Gu Xing

Gu Xing

On the platform, Luo Huan continued to exert her dominance over 4th Night, showing no intention of letting him go. Despite her charming appearance, a chill crept into the spectators' hearts. Did she truly intend to take 4th Night's life?

Having been suppressed for so long, 4th Night was surely struggling to breathe.

"He's already been defeated, why won't you release him?" Sikong Mingyue's gaze turned icy as he questioned Luo Huan.

"I haven't heard him admit defeat," Luo Huan replied with a chuckle. "What if he attacks me once I release him?"

Sikong Mingyue's eyes flashed with a cold glint, but he knew that Luo Huan's actions were within the rules, even if they were ruthless. The extent of her suppression left 4th Night with no chance to speak or react.

It wasn't that 4th Night was weak; it was the cunning and unexpected nature of Luo Huan's attacks that had put him in an impossible situation. Her combination of double Astral Souls granted her incredible flexibility, especially with the long whip in her hands. Before 4th Night could unleash his full power, he was already ensnared in her relentless onslaught.

"Sometimes it's wise to know when to stop. Don't go too far," Sikong Mingyue said calmly.

"Did you consider that earlier when you were planning to have my junior brother Qin face continuous battles?" Luo Huan retorted with a laugh. She clearly disapproved of Snowcloud's intentions and decided to take the initiative, starting the counterattack for the Emperor Star Academy.

Sikong Mingyue had no reply to that. An intense wave of killing intent emanated from him as he swore, "I will avenge you."

"I'm not that heartless, sister here isn't." Luo Huan laughed, finally releasing 4th Night. With a swift kick, she sent him tumbling off the platform.

As 4th Night was released, he gasped for air and promptly fainted. He was no longer eligible to participate as a challenger.

"These people are ruthless; they don't even give their defeated opponents a chance to stand on the platform again," many silently remarked. Qin Wentian was like this, and so was Luo Huan.

While 4th Night lost his chance to challenge, 7th Night still had a slim opportunity. However, her face remained pale and bloodless; the earlier battle hadn't allowed her to recover from her injuries fully.

"Forget it, take a good rest," Sikong Mingyue instructed 7th Night.

With a reluctant nod, 7th Night relinquished her right to challenge again. Now, 4th Night, 6th Night, and 7th Night were all out of the competition. Out of the original 18 contestants who had advanced to the second round of the Jun Lin Banquet, only 15 remained.

Among them, only four contestants were from Snowcloud, and the prospect of their early elimination was not something Snowcloud was prepared to accept. Having traveled all the way to Chu and even co-hosting the Jun Lin Banquet, their dignity and pride would be severely wounded if they left with such results.

"Choose your opponents," Sikong Mingyue calmly declared. In an instant, the remaining figures on the platforms started to move.

3rd Night approached Kuang Shen.

2nd Sword went to confront Shi Jun.

3rd Sword initially intended to challenge Qin Wentian, but suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him, blocking his path to the 5th platform. This figure was none other than the silent youth, Gu Xing.

Gu Xing had not uttered a single word from the beginning, maintaining a quiet and aloof demeanor. His personality matched his name, similar to the most distant constellation in the sky. However, during the first round of battles, he had defeated 5th Night, earning the respect of all who watched.

Now, Gu Xing stood before 3rd Night, and whether he was intentionally aiding Qin Wentian or simply looking for a challenging duel with 3rd Night, the spectators knew this would be an engrossing battle to witness.

Sikong Mingyue had initially planned to act but paused, surveying the unfolding battles in three different directions.

"It seems that Snowcloud Country has run out of patience," many speculated.

2nd Sword released his sword intent, creating a terrifying storm around him. With a flick of his finger, countless sword lights shot toward Shi Jun, who was ranked 8th among the 10 prodigies.

Shi Jun's body was like a block of unyielding stone. He retaliated with a powerful punch, forming a granite-like defense. However, 2nd Sword's Sword Qi was incredibly sharp, far surpassing Jiang Xiu's sword intent. If Jiang Xiu's sword intent could be likened to autumn rain, 2nd Sword's was like a torrential storm.

Meanwhile, 3rd Night launched an attack against the 9th-ranked prodigy, Kuang Shen. 3rd Night and 6th Night shared a similar focus on cultivating strength, and he wielded a massive axe in his hands. Kuang Shen, a master of sabres, stood his ground, attempting to counter his opponent's immense strength. However, with each exchange, Kuang Shen found himself slightly behind, as 3rd Night's attacks consistently forced him to step back. This highlighted the disparity in their strength levels.

3rd Night relied solely on his immense strength to overpower Kuang Shen's sabre techniques.

"Although his great axe techniques might seem crude, they conceal profound power. Kuang Shen's sabre skills are clearly being suppressed. This time, it seems like both Shi Jun and Kuang Shen from the 10 prodigies are going to face defeat," the spectators murmured among themselves. The rankings within the 10 prodigies were about to see a significant shift.

Orchon, Luo Huan, Qin Wentian, and even Luo Cheng had already secured positions among the 10 prodigies. In a country that continually produced remarkable talents, the weaker would inevitably be replaced by stronger ones over time—such was the harsh reality of competition.

As 3rd Sword released his sword-type Astral Soul, his sword intent surged from his body. Gu Xing remained stoic, but the icy coldness in his eyes intensified as he locked onto his opponent.

Within that chilling gaze, an unsettling coldness emanated. The sword lights he unleashed appeared as ethereal shadows, and as 3rd Sword thrust his sword forward, his execution of the sword-type innate technique was flawless. It seemed as if, in the presence of his sword light, no other radiance could share the same space. The dazzling brilliance belonged solely to his sword.

