
The mayor's expression softened slightly as she considered Kini's words, a glimmer of doubt flickering in her eyes.

"But if what you say is true, then why is the police suddenly backtracking on the case?" She questioned, her confusion evident in her voice.


As Kini sat outside the house, the morning sun cast long shadows across it, illuminating the heavy atmosphere that hung in the air. His thoughts raced as he sifted through the events of the past few days, trying to make sense of the sudden turn of events.

He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss—a nagging sense of unease gnawing at the edges of his consciousness. Doubts continued to linger in his mind, casting a pall over the once bustling room.

With a heavy heart, Kini reached for his phone, his fingers trembling slightly as he dialed J's number. Each ring felt like an eternity as he waited anxiously for a response, his heart pounding in his chest with each passing second.