Ouyang Ting

Ouyang Ting...

Qiyun Country operated under the dominion of the Ouyang Aristocrat Clan, a relationship resembling that of Chu and the Nine Mystical Palace. Thus, when individuals from the Ouyang Clan made their appearance in Qiyun, it was unsurprising that even the High Princes adopted a tone of respect towards them.

A similar scenario had unfolded in Chu when Xiao Lan from the Nine Mystical Palace had arrived. Chu Tianjiao had similarly bowed in submission, displaying utmost respect to Xiao Lan.

In this instance, the gaze of the Heavenly Dipper Sovereign shifted to Qin Wentian's group. A brilliant gleam flitted across his eyes as he observed with wonder. The collective breath of the Qiyun cultivators seemed to be held in anticipation, not a soul daring to make a move.

"Who is the individual responsible for these Divine Inscriptions?" The old man's inquiry cut through the silence, causing all eyes to fall upon Qin Wentian.

The old man's demeanor changed as he stared intently at Qin Wentian, as if his gaze held the power to see through to his very core.

"So, all of you were confined by this young man?" The young lady from the Ouyang Clan spoke with a tone of disdain as she addressed the High Princes. Her demeanor exuded an air of regal pride, akin to a heavenly princess looking down upon mere mortals. She regarded the group from Qiyun with evident condescension.

An entire gathering of experts, thwarted by a single young man. The humiliation of it all was palpable.

The two High Princes bowed their heads, unable to counter the young lady's assertion. The Ouyang Aristocrat Clan held dominion over Qiyun Country, much like the Nine Mystical Palace's influence over Chu. However, a notable distinction lay in the geographical proximity between Qiyun Country and the Ouyang Aristocrat Clan. This proximity enabled the Ouyang Clan to exercise even more substantial control over the region.

Furthermore, many disciples from the Ouyang Aristocrat Clan regularly frequented the Gazing-Dragon Mountain Rampart, seeking to grasp its profound insights.

"Young Master Ouyang, this young man possesses remarkable abilities. He could be a valuable asset to the Ouyang Clan," King Yi interjected, turning to Qin Wentian. "Miss Ouyang and Young Master Ouyang both hail from the Ouyang Aristocrat Clan, situated in the Azure Continent. Your prospects would indeed be bright if you were to join their ranks."

King Yi's intentions were clear: he aimed to strengthen relations with Qin Wentian, hoping to secure his leniency. By praising Qin Wentian, he aimed to win favor with the Ouyang Clan, potentially averting the impending calamity.

"Oh?" The young man turned his gaze toward Qin Wentian, his curiosity piqued. "What do you mean by extraordinary?"

"This man possesses the cultivation base of the fifth level of Yuanfu. However, he has comprehended an unusual Mandate—a Mandate that grants him mastery over the trajectory of arrows. He can effortlessly eliminate opponents of the same level by manipulating their flight paths. Then there's this powerhouse," King Yi gestured toward Chu Mang, "who stands at the seventh level but holds strength on par with mine. Lastly, that formidable individual over there possesses the power to ensnare all of us in this predicament." King Yi's instinct for survival seemed to have momentarily eclipsed his feud with Qin Wentian.

As a seasoned monarch who had withstood the tribulations of political intrigue, King Yi recognized the wisdom of adaptation. Under the current circumstances, his top priority was safeguarding his own life.

"The potency of these Divine Inscriptions is indeed impressive," the Heavenly Dipper Sovereign concurred. Swift as an agile shadow, the young lady from the Ouyang Clan materialized before Qin Wentian. Her speed was nothing short of astonishing. A practitioner of the sixth level of Yuanfu, she had already mastered a Mandate. With an ice-encrusted dagger in hand, she lunged at Qin Wentian's throat in a blur of motion.

Her strike was executed with electrifying swiftness, akin to a lightning bolt. The icy blade radiated a bone-chilling aura, numbing Qin Wentian's reflexes as his body momentarily locked up.

With a casual gesture, Qin Wentian flicked his finger, sending a beam of Astral Light to deflect the dagger off course, nearly causing it to slip from the young lady's grasp. She hastily retreated to her original position, her dagger poised for action.

"Seven days from now, accompany me back to the Ouyang Aristocrat Clan," she proclaimed in an imperious tone, as if bestowing a great honor upon Qin Wentian and his companions.

