Next time

As Andrew pondered the possibility of Edmond's supposed truthfulness, his mind began to wander through their past interactions.

He recalled numerous instances where Kini had displayed stubbornness and a lack of openness to being corrected.

It seemed as though Kini had an unwavering belief in his own abilities, refusing to acknowledge any mistakes or faults even before the boss.

This realization made Andrew question whether Kini could truly be a leader that Sanka could control.

Andrew's thoughts went back to a recent incident when Kini stood up leaving the boss sited

Despite Edmonds's attempts to provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement, Andrew had brushed them off, firmly convinced that his approach was the only correct one.

Moreover, Andrew had noticed that Edmond often dismissed differing opinions or alternative viewpoints, preferring to stick to his own ideas without considering the perspectives of others.