Seven Sword Sect

Seven Sword Sect . . .

As the tumultuous battle's echoes faded, a somber mood settled over the ancient Driftsnow City. The various experts began to disperse, with Pei Tianyuan and his forces among them. Their joint attack on the city, now under Qin Wentian's control, had not only failed but had also inflicted grievous losses upon them.

For onlookers, the city was a forbidden zone. They dared not venture too close, well aware that the reverberations from the fierce battle could easily spell their doom.

"This lad is nothing short of demonic. But mark my words, the major powers won't let him off the hook. These are the supreme authorities of the Cloud Prefecture, and they're seething with humiliation and rage. Plus, there's that tantalizing treasure within reach. I wouldn't be surprised if they muster their forces on a grand scale to eliminate Qin Wentian," remarked a wise spectator. They could foresee the brewing storm on the horizon.

The weaponized city, crafted by the legendary Driftsnow Master and Immortal Jade, had demonstrated its overwhelming might. Qin Wentian, a mere third-level ascendant, had harnessed its power to achieve remarkable combat prowess. The allure of seizing such a formidable asset was irresistible to the major powers of the Cloud Prefecture.

Until now, the city's secret, concealed within the Nine Immortality Bells, had belonged to no one. However, with Qin Wentian's revelation, it was inevitable that the major powers would pursue it relentlessly. This was especially true for factions that specialized in weaponsmithing, exemplified by the resolute Jiang Clan.

Furthermore, these major powers had already formed bitter grudges with Qin Wentian. The enmity between them could not be easily reconciled.

"Please step away from the city's perimeter. It's for your safety," boomed Qin Wentian's commanding voice. The spectators, prepared for this, promptly retreated. Qin Wentian couldn't afford to take any risks, as he couldn't discern potential spies among them who might be working for the major powers.

At that moment, Cheron descended from the sky and approached Qin Wentian. A sense of reverence was evident on his face as he gazed at Qin Wentian's towering figure. All of Qin Wentian's recent achievements left Cheron awestruck.

"Brother Qin," Cheron began, "I understand that you had to conceal your identity due to special circumstances. No hard feelings."

Qin Wentian nodded appreciatively. "Thank you for your understanding, Cheron."

Cheron continued, concern evident in his voice. "But Brother Qin, the power you've displayed has undoubtedly stirred a hornet's nest. You've provoked the major powers too deeply, and they're likely communicating through their immortal senses, alerting their sects and clans. In a matter of days, an army of experts will descend upon us. Please, exercise caution."

"I am well aware," Qin Wentian replied, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. He knew that countless eyes, brimming with enmity, were now fixed upon him. Cheron's warning was not only thoughtful but a crucial reminder of the impending storm.

Cheron's voice resonated in Qin Wentian's mind. "Including my Wondergate Immortal Manor, you best be careful." The unexpected warning from his friend caught Qin Wentian off guard, but he nodded appreciatively in acknowledgment.

Wondergate Immortal Manor was Cheron's affiliation, but Cheron himself was merely a talented disciple of the sect. This sect, which specialized in weaponsmithing, had no direct ties to Qin Wentian. Hence, it was entirely reasonable for them to covet the weaponized city as well. It seemed that the commotion they had stirred had truly shaken the entire Cloud Prefecture.

Moments later, Pei Yu approached Qin Wentian with a sincere apology. Qin Wentian's gaze softened as he responded, "You have nothing to apologize for, Pei Yu. Please, leave this place immediately. It has become too dangerous."

Cheron and Pei Yu couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. Qin Wentian's insistence that they depart was a clear indication of his concern for their safety. He had made numerous enemies in this ordeal, and although they were his friends, there was little they could do to assist him in these perilous times.

"Take care, Brother Qin," Cheron bid farewell with a respectful salute before departing alongside Pei Yu.

Now, only Qin Wentian remained within the city. Everyone else had retreated to the city's outskirts, their eyes fixed on the weaponized city that once radiated an awe-inspiring runic light. Their hearts remained restless, unable to calm down.

Suddenly, the runic light began to fade, and the city fell into silence. The grandeur and splendor of the weaponized city seemed to recede, transforming into an ordinary city, showing the marks of age. The city's high towers, elegant structures, man-made lakes, and rivers all came into view.

Observing the once-majestic city now shrouded in silence, no one could fathom the overwhelming power it had previously displayed.

Qin Wentian stood amidst the city's quiet streets, having changed into fresh attire. With a mere thought, the Nine Immortality Bells reappeared around him.

Closing his eyes, Qin Wentian extended his senses throughout the city. Within moments, he gained an intimate understanding of every corner of the city. With the city's formidable power at his disposal, he could contend against immortals and even slay immortal-foundation experts. Despite the bravado he displayed in front of his foes, he was fully aware of his own limitations. Without the city's power, any random immortal could easily crush him like an insect.

However, Qin Wentian had never been one to grovel before the powerful, seeking their favor. Despite the enmities he had accrued, he had no intention of compromising or seeking reconciliation. His primary concern was how to confront the united forces of the major powers that now loomed before him.

