
Staying by his side seemed like the best place to be at that moment, although I hated to admit that the rule that he had set was right all along. I wanted to scream out loud that she was lying through her teeth while my frustration started taking over. I wondered why Bradon couldn’t see through her act right away.

“You must have someone out for your life if you have this many guards at an event with high security like this. It makes me worry a little about your safety. Feel free to let me know if there’s anything that either me or the Vulkan family can help you out with. It would be a pleasure to help one of my wife’s friends,” Bradon said before smiling warmly her way.

“Thank you. You are so kind…” Daphne replied softly.

“Not at all. So, tell me Miss Wanderwalt, did Diana do something to offend you or hurt you in anyway?” Bradon asked.