Yi Shooting the Nine Heavens

Yi Shooting the Nine Heavens

"Gu Liufeng!"

Ji Feixue's voice reverberated through the area, causing all eyes to freeze as they turned to the legendary figure in white who had just arrived. Flowing Wind and Flying Snow, both of them graced this gathering with their presence.

Gu Liufeng's white robes billowed in the wind, his handsome visage as serene as a calm lake with no hint of agitation. His appearance alone quickened the heartbeats of several elite females from the major sects.

"How handsome. Gu Liufeng is even more striking than the rumors suggested," these females mused, their gazes fixed on the quietly confident young man in white.

Gu Liufeng was a legendary figure in the Royal Sacred Region, known for his elusive comings and goings. He could be here today and a thousand miles away tomorrow. Despite his fame, Gu Liufeng had yet to join any sect, shrouding himself in an air of mystery. His moon-slashing sabre was as icy as his demeanor, and his calm lake of a personality seemed to sever the moon itself. The sun-shooting bow represented his carefree spirit, its twang signaling the end for his foes.

Some claimed that Gu Liufeng's sabre was as handsome as he was, with its smooth, poignant strikes. Meanwhile, his bow embodied his free-spirited nature, the twang of its string heralding the demise of his opponents.

The reason people in the Royal Sacred Region often paired Liufeng (Flowing Wind) and Feixue (Flying Snow) together was due to their respective mastery of the sabre and sword. However, in a real battle, Gu Liufeng was expected to be superior, thanks to his cultivation level, which had reached the eighth level of Heavenly Dipper. As for Ji Feixue, despite his youth, rumors suggested that he had recently reached the seventh level.

These two were objects of admiration and adoration for countless females from major sects. Gu Liufeng, in particular, had his fair share of rumors swirling around him throughout the region. Many elite and beautiful women from powerful sects had pursued him, but his unwavering dedication to the martial path earned him the nickname, "The flowing wind isn't lustful, the calm lake severs the moon. Gu Liufeng."

With his remarkable looks and personality, who could resist being drawn to him? Princesses from ancient kingdoms and holy maidens from renowned sects were eager to marry him, and their respective powers had no objections. It was considered a significant gain if they could secure this lone wanderer for their side. It would be like killing two birds with one stone.

Lin Xian'er attracted just as much attention as Gu Liufeng. If Gu Liufeng was the ideal husband for females, Lin Xian'er, renowned as the number one beauty under the heavens, naturally exuded a fragility that tugged at the hearts of countless men. A single glance at her was enough to awaken the desire to protect her in anyone's heart. As Qin Wentian had noted, while Lin Xian'er might not surpass Mo Qingcheng in sheer beauty, her soul-stirring, delicate charm had an even greater hold on the male psyche.

With these exceptional individuals appearing simultaneously, it was no wonder that the onlookers were swept up in a whirlwind of excitement. Three era-suppressing geniuses, along with Fairy Lin Xian'er from the Celestial Maiden Sect and Mo Qingcheng, the Holy Maiden of the Medicine Sovereign Valley, had gathered in one place, prompting many others to rush here with frantic speed.

Members of the Battle Sword Sect had also arrived, accompanying Ji Feixue. They now stood alongside Qin Wentian, their attention fixed on the two figures in the air—Ji Feixue and Di Shi.

Qin Wentian was well aware of Ji Feixue's reputation. He was the eighth personal disciple of Sword Sovereign Ling Tian. Duan Han had introduced Qin Wentian to this senior of his, and although Ji Feixue was younger than Duan Han, he held the esteemed position of the eighth personal disciple, just behind Lin Shuai, the seventh, while Duan Han was the ninth.

As the spectators witnessed the unfolding scene in the sky, there was no doubt as to Qin Wentian's origins.

It was revealed that Qin Wentian hailed from the Battle Sword Sect, shedding light on his audacity to kill Di Yu, the young scion of the esteemed Di Clan. The disciples of the Battle Sword Sect had always been unafraid of the consequences of their actions.

With the formidable lineup before him, Di Shi would be at a significant disadvantage if he persisted in his pursuit. The supreme Di Clan would not only have to contend with the Medicine Sovereign Valley but also face the might of the Battle Sword Sect.

