Chapter 58: The call

"I'm waiting for you to state the purpose of this call," Wesley stated coldly and rudely and Daisy was slightly taken aback.

She wasn't expecting such a reaction from him, neither was she expecting him to still be that mad. Yeah, she really did mess up but then, is he still supposed to be this upset?

Daisy would be discharged from the hospital in a few days and she would be out to face the outside world once again. Even though things were cleared now, she still have to find out some things and get things right and straight to prevent what had happened to her from happening to her again.

Now she wanted to find out and cut off whoever this person is.

On the other end, right in his home office, Wesley tapped his long slender fingers impatiently on the table, waiting for her to just spill out whatever she had called to spill. He really still felt upset but the truth is, deep down, he felt glad she called.