Confrontation in the Royal Capital

Confrontation in the Royal Capital...

Lincoln, the head honcho of discipline as the Disciplinary Student Leader at the Royal Academy, strutted along the Royal Capital's streets with his squad of ten committee members. But right now, his heart was about as heavy as an anchor.

He knew full well about the turmoil gripping the Royal Capital. That fateful day, when he'd been coerced into crippling the Emperor Star Academy students' cultivation, it had felt like a rock in his gut. He hadn't wanted any part of it, and he'd certainly not yearned for a starring role in this tempest. Yet, against the torrent of orders, he'd found himself helpless.

So, here he was, burdened with worry. His thoughts were all tangled up in apprehensions about the vengeance the Emperor Star Academy might unleash. He'd even been mulling over seeking a transfer, praying for some respite from the brewing storm.

But just then, a sibilant hiss sliced through the air, sending shivers down Lincoln's spine. He watched, wide-eyed, as a volley of razor-sharp Qi-laden arrows rained from the heavens. These projectiles gleamed with a celestial light, a testament to their Astral Energy origins.

Lincoln sprang into action, his Astral Souls surging forth, and his 8th level Arterial Circulation Base aura blazing. He lashed out with a flurry of palm strikes aimed at those arrows, determined to obliterate them. But it was as if these arrows had graduated from ninja school, effortlessly dodging his attacks and skewering his fellow committee members.

The sickening sound of steel piercing flesh echoed in his ears as the arrows found their mark, drawing crimson streams of life. In that moment, Lincoln's heart plummeted into the abyss of despair. Revenge had come knocking far sooner than he'd expected.

In the blink of an eye, a gleaming sword flashed, severing Lincoln's life. His body slumped, eyes closing in eternal rest. The entire squad lay lifeless, their blood staining the earth crimson.

Soon, word spread among the citizens, and their hearts pounded in fearful anticipation. Had the storm finally descended upon them?

Meanwhile, Ji Qing, a Disciplinary Committee Elder sporting a third-level Yuanfu cultivation base and an impressive combat record, furrowed his brow. The entire Royal Academy was on edge. The looming war with the Emperor Star Academy cast a pall over everything. This dispute was unlike any other, as the higher-ups at the Royal Academy harbored a ruthless intent—to annihilate the Emperor Star Academy from existence.

"Elder Ji," a student bowed as Ji Qing passed, but he was lost in thought, waving the greeting away without a second glance.


"Elder Ji!" Yet another student extended a greeting.

"Hmm," Ji Qing nonchalantly brushed off the greeting. As he forged ahead, a gnawing sense of impending doom pricked at his senses.

The "student" who had just bowed swiftly closed the gap between them. Ji Qing, oblivious to the imminent danger, was caught off guard—never in his wildest dreams had he expected an ambush within the very heart of the Royal Academy.

His body shimmered with a dazzling Astral Light, conjuring an Astral Energy armor in the nick of time. But he only had seconds to summon his defenses.

Puchi! A wickedly sharp black sword sliced through his Astral armor like butter, plunging directly into his heart. The assailant twisted the blade, infusing it with Astral Energy, setting Ji Qing's heart ablaze. Dumbstruck, Ji Qing could only gawk at the ruthless, deathly eyes of his attacker.

Even though Ji Qing hadn't reacted swiftly, his third-level Yuanfu cultivation and combat skills should have made him a tough nut to crack. For someone to accomplish this assassination, there was but one explanation—the assailant wielded power far beyond Ji Qing's reach.

A commotion rippled through the onlookers as their gazes turned toward the unfolding tragedy. Ji Qing's lifeless form slumped to the ground, sending shivers through the crowd. Panic etched across their faces. By the time they blinked, the enigmatic assassin had vanished from view.

"Elder Ji Qing's been snuffed out!" A cry ripped through the air, reigniting the already jittery atmosphere. In a flash, several figures materialized beside Ji Qing's lifeless body.

"Freakin' lockdown the Royal Academy!" Someone bellowed with righteous fury.

"Pointless, I reckon. If them sneak-thieves could waltz right in and snuff Ji Qing like a candle, they've surely got a ticket to the slippery slide outta here," a hushed voice murmured, deflating the crowd's hope faster than a punctured tire.

Ji Qing, the very same fella who'd thrown a wrench in the Emperor Star Academy's gears by zapping their students' powers, was now sprawled lifeless. It didn't take a genius to connect the dots to the puppeteer pulling the strings behind this assassination.

But the Emperor Star Academy wasn't playing hide and seek. They weren't into shadowy business, no sir. They were ready to dance cheek to cheek. If the Royal Academy wanted to tango in the shadows, well, they were more than ready to cha-cha.

An eye for an eye, blood for blood.

