Four Heaven’s Chosen

Four Heaven's Chosen...

Within the Eastern City of the Moon Continent, numerous ancient sects and clans had etched their legacies across history. Amid this rich tapestry, only one possessed the unfaltering might to claim the title of 'Supreme,' and that was none other than the illustrious Star-Seizing Manor.

Nestled in the heart of the city, the Star-Seizing Manor wielded a dominion so formidable that even a casual decree could send tremors through the earth and stir the heavens.

Upon a stone dais within the Star-Seizing Manor, stood a figure emanating an air of extraordinary presence. Draped in cascading robes, this enigmatic youth bore an uncanny allure. A magnetism surrounded him, compelling gazes to converge upon his form.

Yang Fan, scion of the Star-Seizing Manor, epitomized the celestial prospects of his generation. Seated at the 18th rung of the Heavenly Fate Rankings, his cultivation had crested at the zenith of Yuanfu. Against peers of equivalent prowess, he was an unrivaled force.

The Heavenly Fate Rankings listed individuals poised at the Yuanfu pinnacle, a coterie of paramount talents. Yang Fan's 18th standing signified an unassailable might within the expansive confines of the Grand Xia Empire – a supremacy only eclipsed by the seventeen names preceding his own. How could such brilliance not dazzle the world?

The Moon Continent harbored a quartet of virtuosos within the top 36 of the Heavenly Fate Rankings. These four luminaries were each a beacon within their respective transcendent powers. Among them was Yang Fan, a shining star of the Star-Seizing Manor, who had etched his name in this exclusive constellation.

The trio of distinguished rankers comprised:

Hua Taixu, hailing from the venerable Hua Clan, took the apex spot on the Heavenly Fate Rankings, a sun around which the lesser Chosen would orbit, their brilliance inevitably dimmed.

Zhan Chen, the Pill Emperor Hall's wunderkind, commanded the 11th position in the Rankings.

Zhao Lie, a scion of the Sky-Ember Sect, settled at 28th.

These four names resonated across the Moon Continent, etched into the collective consciousness. Such awe-inspiring prestige had crowned them "The Moon's Four Chosen."

The formidable Yang Fan was flanked by a middle-aged man, an aura of unparalleled mastery emanating from him.

"Going this time?" The man's voice was laced with an authority befitting his stature.

"Absolutely. The place holds unique treasures. I must explore it," Yang Fan affirmed, his resolve unwavering.

"Indeed, unique and remarkable – but with such distinction comes proportionate peril. Even Hua Taixu left injured after his venture there. The region exudes an uncanny aura, and it appears the gifted face greater danger upon entry," the middle-aged man stated, his demeanor composed.

"Well, safety's no guarantee in any treasure-laden domain. Besides, talented individuals have their own agendas upon entering. Their pursuits are fervent, urging them to penetrate deeper, to court miracles and fortune. Their exposure to risk naturally amplifies. Meanwhile, the meek stick to the periphery, safeguarding themselves within. Their vulnerability naturally spares them from greater danger," Yang Fan retorted calmly. The conviction in his voice underscored his unwavering decision to explore this enigmatic realm.

"Very well." The middle-aged man nodded approvingly. Such was the mindset befitting a Heaven's Chosen.

"The intricacies of that place are baffling, and with Heavenly Dipper Sovereigns banned, we can't intervene. But rest assured, the clan has readied a path for you. Grandmasters adept in the Dao of Inscriptions will accompany you," the middle-aged man spoke at a deliberate pace. Yang Fan's eyes gleamed with newfound purpose. While other clans prepped for the imminent exchange, they scarcely compared to the transcendent powers. With all four of the Moon Continent's transcendent powers participating, other sects might as well spare themselves the trouble.

They'd be scavenging remnants at best. Even if these outsiders harbored expertise, it wouldn't suffice against the transcendent powers' might.

"Will Zhao Lie and Zhan Chen join the fray? I'm curious if Hua Taixu will grace us with his presence this time," Yang Fan pondered aloud, his desire to surpass Hua Taixu unwavering.

The top rung of the Heavenly Fate Ranking bore a weight distinct from the other 359. The luminescence at its zenith was, without doubt, the most blinding of all.

While others might fade from memory, the name occupying the first would remain indelibly etched.

"Yang Fan," the middle-aged man's voice returned, "Have you contemplated a Dao Companion?"

"Not yet," Yang Fan admitted, his mind focused on other matters.

"Your age warrants it. Numerous exceptional candidates await in our Moon Continent. Mo Qingcheng, favored disciple of Luo He, attracts interest even from the Hua Clan. Then there's Bailu Yi, sister to Bailu Jing of the White Deer Institute. Gentle, accomplished in the Dao of Divine Inscriptions – she's a prospect worth considering. You could capitalize on the exchange to forge a connection; I hear she'll be there."

The middle-aged man continued, "But of course, should your interest lie elsewhere, disregard my words. After all, cultivating remains paramount."

"Bailu Jing," Yang Fan mused, the name resonating. The White Deer Institute bore its own complexities; Bailu Jing ranked high in the Heavenly Fate Ranking as well.


In the Yan Clan, Yan Tie sat in meditation, with Yan Kong reverently at his side.

