Punishment Result

After Qin Wentian successfully condensed his second Astral Soul, the Dreamcast Astral Soul, he once again utilized his acupuncture needle techniques, this time with a twist of flair. Instead of suppressing the radiance of his Astral Soul to the maximum, he decided to play with it, toning down the intensity of the golden corona's radiance just a notch.

This decision wasn't arbitrary. Qin Wentian had a grand plan brewing. Knowing the substantial influence the Ye Clan held within the Royal Capital, he understood that merely being talented wasn't enough. To secure a spot in the Emperor Star Academy and ultimately stand strong in the cutthroat Royal Capital, he needed to strike a balance. He couldn't afford to unleash the full glory of his Astral Soul, a remarkable creation from the 5th Heavenly Layer, because doing so would label him a monster, and in this world, monsters were often hunted.

And so, he found himself in this precarious situation, explaining it all amidst a heavy silence.

"I already aced Teacher Mustang's test back in Sky Harmony City. Lured by the promise of the Emperor Star Academy, I journeyed thousands of Li, all the way to the Royal Capital. Little did I know, Janus not only denied me my rightful Emperor Star Jade Medallion but also forced me into this training expedition orchestrated by the Coalition of the Nine Martial Academies. I had no choice but to comply."

He paused for a breath, then continued. "In this expedition, Orfon decided to make life interesting by assembling a gang bent on murdering both me and Fan. They nearly succeeded, but lo and behold, Fan Le's Bloodline Limit came to the rescue, flipping the script and turning us into the pursuers. That's when Orchon, the master of twisted logic, accused us of plotting against our comrades and tried to murder us in cold blood. So, I ask you all this: Who in the Emperor Star Academy would have stepped in to right that injustice?"

Qin Wentian's voice resonated through the air, cutting through the tension.

"Later on, Orfon once again gathered a bunch of Arterial Circulation Realm experts, herding us into the forbidden recesses of the Dark Forest. Miraculously, we survived after days of peril. Our first thought upon returning was to complete our registration at the Emperor Star Academy. But, surprise, surprise, Orfon reappeared, stoking the fires of our fury. Seeking justice, I struck him down. So, I pose this question to you: Was my action unjustified?"

Alongside his captivating storytelling, Qin Wentian meticulously recounted their harrowing experience in the Dark Forest. The public perception began to shift, and some onlookers found themselves agreeing with Qin Wentian's actions. It seemed that he was in the right.

Moreover, according to his account, Fan Le, the affable fatty, possessed a Bloodline Limit. This revelation added another layer of complexity. The Emperor Star Academy would need to tread carefully.

"If the Emperor Star Academy still sees me as guilty, I'll gladly renounce my status as one of its students. After all, I haven't received the Jade Medallion, so I can't be considered a full-fledged student yet. Regarding Orfon's demise, you can view it as a random bystander seeking revenge. Now, what's your move?" Qin Wentian asked with a determined glint in his eyes.

As his voice trailed off, the luminous Astral Soul retracted, but the audience's hearts continued to race, refusing to settle.

"I, Mustang, have finally laid my eyes on such an exceptional student. If the Emperor Star Academy chooses to expel him or declare him guilty, I no longer see any purpose in my role as a teacher here," declared Mustang, fixing his gaze firmly on Thousand-Hands. This statement instantly shifted all the pressure onto Thousand-Hands, placing him in an unenviable position.

At this point, disciplining Qin Wentian seemed inconceivable to him. Such an action might lead to the Emperor Star Academy's higher-ups pointing fingers at him. In all likelihood, some of them were already monitoring the unfolding events.

These thoughts weighed heavily on Thousand-Hands, filling him with a sense of desolation. Mishandling this situation could invite widespread disapproval.

However, the most disheartened individual in the room was undoubtedly Janus. The moment Qin Wentian revealed both his Astral Souls, Janus understood that Qin Wentian was untouchable today. Moreover, the higher-ups would undoubtedly take an interest in him.

Janus had unwittingly offended someone with colossal potential.

Then there was Orchon, who despised Qin Wentian and wished nothing more than to tear him apart. Orchon had initially thought it would be a breeze to gain Ye WuQue's favor by helping eliminate a minor nuisance. But he could have never foreseen that not only would his brother die in place of Qin Wentian, but there would also be no one to claim that Qin Wentian and Fan Le's actions were unjust. Thus, he bore a deep grudge against Qin Wentian. Orchon seethed with anger, contemplating how he would explain this debacle to his clan.

"ABSURD!" Finally, Thousand-Hands spoke, leaving everyone astonished. His words were directed at Qin Wentian.

"What nonsense! Since you willingly underwent the Emperor Star Academy's examination and survived the Dark Forest expedition, how can you not be considered a student of our academy?" Thousand-Hands scolded Qin Wentian, continuing, "The Jade Medallion is merely a formality, not worth the fuss. Your choice to join our academy makes you a student."

"As the Elder in charge of the Disciplinary Committee, I have the authority to administer punishment. Although you claim your actions were for vengeance, you still caused a significant disturbance that tarnished the reputations of Orchon and Orfon. I've decided to confine you for a month and simultaneously launch a comprehensive investigation into the Dark Forest incident. If your account holds true, I'll consider it a personal vendetta between you and Orfon, meaning you didn't violate the academy's rules."

"Of course, if your claims are false, then I will, I will..." Thousand-Hands stuttered, evidently not having thought of an appropriate punishment. After a brief pause, he hastily added, "We will determine your punishment later. As for you, come with me now."

Luo Huan stifled a laugh, covering her mouth with her hands to muffle any sound. A hint of amusement danced in her eyes as she watched Elder Thousand-Hands, usually so composed, grapple with this awkward situation.

