Egotistical Arrogance

Egotistical Arrogance...

Upon the Vermilion Bird arena platform, the very stage of the Heavenly Fate Rankings, Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng stood hand in hand, confronting the entire world as one.

Qin Wentian's gaze was unwavering, while Mo Qingcheng's eyes shimmered with an enchanting smile. Today marked the happiest day she had experienced in the past few years.

Her time with Qin Wentian had taught the once-innocent and carefree Chu girl the sweetness of love, swiftly followed by the bitter sting of separation. Through it all, she had truly matured, shaped by the longing in her heart.

Their love had once been a perfect bubble, until Hua Xiaoyun had arrived in Chu, shattering it to pieces. She was hastily brought to the Pill Emperor Hall, where she became an object of veneration, with tens of thousands of eyes following her every move. Beneath the weight of that silent pressure, the Chu girl learned to encase her heart in ice, using aloofness as both a mask and a defense against her profound solitude.

In the intervening years, despite her growing skill in alchemy and strength, true happiness had eluded her. Her heart stirred only at the sound of Qin Wentian's name, but that spark was always extinguished by the harsh reality that they couldn't be together.

Now, they both stood on the Vermilion Bird Arena Platform, gazing unflinchingly at the world. Qin Wentian held her hand, and she felt no shyness or fear. In her heart, there was only unwavering conviction and courage.

She wanted all of Grand Xia to know that Qin Wentian was the only man she loved. No matter the consequences, no matter what the future held, Mo Qingcheng had no regrets.

Qin Wentian had never felt so resolute. He knew that most of the world looked down on him. When people spoke of Mo Qingcheng's potential partner, they mentioned names like Hua Taixu and even Zhan Chen. No one considered him.

Today, he aimed to make a bold statement to the entire world. He was Qin Wentian, and Mo Qingcheng was his woman.

So, they held each other's hands, facing the world without hesitation. Consequences be damned, for they had no regrets—none now, and none ever.

The spectators were in disbelief. How was this possible?

Mo Qingcheng was the embodiment of beauty among the younger generation. Why was she holding hands with Qin Wentian? Why were they together?

This turn of events defied all expectations. Wasn't Mo Qingcheng supposed to be with Hua Taixu?

It turned out that this world-renowned woman had long been acquainted with Qin Wentian. Not only that, they were lovers.

The Pill Emperor Hall's members stared at the unfolding scene. Luo He's face contorted in anger. She had given everything to Mo Qingcheng, yet she had chosen to defy her.

Bai Fei observed the two figures on the stage with a heavy heart. When she had met Qin Wentian in that remote country, she never imagined this day. He dared to hold Mo Qingcheng's hand before all of Grand Xia, right on the Vermilion Bird Arena Platform, a stage where countless eyes would be fixated on them.

Zhan Chen trembled with rage, his eyes burning with a fierce desire to eliminate Qin Wentian.

Many did not bless this union. They believed this relationship wouldn't last, or more accurately, they underestimated Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian, while undoubtedly remarkable, still appeared to pale in comparison to Mo Qingcheng in their eyes.

The group from the White Deer Institute, including Bailu Yi and Bailu Jing, stood united. As they witnessed the two figures on the stage, defiant against the world, a glint of congratulatory joy shimmered in Bailu Yi's eyes, mingling with unshed tears.

"He's finally holding her hand in front of everyone," Bailu Yi whispered, recalling the story Qin Wentian had shared with her. Seeing the couple before her now, she wholeheartedly wished them well, yearning for a perfect ending.

Bailu Jing also sported a gentle smile. Though he had been eliminated early in the competition, he didn't seem to mind. He embraced Bailu Yi and patted her shoulders, offering his support.

Bailu Yi looked up at her brother and smiled. "Brother."

"I know you love that kid, but sometimes, letting go is the best closure," Bailu Jing sighed. He understood his sister's heart well. When rumors had circulated that Qin Wentian was romantically involved with Bailu Yi, he had supported it. However, witnessing Qin Wentian's astounding progress, surpassing even himself, Bailu Jing now realized how misguided he had been.

"Little Yi, do you think he can secure a spot in the top three?" The elder from the White Deer Institute, with large, attentive eyes, inquired in a hushed tone. This batch of contenders were all formidable, and Qin Wentian faced a challenging task to surpass them.

Chen Wang, Shi Potian, Si Qiong, Zhan Chen, the enigmatic black-robed figure, Qin Zheng, Emperor Azure, and Mu Feng—all of them were formidable in their own right.

Qin Zheng had cornered Shi Potian to a great extent, while Mu Feng had grievously poisoned Si Qiong. The black-robed figure's duel with Emperor Azure had left a lasting impression on the crowd, etched into their memories forever. This Heavenly Fate Rankings battle had proven to be incredibly intense.

"Naturally," Bailu Yi asserted confidently. "Remember back in the Divine Inscriptions secret realm? Did anyone from the Star-Seizing Manor believe in him? No. Yet, he still succeeded in the end."

"All right, I hope he succeeds too. Otherwise, after holding the hand of the most beautiful maiden in all of Grand Xia, even the world's gaze might be enough to pressure him to death," the large-eyed elder chuckled. This young man truly excelled at achieving the seemingly impossible.

They vividly remembered when Di Feng had arrived at the White Deer Institute. How many of them had believed in Qin Wentian back then? Yet today, he could stand shoulder to shoulder with Di Feng on the same stage, and not only that, his ranking had temporarily surpassed Di Feng's after his recent victory.

Numerous eyes were fixed on Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng.