As the word spread about Lincoln and Ji Qing, that tightrope of tension in the Royal Capital grew tauter with each passing heartbeat. It could snap any moment, leaving a wake of chaos in its path.

And then, on a crisp, clear morning, a gang of experts hopped aboard their trusty demonic beasts and soared out from the Royal Academy. They were trailed by a throng of eager cultivators, all pointed in the direction of the Emperor Star Academy.

News traveled fast, and the Emperor Star Academy had its ear to the ground. They were keeping a watchful eye on the Royal Academy's every move.

The moment the intel hit their ears, the Emperor Star Academy sprang into action. Simultaneously, the Ye Clan and Ou Clan dispatched their own cadre of experts, all making a beeline for the Emperor Star Academy.

This storm's intensity swelled and consumed the Royal Capital. Countless eyes, both near and far, were fixated on the two academies, dissecting their every twitch.

Today, the academies weren't lurkin' in the shadows. They weren't skulking around, plotting in the dark. Nope, they were making a grand entrance, flaunting their star players.

This news was like a magnitude ten earthquake, shaking the very foundations of the Royal Academy to its core.

The Emperor Star Academy was gearing up for a head-on collision with the Royal Capital, but everyone knew that the Royal Academy had a heavyweight champ in their corner—the Chu Royal Clan.

In the Divine Weapon Pavilion, An Liuyan leaned against a window, letting out a heavy sigh. Behind her, Yang Chen filled her in on the play-by-play of the two academies' movements.

"This time, the Emperor Star Academy's predicament is gonna be tougher to crack than a walnut," An Liuyan lamented in a hushed tone.

"But don't the Emperor Star Academy have their own backers?" Yang Chen inquired.

"Well, there's the Azure Emperor Palace, I suppose. But word on the street is, the Azure Faction, who's got their back, is losing their grip within the palace. Remember when Luo Tianya aimed to take down the Emperor Star Academy? It was because of the Xiao Clan, one of the bigwigs from the Nine Mystical Palace. But thanks to the Azure Emperor Palace's intervention, they had to swallow their pride. This time, though, with Xiao Lan himself making an appearance in Chu, it's clear that the Nine Mystical Palace ain't countin' on the Azure Emperor Palace to butt in."

An Liuyan laid it out plain and simple. However, Yang Chen was still wrestling with the intricacies of these high-falutin' factions. He'd mainly dealt with folks of An Liuyan's caliber and wasn't well-versed in the power plays of the Nine Mystical Palace and Azure Emperor Palace. But he had a hunch that An Liuyan wasn't one to be underestimated either.

Besides the Divine Weapon Pavilion, the Star River Association and other big shots were all keeping tabs on this show.

Within the Royal Capital, on a sprawling expanse of flat terrain, members of the Emperor Star Academy and Royal Academy had hit the brakes. They stood about a stone's throw apart, their auras crackling with intimidation, each side trying to out-badass the other.

In the airspace above, flying-type demonic beasts and Yuanfu-level powerhouses floated, numbering over a hundred in total. This was their first face-off, and it painted a clear picture of their colossal strength.


Back then when Qin Wentian was still in Sky Harmony City, it was extremely rare to even see a single Yuanfu-level Cultivator.

On the ground, students at the Arterial Circulation realm stood there. Their countenances were solemn and their gazes were heavy as they stood in formation.

The Emperor Star Academy didn't force their students to participate in this upcoming war. However, cultivators of the martial paths all had hearts full of hot blood. How could they stand aside and watch idly, adopting the behaviour of a coward when the academy was going to war? As long as they were at the 3rd level of Arterial Circulation and above, the majority of the students chose to participate, despite the prohibitions laid down by the Emperor Star Academy.

At this moment, both party had several hundreds of Arterial Circulation Cultivators, akin to a small-scaled army.

Both parties stood there, silent. The atmosphere was so stifling that it felt even harder for the spectating parties to breathe than for those who were present.

For the operation this time around, the leader representing the Emperor Star Academy was Ren Qianxing. Although in the past he rarely appeared in front of the crowds, almost everyone knew who he was at this point. Ren Qianxing's real designation was one of the three vice-headmasters of the Emperor Star Academy.

The strength level of the leaders representing the Royal Academy couldn't be compared to Ren Qianxing. However, their statuses were all extremely shocking. They were Xiao Lan from the Nine Mystical Palace, the 3rd Prince of Chu, Chu Tianjiao, as well as the Crown Prince of Snowcloud, Xiao Lǜ.

The three of them stood atop an incredibly powerful demonic beast, gazing downwards with arrogance in the direction of the Emperor Star Academy. Beside them, there were also several powerful figures belonging to the Royal Academy.


In the bygone days when Qin Wentian roamed Sky Harmony City, spotting even one measly Yuanfu-level Cultivator was like finding a unicorn at a petting zoo.

