Chapter 4: Renowned Prodigy Twin

2 years later

"Onee-chan can you help me with my homework?" My little brother Alex asked while tugging my dress, I helplessly smiled and patted his head

In the past three years my twin brother and I are considered prodigy as they call it, let the news paper tell you the tale


At the age of one the first child and only daughter of duchess Everhart started to talk, walk and read even though no one taught her, next is

When the twin was two, the second child and only son of duchess Everhart also did the same..

And at three, duchess Everhart already got them a tutor to learn things, even the teachers and Instructor are impressive by who fast they can learn things

At an early age the kingdom have already recognized the children if duchess Everhart as the most beautifulest and talented children of the kingdom

It will be no doubts that in the future this two prodigy will have a very bright future


I wonder how my dear father will react to this, I can't wait to see his face, especially now that the whole kingdom is talking about us, and not his lovely daughter that doesn't even know how to talk and walk at the age of three...

"Babies time for bed" mother walk in to our study room while hugging a fluffy pillow, I stopped writing

"Yes Mommy" we answered in synced, everynight the three of us sleep with each other while cuddling...

*Next morning

"Aki-nee what's my schedule for today?" I have three personal maids, Aria or aria-nee handle my food and cleaning, and kana-nee helped me bath, dress and getting me ready for the day, and akira or aki-nee handle my schedule

"You have music class, dance class, etiquette class in the morning then Math class, history class and sword practice for the afternoon" even if it's weekends, I still have a load of things to do..

Yeah so this world is called zemellia World, it's very similar to earth actually I mean the day(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc) , months(January, February, March, etc) and language (English, Japanese, etc) are similar, but they don't have countries in here, there are no Japan, America, etc, instead there are kingdoms, five kingdoms to be precise

First is the magnolia kingdom----my kingdom

And greenland kingdom, home of exotic plans and animals, it's a kingdom of animals

Hydes kingdom--demon kingdom, the. Kingdom of demons

Sapphire kingdom----another human kingdom other than my magnolia kingdom

Fairy kingdom-- fairy and mermaid alike live in this kingdom, along with magical creatures

So far I haven't heard anything or seen my father and that's good news for me..

I wish our life will be like this forever..

Just me, Alex, and mom

And now I got reincarnated as the villainess, in the famous otome game in my last life--the name of the game?--I forgot

And I've read a lot of reincarnated stories where they will travel the world and get their magic to be strong or fight with the heroine who turned out to be another reincarnated person---neh!!! Wrong!!, I'm not like that

I will striaghten my magic to protect myself, Alex and mom and build a life for us--who cares if the capture targets and the heroine end up together--if you care then I Don't...