
The members of the Qin Clan couldn't hide their nervousness as they watched Ye Lang lunging towards Qin Wentian. A faint shadow of a demonic wolf materialized around him, and with a ferocious howl, it charged at Qin Wentian, aiming to tear him apart.

"Demonic Wolf Astral Soul... That explains the intense bloodlust and beastly aura," murmured one of the spectators.

But just as things looked dire, Qin Yao sprang into action. She rushed toward Qin Wentian and summoned her Astral Soul, taking the form of an Ancient Tree.

"Ye Lang, back off!" Qin Yao commanded with a delicate yet firm voice. Sharp wooden swords materialized in the air around her, poised to strike at Ye Lang.

Undeterred, Ye Lang's power surged as he unleashed his might. The energy coursing through him marked the Arterial Circulation Realm, an awe-inspiring level of strength.

"Break!" Ye Lang roared like a man possessed, his aura resembling that of a wild beast. With tremendous force, he shattered the ancient wood swords, continuing his advance toward Qin Wentian.

In response, Qin Wentian's arm transformed into a colossal hammer, radiating a brilliant azure light. It morphed into the shape of an azure dragon, letting out a resounding roar that shook the heavens—the Draconic Roar of the Nine Heavens.

The icy aura of the demonic wolf king collided head-on with the raging azure dragon. The clash was like a devastating hurricane, and both Qin Wentian and Ye Lang were sent hurtling backward, their feet carving deep grooves in the earth.

"Wentian!" Qin Yao cried out in alarm as she enveloped him in her protective Ancient Wood Swords.

Qin Wentian struggled to a stop, his body weak and battered. His fist was covered in lacerations, blood oozing from the wounds.

"How powerful... the gap between our cultivation levels is immense," he thought, his body trembling from exhaustion. He had depleted all the astral energy he had stored for that single powerful strike.

The shock was evident on Ye Lang's face. He had been forced back, and his Astral Soul's sharp claws were showing signs of damage. Qin Wentian had managed to wound him.

"I'll make you pay," Ye Lang growled like a wild beast, his eyes fixed on Qin Wentian. He advanced once more, his beastly aura growing stronger with every step, causing the ground to buckle under the pressure.

"If you persist, I won't be so polite," warned Qin Chuan, his eyes cold.

Simultaneously, Asura Wu's eyes gleamed with ruthless determination. Qin Wentian had become a problem that needed to be dealt with swiftly.

"Bring me Qin Wentian, Qin Yao, and the others. Anyone who obstructs you has defied the imperial decree," ordered Asura Wu in a chilling tone.

"Seize them!" Ye Mo and Icehawk barked their orders in unison. An overwhelming wave of pressure filled the air as the soldiers, armed with long spears, pressed forward, advancing menacingly toward the Qin Residence. Their presence created an oppressive atmosphere.

The moment Ye Mo and Icehawk issued their commands, the archers of the Qin Clan sprang into action. They swiftly organized themselves into formations, their bull horn bows drawn back to resemble full moons, radiating an intimidating display of strength.

"It appears the Qin Clan is ready for a rebellion," Ye Mo sneered coldly as he took to the skies, heading straight for the archers.

"Twang, twang, twang..." Bowstrings snapped as arrows filled the air, creating a storm of projectiles that rained down upon the Silver Feather Legion. The arrows whistled through the sky, their sharp tips aimed directly at the enemy.

Even Ye Mo, soaring through the air, wasn't spared. Arrows were launched toward him. Ye Mo's brow furrowed as he summoned two astral projections above his forehead. The first was the Northern Goshawk Astral Soul, granting him speed, agility, and ferocious strength. The second, as tall as a mountain, was the Stone Mountain Astral Soul, encasing his skin in rock-like armor, enhancing his defense significantly.

With the precision of a hunting goshawk, Ye Mo's rock-covered hands swatted away the incoming arrows with strength capable of toppling mountains and overturning seas. He was a Yuanfu Realm cultivator who had condensed two Astral Souls and opened his 3rd Astral Gate, though he had yet to form his 3rd Astral Soul. If he had, his power would have been even more formidable.

Behind the archers, two elders emerged. One cast a stern gaze at Ye Mo before soaring into the skies.

"Martial Defenders?" Asura Wu, still atop his warhorse, narrowed his eyes. These figures were likely the legendary defenders who had once stood alongside the formidable Qin Wu. But now, their presence didn't carry the same awe as it did in the past.

"Retreat to the Qin Residence!" Qin Chuan's voice cut through the chaos as the Qin Clan's troops and members began to fall back.

