, and said, "There was a time when Boa Hancock's strength was ranked at the bottom of the group, but now she has surpassed Crocodile and even Moonlight Moria."

Nami, wiping the sweat from her forehead as she paused for a break, chimed in, "I remember Ethan saying that Moria used to be a rookie with great potential. But after his defeat by Kaido, he never fully recovered, and his strength has steadily declined. He's no longer in the same league as the other Shichibukai."

Carmen, practicing her arm strength with a barbell, added with a slight smile, "And then there's Bartholomew Kuma, who ranks second in terms of strength. Ethan said that Kuma's Devil Fruit, the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, gives him all kinds of bizarre abilities—like repelling exhaustion and bouncing back attacks."

Desire, after putting down her wooden sword, smiled slightly and said, "As for the Crocodile we're about to face, he ranks second to last in strength. He's pitifully weak compared to the others."

Reiju, crossing her legs and resting her chin on her hands, spoke with a gentle and dignified tone, "Dracule Mihawk, Bartholomew Kuma, Doflamingo, Boa Hancock, Jinbei, Crocodile, and Moonlight Moria—that's the current ranking of the Shichibukai's strength."

Princess Vivi, with a warm and sweet smile, turned to Reiju and said, "Ethan has put in a lot of effort to become a Shichibukai. He knows their strengths, their life stories, and even their habits inside and out."

Just then, a voice came from outside the room, announcing with excitement, "We've arrived! Alabasta is here, Hahahaha…"

The crew erupted in cheers, unable to hold their excitement.

"Quick, quick, jump up! Hahaha~~"

"We're going to be a Shichibukai Crew! Wahahaha!"

"Stop talking nonsense and get moving!"

Listening to the cheers and feeling the excitement in the air, the girls couldn't help but smile.

Carina's eyes sparkled with happiness, "We're finally here! We've reached our destination, Hehehehe~~"

Desire covered her mouth with a playful grin, "Just thinking about fighting a Shichibukai makes my heart race."

Honey Queen wiped her hands with a towel and said with a smile, "After so many days at sea, we're finally about to have a fierce battle. Today is destined to be a day worth remembering!"

Moodie brushed her light blonde hair with her fingers and added, "Everyone is so excited; no one can keep calm."

Alvida, after placing the iron rod on her shoulder, said casually, "Becoming a Shichibukai is the most important step right now. The success of this plan will determine our future."

At that moment, Ethan turned around slowly, his voice as calm as ever, "Let's go."

Without hesitation, he walked toward the door.

Carmen, with a smile, asked, "Ethan, we're about to fight a Shichibukai. Do you have any special thoughts? Care to share your feelings?"

Betty, holding her banner, said lightly, "Don't overthink it. He doesn't have feelings about this—it's just business."

Princess Vivi stood up, her hands clenched with excitement, "Finally, we're in my country. Crocodile is doomed, and soon, the citizens will live happily, free from his exploitation."

Robin, patting Vivi on the shoulder, reassured her with a gentle smile, "Don't worry, Alabasta will prosper, and the people will live a good life. Ethan is strong; Crocodile doesn't stand a chance."

Reiju, with a gentle and dignified expression, added, "After today, Ethan will become a Shichibukai, and my family, the Vinsmokes, will officially partner with him to share information and resources."

Baccarat took Reiju's hand and said softly, "That's wonderful. You'll be able to follow Ethan every day. And with Ethan being so domineering, your father wouldn't dare to make any demands. What Ethan says goes."

Makino stood up and added gently, "Ethan is strong, and no one should question him. Reiju, your father will be pleased to have you on the ship; he wouldn't want you to go back to North Blue."

Kaya, with a pure and sweet smile, said softly, "I like Sister Reiju. She's generous and gentle—a perfect sister."

Reiju smiled alluringly and said, "Don't worry, I'm not overthinking it. Now, let's hurry and head out."

All the girls, chatting and laughing, were in high spirits as they walked outside.

