Fifth Jue Guest Elder

Fifth Jue Guest Elder...

Once the delegates from the Star River Association had departed, Bailu Yi's lips curved into a wry smile as she stared at Qin Wentian. Intrigued, he inquired, "Is my handsomeness the reason?"

"The Star River Association reserves their invitations for those with exceptional potential. This time, their president of the forging division extended a personal invitation to you. It's quite the honor," Bailu Yi responded, a twinkle of amusement dancing in her eyes.

When he had sneakily infiltrated the White Deer Institute to learn about the Dao of Divine Inscriptions from her, she hadn't anticipated his rapid progress in such a short span of time.

"The president might feel he's lost face after such a resolute refusal," Bailu Yi said, her smile tinged with irony. While Qin Wentian's rejection was couched in diplomacy, it was nonetheless straightforward.

"I don't want to get entangled with them," Qin Wentian shrugged nonchalantly.

In life, one could easily become weighed down by unnecessary concerns. He followed his heart, acting according to his desires without overthinking every little decision. If he wanted to do something, he did it; if he didn't, he didn't. From the start, he hadn't held a favorable opinion of the Star River Association. It might not have been the most rational decision, but life often boiled down to personal preference.

"Alright then, let's go meet with the representatives from the Thousand-Jue Alliance. I'm just curious why you have such strong feelings about the Star River Association," Bailu Yi said, leading Qin Wentian to yet another courtyard where the representatives from the Thousand-Jue Alliance awaited them.

After exchanging pleasantries, they swiftly cut to the point.

"Grandmaster Qin, I assume you already have an inkling of our purpose. The Thousand-Jue Alliance has an inner sanctum and an outer sanctum. The core members make up the inner sanctum, while the outer sanctum comprises guest elders. Nevertheless, even our outer sanctum invites only individuals of remarkable talent," addressed a middle-aged woman who stood before Qin Wentian. Despite her age, she possessed a certain allure and sophistication that drew others in, making them feel at ease in her presence.

Understanding her words, Qin Wentian nodded. The distinction between the inner and outer sanctum was clear: the former was structured like a sect with a strict hierarchy, where juniors obeyed their seniors' orders. Progressing within its ranks wasn't easy. As for the outer sanctum, the Thousand-Jue Alliance wouldn't actively groom its members, nor could it enforce commands upon them. This level of freedom appealed to unaffiliated stellar martial cultivators of great power or those who had excelled in their respective domains.

The Thousand-Jue Alliance had evidently conducted a thorough investigation, determining that Qin Wentian was an unaffiliated individual. Their findings indicated that he had no ties to the White Deer Institute; rather, his presence was driven solely by his feelings for Bailu Yi.

"Grandmaster Qin, if you choose to join our inner sanctum, you would immediately attain the status of a core disciple. We would nurture you wholeheartedly. Alternatively, if you opt for the outer sanctum, you would be granted the title of a Fifth-Jue guest elder, with all the corresponding privileges, and without any additional obligations," the woman addressed Qin Wentian. Her smile was genuine, radiating warmth that put others at ease. It was a wise choice to appoint her as the recruiter for the alliance.

Bailu Yi's heart skipped a beat upon hearing this offer. Stepping into the realm of a fourth-ranked Grandmaster had catapulted Qin Wentian's status. He was now eligible for the Thousand-Jue Alliance's recruitment, even to the extent of being granted the position of a Fifth-Jue Elder within the outer sanctum. Despite the alliance's relatively lower power compared to other transcendent factions, they held strict criteria for admitting new members. To confer the Fifth-Jue rank upon Qin Wentian immediately upon his acceptance was an unexpected move.

Bailu Yi knew that the outer sanctum of the Thousand-Jue Alliance was divided into nine rankings: First-Jue being the lowest and Ninth-Jue the highest.

First-Jue included junior talents with potential, Second-Jue featured those with exceptional gifts, Third-Jue comprised individuals with recognized reputation, Fourth-Jue was reserved for Heavenly Fate Rankings achievers, and Fifth-Jue consisted of guest elders possessing qualifications akin to Heavenly Dipper Realm cultivators. They enjoyed a standing equivalent to that of Heavenly Dipper Sovereigns within the inner sanctum, affording them certain authority.

