The Battle of Asamayama — Second Half (II)

“Okay, okay, calm down, you two.”

Of course, neither Noa nor Suzuran took that statement at face value.

They kept themselves in a guarded stance as to them, Maihime was a predator; for Maihime herself, however, she merely preceived them as two mewling feral beasts, their fear of her keeping them frozen in place. Nevertheless, that didn’t phase her in the slightest as she had been on the receiving end of far greater stares carrying a will much worse than the promise of death. Sighing, she dismantled her [utsushi] and sheathed Amatsumikaboshi before raising both of her hands up in a gesture of surrender.

“Seriously, you two, I mean you no harm.”

Suzuran was the first to open her mouth. “…What are you doing here? I thought you were on a deployment in the Divine Empire?”

“Oh, Operation Storm Wave? That’s long since been done and over with already—I destroyed the [aradama] nest myself.”