Driftsnow Inn

Driftsnow Inn . . .

As the tense atmosphere hung heavy in the air, Cheron's eyes flashed with a sharp glint, but his lips remained sealed, withholding the storm of thoughts swirling within him. His gaze shifted from the lifeless body sprawled on the ground to the woman standing beside it. She bore a look of sheer disdain and malice as she locked her hateful stare onto none other than Qin Wentian. In the depths of his mind, a flurry of conjectures raced like a tempest.

The intensity of the moment was palpable, and one couldn't help but wonder if the ringing of the bell had played a sinister role in Xuan Zhu's untimely demise. After all, it seemed implausible that the mere resonance of the bell could shatter a heart as strong as his. Everyone present had felt the reverberations coursing through their very beings, shaking their innermost cores. Yet, it wasn't enough to trigger such a catastrophic rupture of a heart.

With an unwavering coldness in her eyes, the woman turned her gaze toward Qin Wentian and posed a chilling question, "Did you do anything to Xuan Zhu?" Her voice cut through the tension like a knife through butter.

Qin Wentian's eyes, gleaming with a frosty light, shifted to meet her accusatory gaze. He responded with an air of indignation, "You all are acting recklessly, ready to cast people out of this place. This man," he gestured to Xuan Zhu's lifeless form, "even attempted to attack me, but his own aggression led to his demise, courtesy of the ancient bell's unexpected toll. How can you hold me responsible for that?"

The woman hesitated, biting her lower lip, seemingly at a loss for words. She couldn't deny that Xuan Zhu had indeed harbored hostile intentions toward Qin Wentian, and yet the circumstances of his death remained perplexing. Qin Wentian hadn't moved an inch from his original spot, and his aura had remained as steady as a mountain throughout the ordeal.

But just as the standoff reached an impasse, a voice pierced the tension. A woman from the Seven Sword Sect, known for her icy arrogance, stepped forward, her disdainful words hanging in the air like a blade poised to strike. "A bunch of space-wasters should be expelled," she declared, her tone dripping with condescension. She had been the one to issue the expulsion order earlier, and now, this young man dared to challenge it in front of everyone. Her audacity knew no bounds.

Qin Wentian's lips curled into a contemptuous smile. "Space-wasters, you say?" he retorted. "From the way you speak, one might think you possess the power to make the ancient bell resonate. How utterly laughable."

His words were like a match striking a tinderbox. In an eruption of anger, the woman from the Seven Sword Sect advanced toward Qin Wentian. Her wrath manifested as a surge of sword qi, building into a terrifying tidal wave that threatened to engulf him. Qin Wentian keenly sensed the incredible power contained within that sword qi. This woman's cultivation had reached the seventh level of Celestial Phenomenon, marking her as an exceptionally formidable opponent.

In the midst of the brewing storm, Cheron, hovering above, finally broke his silence. His gaze remained fixed on the irate woman from the Seven Sword Sect, a glint of recognition in his eyes. Nion, as she was known, held a reputation within the Seven Sword Sect as a prominent figure among the younger generation. Both Cheron and Nion hailed from the Cloud Prefecture, and they were acquainted with each other's strengths and backgrounds.

With an inclination of her head, Nion acknowledged Cheron's presence and locked her eyes onto him, her expression unwavering. The stage was set for a clash of formidable forces, and the drama of this encounter continued to unfold with each passing moment.

In the midst of this high-stakes showdown, the tension in the air crackled like an impending thunderstorm. Cheron, with an air of quiet confidence, spoke out, his words slicing through the mounting hostility like a hot knife through butter.

"What he said is right," Cheron began, a subtle grin playing on his lips. His eyes took on a faint golden sheen, lending him an aura of sharpness that was impossible to ignore. "Why, might I ask, have you sword cultivators descended upon this place, stirring up trouble and even daring to label these individuals as 'waste of space'? Do you truly possess the power to set the Nine Immortality Bell ringing?" The words hung in the air like a challenge, adding fuel to the fiery exchange.

Nion, initially a paragon of icy haughtiness, responded in a voice lowered from its previous chill, the arrogance tempered with a hint of restraint. As she addressed Qin Wentian, her tone retained a trace of frost, but it was clear that her attitude had softened somewhat. Standing before an immortal-king expert, she recognized the difference in their status. To immortal-foundation experts like her, such a being was indeed an apex presence. However, when facing immortal emperors, the aura of an immortal king could hardly muster any authority. Respect was the only path they could tread. The nuances of demeanor when dealing with various individuals were, indeed, quite telling.