Sixth-Jue was a rank where talent alone didn't matter; it could only be reached by making significant contributions to the alliance. Those at the Sixth-Jue level even held the power to call upon inner sanctum's Heavenly Dipper Sovereigns for assistance.

Seventh-Jue was already an elevated rank, while Ninth-Jue bore the title of Thousand-Jue guest elder. It equated to the highest echelons of the inner sanctum, granting them the authority to converse on equal terms with the Alliance Head. This rank held such immense power that it bordered on commanding the entire alliance.

Now, the Thousand-Jue Alliance was proposing a direct Fifth-Jue ranking for Qin Wentian should he join. This was the apex of authority they could bestow.

"Are there no other obligations?" Qin Wentian's eyes sparkled as he smiled.

"None," the woman affirmed, shaking her head. "The Thousand-Jue Alliance was founded by unaffiliated individuals, and our overall strength is slightly weaker than that of transcendent powers. This is precisely why we prioritize recruiting extraordinarily talented individuals. Only through their prowess can we hope to stand against those transcendent factions. For such remarkable talents, our Alliance won't meddle in their personal growth, and at the same time, we won't impose any restrictions on them."

Qin Wentian smiled, pondering her words. The conditions they offered were truly enticing.

"However, I should mention this as well," she continued. "For guest elders ranked at the Fifth-Jue and below, our Alliance provides support in the form of information, buying and selling items, and lending powerful resources. But, as we require no commitments, we're not obliged to involve ourselves in your personal conflicts."

"Of course," Qin Wentian agreed. He understood that there was no such thing as a free lunch. No commitments, gaining some power, and even expecting the Alliance to protect them when needed—everything came at a cost.

"Indeed, but the benefits change for Sixth-Jue guest elders," the woman added. "Because Sixth-Jue guest elders have contributed immensely to our Alliance before attaining their rank, they can request protection from our Heavenly Dipper Sovereigns. For those at the Seventh-Jue level, they can directly mobilize our Heavenly Dipper Sovereigns for their purposes."

"I accept," Qin Wentian decisively affirmed. With such favorable conditions, there was little reason to decline this offer.

"Grandmaster Qin is quite straightforward," the woman laughed. She then produced a medallion engraved with the words 'Fifth-Jue' and handed it to Qin Wentian.

"Let me remind you that this medallion is strictly personal. Should it be discovered that someone else is impersonating you and using your medallion, the Thousand-Jue Alliance will respond accordingly, potentially executing the imposter."

"I understand," Qin Wentian nodded. This rule likely existed to maintain order in case guest elders died or were killed. Chaos would ensue if imposters freely used the medallions.

"In that case, I will take my leave to convey this joyful news. My superiors will undoubtedly be pleased to hear that Grandmaster Qin has agreed to become a guest elder of the Thousand-Jue Alliance," she said in an agreeable tone. Qin Wentian and Bailu Yi personally escorted the Alliance representatives outside.

A smile played on Qin Wentian's lips as he held the Fifth-Jue medallion. It was time to fulfill his mission in the Moon Continent.

To kill Hua Xiaoyun!

Back then, at the Mo Clan in the Chu Country, Hua Xiaoyun had orchestrated a vile plan, leading to Mo Qingcheng's attempted suicide and near-death experience. This incident remained a thorn in Qin Wentian's heart.

Yet, after the event, he hadn't even had the chance to bid farewell to Mo Qingcheng. She had been spirited away to the Pill Emperor Hall on the Moon Continent by her master. The odds of him meeting her again were minuscule given the distance between the Moon Continent and Chu.

The psychological scars on Mo Qingcheng were likely profound. And now, he had no knowledge of her well-being.

Hua Xiaoyun's death was essential for Qin Wentian's peace of mind. He wouldn't be able to face Mo Qingcheng otherwise.

