Brain blank

What do you mean, Andrew? Are you saying?" Sanka was getting confused at Andrew's statement.

No, sir, what I meant to convey is that it's true, and you're correct; Karalana might be stubborn, possibly even overly so. However, there's one undeniable truth: He never breaks his promises. So, if he states his love for your daughter, sir, look into my eyes and express any doubt you may have."

Sanka kept quiet, looking at Andrew as he spoke, seeing the reason for his words.

"Hear me out, sir. Karalana's stubborn love for your daughter is anything anyone would ask for."

Andrew, you think it's okay for me to give my daughter away just like that to someone whose background I know nothing about?"Sanka questioned

If he keeps getting the idea that you're not considering his wife's tears, then sir, expect him to act as"

ENOUGH Andrew! Off, because I know that fact," Sanka retorted.