**On the Deck**

Igaram stood by the railing, gazing at the island ahead, with a look of relief on his face. "We're finally here, Alabasta," he muttered. "Damn Crocodile, today's the day you're going to pay."

Pato, sitting by the railing, took a sip of his drink and asked curiously, "That's Alabasta up ahead?"

Beppo, practicing his kicking techniques, widened his eyes, "This Alabasta looks huge."

Burgess raised his arms high, letting out a roar of laughter, "Finally, we see Alabasta! Wiiiihahahaha… Crocodile, the first Shichibukai to fall, Hehe~~"

Doc Q stood up slowly, hunched over, with a sharp look in his eyes, "He'll be the first, but not the last."

Gin stopped his practice, his usually stoic face showing a rare expression of excitement, "This is where we'll make our mark. I'll never forget this day."

Bartolomeo, hands in his pockets, said arrogantly, "Shichibukai? When we meet, I'll show him what we're made of."

Law, holding the demon sword Kikoku, added coldly, "It's rare to face the weakest Shichibukai. I think we should all take him on together."

Hawkins, still holding his cards and with his usual deadpan expression, nodded, "That's a good idea. I'd like to see how we measure up against a Shichibukai."

Cavendish, holding his sword Durandal, added arrogantly, "When the captain arrives, I'll bring it up. I don't believe for a second that we can't defeat the weakest Shichibukai."

Van Augur, tapping his shoulder with his rifle, stared at the island ahead with a blank expression, "King Crocodile will make for a good opponent. I wonder if he can dodge my bullets."

Kuro, pushing his glasses up habitually, analyzed the situation carefully, "Crocodile was ambitious in his youth, challenging Whitebeard. That shows his strength. Even though he's fallen, the Logia Suna Suna no Mi still gives him a significant edge."

Kuro continued, "Even with our recent improvements, we're still not quite at the level of a Shichibukai. But this is a rare opportunity to face such a powerful opponent. It's worth the risk, especially with the captain leading us."

Lafitte, twirling his cane, smiled politely, "If everyone agrees, I'll bring it up when the captain arrives. I'm also eager to see what a Shichibukai is truly capable of."

As the excitement grew, Ethan stepped onto the deck, ready to lead his crew into Alabasta. The time had come to make their mark and challenge the strength of a Shichibukai.

At this time, the sound of footsteps echoed as Ethan led the girls onto the deck.

Carina, with a smile playing on her lips and her beautiful eyes sparkling with mischief, looked at Laffitte and the others. "You're going to fight Crocodile? How is that possible?" she teased. "He is a Shichibukai. How could you beat him? It's impossible."

Perona nodded, a look of contempt on her pretty face. "I don't like you guys either," she said coolly. "So, let's just give up on this idea."

Honey Queen shrugged and added with a smile, "Isn't this interesting? Anyway, with Ethan around, even if they can't beat Crocodile, they won't be in danger. So, why not let Lafitte and the others try? It could be pretty fun."

Betty took a puff of her cigarette, carrying the banner casually as she remarked, "It's not every day you get to face such a good trial opponent. If we miss this chance, who knows when the next one will come."

Desire nodded slightly and smiled, "Let the captains try first. If it doesn't work, then Ethan can step in. I think that's a fair approach."

Alvida flashed a charming smile and agreed. "If Ethan makes a move, it's over in one strike. That's a given. But where's the fun in that? Let the captains try. It's a good opportunity to see the strength of a Shichibukai."

Nami blinked her big eyes, grinning as she chimed in, "If we let Ethan handle it, there won't be much to see. He strikes fast, precise, and ruthless. Crocodile wouldn't stand a chance, which is why I agree with letting Lafitte and the others take the lead."

Robin, brushing her black, beautiful hair, spoke with an air of intellect and elegance. "Honestly, I'm curious to see Crocodile's strength. Despite being with him, I've never seen him in action, not even once. He's arrogant, sure, but to be a Shichibukai, he must be strong. The captains are no pushovers. Even if they can't win, they won't lose too badly."

