Taking On A Master

Taking On A Master . . .

"This place is the Heavenly Talisman Realm," Qin Wentian marveled, his voice tinged with astonishment. "To think that one can actually access this place from anywhere in the immortal realms. How mysterious." He couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the revelation, realizing the profound implications of this method of entry.

Bai Wuya nodded with a knowing smile. "Naturally. If not, why do you think the first requirement for new members is to possess a violet-gold astral soul as their fifth astral soul? Moreover, new members can only join through recommendations from existing members, who must be at the immortal king tier level and above. It just so happened that I encountered you at the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor's disciple recruitment event."

He continued, "There's another stringent rule. Once someone becomes a member, they can't take on any other masters in the immortal realms. This rule reflects the Realmlord's strength and confidence. In fact, the Realmlord holds great power and authority in the Heavenly Talisman Realm."

Qin Wentian absorbed this information, then asked, "Senior, would I be able to learn the opening chant for entry access?"

Bai Wuya nodded. "Yes, you will. However, there's a condition. You must never bring non-members when you enter this realm, and you must ensure complete isolation when opening the dimensional door. Also, discussing the Heavenly Talisman Realm with non-members is strictly forbidden. We place great emphasis on secrecy. Violation of these rules could result in expulsion, memory wiping, or even death."

Qin Wentian understood the seriousness of these rules and agreed. "Understood."

Bai Wuya nodded approvingly. "Good. Now, let's pay our respects to the Realmlord. Once he senses it, he will officially accept you as his disciple. From then on, you'll be able to sense the identities of other members should you encounter them in the immortal realms."

Bai Wuya led Qin Wentian through the Heavenly Talisman Realm, its vastness and scenic beauty stretching out before them. The skies were a brilliant blue, and the air was exceptionally clean. The pristine white clouds drifted lazily, and the entire atmosphere was invigorating.

"It feels like this world is brimming with vitality," Qin Wentian observed, taking in the breathtaking scenery. Lakes shimmered with crystal-clear water, and lush green plants adorned their shores, creating picturesque landscapes.

Bai Wuya agreed, saying, "Indeed, the Heavenly Talisman Realm is like a paradise on earth. Each immortal emperor's residence reflects their unique preferences. Some favor authority and live in majestic palaces, while others prefer a laid-back and comfortable life. The Heavenly Talisman Hall, which you'll see soon, is a testament to this diversity."

As they walked, Qin Wentian marveled at the wondrous realm he had entered, eager to learn more about his new home.

"I'm filled with anticipation," Qin Wentian remarked with a smile as they quickened their pace. Along the way, Qin Wentian couldn't help but notice numerous palaces and pavilions scattered throughout the realm, evidently serving as lodging for the other members.

"These are the residences of your senior apprentice brothers and sisters. How do you find the environment?" Bai Wuya inquired with a chuckle.

Qin Wentian glanced at a quaint hut nestled beside a cascading waterfall. "Seems rather enjoyable," he replied, taking in the breathtaking scenery. The mist from the waterfall infused the air, making it feel like an ideal abode for an immortal.

"You can construct your own lodging here in the Heavenly Talisman Realm. In the future, you'll have the chance to come here and cultivate often," Bai Wuya suggested.

"Alright," Qin Wentian agreed. He understood that the Heavenly Talisman Realm was a world unto itself, offering a haven even in times of danger. However, he kept his thoughts about potential escapes to himself, not wanting to appear cowardly in front of Bai Wuya.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the surroundings. "Haha, Bai Wuya, is this the new junior brother you've brought in?" Although no one was initially visible, moments later, an old man materialized before them. His casual demeanor contrasted with his unfathomable cultivation level, and he regarded Qin Wentian with a friendly smile.

"Yes, his name is Qin Wentian. I'm bringing him to be officially accepted as a disciple by our master," Bai Wuya confirmed.

The old man nodded approvingly, offering words of encouragement. "Work hard. As members of the Heavenly Talisman Realm, you can always seek my help if you encounter any difficulties in the future."

With those parting words, the old man disappeared without a trace, leaving Qin Wentian astounded by his swift departure. "That senior was quite amiable," Qin Wentian commented.

Bai Wuya nodded in agreement. "Indeed. It's rare for such powerful seniors to take the initiative to greet newcomers. In the immortal realms, they're at a level far beyond our reach. The difference in status is immense, and it's unlikely for a senior of that stature to offer assistance to a junior."