Qin Wentian, feeling the shift in atmosphere, appreciated the subtle change. He understood the dynamics at play; in this intricate hierarchy, one's stature determined the tenor of interactions. He chose his words carefully, acknowledging Nion's comment. "You are right; this matter doesn't concern me directly. However, let us remember that we stand in the heart of Driftsnow City, not within the confines of the Seven Sword Sect. People from all corners of the Cloud Prefecture have gathered here with the singular purpose of communicating with the Nine Immortality Bells. Who are we to preemptively judge their chances of success? If you yourself cannot achieve this feat, how can you justify expelling others?" Cheron's voice swelled in power, his gaze unwavering and his posture unyielding. He exuded an air of authority and magnificence that was impossible to ignore.

Under the weight of Cheron's imposing aura, Nion's frosty demeanor waned slightly, her cold retort fading into silence.

Cheron descended gracefully to the ground, his eyes still locked onto Qin Wentian. A warm smile danced on his lips as he spoke. "There's no need for thanks," he said, his tone congenial. "I'm Cheron, hailing from the Wondergate Immortal Manor. Might I inquire about your origins, my friend?"

"Tianwen," Qin Wentian replied promptly, offering a name that would veil his true identity. The specter of an arrest warrant still loomed over him, and revealing his real name was a risk he could ill afford to take at this juncture.

"Tianwen," Cheron repeated, a hint of significance in his tone. He seemed to attach a particular importance to this name. He continued with his inquiries, "Brother Tianwen, to which sect do you pledge your allegiance?"

Qin Wentian, mindful of the danger his true affiliation posed, feigned humility. "My cultivation is far too feeble to carry the weight of my sect's name," he admitted, bowing his head slightly. "I'd rather not bring shame upon my master."

Cheron nodded understandingly, though the word 'understood' from his lips hinted at a deeper understanding of the situation.

However, their brief camaraderie didn't escape the notice of Jiang Yan from the Jiang Clan, who couldn't resist interjecting with a mocking tone. "Cheron, it seems you have an abundance of free time," he remarked, incredulous at the sight of Cheron conversing so amiably with a seemingly insignificant figure.

Cheron chuckled heartily, his laughter echoing through the tension-laden atmosphere. "Well, my communication with the ancient bell has yielded more success than yours, my friend. The weapon spirit's attention has already been captivated by my endeavors. Naturally, I have a little extra time on my hands. On the other hand, you, of the illustrious Jiang Clan, appear to be slipping further and further behind," he taunted with a mischievous grin, causing Jiang Yan's expression to contort in anger.

With a dismissive snort, Jiang Yan declared, "We shall see who will have the last laugh."

Having had his say, Jiang Yan returned to his meditation, eyes closed, as he renewed his efforts to establish a profound connection with the ancient bell. The stage was set for a rivalry that would undoubtedly unfold with dramatic fervor in the days to come.

The air was pregnant with anticipation as the experts, drawn like moths to a flame, gathered around the enigmatic Nine Immortality Bell. This bell, an embodiment of ancient power, had cast its spell on everyone present. Cheron, the wonderer of the Immortal Manor, shared this fascination, settling himself beside Qin Wentian. Like an orchestra conductor readying his baton, Cheron closed his eyes, immersing himself in contemplation of the intricate runic inscriptions that adorned the massive bell.

Nion, her eyes a simmering cauldron of resentment, couldn't help but steal a fleeting glance at Qin Wentian. Her initial hostility waned, and she eventually decided to put some distance between them, choosing to direct her attention elsewhere. The other experts, each engrossed in their own thoughts and endeavors, dispersed, forming a constellation of intent around the Nine Immortality Bell.

It was becoming increasingly evident that the bell's resonation earlier had not been a mere coincidence. Something about this particular ancient bell set it apart, and a sense of curiosity hung in the air like an unquenchable thirst.

Qin Wentian couldn't shake the feeling that Cheron had stumbled upon a revelation, but Cheron, a carefree soul by nature, didn't press the matter. He remained quietly by Qin Wentian's side, fully absorbed in his own contemplation of the bell.

In time, Qin Wentian too allowed his eyelids to fall, surrendering himself to the embrace of the ancient bell's runic magic. His consciousness extended, forging a connection with the Nine Immortality Bell. With a thought, he merged with the bell's essence, his perception piercing the boundary that separated him from the enigmatic realm within.

Before him stretched an awe-inspiring and ageless city, its grandeur beyond compare. Yet, its streets and structures were devoid of life, composed solely of divine artistry. The entire city appeared as though it had been crafted by a master divine weaponsmith, concealing profound mysteries within its architecture.

Despite the slight distortion of the image, the city's beauty was undeniable, transcending the limitations of time and space. "Is this the Driftsnow City?" Qin Wentian mused, his thoughts racing through the annals of legend. The Driftsnow City had been shrouded in myth for generations, with most tales centered around the Nine Immortality Bells. Over time, however, people had come to seek the power hidden within these bells, yearning for a shortcut to immortality. The city's history, once rich with stories and secrets, had faded into obscurity, lost to the relentless march of time.

Qin Wentian pondered the vision before him, speculating, "Does this mean that I must establish a connection with all nine bells to unlock their hidden truths?"