To the denizens of Qiyun, being chosen to join the Ouyang Aristocrat Clan was an unimaginable aspiration. Envious gazes swept the crowd upon hearing her words.

Who could have fathomed that the enigmatic Sleeping God and the mighty Axe Demon would boast such profound strength, enough to warrant recruitment into the illustrious Ouyang Aristocrat Clan? This was a rare opportunity bestowed by the heavens. With the invitation in hand, the pursuit of retribution against the second High Prince became trivial. The influence of the Ouyang Clan surpassed even that of Qiyun's monarchy; in their eyes, defying the Ouyang Clan's authority was an unthinkable notion.

"Our purpose for visiting is to recruit exceptional talents into the Ouyang Aristocrat Clan. Those who perform exceptionally might even be granted the Ouyang surname, thus becoming full-fledged members of our clan," the Heavenly Dipper Sovereign announced, sweeping his gaze across the assembled crowd. His eyes lingered on Qin Wentian's group before settling on the two remaining High Princes. "Resolve this matter. We shall remain in Qiyun for seven days. Any promising talents who wish to apply may present themselves before me. I shall personally assess their prowess."

The gazes of the two princes flickered; this year's Ouyang Clan recruitment appeared to have commenced much earlier than in previous years.

However, this was a matter they lacked the authority to question.

"Rest assured, Senior. We shall make the necessary preparations," the two princes responded respectfully.

With the arrival of the Ouyang Clan representatives, the clash between them and Qin Wentian had been swept aside, though the area still glowed with the Divine Inscriptions' brilliance.

"King Yi, return with us to the Royal Capital," one of the princes stated icily. While they could no longer hold Qin Wentian accountable for the second prince's demise, King Yi remained answerable for the incident.

A deep scowl etched King Yi's features as he reluctantly nodded his agreement.

Dumbfounded, Qin Wentian and his companions exchanged glances. Was the matter truly resolved so swiftly?

The situation struck them as almost comical. Shaking his head, Qin Wentian turned to Fan Le and Chu Mang. "How about we depart for the Azure Continent in seven days?"

"Of course," Fan Le replied with a grin, his enthusiasm for beautiful ladies transcending geographic boundaries.

"Whatever," Chu Mang added. With the second prince gone, King Yi was in for a tumultuous time. They were content to allow the Qiyun Royal Clan to administer his punishment.

The intervention of the Ouyang Clan's emissaries had, conveniently, saved them further hassle. Since they were being invited to join the Ouyang Clan, there seemed no harm in accepting the invitation and assessing their prospects.

In any event, checking in on their audacious acquaintance seemed like a worthy endeavor.

The Ouyang Aristocrat Clan was his domain.

As for the proud male and female representatives before them, sent on the ostensibly humble task of recruitment, they likely held lower positions within the Ouyang Clan hierarchy. At best, their authority might extend to exerting dominance over the people of Qiyun.

Qin Wentian's supposition proved accurate. As a transcendent power, the Ouyang Clan boasted an expansive membership. Its hierarchical structure was exceedingly intricate, with the highest echelons occupied by direct descendants—the core members. Beneath them were representatives of various side branches, followed by outsiders granted the surname "Ouyang." Those newly recruited occupied the lowest rungs of the hierarchy.

Success in scaling the upper echelons of authority was reserved exclusively for those possessing exceptional talent.

Clearly, these two youthful cultivators had been granted the prestigious surname 'Ouyang,' resulting in their assignment of what they perceived as an inconsequential task. Back within their clan's confines, they would doubtlessly find themselves subject to the whims of many.

Yet, in Qiyun, they were akin to towering figures.

The tumultuous events incited by Qin Wentian had flashed by, disappearing as swiftly as they had emerged. None dared utter another word about the matter. Over the ensuing days, the two Ouyang representatives maintained their position before the mountain rampart, seeking enlightenment, while the selection process was overseen by the Heavenly Dipper Sovereign. By the time seven days had passed, numerous individuals had qualified, among them the swordsman known as 'Thirteen,' who still pondered insights before the rampart.

During this span, Qin Wentian and his companions devoted themselves to quiet cultivation. Having settled the Ye Xi affair, the matters of Qiyun held little interest for them. Neither did they take umbrage at the arrogant demeanor displayed by the Ouyang-named individuals. In their eyes, such behavior was akin to frogs gazing upwards from the bottom of a well.