However, while Qin Wentian contemplated ending Hua Xiaoyun's life, little did he know that Hua Xiaoyun was harboring similar thoughts about him.

In a tavern, Hua Xiaoyun's grip on his wine cup tightened, inadvertently shattering it upon hearing a loathed name amidst his drink—Qin Wentian.

The sound of those three syllables, Qin Wentian, grated on his ears like a dissonant chord. A surge of murderous intent, cold as death, emanated from Hua Xiaoyun's body, causing patrons nearby to retreat in alarm.

Of course, he despised Qin Wentian—and he had valid reasons to.

Once, he was the second young master of the prestigious Hua Clan, able to indulge in every whim. However, a fateful trip to Chu had nearly cost him his life.

In those days, Qin Wentian had shattered his arm, an incident whose echoes had never ceased. With Mo Qingcheng's status in the Pill Emperor Hall continually ascending, the Hua Clan's elders had caught wind of Hua Xiaoyun's disgraceful behavior. In response, they had almost cast him into imprisonment, allowing Mo Qingcheng to determine his punishment.

The Hua Clan sought a marriage alliance between Hua Xiaoyun's elder brother, Hua Taixu, and Mo Qingcheng. Yet, because of Hua Xiaoyun's reckless actions, this plan had hit numerous snags. If not for his position as Hua Taixu's younger sibling, his situation would have been far more wretched.

But now, even that security was waning—his standing in the clan had plummeted drastically. Stripped of authority, he found himself shunned by those privy to his disgraceful actions. The only remnant of his former influence was a Heavenly Dipper Sovereign assigned by his parents to safeguard him.

For all his misfortunes, he squarely blamed Qin Wentian. Only the word 'miserable' could aptly summarize his present predicament. Consequently, the moment Qin Wentian's name reached his ears, a torrent of murderous intent surged forth.

Simultaneously, from afar, Qin Wentian and Hua Xiaoyun were reciprocating each other's lethal animosity.

"Qin Wentian, a fourth-ranked Grandmaster? I'm curious to see if this Qin Wentian is the same one from Chu," Hua Xiaoyun muttered, a frigid glint in his eyes as he exited the tavern.

"Where are we headed, Young Master?" his protector inquired.

"The Shadow Pavilion," Hua Xiaoyun responded icily, causing his protector's features to twitch with surprise.

"Why the Shadow Pavilion?" his protector queried, perplexity evident.

"To gather information on someone. If it confirms his identity, I'll end his life," Hua Xiaoyun declared. Little did Qin Wentian know, as he contemplated Hua Xiaoyun's death, that Hua Xiaoyun harbored the same intent towards him.


Meanwhile, Qin Wentian stood before the entrance of the Pill Emperor Hall.

Dressed entirely in white, he scanned the stringent security measures and the towering structures that composed the Pill Emperor Hall.

As a gentle breeze whisked by, rustling his robes, it carried along with it the fluttering of his heartstrings.

The one he cherished was enclosed within these walls.

Yet, when would fate conspire to reunite them?

Inside the Pill Emperor Hall, two youthful figures strolled out, their gait involuntarily faltering as they unexpectedly glimpsed Qin Wentian. Their eyes betrayed a trace of bewilderment before swiftly transforming into expressions of recognition.

These two young men were none other than the disciples Yan Qi and Jing Yu, who had ventured to Chu alongside Bai Fei. Astonishment seized them at the sight of the "genius" hailing from the modest realm of Chu, now evidently believing he could match Mo Qingcheng's stratospheric standing on the Moon Continent.

However, their bewilderment stemmed from the fact that Mo Qingcheng had ascended to an ethereal realm, far beyond their reach, whilst their admiration had been relegated to distance.

That was Mo Qingcheng. But as for this Chu-born character, their scorn remained unaltered. They still viewed Qin Wentian as an insignificant individual—perhaps an infatuated fool, with a mere crow's audacity to covet a phoenix.

But here's the twist—so what? Was it inscribed in the stars that a crow could never bask in the radiance of a phoenix?