"True," Qin Wentian concurred as they continued their journey. Along the way, they encountered two more members. One exchanged greetings with Bai Wuya, while the other simply glanced at them and continued on silently.

Before long, they reached a majestic nine-dragon waterfall, a sight that left Qin Wentian in awe.

The nine dragons, majestic and powerful, coiled in the sky, their forms spiraling upward and disappearing into the heavens. They supported an immense statue that towered over ten thousand feet tall. At such a height, the details of the statue's pinnacle were beyond the perception of ordinary onlookers.

These nine dragons were no mere sculptures; they exuded an air of overwhelming dominance and lifelike vitality. A single glance at them left people in awe, their breath stolen by the breathtaking spectacle.

"Is that the Realmlord?" Qin Wentian couldn't help but feel his heart tremble in the presence of this colossal statue. It stood over ten thousand feet tall, its massive hand dwarfing everything beneath it. Perched atop its right palm sat an incredibly vast palace, though even this enormous structure seemed minuscule when compared to the statue as a whole.

"Qin Wentian, that is indeed the Realmlord of the Heavenly Talisman Realm. Kneel and kowtow three times while addressing him as 'disciple greets master.' The Realmlord will sense your presence. Go ahead," Bai Wuya instructed through a whispered voice, stepping back respectfully.

Overcoming his initial shock, Qin Wentian approached a mat placed before him. With reverence, he knelt down and performed three solemn kowtows.

"Disciple Qin Wentian pays his respects to the Realmlord of the Heavenly Talisman Realm," he intoned with utmost solemnity. With these words, he formally became a disciple of the Heavenly Talisman Realm.

His voice reverberated through the air, and a beam of light emanated from the nine dragons, shooting towards the summit of the statue. Then, divine light gleamed in the statue's eyes as it lowered its gaze upon Qin Wentian below.

"By accepting me as your master, you pledge to abide by the sect's rules. Are you willing to do so of your own accord?" The voice resounded like thunder in the sky. Qin Wentian replied with unwavering determination, "Since I willingly came here, I am naturally willing to comply."

"Qin Wentian, from this moment onward, you are officially my disciple. You may enter the Heavenly Talisman Palace and study the Heavenly Talisman Treasured Tome," the voice declared. Qin Wentian felt a deep sense of admiration; it appeared that this statue could truly convey the Realmlord's will.

As the voice faded, a beam of light enveloped Qin Wentian, and in an instant, his entire being resonated with the energy of light-type runes. A wealth of information flooded his mind.

Closing his eyes, Qin Wentian contemplated the newfound knowledge before kowtowing once more. "Disciple thanks master."

"Very well, you may rise. There will be no need for such formalities when you encounter me in the future. This is only for the disciple acceptance ceremony," the Realmlord's voice rang out. With that, the radiant aura surrounding the statue began to dim, returning the surroundings to their former tranquility.

Rising slowly from his respectful bow, Qin Wentian couldn't help but be in awe of the unparalleled strength he had just encountered. This was genuine might, a power that resonated with his very soul, though it didn't press down on him physically.

Qin Wentian had seen the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor in the past, but the emperor's presence paled in comparison to the overwhelming aura emanating from the Realmlord's statue.

"Master has already departed," Bai Wuya informed Qin Wentian as he approached.

"Indeed," Qin Wentian responded, his gaze fixed upon the imposing Heavenly Talisman Palace atop his master's hand.

"From this day forward, you are officially my disciple and may enter the Heavenly Talisman Palace to study the Heavenly Talisman Treasured Tome," the Realmlord had declared.

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you out here," Bai Wuya offered.

"Thank you, Senior," Qin Wentian expressed his gratitude with a bow. Despite being strangers, their chance encounter had led to this extraordinary opportunity. Bai Wuya had treated him with a kindness that transcended the typical arrogance of those more powerful.

During the immortal banquet, Bai Wuya had displayed a cold and proud demeanor among his fellow immortal kings, but it seemed that he reserved his kindness for those he considered juniors. This disposition was far beyond what most people could hope to attain, and it filled Qin Wentian with gratitude.

"I only hope that you will achieve great things since I invited you into the sect. There's no need for thanks," Bai Wuya replied with a warm smile, patting Qin Wentian's shoulder. Qin Wentian nodded and returned the smile. In the next moment, his figure flickered as he ascended towards the Heavenly Talisman Palace.

As if sensing his approach, the palace doors swung open, allowing Qin Wentian to step inside.