Should I be wary of her?

Chapter 48: Should I be wary of her?

" Ah! " Andrea furrowed her brows as she shook her head in confusion, thinking she might have misheard him.

” Sorry, Mr. Wilson, can you come again?” She let out a laugh at how ridiculous it was to think he had said she should move to New York with him.

”Andrea, you heard me just right," he said, his gaze not leaving her face.

”You can ask me anything, but I can't agree to this. It's too much,” Her gaze flickered.

"Look, I have a big company to run, and I can't keep shuffling between New York and New South Wales like I'm going to a grocery shop."

”I'm fine with it. Whenever you are less busy, you can always come," she said as she looked away from him.

”I will always be worried about you if I am to leave you with the kids here. How can I and my mistress be in different countries?”