As the major powers of the Cloud Prefecture began to mobilize their experts, a sense of urgency hung in the air. Qin Wentian pondered the impending confrontation. Could he harness enough power from the weaponized city to defend against these formidable foes, including potential immortal kings if they entered the fray? These were the challenges he had to confront head-on.

"This Driftsnow City, crafted by the Driftsnow Master and Immortal Jade, is a marvel. I need to explore ways to maximize my combat potential by tapping into even more of its power," Qin Wentian contemplated silently, delving his senses into the nine ancient bells.

While Qin Wentian immersed himself in cultivation, a regiment of troops arrived outside the city, led by the current City Lord of the Driftsnow City. They encircled the ancient Driftsnow City, preventing Qin Wentian from escaping. Immortal-foundation experts carefully monitored his every move, making sure nothing escaped their scrutiny.

The actions of the City Lord signaled the brewing of a tempest. However, within the ancient Driftsnow City, Qin Wentian continued his cultivation undisturbed.

When Pei Tianyuan and the Jiangling Troops arrived, the tempest intensified. The sight outside the city was overwhelming, with a profusion of immortal light and countless immortals, forming an imposing display of might.

"Is this the true strength of the Jiangling Country?" Spectators couldn't help but wonder at the formidable display. Pei Tianyuan, as the King of the Jiangling Country, wielded immense personal power, commanding hundreds of immortal-foundation experts. Within the Driftsnow City, they were an unassailable force.

"Qin Wentian is in a dire situation now. He can do nothing but await his fate. There seems to be no way for him to escape. What a pity," someone lamented, gazing at Qin Wentian with a sense of regret for the once-promising young genius.

However, this was only the vanguard. They had encircled the city, awaiting the arrival of reinforcements from the major powers of the Cloud Prefecture. Even with the might of the weaponized city, could it withstand the combined forces of these formidable adversaries?

Yet, Qin Wentian, with only a third-level Celestial Phenomenon cultivation base, had already stirred such a monumental commotion. Even if he perished here, his legacy would be one to remember.

At that moment, the spectators heard the piercing sound of sword qi slicing through the air. Raising their heads, they witnessed a multitude of individuals riding on swords, soaring toward their location. A radiant aura of immortality surrounded them—all of them immortals. The spectators' hearts quivered as they watched the spectacle unfold.

"The experts of the Seven Sword Sect have graced us with their presence," announced a voice, as the sword qi of the Seven Sword Sect members soared skyward, exuding a formidable aura.

Leading this group were seven individuals, each carrying a sword on their back. Their presence radiated an intense sharpness that sent shivers down the spines of onlookers.

"The Seven Sword Elders," Pei Tianyuan noted, his gaze unwavering. The major powers of the Cloud Prefecture were indeed resolute. The fact that the Seven Sword Elders had personally arrived spoke volumes about their determination.

"Pei King," the seven elders called out as they rode their swords, approaching Pei Tianyuan. He nodded in acknowledgment and commented, "I didn't anticipate the Seven Sword Elders coming here personally."

"The Driftsnow City isn't far from our Seven Sword Sect, so we deemed it necessary to attend in person. Pei King, this is your domain. If you wish to handle the situation and claim the city for yourself, the Seven Sword Sect won't interfere. But if you hesitate, we will act to secure it," declared one of the Seven Sword Elders, his tone sharp and decisive.

The expressions of those present shifted as they silently praised the elder's strategic choice of words. It was clear to all that even with Pei Tianyuan's forces, taking the ancient city by force was a daunting task. The Seven Sword Sect had given face to the Jiangling King by stating they would only seize the city if he refrained from acting. However, in reality, Pei Tianyuan lacked the strength to achieve his goal. How could he decline under such circumstances?

Despite cursing the Seven Sword Elders in his heart, Pei Tianyuan maintained a diplomatic smile. "As the Jiangling King, I have limited interest in the weaponized city. If the Seven Sword Sect desires it, please proceed. This city shall be awarded to the one who proves capable of securing it."

"Well said, 'shall be given to whomever has the capabilities to procure it.' We shall accept your gracious offer, Jiangling King," replied the expert with a nod of gratitude. Then, sword qi sliced through the air as a group of individuals flew toward the Driftsnow City, their intent to claim it palpable.

In response, the Driftsnow City lit up with brilliance, runic light flashing as countless chains materialized and hurled themselves at the approaching experts.

"Form the Seven Swords Formation!" commanded the elders of the Seven Sword Sect, positioning themselves strategically with the weaker members behind. Immortal light radiated from their forms as they assumed leadership roles in seven distinct sword formations. These formations were capable of merging into a single, indestructible sword. Despite the onslaught of chains, none could break through the expertly coordinated sword formations, severing any chains that came near.

The collective eyes of the Seven Sword Elders gleamed with determination. They understood that numerous experts from other powers were racing toward the Driftsnow City. Having journeyed tirelessly and even utilizing speed-enhancing treasures to gain an early advantage, they were determined to be the first to seize the city. Now, as the first wave of experts to arrive, they had to conclude the battle swiftly and eliminate Qin Wentian.