Yan Kong, despite holding a position in the Yan Clan, couldn't shake off the profound fear his uncle stirred within him. The specter of his uncle's sinister nature haunted him from a tender age. The man's malignancy was palpable. Yan Kong had no escape from the blame for Hades's death, despite his father's intervention. Even after his father offered beautiful women as compensation, Yan Kong's anxiety persisted. He couldn't shake the feeling that his uncle's grudge endured.

"Still lurking in the White Deer Institute?" Yan Tie's voice cut through the air like ice. The "they" he referred to were none other than Chu Mang and Qin Wentian – the perpetrators behind his son's demise. How could he grant them a reprieve?

"Cowering in the White Deer Institute, no doubt, fearful of your vengeance," Yan Kong confirmed. His words ignited a glint of chilling malevolence in Yan Tie's eyes. "Let's see how long he can play at hiding. The exchange looms; if the whispers are true, Bailu Yi of the White Deer Institute will surely bring him along."

"In that case, I'll ensure the White Deer Institute surrenders them on the day of the exchange." Yan Tie's laughter dripped with sinister intent. "They'll rue the day if they dare shield him."

Yan Kong trembled, trapped between his obligations and his sanity. He held no illusions that the White Deer Institute would protect Qin Wentian. Would his uncle dare challenge the White Deer Institute? Yan Kong couldn't afford to be tarnished by his uncle's depravity.

"The Leng Clan dispatched more 'gifts' once again," Yan Kong revealed. A shiver raced down his spine as Yan Tie's grin turned icier. "Do they truly think that I'd forsake avenging my son just because Leng Ning is dead? Preposterous. They expect me to yield slots in exchange for their paltry gifts? Convey my decree: accept all offerings, and demand more from the Leng Clan. Tell them to send me their women prior to the exchange – the young ones bearing the Leng Clan's lineage."

"Depraved wretch," Yan Kong muttered inwardly. Yan Tie's heart was a void of darkness, dangling the illusion of mercy before the Leng Clan, all while squeezing them for every advantage. He'd even turned his sinister desires toward the Leng Clan's young women. Yan Kong could only wonder who'd bear the brunt of his uncle's depravity this time.

As the exchange approached, he mused on the Leng Clan's reaction when they'd realize Yan Tie's intention was never to fulfill his promises.

Terms like "old freak" and "vile monster" were often hurled at Yan Tie. His reputation? He brushed it aside with indifference.


Across every significant sect and clan, fervor mounted for the Divine Inscriptionist Exchange Event. The White Deer Institute was no exception.

"Bailu Yi, within my White Deer Institute, a solitary Clan Lord holds sway, supported by four Supreme Elders and nine Grand Elders. They're the architects of our decisions. My paternal great-grandfather serves as the current Clan Lord, while the thirteen other elders are my uncles or grand-uncles. My great-grandfather and the Four Supreme Elders wield the reins of authority, orchestrating our every move. The nine Grand Elders execute their mandates."

Bailu Yi divulged the Institute's power structure to Qin Wentian, unaware of his true identity. Her aim was to inform him about the mechanics of the White Deer Institute, crucial knowledge as the exchange loomed. Each faction must appoint three representatives: one as the figurehead, the others in supporting roles. Bailu Yi secretly hoped Qin Wentian would lead their contingent. Hence, she shared this insider information to help him understand the Institute's hierarchy.

Yet, Qin Wentian harbored a distinct agenda. If he aimed to exert control over the White Deer Institute, he'd need the endorsement of the Clan Lord and the four Supreme Elders. The upcoming exchange posed an opportunity. Securing recognition from the White Deer Institute's upper echelons was his goal. Only then could he take command of this clandestine Azure Emperor Palace faction that had remained concealed for millennia. Merely brandishing the Azure Emperor Token might win him respect and deference, but true control required more.

"Shall we? The elders await our arrival at the institute. They're aware of you; it's time to demonstrate your capabilities," Bailu Yi encouraged with a smile.

"Agreed." Qin Wentian nodded resolutely.

"The future son-in-law must eventually face the in-laws," quipped Fan Le from the sidelines, prompting a scowl from Bailu Yi. A fleeting hint of bashfulness tainted her innocent expression. Fan Le's words had a not-so-subtle undertone.

"Let's proceed," Qin Wentian replied, his readiness palpable. His eagerness and anticipation were evident.

As a concealed faction of the Azure Emperor Palace, the White Deer Institute's true strength intrigued Qin Wentian. He longed to grasp its depths once he secured full control.

A training field within the White Deer Institute brimmed with spectators. Elders occupied the forefront, while other Institute members lined up on either side. All eyes converged on the approaching figures at the entrance. Numerous brows furrowed when they noticed Bailu Yi accompanied by a handsome young man, their proximity suggesting a certain intimacy.

Could the rumors be true? Was Bailu Yi truly taken by this man?

As Qin Wentian and his companions entered the field, they moved towards the front. His heightened senses allowed him to discern the myriad gazes fixated on him – scrutinizing, judgmental, and cold. Only a scant few bore good-willed acceptance.

Qin Wentian sighed inwardly. The scrutiny emanated from the misunderstanding surrounding his relationship with Bailu Yi, fueling their curiosity. After all, Bailu Yi occupied a revered and unique status within the White Deer Institute.

"Yi`er, why are you lingering? Come here," Bailu Yi's father called out. Bailu Yi stole a sly glance at Qin Wentian, mischief dancing in her eyes. How profound the misunderstanding had grown. She was curious to witness his remedy for it.