Intriguingly, Lin Xian`er appeared to be familiar with the young man intent on avenging Di Yu. She referred to him as "Sir Qin."

Naturally, the spectators were eager to uncover Qin Wentian's identity. Their interest was piqued, especially given his apparent close relationship with the Holy Maiden from the Medicine Sovereign Valley.

"In the Battle Sword Sect, he comprehended fourteen sword strikes. In ancient Ye, he collaborated with the Holy Maiden to cure the Human Emperor's poison and helped quell a rebellion. Despite having only a fifth-level cultivation base, he slew Ye Kongfan, a genius from the Violet Thunder Sect. His feats were so remarkable that envoys from the Immortal Martial Realm personally bestowed upon him the Immortal Martial Medallion. He is the foster son of the Human Emperor, Qin Wentian."

In the midst of the crowd, a scholarly-looking individual recited Qin Wentian's background, leaving the spectators astonished. They hadn't expected this seemingly unassuming young man to have such an illustrious history.

The rumors of the ancient rebellion in Ye had circulated, but the accuracy of these accounts remained in doubt. It was only now, as they witnessed Qin Wentian's determination to avenge Di Yu on behalf of Mo Qingcheng, that they realized these stories held truth.

Comprehending fourteen sword strikes, slaying Ye Kongfan, being a disciple of the Battle Sword Sect, the foster son of the Human Emperor, the companion of the Holy Maiden from the Medicine Sovereign Valley, and possessing an Immortal Martial Medallion—all of these markers signified that Qin Wentian was undeniably a Heaven Chosen. His brilliance, if not overshadowed by the era-suppressing geniuses, would undoubtedly have shone even brighter than Di Yu's.

The spectators couldn't help but think, "Things are getting more and more interesting."

"Unleash your sword," Di Shi declared, his icy gaze fixed on Ji Feixue. His battle intent surged, creating a formidable presence that seemed to reach the heavens. Behind him, the projection of a fierce primordial bird materialized, its cold, sinister eyes locking onto Ji Feixue.

Confronted with someone who shared his title, Di Shi couldn't back down from a battle. He was genuinely curious to see if Ji Feixue was truly worthy of being ranked among the eight era-suppressing geniuses.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..." Sword qi howled as a row of ancient swords manifested behind Ji Feixue. The sword intent in the air grew increasingly menacing as the ancient swords hummed with power. They emitted an aura of dominance that reflected Ji Feixue's determination.

Azure radiance flashed as Di Shi transformed into a streak of light, hurtling directly toward Ji Feixue. His movements were incredibly swift, exuding overwhelming might and pressure. Azure runes erupted as he thrust his palms toward Ji Feixue, forming an imprint of sharp talons aimed at his opponent.

Ji Feixue's palms moved, conjuring a sword into his hands. With a wave, a destructive wave of sword light surged forth, targeting the razor-sharp claws of the ferocious imprint.


A tempestuous wind swept through, accompanied by a heavy demonic aura that blanketed the area. A colossal projection of a primordial bird materialized in the sky, casting a disdainful gaze upon everything below. Its colossal wings flapped vigorously, releasing countless azure rune lights, each transforming into a smaller ferocious primordial bird that hurtled toward Ji Feixue.

"Each of those smaller-sized birds possesses the combat strength of a peak-tier seventh-level Heavenly Dipper Sovereign," the spectators couldn't help but feel their hearts tremble upon sensing the overwhelming might exuded by the avian onslaught. However, Ji Feixue seemed entirely unfazed. At this moment, it appeared as though a trail of swordlight had manifested beneath his feet as he executed a profound footwork, gracefully navigating the aerial battlefield with his sword. Within seconds, a torrential downpour of ten thousand swords cascaded from the heavens, forming a breathtaking sword-waterfall that obliterated everything it touched.

"DIE!" Ji Feixue's sword pointed to a location that resembled drifting snowflakes swirling in the sky. The sword-waterfall spiraled before hurtling toward the colossal primordial bird in the air, unleashing devastating shockwaves that rippled outward. The sheer force of the attack was so immense that it seemed as if it could tear the very heavens apart.

