A Battle to Seek Death

A Battle to Seek Death . . .

Before him stood an imposing figure, none other than Qin Wentian's birth father. His body radiated a boundless, ethereal glow, illuminating the skies. Every inch of him shimmered with resplendent light, exuding an extraordinary aura that resembled a heavenly god descended upon the mortal realm, leaving a profound visual impact on anyone who beheld him.

The oracular chant continued, runic lights soaring high into the heavens. The silhouette became increasingly divine, as if ascending to godhood itself.

This radiant halo resembled flames and true light combined. Within the pure white blaze, golden streaks flashed, further enhancing the kingly aura emanating from the figure.

A thunderous rumble shook Qin Wentian's sea of consciousness, as if it could shatter at any moment. The oracular chant etched itself into his mind, and as the figure turned, Qin Wentian finally gazed upon his father's features. A smile adorned the figure's face, a smile that seemed directed at him, filled with warmth and gentleness.


Qin Wentian's perception was jolted out, his head buzzing. When he opened his eyes again, they glistened with hints of red. The oracular chant and the warm smile remained etched in his memory. He felt as if his father had seen him and was smiling at him.

A silly grin spread across Qin Wentian's face as he relished the happiness in his heart. It was the first time he truly felt his father's presence, as if he had never left and had silently watched over him all along.

"This chant..." Qin Wentian mumbled, gazing at the depleted Yuan Meteor Stones. Unlocking the memory fragments left by his father was proving to be a formidable challenge.

Closing his eyes, Qin Wentian hummed the oracular chant, but nothing happened.

He tried again and again, becoming increasingly familiar with the chant, allowing his qi to move in sync with its rhythm, circulating throughout his body with each syllable.

In the next instant, Qin Wentian felt the flame within his heart tremble.

"Could this be...a bloodline incantation?" Qin Wentian pondered. The oracular chant was enigmatic, like celestial voices, yet he found himself able to articulate the words. As he grew more acquainted with the chant, he faintly grasped its intent.

The candle-like flame flickering in his heart was most likely linked to his secondary bloodline. This bloodline had saved his life twice, safeguarding his heart and purging toxins and poisons. However, even with his current cultivation, he couldn't fully harness the white candle flame's power. But now, with the oracular chant, it appeared he could activate it at will.

Qin Wentian immersed himself in the chant, humming it ceaselessly. The candle flame in his heart began to pulse. Though slowly, he could distinctly sense its movement, as it burned a tad brighter.

"It seems the incantation is indeed related to my bloodline," he mused. Without hesitation, he recited the chant repeatedly, thousands of times over.

A day later, Qin Wentian's body emitted a luminous glow reminiscent of immortal light, radiating dazzling brilliance. The illumination around him resembled candle flames, each flame akin to a formidable rune brimming with indomitable power.

As he chanted, the runes grew increasingly resplendent, transforming into something more akin to immortal light. In that moment, Qin Wentian resembled an immortal king descended from the heavens.

His body and the flow of his blood seemed to resonate mysteriously with the incantation. At that instant, he had a revelation: with this immortal light circulating through him, malicious arts and malevolent intentions could no longer harm him, and he had become impervious to all forms of poison.

Qin Wentian drew in a deep breath, and as his eyes fluttered open, a mesmerizing glint of immortal light danced within, radiating like a fearsome flame into the horizon.

"This bloodline power of mine is truly extraordinary," Qin Wentian mused in silence. Just as he had suspected before, this candle-like flame was indeed a unique manifestation of his second bloodline. It possessed the uncanny ability to quell malevolent energies and a devastating incineration power capable of reducing anything to ashes. Judging from his intuition, if he could fully unleash its potential, even a third-level Ascendant would be reduced to nothingness when consumed by the candle flame.

However, despite this newfound power, Qin Wentian remained acutely aware of his limitations. At the first level of Celestial Phenomenon, his cultivation was still relatively low. Although he harbored numerous trump cards and boasted a potent constellation, not to mention two overwhelmingly formidable bloodlines that allowed him to challenge opponents a level or two above his own, he had no confidence in taking on adversaries at the fourth or fifth level, or even higher.

It was no secret that the Royal Sacred Sect boasted numerous peak-level Celestial Phenomenon Ascendants.

Nonetheless, faced with the Royal Sacred Sect's relentless pursuit and their threat to Grand Xia and ancient Ye, Qin Wentian resolved to impart a lasting lesson. He was determined to show them that while the Royal Sacred Sect might be the hegemon of the Royal Sacred Region, it couldn't recklessly control and disregard the lives of others. If not, there would come a day when the Royal Sacred Sect would be replaced, or perhaps even annihilated.


Today marked the sixth day of the seven-day deadline. The denizens of the Royal Sacred City watched with bated breath, waiting to see if Qin Wentian would indeed appear to meet his fate.

The atmosphere at the Sacred Battle Platform was unusually tense. Activation of the platform was restricted to renowned Heaven Chosen individuals seeking battles.