Ye Lang, resembling a wild beast, charged relentlessly toward Qin Wentian. With his guards protecting him, he had the freedom to unleash his full strength. Those who stood in his way from the Qin Clan were all grievously injured without exception.

Qin Yao led Qin Wentian in a strategic retreat. Her expression darkened as she witnessed Ye Lang's relentless pursuit; that savage beast was determined to kill Qin Wentian.

"Allow me to handle this." A mysterious silhouette materialized in front of Qin Yao and Qin Wentian. With a swift motion, he launched a formidable kick toward his assailant.

A resonant "thud" filled the air as Ye Lang effortlessly intercepted the attack, his hand deftly capturing the powerful kick. A sinister glint flickered in Ye Lang's eyes.

"Qin Rao, step back!" Qin Yao's face contorted in horror, but her warning came too late. Ye Lang's hand, shaped like a knife, descended mercilessly onto Qin Rao's thigh. The young man let out a piercing scream, his face draining of color as he crumpled to the ground, unconscious. Fresh blood spurted from his broken leg, staining the earth.

Qin Yao and the others had already retreated to the safety of the Qin Residence, where additional reinforcements formed a protective barrier. Ye Lang tilted his head, his malevolent smile directed at Qin Wentian. His gaze then returned to the fallen Qin Rao. With a swift, brutal punch, he crushed the young man's skull, splattering his robes in gruesome gore.

"Qin Yao, I will make you my plaything, my slave, my toy," Ye Lang's voice rang out coldly, his lips smeared with Qin Rao's blood.

Qin Yao trembled with anger, her body quivering.

"Everyone, retreat!" Qin Chuan bellowed, and Asura Wu led more troops forward. Despite the Qin Clan's summoning of the Martial Defenders, they were still outmatched. The safety of the younger generation was paramount; there could be no casualties.

But Qin Yao's eyes burned with rage, seemingly deaf to her father's command. At that moment, Qin Wentian grabbed her trembling hands, urging, "Sister, let's return to the residence."

"Wentian, Qin Rao..." Qin Yao's eyes welled with tears. Though not a blood relative, Qin Rao was still a part of the Qin Clan, bonded like family through generations of shared history and battle.

"I will avenge him, without fail," Qin Wentian declared calmly, his voice now carrying a cold, simmering anger. His normally composed eyes blazed with a hint of madness, resembling a wild tiger. He glared at Ye Lang with a deep, hateful resolve. "Remember me. I will be the one to end you."

Qin Wentian swore to kill Ye Lang.

"He won't be the last," Ye Lang muttered, placing his foot atop Qin Rao's lifeless body, his eyes glazed over like a demon's. He watched as Qin Wentian led Qin Yao back to the Qin Residence. The arrival of the Defenders gradually pushed the Silver Feather Legion back; attacking the Qin Clan was no longer an easy feat.

Inside the Qin Residence, chaos reigned as the entire clan rushed about. They hadn't expected the Ye Clan and the Silver Feather Legion to encircle them, aiming for their annihilation.

"Yao`er, take Wentian and the others inside to rest. Focus on your cultivation. Leave this to us," Qin Chuan ordered, his gaze sweeping over the younger generation.

"Father, we want to stay and help," Qin Yao protested, unwilling to hide in safety.

"I said, go back," Qin Chuan scolded sternly. "Remember, all of you are the future hope of our Qin Clan. If our clan falls, even if it costs us our lives, your safety is paramount."

"The Qin Clan... will never fall," tears glistened in Qin Yao's eyes.

"I'm just preparing for the worst. Besides, your grandfather should know what to do. If we can hold out for a few days, there's hope for the Qin Clan," Qin Chuan reassured, easing Qin Yao and the others' concerns. It seemed the old Patriarch had some tricks up his sleeve.

"Father, I'll go and cultivate," Qin Wentian declared before leaving. His clenched fists went unnoticed, blood trickling from his palms as his nails dug in.

Qin Chuan watched his departing son, his eyes reflecting a complicated mix of emotions. Finally, he spoke softly to Qin Yao, "Yao`er, if anything happens, protect Wentian. Do you understand?"

Qin Yao's body quivered, and she looked directly at her father. "Father, as long as Wentian lives, so do I."

Qin Chuan's gaze softened as he looked at his daughter. "Wentian possesses wisdom beyond his years and exceptional talent. I hope that one day, he'll be strong enough to challenge the current emperor on behalf of the Qin Clan."