Di Shi retreated further into the sky, his eyes ablaze with fury as he locked onto Ji Feixue below. Neither of them could inflict harm upon the other.

"Since both of you are Heaven Chosen, why not await the Immortal Martial Realm to determine the stronger one? Sir Di, you may not be able to fulfill your wish today," Lin Xianer suggested in a gentle tone. Di Shi's gaze shifted toward Lin Xianer, his eyes bearing a strange gleam. Moments later, his silhouette flickered as he dashed straight toward her.

"Since Fairy Lin has the power to captivate the hearts of countless men, why not try your charms on me, Di Shi, first?" he proclaimed coldly. Lin Xian`er's countenance remained unchanged, and in an instant, several silhouettes materialized around her. Their fingers danced gracefully on the zither strings, producing a melodious yet deadly tune aimed at Di Shi. Unperturbed, Di Shi unleashed his palms, shattering the soundwaves before they could take effect.

The gigantic bird's wings thrashed violently, threatening to tear Lin Xian`er apart. However, her voice remained as composed as ever. "I merely made a casual remark, Sir Di. Must you bully a fragile girl like me?"

"If I can take Fairy Lin with me, that would still fulfill my wish!" Di Shi retorted with tyrannical determination, proving that his personality was much like his brother Di Yu's.

Meanwhile, Gu Liufeng stood calmly from a distance. Suddenly, a tempest swirled around him, and astral light flashed, revealing a magnificent bow in his hands—the Shooting-Sun Bow.


Di Shi's attention was abruptly drawn to Gu Liufeng. He sensed an intense sense of danger locking onto him. His gaze shifted, and he saw Gu Liufeng aiming an arrow directly at him. Despite the considerable distance separating them, it seemed that space was inconsequential.

"Mhm?" The spectators turned their collective gaze to Gu Liufeng, witnessing the imposing posture of this magnificent figure. His flowing robes billowed in the wind as he released his grip. Instantly, the arrow pierced through space, materializing near Di Shi. The arrow's speed approached the unbelievable.

Di Shi retreated explosively, displaying remarkable speed, yet he couldn't outpace an arrow fired by Gu Liufeng. Roaring in frustration, Di Shi's palms radiated an azure aura, exuding an indomitable force as he swiped his hands toward the arrow. Countless rune-lights shimmered, transforming into predatory birds that threw themselves in the path of the arrow, buying Di Shi precious seconds to escape.

The sounds of piercing rang out incessantly as blood sprayed into the air. Di Shi's shoulder bore a wound from the exchange.

"How formidable," a hushed silence descended upon the onlookers. Gu Liufeng, known as "Yi shooting the nine heavens," lived up to his reputation. Despite his higher cultivation base compared to Di Shi, it was still surprising that he had managed to injure Di Shi with a single arrow. The spectators couldn't help but marvel, and several females in the crowd sighed in admiration as they gazed at Gu Liufeng.

Yet, despite the extraordinary events that had just unfolded, the handsome young man's eyes remained devoid of any discernible emotion. He nonchalantly lowered his bow, as if he had just performed the most mundane of tasks. With an air of tranquility, he turned and began to stroll away from the scene.

"Xianer expresses her gratitude to Sir Gu for his assistance," Lin Xianer said, her gaze fixed on Gu Liufeng's receding figure. Her eyes held a glint of curiosity as she watched him. The flowing wind may not be lustful, but Gu Liufeng exemplified this saying to the fullest. Despite saving her life with his actions, he hadn't spared even a single glance her way.

"Gu Liufeng," Di Shi muttered under his breath, his eyes locked onto Gu Liufeng's retreating form. The battle intent in his gaze reached towering heights, seemingly stretching toward the very heavens. He gingerly touched the bloody wound on his shoulder, aware of a corrosive energy lurking within it. This energy, present in the arrow that had wounded him, had managed to breach his defenses and inflict injury, causing him to bleed.

Moreover, Gu Liufeng's prowess with a sabre was just as formidable as his archery skills; he had the ability to incapacitate his opponents with a single strike to the throat.