Down below, students of the Arterial Circulation realm stood in formation. Their expressions were as serious as a librarian during storytime, and their gazes carried the weight of a thousand textbooks.

The Emperor Star Academy didn't twist any arms, forcing students to join this upcoming brawl. But when it came to martial artists, they all had hearts as fiery as a dragon's breath. How could they twiddle their thumbs and pull a disappearing act while their academy went off to war? If they boasted a 3rd level of Arterial Circulation or higher, most students chose to throw their hats in the ring, middle fingers to the academy's prohibitions.

Right now, both sides boasted hundreds of Arterial Circulation Cultivators, forming a pint-sized army.

The air was thick with tension, so stifling it'd put a crowded elevator to shame.

Leading the charge for the Emperor Star Academy was none other than Ren Qianxing. He used to be as rare a sight as a leprechaun riding a unicorn, but now his face was on everyone's milk carton. Ren Qianxing's official title was one of the Emperor Star Academy's three vice-headmasters.

As for the Royal Academy's top dogs, they might not have the same raw power as Ren Qianxing, but their credentials could make an ancient dragon blush. There was Xiao Lan from the Nine Mystical Palace, Chu Tianjiao, Chu's third princely sandwich, and Xiao Lǜ, the crown prince of the Snowcloud Realm. The trio perched atop a beast so formidable it made the Loch Ness Monster seem like a goldfish. They peered down with all the haughtiness of a cat surveying its kingdom. By their side, the Royal Academy had a few more big shots looking like they were ready to drop some serious knowledge.

The Emperor Star Academy and the Royal Academy were giving each other the old stink-eye, like rival chess players sizing up their next move. And right there, at the forefront of a square-shaped formation, was none other than our hero, Qin Wentian.

In this formation, you had the cream of the crop from the Emperor Star Academy—Qin Wentian, Luo Huan, Fan Le, Luo Cheng, Yu Fei, and the gang. They were the shock troops, the tip of the academic spear. If the doodoo really did hit the fan, they were the ones who had to charge in, hit hard, and mess up the other guys' day. You know, morale-crushing stuff.

Even in the midst of all-out chaos, you needed a game plan.

Qin Wentian's eyes glittered with a fierce resolve as he checked out the Royal Academy's formations. Over there, in one of their huddles, he spied Orchon and the Knight's Association cronies. These were folks nurtured by the Emperor Star Academy, but now they were cozying up to the Royal Academy, like a betrayal sandwich with a side of treachery sauce.

Chu Tianjiao, the Royal Academy's big shot, decided to toss a little shade. "You know what, Emperor Star Academy? I'll give you one last shot. Merge with us, and we can still play nice, like I said before." His eyes locked onto Ren Qianxing, daring him to make a move.

Ren Qianxing responded with a chilly glare, no words needed.

Chu Tianjiao chuckled, his gaze sweeping over the Emperor Star Academy's students below. "If you pack up and leave now, we won't lay a finger on you. But if you think you can take us on with the power you've got? Well, that's just plain foolish."

As Chu Tianjiao's voice echoed, the distant thunder of hooves announced the arrival of reinforcements from the Ye and Ou Clans. They'd taken the Royal Academy's side, ready to throw down.

In terms of numbers, the Royal Academy was waving a victory flag.

There were Emperor Star Academy students whose resolve was starting to waver. It wasn't that they wanted to bail on the battle; it's just that their once-unshakable confidence was now looking a bit flimsy. See, after the Royal Academy merged with the Godly General Martial Palace, they already had the upper hand in headcount. Now, with the noble clans of Chu jumping in, the Emperor Star Academy was practically smothered in foes.

But then, out of nowhere, a figure emerged that left the Emperor Star Academy students utterly flabbergasted.

Qin Wentian took bold strides forward, planting himself in front of his academy comrades. He tilted his head, gazing up at the hovering figures in the air.

"Here's the deal," Qin Wentian began, his voice dripping with gravitas. "The Royal Academy needed the Royal Clan's crutch for over a thousand years to even compete with us. And now, just to get an edge, they've merged with the Godly General Martial Palace and played all sorts of dirty tricks to steal our spot."

He shot a stern look at the Royal Academy's students below. "Get outta here. There ain't no one on this planet who can replace us. We're Emperor Star Academy, baby!"

As he spoke, his ancient halberd found its way into his grip, and his long hair fluttered in the wind like a rockstar's. It was like he was bathing in the glorious aura that came from being part of the Emperor Star Academy. In that moment, the blood of every Emperor Star Academy student boiled with pride. The Royal Clan had bent over backward, done the twist, and pulled every sneaky trick in the book to deal with them. But that right there was their badge of honor.

They were from the Emperor Star Academy, and they weren't budging for anyone.