Though Thousand-Hands seemed to scold Qin Wentian, everyone could see the underlying message. It no longer mattered whether Qin Wentian had lied about the Dark Forest incident because there would be no repercussions for Orfon's death. Orfon had died in vain.

Furthermore, by emphasizing Qin Wentian's status as an Emperor Star Academy student, Thousand-Hands made his intentions abundantly clear to all.

Qin Wentian and Fan Le exchanged glances, a subtle smile dancing in their eyes. Today, they had finally rid themselves of that oppressive humiliation.

However, Orchon's lingering gaze continued to grate on their nerves.

Fatty couldn't help but ponder, wouldn't it be perfect if they could deal with Orchon as well? But, of course, it was nothing more than a fleeting fantasy. Reality dictated that they didn't yet possess the strength for such a feat. Fatty's philosophy toward stronger foes was that even waiting ten years for revenge was acceptable for a true gentleman. But when facing those he could handle, he believed in swift retribution, for a hero should never procrastinate.

So, when it came to Orfon, Fatty chose the path of a hero. However, in Orchon's case, he opted to be a gentleman.

"As for you, you shall be confined alongside Qin Wentian for reflection," Thousand-Hands announced, abruptly interrupting Fatty's musings about being a gentleman. Fan Le nonchalantly shrugged and patted Qin Wentian on the shoulder. "Brothers share in both fortune and adversity. This is my brother, Qin Wentian, and I, Fan Le, will naturally stand by his side."

Fan Le raised his head proudly, speaking with such volume that it seemed he feared no one would recognize his connection to Qin Wentian.

"How shameless."

"This fatty is utterly shameless." These silent sentiments echoed through the minds of the spectators. They believed Fatty was doing this merely to bask in the reflected glory of Qin Wentian.

However, only Qin Wentian knew the truth. During their life-and-death struggle in the Dark Forest, Fan Le had no inkling of Qin Wentian's latent talent. He could have chosen to follow his own path, avoiding the wrath of Qin Wentian's enemies. Instead, he had chosen loyalty to his friend. Despite his shameless exterior, Fan Le was a true believer in the bonds of brotherhood.

Members of the Disciplinary Committee led Qin Wentian and Fan Le away, but Mustang remained unfazed. He had foreseen this outcome the moment Qin Wentian unleashed his Astral Souls.

Mustang glanced at Janus before departing with his students. The conflict between their charges no longer held any significance. Nonetheless, the recent spectacle had etched itself into the memories of the onlookers.

On the same day, news of the Emperor Star Academy incident spread like wildfire throughout the Royal Capital.

"His name is Qin Wentian? He's so impressive." A young woman sighed with infatuation as she imagined that determined youth, unflinchingly striking down Orfon, consequences be damned.

Orchon departed, carrying Orfon's lifeless body with him. He needed to return to his clan posthaste, as the clan elders would soon learn of this development.

Qin Wentian and Fan Le's "punishment" took the form of confinement, but the place they were held was far from a dreary cell. Instead, they found themselves in an elegant courtyard filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers. A quaint bridge spanned a gentle stream in the courtyard's center.

Fatty couldn't help but let out a loud sigh. It would have been absolutely perfect if a few lovely maidens were imprisoned with them.

While Fatty reveled in his comfort, Thousand-Hands' emotions were in stark contrast. At this moment, several figures appeared before him, all of them holding prominent positions within the academy, Elder Rank or higher.

"Elder Thousand-Hands, I'd like to request an audience with Qin Wentian. It shouldn't be too much to ask, right?" A burly, dark-skinned man addressed Thousand-Hands, his tone polite but determined.

"Thousand-Hands, I promise not to take up much of his time. I just want to have a casual chat with Qin Wentian," added another Elder, casting an imploring look at Thousand-Hands.

Facing this influx of figures, Thousand-Hands felt a sense of dizziness wash over him. He wasn't oblivious to their intentions. While Qin Wentian had already entered the Emperor Star Academy, he had yet to claim his Jade Medallion, which meant he hadn't chosen a mentor.

Although Mustang had made his move, these other Elders still had a chance to sway Qin Wentian to their factions.

"You rascals!" A thunderous voice suddenly erupted, causing the previously eager voices to fall silent. All heads turned to see Mustang, his face darkened with irritation.

Although the various Elders felt a pang of embarrassment and awkwardness upon Mustang's arrival, they maintained a facade of righteousness.

"Today is the last day of the ranking competition, and yet all of you have come rushing here. How are the new students supposed to choose their mentors? Right now, the vice-principal is in a towering rage, so you all better go deal with it," Mustang grumbled. After Thousand-Hands had escorted Qin Wentian away, Mustang had quickly noticed that almost all the teachers and Elders of the Emperor Star Academy had mysteriously vanished.

As Mustang's voice faded, the various Elders and teachers scattered, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Thousand-Hands could only shake his head in resignation, offering a wry smile. At least it was peaceful now.

He turned his gaze to Mustang and said, "Mustang, since the vice-principal is furious, it would be best if you left quickly."

With a smile, Mustang replied, "Oh, he's calmed down now. Anyway, Elder Thousand-Hands, would you permit me to meet with my student, Qin Wentian? I have something important to discuss with him."

Thousand-Hands paused, contemplating Mustang's request before chuckling. "Mustang, the vice-principal wasn't even aware that the teachers had disappeared, was he?"

Caught in his own web of lies, Mustang couldn't help but let out an awkward laugh. Thousand-Hands shot him a stern look and continued, "You're quite ruthless, I must say. Consider this your victory. Fine, go on in."