From the Mystic Maiden Palace, Xuan Yan, Xuan Xin, and Li Shiyu watched. Shu Ruanyu from the Moon Continent, as well as Ouyang Kuangsheng and Ouyang Xiaolu from the Ouyang Aristocrat Clan, all had different thoughts swirling in their minds.

Regardless of what others thought, Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng couldn't care less. Since they were already holding hands on this platform, visible to the world, they had nothing left to fear.

"I concede," Mo Qingcheng said gently. She didn't care about her ranking in the Heavenly Fate Rankings battle. She was willing to give up her place to pave the way for Qin Wentian.

"Indeed, Mo Qingcheng has chosen to concede."

As spectators saw the two of them holding hands, they already suspected that Mo Qingcheng wouldn't fight against Qin Wentian. She had chosen to give up, paving his way to the top six.

After Mo Qingcheng's announcement, the top six contenders of the Heavenly Fate Rankings were decided: Chen Wang, Shi Potian, Si Qiong, Zhan Chen, the mysterious black-robed figure, and Qin Wentian.

However, their rankings were not yet finalized, as there might still be challengers vying for their positions. If a challenger won, they would take over the spot.

All eyes were on Qin Wentian. He was now the most likely candidate to be challenged by the four others ranked in the bottom five. After all, apart from Mo Qingcheng, the rest had no reason to clear his path.

After Mo Qingcheng's concession, Qin Wentian and she descended from the platform, standing side by side.

Old Man Tianji, the referee, announced the victor. It was now time for the bottom five rankers to issue their challenges. But before that, everyone would have a night to rest before the next round began.

On the winding pathways, spectators buzzed with discussions. Most conversations revolved around the shocking revelation of Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng. Many couldn't help but imagine how great it would be to be in the male lead's shoes.

The next morning, as the sun rose and life stirred awake, the contenders stood ready, positioned below the arena platform.

Old Man Tianji opened his eyes and turned to Qin Zheng. "Qin Zheng, you will have the first opportunity to issue a challenge. If you win, you'll secure a spot in the top six. If you lose, your current ranking will remain unchanged."

Qin Zheng nodded lightly and stepped onto the platform. To everyone's surprise, his challenger was none other than Zhan Chen.

Zhan Chen was taken aback; he hadn't expected to be challenged first.

With a determined air, he joined Qin Zheng on the arena platform, and a fierce battle ensued. In the end, Zhan Chen emerged as the victor.

It wasn't that Qin Zheng lacked strength, but like Yun Mengyi, his attacks couldn't harm Zhan Chen due to his impenetrable defense. Witnessing this, the crowd marveled at Zhan Chen's incredible combat abilities. His defense seemed impervious to any attack within the Yuanfu Realm.

Next in line was Mu Feng.

Mu Feng sat cross-legged, seemingly lost in meditation. Si Qiong attempted a soul attack on him, knowing that soul-based attacks caused the most challenging wounds to heal.

"I give up; I'm not interested," Mu Feng nonchalantly declared, closing his eyes as if it were an everyday occurrence.

"Very well. Mu Feng's ranking will remain at #11," Old Man Tianji affirmed. Mu Feng's name was promptly updated on the scoreboard. Though not in the top ten, his reputation remained intact after grievously poisoning Si Qiong.

Yun Mengyi was up next. Upon seeing the top six contenders, she calmly conceded, saying, "I, too, choose to concede."

Knowing that she was still a step behind Qin Zheng, and with Qin Zheng about to exit the competition, Yun Mengyi saw no point in continuing her struggle.

"Yun Mengyi, ranked #10 in the Heavenly Fate Rankings," Old Man Tianji announced.

Mo Qingcheng then softly declared, "I forfeit as well." She had never truly desired to participate; her sole purpose had always been to support Qin Wentian.

"Mo Qingcheng, ranked #9 in the Heavenly Fate Rankings."

Finally, only Emperor Azure remained.

Emperor Azure ascended the arena platform once more. His gaze didn't wander aimlessly; it locked onto Qin Wentian.

While others might have been unaware, he knew that Qin Wentian was the rightful successor who possessed the Azure Emperor Token, something that should have been his.

Qin Wentian had taken the inheritance that Emperor Azure believed should have been his.

As a result of Mo Qingcheng's forfeiture, Qin Wentian secured his place in the top six.

"You should settle at rank #8. Only those utterly inept rely on women," Emperor Azure remarked slowly, and many in the crowd nodded in agreement. Qin Wentian's so-called 'battle' hadn't been a true test of strength in their eyes. His seemingly effortless ascent to the top six had left a sour taste in the mouths of many spectators, who perceived it as an unfair outcome.

Emperor Azure felt a burning desire to obliterate Qin Wentian from the stage, as a means to vent the frustration that had welled up inside him.

Qin Wentian ascended the arena platform, coming face to face with Emperor Azure.

This marked his first battle since he and Mo Qingcheng had made their relationship public. It was also a confrontation against a scion of the Azure Emperor's main bloodline—a member of the Di Clan's younger generation.

"Are you considering conceding, or should I force you to do so?" Emperor Azure's intense demonic aura filled the air, no longer concealing his proficiency in the Fiend Transformation Art.

Qin Wentian gazed at Emperor Azure, his arms crossed, a serene expression in his eyes.

"Give me ten breaths. If I can't defeat you in that time, I'll concede willingly," Qin Wentian's voice rang out, causing countless spectators to freeze. At a moment when most had condemned him for his apparent reliance on Mo Qingcheng's concession, Qin Wentian was publicly declaring that if he couldn't defeat Emperor Azure in ten breaths, he would voluntarily withdraw from the Heavenly Fate Rankings!

Was this arrogance born of ignorance, or a self-assured confidence ingrained in his very bones? The crowd was left bewildered, intrigued by the audacity of his proclamation.