You, she can tell you if your speculation is correct! My brother is perfectly fine, and why are you talking about him like this? I don't understand, " she said.
"You, brother high jacked our son's phone call and talked like one mentally unstable person though he looks like your brother, the person we saw?..." Rubby said.
"Is different..." the other girls chorused.
"You tell us, Jessy, you are new here but with us, we will protect you, is he okay? Or is this another person?" she asked.
"He is okay, and a cold person I do not understand his sudden change of heart," Jessy said.
"Then, your brother is helplessly in love with our sister here," Eilleen said.
"Of course, he must love her, she is the only sister-in-law we approve of," Eller boosted.
"From the look of things your brother is becoming stupid, I think but I can't believe you not unless I see it with my necked eyes," Tasha said.