Days slipped by unnoticed as Qin Wentian remained immersed in the cityscape within the bell. Meanwhile, the talented individuals who had converged at the Nine Immortality Bell formed groups of three to five, preparing to embark on a journey to the Driftsnow Inn. The banquet hosted by the Jiangling King awaited them.

Cheron, having finished his contemplation, opened his eyes and cast a sidelong glance at Qin Wentian. With a gentle smile, he beckoned to his newfound companion. "Brother Tianwen."

Qin Wentian, roused from his reverie, met Cheron's gaze. "Today is the day of the banquet hosted by the Jiangling King," Cheron proposed, his voice warm and inviting. "How about you accompany me there?"

Qin Wentian considered the invitation, his brow furrowing in thought. "It's not a matter of whether I'd like to attend," he replied, his voice tinged with a note of caution. "But the Jiangling King has issued a warrant for my arrest. It wouldn't be wise for me to attend his banquet without a good reason."

The atmosphere crackled with the promise of adventure as Cheron, the charismatic wanderer from the Wondergate Immortal Manor, continued his spirited entreaty. He leaned toward Qin Wentian, a glimmer of excitement dancing in his eyes.

"We have nothing much to do here anyway," Cheron began, his voice brimming with enthusiasm, "and we might as well seize the opportunity to witness the brilliance of Jiangling Country's finest minds. Consider this, my friend. The Driftsnow City is drawing experts from all corners of the Cloud Prefecture. You have the likes of my Wondergate Immortal Manor and the Jiang Clan, two of the preeminent powers reigning supreme in the Cloud Prefecture. How about accompanying me? You might make new friends, and I'd be more than happy to introduce you to some of them."

Cheron's spirited persuasion hung in the air like a call to adventure, laced with the promise of camaraderie and discovery. Qin Wentian, his countenance fluctuating with contemplation, regarded Cheron with a discerning eye.

As the seconds ticked away, Cheron's earnestness remained unshaken. "Brother Tianwen," he continued, his words a wellspring of genuine warmth, "the legends of the Nine Immortality Bells have persisted for countless years, shrouded in mystery. No one has ever managed to unlock their secrets. Though I may consider myself extraordinary, I must admit that the task appears insurmountable for me alone. However, I cling to the hope of bearing witness, in my lifetime, to someone capable of unraveling these enigmas."

Cheron's smile, as he regarded Qin Wentian, held a deeper layer of meaning. Silently, he transmitted his thoughts, "Should this person turn out to be my friend, it would be an honor beyond measure." His laughter resonated like the peal of a bell.

Qin Wentian, quick-witted and perceptive, could hardly miss the undercurrents of Cheron's words. The truth lay plain before him: Cheron had discerned that Qin Wentian was the catalyst behind the Nine Immortality Bell's recent resonance. And Cheron's intention was clear—he sought to extend the hand of friendship.

Grinning, Qin Wentian agreed, "Very well, let's embark on this adventure together."

Cheron's laughter rang out joyously as they both rose to their feet. The journey to the Driftsnow Inn awaited, and the anticipation was palpable.

The Driftsnow Inn, though named as such, exceeded the humble confines of a typical inn. Instead, it sprawled in grandeur, a cluster of pavilions situated atop a picturesque snow-capped mountain range. The snowflakes twirled about, their crystalline beauty casting an ethereal glow upon the pavilions.

These pavilions served as the staircase leading to the main inn. As visitors ascended, they were greeted by a mesmerizing spectacle—plum blossoms adrift on the breeze, ancient trees gracing the pavilion rooftops.

As Qin Wentian and Cheron climbed the staircase, they joined a procession of fellow experts. The air was filled with camaraderie as they chatted leisurely, basking in the splendor of their surroundings.

Cheron and Qin Wentian continued their ascent, their eyes entranced by the breathtaking panorama. Qin Wentian couldn't help but marvel, "This scenery surpasses any painting I've ever laid eyes on."

Cheron nodded, his eyes reflecting a shared appreciation. "Indeed, the Driftsnow Inn sits upon a snow-laden mountain range. It has long been a haven for practitioners of ice and snow-related arts, offering a captivating respite from the mundane. The beauty here is so profound that it can make one lose all sense of time."

Their conversation paused briefly as they overheard a melodious voice from a group ahead. "I heard that the master of Driftsnow City and Immortal Jade began their love story right here," one person remarked, their voice laden with longing.

"Ah, yes," another replied, equally enthralled. "This place is truly enchanting. How splendid it would be if we could visit it often in the future."

Cheron couldn't help but chuckle as he watched the scene unfold. "Seems like the maidens are even more enchanted by the scenery than we are."

The two young women ahead, caught in a romantic reverie, suddenly noticed Cheron's amusement. Their gazes met, and to Qin Wentian's surprise, one of them was none other than Pei Yu, the Jiangling King Manor's spirited young lady who had come to Qin Wentian's defense during their earlier encounter.