A sharp sound reverberated through the air, leaving people astonished. 3rd Sword was equally stunned.

His sword had unexpectedly pierced through Gu Xing's left arm. Originally, he had intended to block Gu Xing's retreat, but to his amazement, Gu Xing neither retreated nor dodged. He stood motionless, allowing 3rd Sword's sword to penetrate him.

Even with his wealth of combat experience, 3rd Sword had never encountered such a situation before, leaving him utterly dumbfounded. It was a scene that defied his comprehension.

In the same instant, Gu Xing seized the sword embedded in his arm and locked eyes with 3rd Sword. Suddenly, 3rd Sword felt an excruciating pain in his eyes. Before he could react, Gu Xing's palm struck his head, producing a thunderous boom. 3rd Sword was sent hurtling through the air, emitting a blood-curdling scream before crashing heavily onto the ground outside the platform. His face was reduced to a pulpy mess of blood and flesh.

The abrupt end of the battle left the spectators in a state of shock, their faces bearing expressions of disbelief as they glanced around, dazed and speechless.

The sword that had pierced Gu Xing's left arm had vanished. Deprived of the continuous infusion of Astral Energy, his Astral Soul could no longer maintain its form as a sword.

Gu Xing calmly returned to his initial position, his legs crossed as he settled down. To the astonishment of everyone present, not much blood flowed from his wound, and, incredibly, his injury was healing right before their eyes.

"What an astonishing regenerative ability. What kind of Astral Soul does he possess?" The onlookers were struck with awe, and Gu Xing's image was etched deeply into their memories.

Gu Xing, known as the Lonely Star, now wore the same calm expression he had before the fight, leaving everyone wondering about the thoughts running through his enigmatic mind.

In fact, when he had defeated 5th Night in the first round, many influential figures in the Royal Capital had initiated investigations into Gu Xing. However, it was as though Gu Xing had no history whatsoever in the Chu Country. Despite the vast extent of their information networks, they couldn't uncover a shred of information regarding Gu Xing's background. He seemed to have materialized in Chu just as the Jun Lin Banquet commenced, defeating 5th Night without a trace.

Now, he had also vanquished 3rd Sword, making him even more of an enigma.

Apart from 3rd Sword's defeat, the other two contestants from Snowcloud emerged victorious. Shi Jun and Kuang Shen suffered defeats but still had the chance to issue challenges. However, 3rd Sword had been rendered incapable of further combat.

Shi Jun set his sights on Chu Chen from the Royal Academy and began advancing towards him, while Kuang Shen remained deep in contemplation. As he witnessed Chu Chen effortlessly defeating Shi Jun, the coldness in his heart grew by several degrees.

None of the remaining contestants were pushovers. The abilities of Luo Qianqiu, Sikong Mingyue, the 2nd Sword, and the 3rd Night were unquestionable. Orchon, Luo Huan, and Gu Xing were equally formidable adversaries.

Ou Tie, hailing from the Godly General Martial Palace, showcased exceptional power. Leng Ya, on the other hand, had earned a reputation for his ruthlessness. Among the remaining contestants, apart from the peak Arterial Circulation cultivators from the Godly General Palace, the only two left standing were the 6th-ranked prodigy, Jiang Feng, and Qin Wentian.

Advancing to the 3rd round seemed like a daunting task. Even if Kuang Shen emerged victorious in the next battle, there was a high likelihood he would be eliminated in the subsequent one.

Finally, with determination in his eyes, Kuang Shen decided to challenge Qin Wentian. He had closely observed all of Qin Wentian's previous battles and had gained some insight into his abilities. Moreover, Qin Wentian had expended a significant portion of his Astral Energy and was currently in the process of recovery. This presented an opportune moment to confront him.

Approaching Qin Wentian, Kuang Shen met his gaze. Qin Wentian, who had been sitting, rose to his feet upon Kuang Shen's approach.

"It seems I've been too 'kind' after all," Qin Wentian muttered. He opted not to wield his ancient halberd this time. Instead, the Astral Energy within his seven circular pathways surged and roared audibly. A look of unease crossed Kuang Shen's face as he witnessed this display.

Illusory Garuda Wings materialized on Qin Wentian's back. In the blink of an eye, he vanished from his original position, hurtling toward Kuang Shen with the Emptiness Imprint.

Kuang Shen swiftly raised his sabre and unleashed a powerful strike that shattered the Emptiness Imprint. But Qin Wentian disappeared yet again, reappearing at Kuang Shen's side to deliver another palm strike.

Kuang Shen employed his movement technique to its limits, dodging Qin Wentian's strikes. However, spectators soon witnessed Qin Wentian's palm imprints filling the entire sky.

Kuang Shen's sabre movements grew increasingly erratic. Despite his valiant efforts, it was clear that he was gradually being overwhelmed.

As expected, after some time, Kuang Shen's sabre techniques descended into chaos. Qin Wentian unleashed another palm strike, accompanied by a ray of sword light that took Kuang Shen by surprise. Desperate to defend himself, Kuang Shen raised his sabre.

Boom! A devastating palm imprint struck Kuang Shen, sending him hurtling into the air. When he finally crashed down outside the platform, he spat out mouthfuls of fresh blood. It seemed as though his entire meridian system had been ravaged.

Qin Wentian gradually lowered his legs, amused by the belief that he was only capable of emitting sword lights. Who said he couldn't employ palm techniques with his feet?

At this moment, out of the original 18 contestants, only 12 remained. Three more eliminations would reveal the top nine contestants. The crowd's hearts raced with excitement and nervousness, especially those who had placed bets on the outcome!