"It's time to depart," announced nine figures congregated at the rampart. In addition to Qin Wentian's group and the Ouyang Clan members, there stood the swordsman 'Thirteen,' Qiyun's third prince, Ye Mo, and a hitherto unknown youth. United, the nine ascended into the heavens, embarking on a journey back to the Ouyang Clan, their departure witnessed by onlookers whose gazes mingled with envy and admiration.

The Ouyang Aristocrat Clan—a true transcendent power.

"Young Master and Miss Ouyang, please forgive me for my inadequate hospitality during your visit to Qiyun," the third prince of Qiyun humbly offered, presenting two interspatial rings to the Ouyang representatives. His actions were practiced and smooth, befitting his aristocratic lineage. He understood the nuances of propriety in varying circumstances.

The duo accepted the rings nonchalantly. The young lady's demeanor remained inscrutable, while a grin lit up the young man's face. "Ye Mo, not bad at all. Our clan teems with experts as plentiful as the clouds, but attaining recognition isn't a simple feat. Once we arrive, I'll introduce you to some senior figures. Show them due respect, and if one of them agrees to mentor you, your path will be much smoother."

"Thank you, Brother Ouyang, for your guidance," Ye Mo responded, exuding gratitude through his radiant smile.

As the group traversed to the Azure Continent from Moon Continent, they were greeted by a majestic and formidable landscape. Expansive pathways, resembling nine sinuous dragons extending their bodies to various regions, stretched before them in nine distinct directions.

Nestled within the Azure Continent, the Ouyang Aristocrat Clan stood as a transcendent power. To the group's astonishment, the Ouyang Estate was constructed amidst towering mountains. Numerous palaces and grand halls soared above the rest of the estate, as if attempting to pierce the heavens themselves. The tallest edifice, a millennia-old castle that stretched over 1,000 meters, bore the appearance of a sinuous, coiled dragon, exuding an aura of grandeur.

As Qin Wentian and his companions took in the breathtaking sight of the Ouyang Estate, their hearts swelled with wonder. The impact of the view from above defied description. The size and height of each towering structure clearly belonged to a different class altogether. Such grandeur was beyond what small nations like Qiyun or Chu could fathom. The estate's vastness was so immense that a single glance could not encompass its entirety.

Even the two young Ouyang cultivators couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as they beheld the vista from the air. When would it be their turn to stand atop that ancient castle, gazing down on the entire Azure Continent with disdain? Unfortunately, their current level of talent condemned this aspiration to a mere reverie.

"Is this the Ouyang Aristocrat Clan?" Qin Wentian murmured, his gaze fixed on the sprawling expanse of land that the estate covered, a faint smile playing on his lips. He wondered how Ouyang Kuangsheng, that obstinate fellow, was faring. He had insisted on honing his sensory abilities to the extent of condensing a 4th Heavenly Layer Astral Soul before embarking on the path of cultivation, defying the derisive glances of others. It had been quite a while since their last meeting—what level of cultivation had he achieved by now? Given his clan's resources, countless treasures, and the guidance of numerous masters, his progress should have been meteoric.

"Let's proceed," the Heavenly Dipper Sovereign's voice broke the momentary reverie, prompting the group to make their way toward the Ouyang Aristocrat Clan's castle.

As they ventured inside, the estate's vastness continued to astound them. They followed winding paths until they reached an expansive training ground. Before them, two individuals were locked in combat, their engagement drawing to a close. A young lady, draped in an orange skirt, sent a young man hurtling through the air. Dusting himself off after crashing to the ground, he remarked, "Miss Ting, your strength is truly unmatched."

The young lady said nothing, instead mounting a powerful steed wreathed in flames and riding over to meet Qin Wentian and the others. As she approached, the Heavenly Dipper Sovereign and the two young Ouyang cultivators bowed in respect, their demeanor akin to that of servants. "Miss Ting," they greeted in unison.

Although these few individuals had commanded great respect in Qiyun, their current attitude resembled that of humble attendants. This abrupt shift left Qin Wentian and his companions perplexed.

"Are these the new recruits?" the young lady on the ember-steed inquired, her tone composed.

"Miss Ting, several among them possess extraordinary combat abilities. Coincidentally, two of them share cultivation bases on par with yours, Miss Ting. Should you desire, they could serve as sparring partners to test their mettle," the young man at her side suggested, pointing to Qin Wentian and Fan Le. Strangely, he seemed to have deliberately omitted the third prince of Qiyun, a fact that hadn't gone unnoticed by the group.