At this point, Burgess raised his arms high, looking at Ethan with a broad smile. "Captain, what do you say? Can we go for it? Wiiiihahahaha..."

Doc Q, with a sinister smile, added, "He's a Logia Sand-Sand Fruit user, and I'm a Logia Miasma Miasma Fruit user. I want to see which is stronger—the sand or the miasma."

Gin looked at Ethan with respect and said, "Captain, let us try. I've always wanted to fight a Shichibukai!"

The other captains remained silent but nodded in agreement, their faces showing eager anticipation for a quick fight with the Shichibukai.

Ethan, ever calm, hands in his pockets, responded lightly, "Yes."

Without hesitation, he jumped off the ship and landed on the island of Alabasta.

"I knew it, the captain would agree," said Law coldly, holding his demon sword Kikoku, before jumping off the boat.

Hawkins put away his cards, his voice still flat and emotionless. "It's a supreme honor to fight a Shichibukai. This opportunity is worth cherishing."

Van Augur, tapping his shoulder with his gun, expressionless, said, "Among the opponents I've faced, this is the strongest. Through this battle, I will learn a lot. This is my destiny."

Bartolomeo, touching his nose ring, impatiently said, "Why talk so much? Let's just get on with it. Hehe~~"

Crowe, pushing his glasses up, remained calm and rational as he commented, "This battle will help me gain valuable experience and grow stronger. With the captain's battle coming up in a few days, this is a perfect opportunity for a breakthrough."

Lafitte, twirling his cane with a slight smile, added gently, "Crocodile is a Sand-Sand Fruit user, and fighting in the desert gives him an advantage. But that's just an external factor; it won't determine the outcome."

As Nami landed in the desert, she looked around, noticing the whaleboat by the shore and the desert stretching out like a pale golden ocean. She blinked, her delicate face showing amazement as she murmured, "This is the first time I've seen such a vast desert."

Nojiko, brushing her blue hair, smiled and said, "It's a pity the sun is so strong and the air is so hot. Walking through the desert is interesting, but it's tough."

Kaya, scanning the surroundings, frowned as doubt crossed her pretty face. "Books say there are plants in the desert. But I've been looking for so long and haven't found any. There doesn't seem to be any signs of life."

Makino, always gentle, smiled sweetly. "For ordinary people, the desert is very dangerous. It's easy to get lost here. Once that happens, getting out is nearly impossible and very scary."

Alvida, carrying a large iron rod, looked slightly helpless. "This desert is too big. If we had transportation, it would be perfect."

Honey Queen, wearing a white scarf, blinked her beautiful eyes and smiled. "Anyway, let's take some protective measures, or our skin will get tanned. With this intense sun, if we don't cover up, we'll all be sunburned by the time we get out of here."

Desire shrugged casually. "The sun is so hot, it's annoying."

Carmen, scanning the area, frowned and said, "We need to figure out a way to deal with this. The men might not care about getting dark, but we do. If we keep going like this, everyone's skin will get tanned."

Vivi, wrapped in long sleeves and a scarf to shield herself from the sun, smiled sweetly and reassured them, "Don't worry, as long as we take protective measures, we'll be fine. Just remember to stay hydrated and drink water when you're thirsty. It's too hot here to risk heatstroke."

Robin sighed as she brushed her black hair. "Crocodile's fruit ability is truly powerful. It can turn oases into deserts, cities into ruins, and even change the weather. It hasn't rained in a while, and that's because of him. His Sand-Sand Fruit has completely altered Alabasta."

Reiju looked at Robin and smiled gently. "It hasn't rained before, but today will be different. Crocodile will be defeated today, and without his influence, Alabasta will finally see rain."

Baccarat, stroking her dark red hair, added confidently, "The next time we come back here, the desert will have turned into an oasis, and the ruins will be a bustling city. Alabasta will flourish and become the richest country in the first half of the Grand Line. After all, this is where our branch is located, and rapid development is inevitable."

At that moment, a rustling sound came from the desert ahead. The ground began to shake, and the sand started to shift and fall as if something terrible was about to emerge from beneath the surface...