Control over the Sacred Battle Platform was firmly in the hands of the Royal Sacred Sect. Yet, at this moment, a group of figures descended before the platform's control formation.

"Impudent! This area is off-limits," admonished the Royal Sacred Sect expert responsible for the platform, his eyes flashing with cold determination.

"Step aside," came the stern command. One of the intruders emerged, exuding a formidable aura that made the Royal Sacred Sect expert pale. No one had dared to challenge the sect's control over the platform in countless years, and yet today, audacious intruders had the temerity to do so.

"Who are you people?" The expert stood his ground, staring at the intruders with icy resolve.

"Ye Qingyun," a calm voice declared, causing the Royal Sacred Sect expert's features to contort in realization.

"Return to the Royal Sacred Sect and convey this message: Ye Qingyun and his foster son, Qin Wentian, await your arrival on the Sacred Battle Platform if you seek our deaths," Ye Qingyun's thunderous proclamation resonated through the heavens, its echoes reverberating for miles around. All who heard his words couldn't help but tremble.

Qin Wentian and Ye Qingyun had arrived.

But they hadn't gone to the Royal Sacred Sect to meet their deaths. Instead, they seized control of the Sacred Battle Platform.

A rush of wind signaled the arrival of the Royal Sacred Sect's experts as they raced toward the Sacred Battle Platform with unparalleled speed. Simultaneously, news of Qin Wentian and Ye Qingyun's presence there spread like wildfire throughout the city, reaching more ears with each passing moment.

As the crowd gathered, they witnessed Qin Wentian standing at the platform's center with his eyes closed.

Below the platform, experts from ancient Ye and the Medicine Sovereign Valley stood in two groups.

The Royal Sacred Sect's experts stared daggers at Qin Wentian, with one of them challenging, "We ordered you here to face your death. What's the point of coming to the Sacred Battle Platform? Do you think it will change your fate in any way?"

"Since the Royal Sacred Sect hungers for my demise, I, Qin Wentian, am acutely aware of my inability to resist their might. Nevertheless, even in the throes of impending death, I, Qin Wentian, yearn for a dignified end. I crave the chance to witness firsthand the martial prowess of the Royal Sacred Sect, the indomitable behemoth that presides over our realm. My current cultivation stands at the modest first level of Celestial Phenomenon. Thus, I solemnly declare my acceptance of all challenges, regardless of the opponent's age, within the first three levels of Celestial Phenomenon. If we can engage in an honorable duel, granting me a glimpse of the splendor of the Chosen Ones from the dominion's hegemon, I, Qin Wentian, vow to take my own life before the assembled multitude should I taste defeat."

Qin Wentian's eyes remained closed as he continued, his words a potent blend of determination and challenge. "Should the world's hegemon decline this invitation, it would be tantamount to confirming their hollowness, a revelation that their hallowed reputation is but an illusion. Is there not a single soul of courage within the sect's ranks? Could it be that the talents nurtured by the world's hegemon are naught but cowardly puppets? In such a case, the Royal Sacred Sect is unworthy of its exalted title; it would be nothing more than a source of shame."

As Qin Wentian's resolute voice dissipated, a wave of emotion swept through the onlookers, and their eyes shimmered with empathy as they beheld him.

Indeed, as the unchallenged ruler of this world, should the Royal Sacred Sect decide his fate, Qin Wentian stood no chance of survival. Now, he could only appeal for a death on his own terms, through the crucible of combat. If he faltered, he'd honorably end his life.

It was a tragic plea—one that no one present wished to witness denied. In the eyes of the world, the Royal Sacred Sect was a sacred and unattainable entity, its members revered as prodigious talents and god-like geniuses.

In the Royal Sacred Region, the Royal Sacred Sect was nothing less than divine.

Yet here was Qin Wentian, issuing a 'challenge' to this divine entity, right on the Sacred Battle Platform. He stoked the fires of their passion, sparking fervor in their hearts.

The crowd swelled with anticipation, awaiting the Royal Sacred Sect's response.

Though they understood that the outcome would be Qin Wentian's death, they yearned to see the disciples of the Royal Sacred Sect, the unchallenged rulers of this world for millennia, face off against this remarkable young man in his final blaze of glory. Would he fall to second-level Celestial Phenomenon Ascendants, or perhaps to third-level Celestial Phenomenon Ascendants?

No one could predict if a first-level Ascendant from the Royal Sacred Sect would be able to best Qin Wentian. The possibility seemed remote.

Even the golden war airship had arrived, bearing witnesses from the past who had ventured to Grand Xia. They fixed their icy gazes on Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian had audaciously set foot on the Sacred Battle Platform, daring any challenger from the Royal Sacred Sect within the first three levels of Celestial Phenomenon to face him before the eyes of the world. The Royal Sacred Sect had no grounds to decline his request, especially given the anticipation gleaming in the eyes of the assembled multitude. They could not—and would not—refuse Qin Wentian's challenge!